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Port Arthur massacre conspiracy

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posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:01 AM
mate I've read it all. Margaret river was just downright bad taste. My apologies to surfers everywhere.

So now you've discovered Port Arthur was a psyop, what are YOU going to do. Beat everyone into agreement?
Stress is a killer man.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:17 AM
You're being rather facetious, my friend. I ain't proved a thing, nor do I have the slightest intention of beating anything into anyone. Stress is a killer but it can be managed & avoided.

Wilful ignorance causes the world arguably as much, if not more, damage than stress. All I ever hope to do is to occasionally help folk to think outside the square, & hopefully then affirm some knowledge. Though the search for knowledge sadly requires a lot more effort than facetiousness & cheap shots - but I'm sure you did not mean to sound this way.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 05:32 AM
heres some more info i found. this is a small portion of it.
It was the start of a long frustrating battle to get some of the more controversial aspects of the massacre out into the open, a battle Wendy, Graeme, and several others initially lost because of government determination to adhere to the �official line� agreed with the media. That official line included the gunman being inside the Broad Arrow Cafe for 90 seconds rather than the four to five minutes Wendy and her colleagues counted, but excluded the fact that several people were shot dead behind a door that would not open. The official line also excluded the fact that the only two policemen on the Tasman Peninsula were decoyed to a remote location just before the massacre started. And what about the startling news that out of the 20 fatalities in the Broad Arrow Cafe, 19 died from the effects of a shot to the head, fired from the gunman's right hip without benefit of a laser sight? Excluded of course, because the government would be unable to stop the avalanche of public comment on this impossible performance by an untrained left-handed novice like Martin Bryant.
Heres the link to the site. link the infos near the bottom. I would advise reading it.
Also taken is this.
The gunman's professional tactics worked exactly as intended, and the only amateur video claiming to show Bryant at Port Arthur that day, has been scientifically proven a deliberate forgery. WE NEED TO GET A COPY!

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 05:50 AM
heres some photos.thanks to this site for pics. This site also has lots of info on the incident, plus a profile about Bryant.crime libary

broad arrow cafe,place of main shooting.
sea scape cottage, where martyn bryant was trapped in a siege. he set fire to the house while he was in it, came out on fire and burnt.

charred ruins

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 07:18 AM

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 07:35 AM
Im sorry for all the posts but im really getting into this. The more i read into it the more its all sounding like something is really wrong.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 08:10 AM
Again thanks for those links, Die Trying. Due other to time commitments, it'll be a day or so before I can go through these properly. But I have previously studied the diagram of the Broad Arrow cafe, & it proves that the carnage could not have been the work of Martin Bryant.

Anyone who studies the events that occurred at Seascape Cottage cannot help but wonder about what actually occurred there - how many shooters were there, & where were they actually firing from. The recorded conversations with "Jamie" that sounded so scripted, the condition of the firearms found is also very suspicious.

How many yellow Volvos were at Port Arthur's Broad Arrow cafe on that day? And ewhy, pray tell, did the Tasmanian Mortuary Service have a special mortuary truck built - BEFORE THE MASSACRE - capable of holding 22 bodies, and got rid of it afterwards?

john Howard is again under suspicion of lying to the Parliament [re the "babies overboard"], but he's a consummate politician, just as he was in the aftermath of Port Arthur. The unanswered questions still remain, eg

� No forensic evidence of Bryant's physical presence at the Broad Arrow was ever established. Because Bryant's face was plastered throughout Australia, all eyewitness identification was contaminated. Why didn't Avery pursue the discrepancies in the descriptions of clothing Bryant was reported to have worn at different stages during the carnage?

� In direct violation of the Australian constitution, Prime Minister John Howard suggested that a Coronial Inquest was not required, and called for the immediate demolition of the Broad Arrow Cafe. Although the survivors clamoured for more information, Howard used the pretext that more information would be too painful for them to bear.

