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Woman Gropes TSA Agent's Breast at Security Checkpoint

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:12 PM
This is all it would take to start a real revolution! Not on Capitol Hill, but at the airports!

If everyone getting groped by the highschool dropout TSA agent would just grope em back.....let 10,000 people get arrested for felony assault of the groping you think they could keep that quiet?

Of course this will never happen, because everyone is too afraid of being the one to get arrested. And so it goes.

Those who say, "They are just doing their jobs," are the worst kind of weaklings. This was what all the Nazis said in their own defense. ' I was just following orders." This is what every cop beating Rodney King, or tazering your grandma, or busting down your door in the middle of the night will say, "I'm just doing my job here, nothing personal..."


posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
Sounds to me like the authorities just admitted that the pat downs are sexual abuse, seeing as she's being charged with a felony.

But in the twisted mind of Big Brother, it's only when the citizens do the touching. It's an outrage that citizens are subjected to this treatment and then are charged when they fight back. Gov is saying, "We can do anything we want, and you cannot do anything at all".

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:34 PM
If there is a court ruling on this, I wonder what the impact would be? Set a precedent?

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:41 PM
Dont like the TSA?

NO one is forcing you to fly on commercial airlines.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by clintdelicious
reply to post by SFA437

People cant afford to hire a private plane though im afraid. The hwole if you dont like it dont fly argument is so ridiculous and stupid. Would you really refuse to see family on the other side of America ever just because you dont like the security and want to make a point by not traveling? Ofcoarse not, nowerdays travel by plane is essential, you cant do the distances any other way. We have no other choice and have to fly, we dont have the choice to choose not to fly if we dont like it.

I'm not that old, and I can remember driving from CT to FL at the drop of a hat, back in the 70s......even then my parents told us how great it was to have I-95, because they used to do it on Route 1, with stoplights every quarter mile.

Travel by plane is NOT "essential nowerdays," It is a luxury. Thirty years ago, only MIck Jagger and other JET SET types were on airplanes. Since when did it become so ESSENTIAL to your life?

As a boat captain, I have probably taken more international flights than all you guys put together. I've been out of the game for seven years, and I can't believe how insane it has become in that short of a time. I will only travel by boat or my own airplane, now. Does that make you bozos feel any SAFER? I, the TERRORIST, won't be there to infringe on your SAFETY, yet I will sail or fly right into your FATHERLAND, wait, I mean HOMELAND. Whoops. Not Fatherland, no Nazi stuff here.

Next time I'm in the airport and some homo TSA highschool dropout reject tries to grab my junk, well, I will just give him a purple nurple on the most painful nurple.. Derp.

Unfortunately, I will be the ONLY one. The rest of you will post on here how you saw me get slammed in jail and a felony conviction for doing the right thing. Then you will go back to watching Jersey Shore.


Otherwise you are all a million times more cowardly than the "Monday morning quarterbacks"

Here is PROOF that a 61 year old Grandma has more cojones than all of you put together!

And, sorry if this is beyond the Manners and Decorum, to call a whole group of people COWARDS. I know no one will ever even see this post.....

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
Dont like the TSA?

NO one is forcing you to fly on commercial airlines.

Yah that worked out great for the Germans too....

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:55 PM
Thank god I never fly and never will, I made that choice way before the TSA came into motion for the simple fact I do not like being in a vehicle especially 10,000 feet in the air, cant see in front of you only the side view and you have no defense except your seatbelt and a breathing mask...if you ask me your taking a serious chance each time you fly, your puttin your life in the hands of someone else which I do not like doing and will not do. But I would love to see a TSA agent try to pat me down...they would end up with broken limbs

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

I've used the "C" word a couple of times. I'm still here.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Maybe, just maybe, if the pussification of ourselves wasnt so easily made to happen and become the freakin norm we'd quit crying and expecting to be taken care of and protected by others all the time and start doing it ourselves across the board.
That's the root of this entire debacle called 'our government'.....WE gave it up, we walked away slowly generation by generation, to embrace PC and be sensitive and clean and quiet and obediant to our corporate sponsors.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by

Yes but then all the FEMA camps will be filled with the people who have Russian hands and Roman fingers!!!

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

Here is PROOF that a 61 year old Grandma has more cojones than all of you put together!


Does a sixty-one year old grandma say things like "derp".

