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The Hoax of Brown Dwarf Star "Elenin" EXPOSED - This is the video that we should all make "Viral

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posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Phage

To see EISCAT facilities located world-wide, go here. Cool music, too!

Data / Patents gained via FOIA sourced from here - I am researching this as well and will update you as I find out more about this, if you like.


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by SatoriTheory

It is debatable whether or not there is such a plan (Agenda 21, it is often called) or not.

You can learn more about the supposed plan, and its source, here:

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

Again, I am truly surprised at the apathy I find on this forum from some members in regard to HAARP/EISCAT technology.

Seen this documentary yet? Have you attempted to learn more about the technology and why some of us are so concerned? I also am surprised so many members seem unaware there are facilities installed all over the world.

See for yourself. Anyone else a bit concerned?

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by weareallone52

HAARP and EISCAT both have ionospheric heaters. EISCAT also has an incoherent scatter radar installation (that's where the ISCAT part of its name comes from).

Yes, there are other locations which have incoherent scatter radar installations (but lack ionospheric heaters). Does a radar installation make these locations part of the nefarious plot?

That link you provided spouts a lot of nonsense, not the least of which is comparing HAARP to a microwave oven. HAARP does not transmit microwaves but even if it did its energy density is far less than that of a microwave oven. It does not take a FOIA request to view the patents.
edit on 5/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Phage

Alaska HAARP clearly may have 3 arrays installed, solving the issue you mentioned.

Do you really think that if there is something nefarious going on with this technology, the general public would be told?

And you are incorrect when you dismiss the term "microwave" - You misunderstand the technology, obviously, and you need to become better informed:

edit on 22-5-2011 by weareallone52 because: inclusion of link

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by weareallone52

HAARP has one ionospheric heater. HIPAS was shut down three years ago.

I am quite well informed,it is you who are not. That source is even more nonsensical.
The HAARP ionospheric heater transmits HF radio, not microwaves. It does not have the ability to transmit "multibillions" of watts. It cannot affect subatomic particles.
edit on 5/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by weareallone52

I've seen those links, and several more just like them. The techno-babble doesn't add up. There is no power source capable of producing the amount of energy that would be required to make something like HAARP dangerous. It's simply nonsense, and it's being promoted by cranks like Martin Sheen.

I enjoy a good shaggy dog tale. That's why I'm here. I would love it if someone uncovered a real chupacabra, for example. I just don't believe in HAARP. I think it was a terrific live DVD by Muse, but as a true sci-fi weapon, it has more holes then a golf-course.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by weareallone52

Look up Dr. Judy Wood. She has some amazing evidence of what technology unknown to the public is capable of doing. She discusses HAARP in her work.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by linux2216

I will check out that link straight away - Thank you for contributing. I am ever amazed by the assumption here on ATS by so many members that we know about all of the technology related to HAARP - specifically, advances in Tesla Technology.

I simply don't understand this, because after all, this very site we post on is called "Above Top Secret."

There is as much evidence out there to support those who believe that something is not adding up with HAARP as there is evidence pointing to it being "benign." I opt for the former, for now, until some better arguments are made in support of the latter. I am convinced that there is more going on here than meets the eye.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by linux2216

This might be a good link to start with in regard to Dr. Judy Wood. I will post here so others may access her work regarding HAARP as a potential "weather weapon", if they are so inclined.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Phage

This simply is not true. You need to check your facts better.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

I would like to dismiss it all as techno-babble as well. But, based on my research and also due to the fact I have several contacts who work in positions that give them access to certain types of "information" in both the defense and space industries, I am continuing my efforts to expose the public to more information about HAARP, with their encouragement.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by weareallone52

I completely agree with the user who refers you to Dr. Judy Wood. She bases her views on empirical evidence. She refers to Advanced Tesla Technology and "Directed Energy Weapons". Go here for a sample of her work. Hope this helps. Great post! Wonder why it is so difficult to get a good debate going here on ATS about HAARP (?)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by monroemike49

Well...sorry, but Judy Wood is a fringe ....errm....something. I don't think she is firing on all cylinders, if you take my meaning.

Her nuttiness in the so-called "9/11 truth movement" makes the hard-core people in some factions of that "group" angry, and even apoplectic with rage. In fact, she (and her co-horts) have been called "dis-info" shills for the government. To discredit "9/11 truth". Not by me...I happen to think she believes, with every fiber of her being, the crazy that she spews.