How convenient

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 04:39 AM
Same sort of topic on the Dunblane Massacre:

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Die Trying
Im sorry for all the posts but im really getting into this. The more i read into it the more its all sounding like something is really wrong.

you need to get into it more....your are way off base on this matter,never believe the media,it certainly got your attention didn't it....the media hype about this story.we may never know the truth,but i certainly know how martin byrants mind you ask,my brother in law went to school with him,i see you say or some one saying no laser sight,hip shots,etc etc,he shot randomly with a semi and full automatic weapon,there is only one policeman (at that time based on the tasman peninsula) it would have taken hime 15-20 mins to get to the scene,the next closest police station is the eastern shore branch (bellerive unit) which is 30-40 mins further that my friend is ample time to do as you will with a semi and fully automatic weapon,not ALLhead shots .he also had other plans,he was sussing out other major shopping places and places of tourism,he is also ,or he WAS under suspicion of other things as well.he hated the world and wanted pay back....the little demons in his head finally took over

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by surtees

Originally posted by Die Trying
Im sorry for all the posts but im really getting into this. The more i read into it the more its all sounding like something is really wrong.

you need to get into it more....your are way off base on this matter,never believe the media,it certainly got your attention didn't it....the media hype about this story.we may never know the truth,but i certainly know how martin byrants mind you ask,my brother in law went to school with him,i see you say or some one saying no laser sight,hip shots,etc etc,he shot randomly with a semi and full automatic weapon,there is only one policeman (at that time based on the tasman peninsula) it would have taken hime 15-20 mins to get to the scene,the next closest police station is the eastern shore branch (bellerive unit) which is 30-40 mins further that my friend is ample time to do as you will with a semi and fully automatic weapon,not ALLhead shots .he also had other plans,he was sussing out other major shopping places and places of tourism,he is also ,or he WAS under suspicion of other things as well.he hated the world and wanted pay back....the little demons in his head finally took over

He didin't have automatic weapons. The closest police were a 2 man unit which was mysyterioulsy called to an accisdent at the limit of their jurisdiction - The farthest point from Port Arthur. When they arrived there was when Martin Bryant started killing. Very strange.
His standed of shooting was that of a professional marksman especially considering he was left habded and was shooting from the hip with his righthand.
Anyway whi knows, some incredible fluke shooting or something more sinister ?

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by surtees

i certainly know how martin byrants mind you ask,my brother in law went to school with him,i see you say or some one saying no laser sight,hip shots,etc etc,he shot randomly with a semi and full automatic weapon,there is only one policeman (at that time based on the tasman peninsula) it would have taken hime 15-20 mins to get to the scene,the next closest police station is the eastern shore branch (bellerive unit) which is 30-40 mins further that my friend is ample time to do as you will with a semi and fully automatic weapon,not ALLhead shots .he also had other plans,he was sussing out other major shopping places and places of tourism,he is also ,or he WAS under suspicion of other things as well.he hated the world and wanted pay back....the little demons in his head finally took over

This is EXTREMELY interesting, surtees. So you claim to know how Martin Bryant's mind worked? And you base this astonishing claim on what - because your brother-in-law went to school with him? Next you'll be claiming to have been best friends, go on, convince me.

As for him hating the world, well he probably wasn't real happy about things as a boy, he certainly would not have been easy to like then, he must have stuck out like a sore thumb in a "normal" school - but you don't seem to really know all that much about his life, let alone how he felt about it AND the world, as he reached & grew into manhood. Go on then, tell us what you know about this period - were your brother-in-law & him real close, did they knock around together then?

Tell us what you know about shooting, surtees, tell us how much you've done & what you've used. Don't be modest. I'm a shooter, though don't do much these days. Also FYI, I usedta live in Tassie - starting in Roseberry, Zeehan, short time Launceston, then New Norfolk & finally Hobart. Shooters' paradise in a lotta ways - plenty places, plenty opportunity, to blast away & get up some skill. I learned my little bit from some of the best, small arms as well, so you won't be talking over my heaqd, honest.

And now that it's been pointed out to you the FACTS of which firearms were actually used at the Broad Arrow Cafe, & the kill rate achieved - puh-lease tell me if you could have achieved this - especially with your IQ. I really wanna know.

[edit on 3/9/04 by Bastet]

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 05:05 AM
interesting topic. coincidentally, i stumbled upon this on my own a while ago and wish i saved the link... oh well. i dont think he did it, and i do think that the gov't is dodgy and it could have something to do with gun control. well anywho, the aussie gov't isnt all its cracked up to be anyways, wouldnt surprise me if they set it up. just check out the principality of camside for more nifty tidbits. dfh out.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 06:23 AM
Understatement is obviously your forte, deafence#, regarding tghe aussie gov't not being what it's cracked up to be. A very intersting read was the Principality of Camside, I wonder how the UK case is going, but I hold little hope for any change there.

And it'll take a lot to convince me that Martin Bryant was guilty of being anything else than a patsy. Maybe some expert marksmen will come forward & convince me otherwise.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Bastet
Understatement is obviously your forte, deafence#, regarding tghe aussie gov't not being what it's cracked up to be. A very intersting read was the Principality of Camside, I wonder how the UK case is going, but I hold little hope for any change there.