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by CaptChaos

Originally posted by clintdelicious
reply to post by SFA437

People cant afford to hire a private plane though im afraid. The hwole if you dont like it dont fly argument is so ridiculous and stupid. Would you really refuse to see family on the other side of America ever just because you dont like the security and want to make a point by not traveling? Ofcoarse not, nowerdays travel by plane is essential, you cant do the distances any other way. We have no other choice and have to fly, we dont have the choice to choose not to fly if we dont like it.

I'm not that old, and I can remember driving from CT to FL at the drop of a hat, back in the 70s......even then my parents told us how great it was to have I-95, because they used to do it on Route 1, with stoplights every quarter mile.

Travel by plane is NOT "essential nowerdays," It is a luxury. Thirty years ago, only MIck Jagger and other JET SET types were on airplanes. Since when did it become so ESSENTIAL to your life?

As a boat captain, I have probably taken more international flights than all you guys put together. I've been out of the game for seven years, and I can't believe how insane it has become in that short of a time. I will only travel by boat or my own airplane, now. Does that make you bozos feel any SAFER? I, the TERRORIST, won't be there to infringe on your SAFETY, yet I will sail or fly right into your FATHERLAND, wait, I mean HOMELAND. Whoops. Not Fatherland, no Nazi stuff here.

Next time I'm in the airport and some homo TSA highschool dropout reject tries to grab my junk, well, I will just give him a purple nurple on the most painful nurple.. Derp.

Unfortunately, I will be the ONLY one. The rest of you will post on here how you saw me get slammed in jail and a felony conviction for doing the right thing. Then you will go back to watching Jersey Shore.


Otherwise you are all a million times more cowardly than the "Monday morning quarterbacks"

Here is PROOF that a 61 year old Grandma has more cojones than all of you put together!

And, sorry if this is beyond the Manners and Decorum, to call a whole group of people COWARDS. I know no one will ever even see this post.....

I agree on the "no need for flying"....driving from point A to point B would be a great way for families to reconnect slow down the stresses in their lives...take time to really get to know America again. Use it as a good ol' road trip...remember how much fun it used to be to take them?

Don't feel pressured to fly...if you are on the job, that is a different know what you are getting into when you choose to fly...but if those you work for will not allow travel time or it is out of country....then do what you must...but also realize you are contributing to the problem and take the responsibility. If you are just visiting family, or taking a vacation, or just flying because it is "quicker"...change your mode of travel...take a train, bus or private will still reach your destination...and because it takes a while just think you can enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

Worried about the fuel use?...Take a guess at how much fuel is used for all the flights out of all the airports in the world...choosing an alternative, breaking away from the heard...might be something you would choose to do.

Just don't fly. Three words make a lot of sense...

Bottom line: Flash mob...set a time and date...anyone in a TSA situation returns to the agent what the agent gives to them...kind of like what this woman did...tit for tat...with the realization that they may be arrested...and all the better to jam the system and bring it to the attention of the rest of Amerika.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by jacktorrance

Instead they feel up little girls, old men with prosthetic legs and removing adult diapers.
TSA is a joke. Anyone that works for them is a blind fool. So is anyone that sides with TSA.
edit on 16-7-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
Dont like the TSA?

NO one is forcing you to fly on commercial airlines.

Yah that worked out great for the Germans too....

Can you elaborate on that thought?

Is another one of those absurd comparisons to Nazi Germany?


posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by kykweer
reply to post by Lostinthedarkness

A thread about TSA... Check
Flags?... Check
Stars?... Check

But seriously... I wish america had no security at all so we can go back to terrorism and drug trafficking.

edit on 16-7-2011 by kykweer because: (no reason given)

Why do you think we have drug trafficing and who do you think is allowing it?
The government, if they wanted to stop it they could without a doubt. They don't want to because then it wouldn't justify all those jobs created to fight it.

Then when you have the government sticking their nose in other countries business by sending troops there what do you think is going to happen.

Do you honestly think that after 9/11 anybody is just going to sit there and let a terrorist do whatever they want. This has been proven by people already with the "Shoe Bomber" and the guy that tried breaking in a cockpit door. They were both subdued by passengers as citizens took matters as well as their own safety into their hands.

I for one feel a lot less secure with the government in control of my safety! They can't and don't want to stop it.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by sdocpublishing
reply to post by timidgal

I try to be loving and compassionate but I can only assume you work for the TSA.

