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Can Giant UFOs Use Clouds to Mask Their Approach?

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:05 PM
If i had the technology to fly to another planet and hover over them undetected by radars, i'd probably have a smoke, cloud machine, depending if i did research on the planet i was going to or if it ws a random planet, also depending on what model unit i'm flying, really just depends on that because of course we hve them! its just if we choose to use em
edit on 29-5-2011 by WanderingThe3rd because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:14 PM
If an alien race has the technology to travel from light years away to get here, I think they would definitly be able to manipulate the clouds.
I remember one UFO Hunters episode where two giant (possibly a mile long) UFO's were spotted hiding near/behind/in clouds. Two different airplane pilots and their crews spotted these objects, and both described them as being nearly a mile long and cigar shaped. Radar from the ground also confirmed this.

The bottom line is, the military doesn't have any aircraft more then 300 feet long, and all witnesses (and radar) claimed that this object was at least 900 feet long.

I think its entirely possible that some clouds hide UFO's inside them.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 06:45 PM
They might, but i dont think its necessary for them to use clouds as cloak. If they can travel light years from where they live to us, im pretty darn sure they have a cloaking device.
Just ask Ron's parents from harry potter...Invisible car!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
In order to make this theory plausible, wouldn't the cloud in question have to move in conjunction with the UFO? In other words, the particular shape of these clouds would have to travel with the UFO in order for it to remain masked from view.

Really good points! For this one, if the enormous UFO wanted to move *faster* or in a different direction than the cloud formation, sure, it would move independently of the formation. However, since the overall reason for using clouds to hide would be stealth, the large UFO would probably keep in formation with the weather system.

Originally posted by lpowell0627Wouldn't we have video of clouds moving strangely, rather than just looking strangely?

--Again, if the UFO wanted to (or had to) break away from the weather system, sure. And, there's probably video out there of such a thing, but I can't recall seeing one recently if ever. It might be something to Youtube. Now that we suspect that UFOs might be using clouds to mask themselves visibly, strange cloud movements might be something to look for.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Movhisattva
reply to post by GhostLancer

I would assume that, if (hypothetically) a UFO uses clouds to mask their approach, it would rather create ordinary, inconspicious clouds?
Instead of clouds that stand out and draw attention?

Very astute. However, for some of the UFOs that have been reported as a mile-wide/long or more, there could be a few aberrations when things don't go according to plan. As much as weather manipulation might be a clandestine, privatized, exotic technology, it is still a Force of Nature and subject to the Laws of Entropy ala the Butterfly Effect (a butterfly flapping its wings in China could set into effect a chain of interactions that could cause severe storms to manifest themselves in America or elsewhere).

Meaning, that every now and then things might not go according to plan or programming when these large UFOs enter the atmosphere. OR, rather, it's a *rare* occurrence but they do have telltale signatures (the parallel cloud formations, etc.).

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by flyingfish
reply to post by GhostLancer

This theory makes no sense. First off, the UFO would need to be cloaked from dopler radar,visible spectrum,infrared spectrum and scanning radiometers from geostationary weather satellites. No need to get into what the military has on the table.
If the UFO could already do all this cloaking why would it need the cloud?.
It would not! So get your head out of the clouds.

First, when something "makes no sense," it usually means there is more to be uncovered. "Cloaking" from dopler radar is easy, and we already possess this technology now, and it is called STEALTH, and is not actually "cloaking" technology in the sci-fi sense, yet STEALTH achieves the same effect when used against dopler radar. And, if we already have this tech, you can be sure that anyone capable of mile(s)-long/wide vessels would have it. STEALTH also defeats infrared spectrum in that it masks heat. Again, if we have it, "they" surely do.

Visible spectrum is not necessary to mask because THAT IS WHAT THE CLOUD would do.

About scanning radiometere satellites: how many do you think were focused on the Tampa Bay area last Thursday at this particular time? Sure, there might have been some regional coverage, but that means you lose scanning resolution. Further, the intense storm activity should mask any anomalies. It is a huge misconception that we have satellites covering every part of the meaningful world all the time, that they can be "rewound" to review something that has already happened, like in the movie "Enemy of the State" starring Gene Hackman and Will Smith. You can't "rewind" satellite footage --especially if you haven't already focused it onto a certain predetermined TARGET AREA. Satellites looking down onto the Earth are like you looking at something through a hole in a paper plate.

