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Implants secretly given during surgery

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:28 PM
I recently face planted on my BMX bike and had a nice chunk of flesh missing, down to the bone in a spot under my eye, and on forehead. Now the surgery was definitely needed without question, and they did a great job fixing me. My topic lies on a "friend" had told me a story before on how he had surgery and they "implanted a camera in" his eye. He is super paranoid now and thinks everyone is watching him. He also is scheduled to have dental surgery soon, and thinks they are going to implant something in his mouth. Do they just implant things in people during surgery unknowingly? Sounds like the CIA / NAZIs.

When he first saw me after my surgery he couldn't stop starring, and I go "I don't have a camera in my eye." He asked how long surgery took, and it was about 3 hours. He mentions it would take under 2 hours to implant one, to which I respond "I have 38 stitches around my eye, plus close to the same amount under my skin." (So roughly 80 stitches)

Let's say I did receive an implant; I have questions.
-What kind of implant does my friend think he has, and for what purpose?
-Do doctors and surgeons work for big brother? (I have more on this as well.)
-What signs would show that I have an implant?
-What would I have likely been implanted with?
-For what reasons?

Surgery was performed at Geisinger Medical Center, and is hands down the best hospital in PA. It was mentioned by Pres Obama in the state of union address for being a role model for others to follow. This being said, an ex-gf finished her schooling and works as a radiologist there, and on her first day of class, a doctor/instructor was about to dismiss class when he added "Don't worry about the death squads and such conspiracies, that will never happen." It was completely off-topic and spontaneous. There are also tunnels under ground leading to a private catholic school in which nuns and other religious slaves live. This place isn't just a school, it's massive, full of symbolism, and is used for services as well.

Now, I don't have health insurance, and without medical assistance would never be able to afford this bill. So basically, I can see why they would use me. Not to mention all information they can look up on me if they are working for big brother. Not a bad person, no record, but I go places they would want to see and study the people I'm around. I'm the perfect nobody to be a sleeper.

On a side note I have what appears to be fishing string looped in my skin on my forehead that they want me to not mess with till my appointment. Are there stitches that look like fiber-optics or fishing string? I assume it was in a deep laceration and was pulled partially out during the healing process.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:39 PM
You never told us why your friend thinks he has a camera in his eye.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:43 PM
Interesting, read. Bordering on the darker side of a conspiracy. There have been a few films where this had been done. Some documentaries too but they were for alien implants.

One specifically was for a released killer who had cameras in his eyes so they could see everything he was seeing (and doing).

Personally I think you are on the tad paranoid side, but you never know...

"Sometimes paranoia's just having all the facts".
William S. Burroughs

I think you are safe.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

the aliensfrom zargon may have taken over your hospital

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

He was having surgery, but not on his face. Afterwords his eye hurt and was irritated. Now mine did too, and still does on and off, but I also smashed my face into the ground. However it'd be a good time to implant one...

I just want to know about them, since they don't exist. How big are these devices, how are they installed, how they work, basically I want to know whatever you all know about implants, especially cameras in eyes.

Paranoia, a bit, but I'm not worrying over this. big brother spying on my activities is the least of my worries after this accident, I'm fascinated by the technology end.
edit on 6/17/2011 by SixX1874 because: response

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:07 PM
I can't answer your question about implants, but I can help out a little with your question about the fishing line looking loop on your forehead.

Yes, there are certain types of sutures that look very similar to fishing line. And oftentimes, when surgeons put in the final sutures, they will leave a loop, or slip-knot of sorts, which will help them later when the time comes to remove the sutures.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:11 PM
If such an implant were to exist, it could only be inserted on the back of the eye, using it as the camera lens. But it would need a power source and some form of recording device or an antenna to beam out the video feed.

Your friend should check if he's got AA batteries taped to his face and a VHS recorder attached on his back.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Mingan

Well the back of my eye ball hurts, not the front, so maybe they snapped it onto my optic nerve. I think they have ways of transmitting without AA's lol.

And thx on the fishing line looking suture post, i figured, its just weird looking haha

edit on 6/17/2011 by SixX1874 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by SixX1874

My topic lies on a "friend" had told me a story before on how he had surgery and they "implanted a camera in" his eye. He is super paranoid now and thinks everyone is watching him.


Sounds like he was paranoid long before he had his surgery done.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by SixX1874

Well the back of my eye ball hurts, not the front, so maybe they snapped it onto my optic nerve. I think they have ways of transmitting without AA's lol.


I think pain in and around the orbital cavity is quite normal after having an accident involving your face and subsequent facial surgery.

But I'm not a doctor....

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:56 PM
You are being paranoid. Wait until your eye completely heals, you'll be fine...
edit on 17-6-2011 by blackrain17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by sabbathcrazy
You never told us why your friend thinks he has a camera in his eye.

I would suggest that given that the friend had an eye injury that he also suffered a brain concussion resulting in a TBI (traumatic Brain Injury) which can explain his surely mistaken belief that he has a camera in his eye.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:36 PM
Pull out your eye and check if no camera pop it back in NO PROBLEM

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by SixX1874

As far as I know, implants during surgery have happened, I've read about them, and most of them are accidental. For example, they sew up a patients chest after surgery, then count all the clamps, and find one missing. Oops, they accidentally sewed it up inside the guy's chest...that type of thing.

But unless you signed a waiver to agree to be experimented on, they probably aren't intentionally installing implants without your knowledge.

They certainly have miniaturized cameras, but I doubt they can install them in your eye without you noticing. What would they use for power, and how would the power source be replenished? How can the camera see out your eyeball without interfering with your vision?

I don't see how they can do this. The closest thing I've read about is the Bionic Eye:
That's an implant, but you'd know if they took out your eye and replaced it with one of those bionic eyes.

Maybe in 100 years there will be a bionic eye that could replace the human eye? But we're nowhere near there. And inserting the camera has too many bio-engineering problems.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:41 AM
These types of stories have been around for many years and formed the term 'tinfoil hat' to help block the signals. Another recent post just shows how this technology works. There are strong indications that this technology is from an alien source but as who, what and why has control and use is speculative as much of this is really above top secret. I cannot say for certain that you do or do not have an implant, but your suggestion is not impossible. Keep up your research and good luck in finding further evidence.
edit on 18-6-2011 by kwakakev because: edited link

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by SixX1874

You sound like you are young, given your BMX activity. I would therefore assume your friend is young. You realize that schizophrenia begins showing itself around the age of 18-23, right? Perhaps your friend is not going to be the same person anymore. In any case, he may need some help, and you will end up having to make a decision at some point (likely sooner rather than later).

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