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Why I'm here, Out of Body Experiences

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Foremost I want to say I'm disappointed I had to post in the "beginners" section.
It will ultimately not get as many views and I would like to share my experiences with as many people as possible.

That's just how I feel about it.

I am 21 years old and for as long as I can remember I have had lucid dreams and less frequently episodes of sleep paralysis.

I used to keep these experiences to myself and shy from talking about them with other people. This forum seemed more adept at digesting what I'm about to try and explain.

I can no longer deny that what I have experienced is NOT some figment of my imagination or hypnagogic hallucinations.

I will be brief from this point onwards as I'm beginning to feel like some desperate romanticism poet trying to convey emotions on paper.

I have been meditating for some time now which usually consists of laying down on my back with my head propped up by a pillow. I try and clear my thoughts and they usually fade away only subtly an idea will come to mind but quickly dissipate.

It is during this stage that I consciously remain aware and edge into sleep paralysis. I can tell when I'm paralyzed because quite frankly I can't move a thing but my eyes. This is where I discovered the "out of body" aspect. While trying to move my arm I noticed I could still feel my arm moving while there I am looking at my arm physically resting.

This progressed into "false awakenings" where I would jump up off the floor/bed and think I was physically up when in reality I hadn't moved a finger. Each time I would "get up" I'd walk around the house, look out a window and even answer the door only to REALLY WAKE UP and find myself in my original position.

Now it's hard for me to explain all of this because I'm not speaking from just one experience. I have begun to practice obe's through sleep paralysis with success. It's become a hobby of sorts. One of the first times I experienced it I got so excited that I "flew" way above my house only to become afraid of falling again and woke up with a strong feeling of vibrations throughout my body. This was accompanied by a loud "gushing or roaring" of wind or water near my ears. It was fascinating and honestly I was too overwhelmed to derive some deep esoteric meaning to bring back and tell yall about. I have had two occasions where a face appeared in front of mine. The first time I saw a scroll of symbols which I felt as if I was absorbing an exuberant amount of information from. When I tried to stop viewing them (I felt like I was taking too much, almost guilty) an etheric like face appeared in front of me. Needless to say I was surprised and uneasy but it quickly dissipated. The second one appeared a different day while meditating and came close to my face from about a foot away. Again I was uneasy but whatever it wanted was the opposite of my reaction. I knew it didn't mean any harm otherwise in a sleep paralysis state I would have been defenseless.

Whatever feel free to ask any questions. I don't mind answering some and even if I don't get any at least some of you will hopefully read a bit.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:29 PM
Well hello there and welcome to ATS. I'm wondering how can you do astral travel? I've tried it and it seems hard.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:36 PM
Hi, I do not know If OBE's and astral travel are the same thing.

I believe that what determines your success in OBE's is how aware you remain during your deep relaxed state.

The feeling is akin to that of my lucid dreams in which I am "barely flying" over tops of houses and trees. It's as if you try too hard you will not get it.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:36 PM
First I'd like to say welcome to the forum. And second, pretty cool!

I'm trying to find more time for meditation with the ultimate goal being what you are describing. I think the next frontier of discovery will be from within.

I guess my question would be, can you travel outside of your house (great distances?)? I think if I was able to master such an ability I would first visit the Spinx. If you could do that, then go beneath it and see if there is a chamber. If there is one then what is in there? This ties to a lot of theories running rampant around the net these days.

Other than that, what are the symbols you see? Could be important.

Again, thanks for your post!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by occy30

Thanks, and yes I have traveled outside of my house. One time I heard loud banging on my front door. When I peeked out the window it was a 7-8 ft figure in robe like attire and the most startling part? IT'S HEAD WAS THAT OF A DOGS.

I have seen this figure two times in my experiences, the other time I opened the door and stood my ground. The dog headed man stood his and eventually "drifted off" accompanied by real dogs.

I will add that the best time for these experiences is in the wee hours of the morning or around noon.

Not that you want to see bad things but I will add that these experiences are not all pleasant.

(as far as far distances go)

I have been in the meditative state and with eyes close have seen tiny grains of colored sand if you will. Which ended up looking like that Windows screen saver of flying through deep space. I had a rather pleasant OBE during that meditation in which I was visited by my sister.
edit on 10-8-2011 by GAredclay because: *far distances

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by GAredclay

Welcome to ATS
. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

What I want to ask you is how long does it usually take you to get into a sleep paralysis and in an OBE afterwards and if there are any techniques to relax and transition in this state that have helped you and you are willing to share. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by doomy

I can't stress enough how you need to already be relaxed and in the state of mind that you will not be disturbed by anything physical.

I enjoy being in the company of others not aware of what I'm trying to do because say if the house was to catch on fire they'd "wake me up".

That being said I'd say it takes me about 15-30 minutes and several "false awakenings" for me to catch on that it is an OBE. That's how real it feels that you can mistake for being in the corporal physical world.

When the sleep paralysis begins to set in it feels as if my whole body is being eased into numbness. As if someone is pouring gallons of novacaine on me lol.

My most recent experience was this morning. I "awoke" outside on my porch laying down on my back. I could see the stars (it was still dark) and I felt the numbness setting in. I knew I was about to have an OBE but I felt uneasy as I thought I was really outside waking up.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by GAredclay

So you need 15-30 minutes to fully relax while at the same time keeping your mind clear of any thoughts and relieving the strain of your body, maybe focusing on the breathing, and sleep paralysis automatically comes ?

Also I have reached a state of relative numbness but nothing as profound as not being able to move my body. It is more like feeling your muscles weakened and your movements are slow and not as responsive.
edit on 10-8-2011 by doomy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by doomy

Here's the thing, have you ever tried to lay completely relaxed and NOT think. It's a lot harder than you imagine.

I tend to focus on my breathing and a "swirling green" color with my eyes closed.

When you close your eyes you never truly see "all black".

You cannot urge an obe, you will either have it or fall asleep from deep relaxation. Sometimes I get impatient and slightly open my eyes. I keep doing this until I can't tell if I'm looking with my eyes open or closed (weird I know)

If you're moving around you will not go into sleep paralysis, ideally when you try and move you'll be paralyzed by then.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by GAredclay

Ok, thanks. One last questions. How long did it take you practicing this relaxation techniques until you got some results?

So far I've had only a few lucid dream but it's a random thing but lately I had really compelling lucid dreams which were almost lifelike and got me thinking that I was in the physical world but yet it was an imagined environment. How do I differ those from an OBE?

Thank you for the time sharing

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by doomy
reply to post by GAredclay

Ok, thanks. One last questions. How long did it take you practicing this relaxation techniques until you got some results?

So far I've had only a few lucid dream but it's a random thing but lately I had really compelling lucid dreams which were almost lifelike and got me thinking that I was in the physical world but yet it was an imagined environment. How do I differ those from an OBE?

Thank you for the time sharing

I'd have to say I started to take it more seriously when I started having trouble differentiating my experiences like yourself.

I've been practicing obe's as a hobby now for about 3 months. I feel as if I've embarked on what has felt like a voyage for the discovery of universal truth, knowledge and general well being. I make sure to remind myself of that when I meditate and it usually propagates into just that.



I have to go now, I'll check back on this thread and expand on my experiences. Thank you sir and good-luck!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:49 PM
I believe I "accidently" slipped into an OBE or something like an OBE once but no one I told believes me haha. It only lasted a few moments but it was amazing and I've never been able to replicate the experience.

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