As far as your "get your head out of the clouds comment," ---I could recommend that you get your head out of something if I weren't a gentleman. But, I am, so I'll suffice to reply with this: ATS is a forum dedicated to free thinkers, people of skeptical yet open minds. It is a forum to discuss, explore and expand the understanding of the countless anomalies going on around us. Things don't make sense and ATS is here as a lightning rod for people who want to discuss things in a meaningful way. That is what this thread is doing, --an opening for a discussion about atmospheric anomalies, cloud formations and how this might be related to UFO sightings and activity.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by adeclerk
reply to post by GhostLancer

Don't you think we would have noticed this on radar?
Sometimes a cloud is just a cloud, if you happen to see an "unnatural" one, document it, you might have the first recorded unnatural cloud.

Good point, but consider that the US has already had technology (STEALTH) that defeats radar as of 25+ years ago. So, IF there were/are enormous UFOs in our atmosphere, they might be invisible to radar yet optically visible. Having clouds, or the projection of clouds, surrounding the vessel would allow it to move about during daylight no matter what area they were over, for whatever unknown purposes they might have. Again, this is speculation, yet plausible speculation.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by ronishia

Ronishia: FANTASTIC pics! However, being a bit of a Photoshop kinda-guy myself, I do believe the second pic was Photoshopped. Now, if YOU were the photographer for that one personally and know that it wasn't, I can believe it then. But, if you received it from any other source, 99% Photoshopped.

Of course, before I had a digital camera, back in 2003/2004, I used my Advantix camera to photograph a bizarre cloud formation that looked like a Hawaiian warrior holding a spear, as I drove to work at MacDill AFB, Florida. So, I suppose a cloud could give everyone "the bird." LOL

Thanks, and a star for the pics!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by MainLineThis
Why would an advanced civilization even need to bring such a HUGE ship into atmosphere at all, given the major advancements in optics, and remote sampling machines they must have. Not worth the risk to bother bringing in a big ship, just park that thing out of range, plain and simple.

Here you are asking questions about beings whose motivations we cannot understand. There may be a slew of reasons why it is necessary to bring such a large vessel into the atmosphere based on needs we can't anticipate nor comprehend. Science fiction writers make great livings trying to come up with fresh ideas concerning these kinds of things. And, with this phenomena, *nothing* has been "plain and simple."

Originally posted by MainLineThisPlus, as someone else in this thread with common sense has already pointed out, if they did use fake clouds for "cover" they wouldn't make clouds that look out of place to conspiracy theorist who still live in mom's basement would freak out about the "unusual clouds". Right?

Again, few technologies are 100%. If these are "beings" and they have technology, surely it is not infallible. The sheer amount of UFO sightings over the last 100 years --especially the last 60--- has proven that whoever/whatever is responsible for UFOs has not perfectly mastered the art of STEALTH as we have so many sightings, so much footage and pictures and eyewitness accounts, even from two former Presidents and a presidential candidate. Even the former governor of Arizona during the 1997 Phoenix lights sighting eventually came forward, apologized for his rash comments, recanted his official statements that debunked the sightings, and admitted that he, too, had seen them.

As far as your "conspiracy theorist who still live in mom's basement..." comment: it's bad form and cheap shots to try to attack the person instead of the idea. That maneuver usually means that you've run out of coherent fact. Plus, very few homes in Tampa Bay have basements. ATS is a forum for people trying to explore the world and its myriad of strange and unusual phenomena through thoughtful discussion, not cheap shots, insults, insinuations and name-calling. It's for people with open-minded skepticism and a genuine curiosity about the weird, wonderful world around them. Of course, it's also unfortunately filled with people who can't resist a cheap shot at someone whom they know little to nothing about.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:39 PM
The main thing that may dismiss this is if a craft that large was to enter our atmosphere is would surely cause a hell of a fire ball of somekind. The clouds would have to go all the way to space to cover that trail. Also all the stuff we have in space would surely pick up something of that size coming. If not then it doesn't need clouds to hide itself. I would think all the jet liners flying by would notice it also... Who knows though..

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by jaydeePNW
The main thing that may dismiss this is if a craft that large was to enter our atmosphere is would surely cause a hell of a fire ball of somekind. The clouds would have to go all the way to space to cover that trail. Also all the stuff we have in space would surely pick up something of that size coming. If not then it doesn't need clouds to hide itself. I would think all the jet liners flying by would notice it also... Who knows though..