They can earn a paycheck in many ways. F*** the TSA


Wow, now THAT'S funny!! Perfect example of why my faith in the ability to intellegently converse with a rapidly growing number of people, without the typical downward spiral into wrong assumptions and name calling, has become so greatly eroded in recent weeks. If I wasn't laughing so hard over the obsurdity of your first statement, I'd be offended over your arrogance and naivety in assuming you know anything about me to make the subsequent ones. Perhaps I need to spell it out more clearly and respond point by point:

I try to be loving and compassionate...

I applaud you and believe that we all need to do our best to practice those virtues and not just perform the lip service; however, I don't believe that an eye for an eye mentality really gels with that particular concept so you might want to rethink your definition of compassion and love.

...but I can only assume you work for the TSA.

- ok done laughing now. No, I do not work for the TSA; would rather starve in the streets and beg for food than work for an organization whose core values so greatly differ from my own - wait a minute, I AM practically living in the streets and begging for food due to my having been fired for refusing to kowtow to TPTB (by the way, I worked in the private sector for over 20 years defending those who were denied their civil labor rights). With that said, I also am not willing to make the leap to say that ALL TSA agents are the scourge of the earth nor am I willing to condemn a good person who has to make a tough choice based on life circumstances.

They can earn a paycheck in many ways. F*** the TSA

Not sure I can match the eloquency with which you chose to express those feelings. It's pretty easy to be critical of another's choices when you don't have three kids at home who rely on you for food, shelter, etc. and you live in a country with a 9.2% unemployment rate. Would I, personally, choose to sacrifice my self-respect for a paycheck?? No, I would not but I can't condemn someone else whose circumstances are unknown to me. That would be arrogant and naive and I practice what I speak.

Originally posted by 2012srb
[i]reply to post by timidgal


I'm no sheeple. I got fired for my principles. Don't assume we are cowards.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who can actually attest to have had the balls to turn their words into actions. Sorry you got fired as I know how much it sucks but a person is nothing without the mettle to stand up for his/her principles in a direct, tangible way and yes, I consider anyone a coward who anonymously incites "violence for violence" retribution when they, themselves, don't have the guts to partake in such actions. I stand behind those words. Sorry, but rooting from the sidelines just doesn't cut it in my book. With that said, I have no clue if you yourself would fall into that category and based on what you've said about your own sacrifice, I would assume that you are one of the minority in this thread who would not.

Apparently, you don't understand the frustration of the masses.
Sometimes it takes a mob to bring about change.

Sigh... Very big difference, my friend, between "a mob" and a "mob mentality", especially one which has been fostered by the manipulation of others to serve their own agenda. It is because I so very much DO understand the frustration of the masses (of which I am a member myself, by the way), that I know how dangerous it is to give the wrong people - those who may have their own agenda separate from our purist intent - an arena to use their words to whip those exact frustrations into a frenzy for the sole purpose of creating anarchy. Think about this for a moment - what would happen if 10,000 of us decided to go to the nearest airport tomorrow and, as a form of rebellion, revolt or protest (choose whichever word you like), grabbed the closest available TSA agent and beat the # out of them for all their past abuses? That's what a mob mentality leads to - actions based on emotions as opposed to rational thought and clear insight into real channels for change. Under this scenario, do you really think the government is going to be quaking in their boots or are they going to use our emotional response against us to justify the enactment of even more restrictive and discriminating laws? Who exactly is going to be laughing all the way to the proverbial bank on that one?

See Revolutionary War.

Boston Tea Party.

See Gandi's Dandi march or anything related to the civil rights movement inspired by MLK. We can go on and on...

Originally posted by Kharron
reply to post by timidgal

You don't suppose that people maybe have a choice what line of work they go into? Yours is a weak excuse, it just doesn't fly in a free country - or what used to be a free country.


You entirely missed my point as it had nothing to do with principles or job choice. I was stating my unwillingness to submit to the premise that an entire population of people are either good, bad, pretty or ugly based on their affiliation with another party. Stereotyping is a slippery slope once you've taken that step...

And finally I come to...

Originally posted by SFA437

But keep playing THEIR game by THEIR rules. Keep going on about 4th Amendment issues that don't apply and sexual assaults that aren't. DON'T take the time to educate yourself and prattle on and on while not making any effort whatsoever to change the system by the sole means it can be changed.