But, that's me....oh, and don't forget, this is the person who (along with John Lear) thinks that the DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) were used to "dustify" the WTC Towers....from, get this: "Orbiting Space-based Platforms".

Magical, invisible (presumably, since they don't exist) "space-based platforms". Oh, and JL covers the "You can't see them" logic, with the illogical, "They are cloaked" nonsense. He also is on record for claiming the Space Shuttle routinely makes a "detour" to the "secret stations", on its way to the ISS. This, despite the laws of orbital mechanics, and physics. Pesky thing, that science stuff.......

edit on Sun 22 May 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Phage

Here is a patent that relates to your previous debunking-type post.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by weareallone52

Fair enough, man.

Like I said: I love exobiology and shaggy dog tales, so any grief I give you is all in good fun.

And who knows? The Tesla angle might produce something interesting, right?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 08:07 PM
This subject is beginning to make me ill. There is a frenzy of "Elenin is the brown dwarf coming" insanity as this harmless chunk of rock approacheth. Can I rework some old boilerplate to say it again? I just don't think I can say it again. This could be the most important one you will ever read, so please LISTEN. It is not conspiracy theory but fact, though due to an official policy of secrecy, many questions remain. The same basic rhetoric and sequence of events took place before millions were exterminated in Germany, and few of those victims believed it or heeded warning until it was too late. There's 100x more stress out there now than ever before. First, let me direct you to the Elenin "hoax." Elenin is a harmless comet, NOT a dwarf star or Planet X to soon destroy this planet, but there are thousands of terrified people out th...ere prepared to follow cult leaders into caves to survive this impending apocalypse, and who will die if they try. No surprise, many of those whipping the frenzy claim strong Christian faith. Wake up, they say. Yes, wake up, but not to impending doom from Elenin. The panic stems from the same fed policies called conspiracy theories that led to Waco, OK City, Ruby Ridge, 911, but esp'y Jonestown. Those are not theories, the villains were either plain innocent or had a lot of help from murderous thugs wearing badges. Hard to be polite, please THINK. The kickoff for the Elenin hoax starts with a PhD thesis? out of Cornell, here:​2036

then worked up by high pressure scam artists, quite possibly drawing salaries from the FBI, such as this:​ch?v=qzoCYCJUjvs&fea...ture=mfu_in_order&list=UL

Some of these videos emphasize that treatment in the caves will be highly dependent on contributed resources (money), others pressure for large cash donations, one since deleted was titled "Terral's Position on Euthenasia in the Survival Caves." Well, does that mean someone chooses when it's time for me to die? Might as well march to the FEMA camps.

What hasn't helped is NASA's lack of interest in Elenin, not that 150 or so comets a year should warrant it, only that the level of paranoia with serious or fatal consequences could justify a crisp photo. Not to belabor it, but this Cornell paper doesn't deserve a footnote in science fiction, let alone a PhD thesis. From the standpoint of science, it is to be blunt, absolute 1000% trash. Can there be any reason for letting such a thing loose..., other than to trigger riots or return a favor in the Ivy League? Could it really be that the major quakes these last few years are due to Elenin being not a comet, but a brown dwarf that the fed has not disclosed because of the panic over an impending cataclysm that will cause 95% casualies? No. Elenin is a harmless comet. What is far more likely is that the greater the tragic consequences from such panic, the easier it will be to declare martial law and further tighten the anti terror grip, as well as divert attention from deliberate activities that are no less grave, but only more insidious. By saying this, I part ranks not only with Christian leaders who are preaching Elenin disaster, but far more who insist that the fed's policies on such as vaccination, autism, fluoride and GM foods are safe and effective, but also that Bill Gates is a model Christian who "tithes" 90% in terms of $100 million for abortion, many more billions for vaccinations and other drugs that will s...ave lives, etc. Gates' investment in the Norway Seed Bank helps lather the notion that a cataclysm is impending. The truth about those things is better found in the posts I've been making about autism, vaccines, etc. As one who has well earned the right to call himself a (soil) scientist, approached once for recruitment by Monsanto's GM dept, I'm in a good position to assess the reliability of research that claims to support those issues and even better able to discuss the reality and potential benefits or rewards of chemtrails, which are not theory or imagination as often presented in the mainstream press, but part of a highly secretive and aggressive program to destroy the natural food supply and health of the majority of the world, with the likelihood of deaths on the scale of what a real Elenin could produce. Another word on chemtrails...