You are absolutely correct, --in terms of conventional thinking and current knowledge of science. However, in the last 60 years of blatant UFO sightings, MANY of them have vanished into or out of the atmosphere, seeming to defy our understanding of science, ----hardly ever leaving a fireball or sonic boom or vapor trail or friction-trail. Somehow they seem to have gotten around this. But, you are correct in terms of conventional science. And that is one BIG part of the mystery:

How can craft that defy conventional science not achieve OPTICAL INVISIBILITY. Obviously, since there are so many photos and videos of UFOs, they haven't been able to achieve this. Perhaps they have taken to using clouds as the solution to optical invisibility. They might even somehow GENERATE storms and hurricanes to mask entrance and egress to and from our oceans.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Yes, and the green porch lights are typically normal as well.

Please, don't tell me there was no use of photoshop when the photo is clearly altered. Photoshop, paint, whatever... Edited is edited. Don't get technical/shady.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by flyingfish
reply to post by GhostLancer

This theory makes no sense. First off, the UFO would need to be cloaked from dopler radar,visible spectrum,infrared spectrum and scanning radiometers from geostationary weather satellites. No need to get into what the military has on the table.
If the UFO could already do all this cloaking why would it need the cloud?.
It would not! So get your head out of the clouds.

Actually your whole theory would be wrong if these were UFO's but owned by the government/military. That would mean they control the radars anyway and therefore can hide anything...

Just saying IF THERE IS UFO's they are definitely already used by us and them....if you know what I mean.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

I don't think our military is using clouds as disguises or aliens for that matter.
If the UFO could already do all this cloaking why would it need the cloud?
It still make no sense no matter how hard you try to brain F#%$ it.

Get your head out of the clouds was a funny..

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by flyingfish

Maybe using the clouds is just cheaper or easier than cloaking every time they need cover. Or maybe there is a size limit for cloaking.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:43 PM
Think about it: If they are they really NEED to hide behind anything? Would not they have other means to evade detection?

I think assuming that they need to "hide" is plain wrong considering the tech.... I believe they are right now in front of us....

Hiding behind clouds is a cheap trick after moving interstellar, inter-dimentional, or inter-planetary.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by GhostLancer

Originally posted by jaydeePNW
The main thing that may dismiss this is if a craft that large was to enter our atmosphere is would surely cause a hell of a fire ball of somekind. The clouds would have to go all the way to space to cover that trail. Also all the stuff we have in space would surely pick up something of that size coming. If not then it doesn't need clouds to hide itself. I would think all the jet liners flying by would notice it also... Who knows though..

You are absolutely correct, --in terms of conventional thinking and current knowledge of science. However, in the last 60 years of blatant UFO sightings, MANY of them have vanished into or out of the atmosphere, seeming to defy our understanding of science, ----hardly ever leaving a fireball or sonic boom or vapor trail or friction-trail. Somehow they seem to have gotten around this. But, you are correct in terms of conventional science. And that is one BIG part of the mystery:

How can craft that defy conventional science not achieve OPTICAL INVISIBILITY. Obviously, since there are so many photos and videos of UFOs, they haven't been able to achieve this. Perhaps they have taken to using clouds as the solution to optical invisibility. They might even somehow GENERATE storms and hurricanes to mask entrance and egress to and from our oceans.

I agree with your point on conventional science however I spend a lot of time looking at photos and videos of UFOs (as I want to believe) and am an amature photographer as a hobby and I have yet to see anything I would say is 100% fo sure alien.

Also optical invisability isn't all that high tech. Our current conventional science is already able to do it.
Adaptive Camouflage
I don't see why it would be that hard for an alien craft to use such technology or an advanced version of it.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Whether or not these clouds are cloaking UFO's or not, I don't know. But let's say it is true. Now some here say that an advanced civilization wouldn't need to use a cloud as a cloaking device. But that's assuming that civilization is as advanced as we think they should be. Yes, advanced enough for space travel, but perhaps not in other things. We earthlings may in fact have technology that those space aliens don't have, or never thought of.
edit on 30-5-2011 by LarryinPA because: Mis-spelled cloud as could

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by LarryinPA

It is a possibility. It would be interesting to know why they would not think of cloak ability though if they didn't intend to cloak at all. Why would they hide at all in that case? The only thing I could think of is these aliens didn't know life existed on this planet and never came across life on another planet so they were not expecting it. I dunno. I hope I know before I die though..

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

nah did not take any of them just found them and thought they were cool to share
) ty for the star btw you didnt have to

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