I choose differently


If people woke up and realized HOW to change the system...

Thank goodness there are other people who can see the larger picture and realize that this is just a game designed to manipulate and distract - if they keep the masses so unorganized and distracted with our emotional reaction, we're doomed to become paralyzed in our ability to faciliate any true change. Many
to you SFA437!


edit on 7/16/2011 by timidgal because: none

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by soaringhawk
reply to post by jacktorrance

Instead they feel up little girls, old men with prosthetic legs and removing adult diapers.
TSA is a joke. Anyone that works for them is a blind fool. So is anyone that sides with TSA.

feeling up little girls. get it through your heads "feeling up" implies a sexual nature. there is nothing sexual about what TSA does.
why would they want to search little kids one might ask.
VERY simple because moron "parents" tend to use their kids for hiding stuff all the time. just hang out at local stores and watch, you will likely see things like parents wheeling out their stroller loaded with stolen items. some druggies have been know to stash their drugs in their babies diaper. heck i even watched one lady load her kid down with stuff (he really didn't seem to want to do it but supposed to obey parents right?
and then send him out ahead of her apparently she seemed to think that if he got caught she would be in the clear.

why check out prosthetic limbs?
gee maybe because artificial limbs have been used for centuries to smuggle or to house weapons. i can't believe it would be something you never heard about.
by the way when is the last time you actually saw a person in their own wheelchair get on a plane? probably never since even way before 9-11 they were smart enough to realize how simple it would be to build weapons into a wheelchair. all that nice shiny tubular steel would make a nice gun barrel and could be that nice necklace with a bullet hanging from it could be real.

yet again with adult diapers just like parents many would think that NO ONE is gonna check a diaper so often used to hide things, (not a place i would want to look).
wonder if they get hazard pay for dealing with biological contamination.

admittedly quite a few who work for the TSA are idiots just like quite a few security guards are (that's all they really are anyway, albeit with federal sanction backing them up).
so don't expect much from them. in all honesty it's a job i wouldn't want.
seriously can you imagine anything worse than dealing with screaming, whining people cursing you out all day? kinda like working in a daycare full of brats.
tho if more people started doing what that one lady does in the video might give some reason to go to work.
i love it showing up in your underwear.

wanna know a secret for dealing with them? be nice and polite, do as they ask, even joke about the BS they are putting you through. i think most of them would even agree that it's probably pointless. if you want to have fun with them? just pack a regular joystick in with your laptop, it confused the heck out of them in all four countries, five different airports i traveled through last year. heck in Korea i was asked if i had any knives in my luggage. valid question since i was there for about 24 hours. i of course immediately said yes as i had a couple pocket knives in my checked. so they asked to see them. no problem especially since i'm proud of my knives, heck i think i even sold them on one i had with a replaceable razor sharp blade. they thanked me and sent me back about my business. if you are co-operative and polite and don't freak out you will typically have NO problems, if you kick up a fuss it's just natural to return the favor.

just so you know airports here are rather tame compared to those overseas. heck in most countries there are military people armed with assault rifles EVERYWHERE. i was soooo tempted to ask if i could check their weapons out.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:42 PM
While the actions of the TSA are difficult to justify, they do not give free reign to individuals to harm TSA agents. If you have an issue with something like the TSA you have political and social outlets to air your concerns, like the founding fathers intended when they attempted to guarantee the right to free expression and a just democracy. Anyone advocating action like what this woman did don't really understand the point of the American experiment at all.
edit on 16-7-2011 by Tetrarch42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:50 PM
I think the elites wants to provoke the population to a point that all will finally accept the airport body scanner...

Stick and carrot...


posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Tetrarch42
While the actions of the TSA are difficult to justify, they do not give free reign to individuals to harm TSA agents. If you have an issue with something like the TSA you have political and social outlets to air your concerns, like the founding fathers intended when they attempted to guarantee the right to free expression and a just democracy. Anyone advocating action like what this woman did don't really understand the point of the American experiment at all.
edit on 16-7-2011 by Tetrarch42 because: (no reason given)

Oh right, I forgot, protest wasn't the reason they dressed as Indians and dumped all the TEA into the Harbor!!!!

The Federal Govt has become that very thing our Founding Fathers detested. Tyranny at every turn.
edit on 16-7-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-7-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

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