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Facebook feedback on the riots, are we all becoming extremists???

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:13 AM
It seems not a week goes by without something going completely to the dogs. Now it's London's turn and I personally am not the least bit surprised by what has happened - none the less the shock factor is still as strong.

Typically we look to our media as commentators and informers, but its the friendships and connections we have, including the views and opinions of those connections that can be just as shocking, given the right context, as the acts themselves. So just a few of the responses from the connections I have, with a little commentary of my own, and hopefully a bit of reflection for all of us.

The English public need to really register their absolute disgust with the perpetrators of this carnage and the government/courts needs to listen

An interesting quote, largely because I personally believe the people this connection wants to listen to him, are at the core, deeply responsible for allowing the situation to degrade to the state it has become.

If you want to see people who genuinely have it tough consider the millions starving in East Africa right now. The millions currently being fired on by their own government in Syria. Those caught on the middle of warzones in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Those blighted by natural disasters in Australia, New Zealand & Japan. Think of the millions and millions who live on a $ a day, lack clean drinking water have to fight to live.

To the ATS community, you would see a massive hole and possible connection between what was posted here and the riots. Namely the warzones of Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. In times of tough economics, where funding has been pulled from London suburbs for decades now, the money wasted on false wars surely would have been better invested in education for disillusioned youth?

I also have an issue with the global rich/poor situation. It's too easy to spout this stuff when you can sit in a position of general prosperity and make judgements about those who have less - especially when they should feel lucky they aren't even better off still.

When you raise a generation of materialistic kids who expect everything to be dished to them on a plate things like this will happen. They're rioting because they think they have it tough in the UK. They don't have the money for the latest trainers or iPod! Try living in drought stricken Africa right now guys, you'll soon realise how bloody fortunate you are!

The irony of the above quote is that the person who wrote it, actually works in marketing!!! Essentially he has helped create this materialistic culture of which has taken over society. Again making comparisons between africa and the uk doesn't answer the fundamental questions that are being raised. But perhaps it does hint at a part of problem. Perhaps, our Westernized, consummerist, greed based lifestyles have worked to deteriate our society to such a level as to release moral and ethical restrictions to rioting and looting?

Really worrys me to think of what the world will be like when my kids are grown up... What sort of life they will have... Very sad, there is some Sick Bastards in this world!!!

Couldn't agree more with such a quote, and I dare say so many others across the world are feeling exactly the same way right now. Now the part about the Sick Bastards - I will comment on that later - but the overall sentiments here are definitely reflected across a large part of my facebook connections.

thieving pikey bastards, send the army in...

And this is where I will end the thread, for a bit of reflection. We the people, who use the MSM as our form of information will support our governments for bombing Libya when they send the Army against their people, yet in one quick turn of the head will send the Army out to face our own citizens.

There is no question, the ends here in my mind, do not justify the means - but where is the means? What are they trying to achieve, and why??? We can all sit and judge that its wrong, that it's bad, but without understanding exactly wtf has happened, how on earth can we avoid it again?

To extend matters, lets just say some foreign media reported this was in response to government crackdowns on civil rights etc - would British people be happy with other countries now intefering in their business? Would they like the concept of perhaps countries from the middle east dropping bombs on the establishment in support of the rioters?

Reactions alone do nothing to increase the understanding of the problems we face. Too often the problems we can cite in one country/region either directly or indirectly effect other things. I would go as far as to say, that collective responsibility needs to be shared for what is happening at the moment. We can blame governments for the complete disconnection, but we are to blame for that disconnection as much as anybody else. I won't condone or support such chaotic action, but I do want to understand why this has happened. There are always far more underlying reasons that contribute to the chaos than we are ever told. True change comes in understanding, repressing these youths rather than engaging through dialogue will only serve to increase the problems.

Perhaps there is no civilized world? Perhaps we have been lulled to believe that us Westerners are the better people in the planet. Perhaps there is no more civilized race on the planet, but simply those with more money to spend? I hope I am wrong, I hope we can find answers to this, but I see no hope on either facebook or through the words and judgements of others.

Any thoughts, other commentaries welcomed!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:44 AM
I run a business in NZ. And all my customers have had exactly the same opinion. The UK have had this coming for some time with the youth being out of control in certain parts of London for years. People to afraid to walk the streets.

And they are all fearful it is where NZ is headed.

These left wing " it societies fault " idiots have been making excuses for the bad behavior for so long now. All bets are off. The "disaffected youth " are going to chew them up and spit them out because I don't think anyone has the balls to come down on them like a ton of brick..

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
I run a business in NZ. And all my customers have had exactly the same opinion. The UK have had this coming for some time with the youth being out of control in certain parts of London for years. People to afraid to walk the streets.

And they are all fearful it is where NZ is headed.