And it'll take a lot to convince me that Martin Bryant was guilty of being anything else than a patsy. Maybe some expert marksmen will come forward & convince me otherwise.

I don't think he did it, but on the other hand I don't think the government would have orchestrated it either. For the life of me I can't work out who might have been responsible. Any thoughts Bastet ?

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 07:55 AM
i personally belieeve something is really sus with Port Arthur.

Apparently they did a test on the Sniper Division of the Australian Army, and they could not match the outstanding marksmanship. firing multiple targets from the hip who are MOVING is extremely hard, but actually scoring a head-shot is nearly impossible.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by mad scientist

I don't think he did it, but on the other hand I don't think the government would have orchestrated it either. For the life of me I can't work out who might have been responsible. Any thoughts Bastet ?

My opinion? There's not a snowball's chance in hell that Martin Bryant was the shooter in the Broad Arrow Cafe. No way could he have "fluked" such a kill rate - that was SOME shooting, one that most experienced & military-trained marksmen could only dream of.

As for WHO orchestrated the affair, I can only conjecture. Major figures in the Tavistock Institute were certainly very interested in Bryant long before - & it's rather odd how one of their major players chose to bury himself in the Tasmanian backwater during this period - yet no case notes on Bryant were ever seen, a strange case of something akin to "can't remember".
Don't flame me, any Taswegians here, for calling the Apple Isle a "backwater", it was how it was seen by some o'seas psychiatric luminaries.

The idea of our Gov't having a hand in orchestrating a horrid tragedy of such magnitude would certainly be a bitter pill to swallow. I can't prove it - but the thought doesn't leave my mind either - especially after what Barry Unsworth said in the late 80's about there being no likelihood of gun control in Oz until a massacre occurred in Tasmania. Also consider our US cousins who belong to one of the Western world's most "patriotic" nations - and I mean no slur or disrespect by that - consider how many of them have very grave & dire suspicions that 9/11 was orchestrated by - take your pick - the US Gov't. the CIA etc.

Sure, some of the links carry ads to buy certain books & CD-ROM's. But there's enough links with enough corroborative evidence that "something smells in the State of Tasmania". The amount of evidence at the various scenes, that was either destroyed or left in place & contaminated by tourists etc - is absolutely staggering.

And I cant get this out of my mind either - it's so weird & macabre - from

One of the strangest co-incidences about the Port Arthur incident is the fact the Tasmanian authorities had at their disposal a special refrigerated morgue truck capable of carrying 22 bodies. ( A picture of this truck is below ).

Why this is strange derives from 4 facts. The State of Tasmania had prior to the incident on average 6 murders per year - and they did not all occur on the same day, place or time - that works out to one murder every 2 months - so why would such a truck be needed ? No other State in Australia had one like it. These facts are compounded by the fact the truck was acquired and specially built shortly before ( June 1995 ) the Port Arthur massacre and sold 2 years later ( see fax copy of advertisement offering for sale below ) .

The Coroner in his initial report ( see copy below ) mentions this morgue truck and says how timely it was having one like this available calling it a "highly prized possession".

Was it built especially for the massacre to control access to the bodies from the Broad Arrow Cafe ? .

Why was this truck, acquired at great expense, sold ? Had its use been fulfilled and they knew it would never be needed again ?

Also isn't it a strange co-incidence the number of dead in the Broad Arrow Cafe closely matches the capacity of this morgue truck ?

And why did Tasmanian Police usher away media reporters from this truck on the day ?

Update 8th May 2001 - The latest info reported to this site on this morgue truck is the owner was unable to sell it and 6 weeks ago the mortuary box on the back was removed and put on a Mercedes Army truck - then both vehicles disappeared. That was just after the details of this morgue truck were publically disclosed by the investigator at a public meeting in Queensland. What was an Army truck doing with it ? And isn't the timing of its disappearance strange - trying to hide something ? Is there an Army connection to what happened at Port Arthur ?

Update 31 Dec 2001 - We have had it positively confirmed the morgue truck was constructed around June 1995 - just in time to be up and running and not attract immediate suspicion prior to the massacre.

Now c'mon guys, there's many things in Sin City Sydney that are way bigger than similar stuff in Tassie - including our crime & murder statistics - not surprising, considering the great difference in population figures. So what was with that purposely-built mortuary truck, pray tell?

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 03:08 PM


[edit on 21-4-2006 by Long Lance]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:28 PM
the late joe vialls from australia wrote a bit on port arthur.

his page is here: joe vialls

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