These left wing " it societies fault " idiots have been making excuses for the bad behavior for so long now. All bets are off. The "disaffected youth " are going to chew them up and spit them out because I don't think anyone has the balls to come down on them like a ton of brick..

With that in mind, can I ask you how you imagine the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Libyans feel about the coalition troops who have done a million times worse than these rioters are doing in London? You're afraid it might start in NZ.....for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan it started 10 years ago. Don't you think they are frightened, heartbroken at what their lives and their country has become at the hands of the pillaging 'civilised' Western armies fighting to expand the loot of Halliburton, Exxon and co?

I am not condoning violent riots - but I am asking you to really think about the violence perpetrated in this world by our governments...and how the people in those countries feel.

Our youth have been fed a diet of video violence, tv violence, film violence and have seen on the news their own governments killing and pillaging and calling it heroic.

Yes, in the West we had this's called karma.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:09 AM
i blame the government with their ideaologies on multiculturism ...... i bet some of these thugs are illegals.... sorry if i sound racist but this isnt the case .... just pure frustration and hatred for these so called do-gooders letting in all the waifs and strays who are used to fighting and looting in their own countrys ..... all this bs that theyre fleeing war torn countrys fearing for their lifes .... bring back our troops and leave these fools to kill each other or whatever they want to do ..... our own country (UK) need the support of our troops to get these idiots who are terrifying innocent people and setting fire to buildings under control.... we dont seem to have the man power in our police force to nip it in the bud.
cheers my cameron and co. for ef all ... this government was warned time and time again this would happen , but chose not to listen and now joe publics suffering!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:14 AM
instead of the buildings in england burning, it should be facebook instead. The thugs are useing it to plan their next move and invite more people to their groups. Social networking is a big factor in whats happening.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

It's hilarious that these "businessmen" will cry on and on about these youth and how they feel they are "entitled" to what they want.

How do these businessmen come to the conclusion that they are "entitled" to what they have or to their jobs or even to the peace in which they can eat their meals? Their work? Pffff, most of them are a bunch of hypocrites.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:42 AM
Let the rioting intensify and spread, and for the right reasons.
A completely new (non-contrived) system of life and living is what is called
for and it won't come about until each and every corrupt government (which
is pretty much all of them) are brought down and the nefarious powers
behind them (and most of the worlds ills) are brought to their knees, and
to justice.
Nothing ever changes except through violence or the threat of violence,
and looking at the state of the world, with its rampant ineqaulity, corruption
and injustice, boy do we need to threaten violence, and quicksmart at that.

And don't feel guilty for it. Remember that it is through violence that these
power players recieved their inheritence and it is through the threat of violence
that they hold onto it and enlarge it.

Rise People. Rise and Unite Against The Common Enemy,

The Enemy of Decency. The Enemy of Brotherhood. The Enemy of Humanity.

We All Can Be, And Are, So Much More.

Let Us Break The Chains Of The Oppressors, These Soul-less Mere Mortal Men.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by wcitizen

It's hilarious that these "businessmen" will cry on and on about these youth and how they feel they are "entitled" to what they want.

How do these businessmen come to the conclusion that they are "entitled" to what they have or to their jobs or even to the peace in which they can eat their meals? Their work? Pffff, most of them are a bunch of hypocrites.

Exactly, not to mention the 'entitlement' of the banksters to their multi-million pound bonuses, just after the public serfdom have been saddled with billions of pounds of debt to bail out their gambling mistakes.

And, of course, the entitlement of the royals - which amounts to many millions each year.....and the 'entitlements' of the Brussels beaurocrats' hundreds of thousands worth of 'expenses' monthly.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
I run a business in NZ. And all my customers have had exactly the same opinion. The UK have had this coming for some time with the youth being out of control in certain parts of London for years. People to afraid to walk the streets.

And they are all fearful it is where NZ is headed.

These left wing " it societies fault " idiots have been making excuses for the bad behavior for so long now. All bets are off. The "disaffected youth " are going to chew them up and spit them out because I don't think anyone has the balls to come down on them like a ton of brick..

With that in mind, can I ask you how you imagine the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Libyans feel about the coalition troops who have done a million times worse than these rioters are doing in London? You're afraid it might start in NZ.....for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan it started 10 years ago. Don't you think they are frightened, heartbroken at what their lives and their country has become at the hands of the pillaging 'civilised' Western armies fighting to expand the loot of Halliburton, Exxon and co?

I am not condoning violent riots - but I am asking you to really think about the violence perpetrated in this world by our governments...and how the people in those countries feel.

Our youth have been fed a diet of video violence, tv violence, film violence and have seen on the news their own governments killing and pillaging and calling it heroic.

Yes, in the West we had this's called karma.

I imagine they are quite thankful that someone cares enough about them to come help them with their problems unlike London who can expect no help from foreign governments to ease their pain.

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