By now, you have hopefully caught up to a better understanding of the chemtrail program, because that is the most obvious and lethal arm of a multi pronged military assault more devastating than any prior declared war. The War on Terror is ...a war on YOU, your loved ones and your unborn children, nothing less. One of the Gates' "charities," in partnership with Monsanto and Rockefeller, is the Norway Seed Bank. Study that if you don't know the concept. Heavy pressure has been applied to growers the world over to abandon natural seeds and buy Monstanto GM, meaning that most are quickly driven out of business, not a few have committed suicde over later crop failures. Grandmothers have been raided by SWAT teams, canning produce seized, and given jail terms over growing vegetables in home gardens. But with advanced training in crops and soil. I can assure anyone that aluminum toxicity was unknown twenty years ago. Aluminum is a common element, but it does not occur freely in nature, and in bound form with silicates in soil, never presents a toxicity problem to plants. This is important to know.

While "conspiracy nuts" are vigorously cashing in on Elenin hysteria unimpeded and enabled by shameless junk science published courtesy Ivy League Cornell, the fed gathers more ammunition against informed criticism in general, but specifically th...e chemtrail assault is ever more easily denied. We certainly can't call Cornell stupid or the fraud unintentional. We can take a stab at what gives simply by considering the obvious, that twelve or more years of secret but intense and blatant spraying of aluminum, barium and other toxins has dramatically poisoned soil over the entire globe. It has severely damaged plant life, driven soil pH through the roof, killed animal life, and destroyed the health of a large segment of the population. Yes, the fed has been lying straight to your face using research fraud that vaccines do not cause autism, even while some vaccines have been outright killing many, especially vital young teenage girls, but even vaccines and a wide array of other poisons recently introduced into the food and med supp does not account for the 100x (10,000 %) increase in autism.

If you feel like providing rebuttal to these statements, either go elsewhere or invest more study time. This is an educational topic, not a debate forum. Nothing yet said is exaggerated, but you should study as much as you can as fast as yo...u can, because you and your family and friends are on the verge of being exterminated or enslaved while the earth is being damaged for that purpose and to make the process irreversible. This is not to dismiss the power of prayer, but to raise a warning flag so that awareness, prayer and timely action have joint opportunity to prevent further damage and save lives, even if the possibility of winning seems hopeless. Sorry, but we were going to check to see if there was evidence that the purpose of such a shameless fraud by Cornell U as Elenin might be further found in the halls of Ivy League. Next, hopefully last comment...

Oh, well, should we be surprised:

Genetically Modified Seed Patent
Aluminum Resistant Gene Patent #7582809
Granted On September 1, 2009
Developed at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Patent Assigned to US Dept of Agriculture

IOW, time is short before the only sources of food and fiber on this planet are held firmly in the hands of the USDA. Interesting, wasn't the USDA supposed to aid farmers, not reap profit? Maybe not, when I worked for them in the 80s, subsidies were casually handed out in flagrant violation of the rules only for the purpose of influence peddling. But that's another story. So, you figure that this research was driven by the will of taxpayers?

Not so fast. This marvelous work of charity was funded by, drum roll... McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program, the Generation Challenge Program, the National Science Foundation and the USDA. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a contributor to both the McKnight Foundation and the Generation Challenge Program.

So, you don't have to be Albert Einstein to grasp the truth about the purpose of those (close your eyes and mouth) chemtrails, but don't worry about that, because of course, you know all about Morgellon's and the toxic effects of barium and aluminum. Oh, that's all just theory? Have it your way. Can anything be more sinister? Oh, baby, this is just the first 10 minutes of the Apocalypse. Gates, Rockefeller, Monsanto, and your federal governments are about to hit you in places you never imagined, unless perhaps you managed to survive Auschwitz, and that would only be a taste. Get ready for the Big Bang, but do not feel helpless. Believe (entirely) on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. That may not be science, but it is the truth. Kind of forgot also, Gates/Rockefeller/Monsanto​ partnership owns the Seed Bank. Overall, this should be enough to execute all of them as war criminals; meanwhile, let us pray...

Need to get up to date on chemtrails? try this..

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by cusanus

The links in my post do not post correctly, they do if in quotes, but for some reason I couldn't edit the post, so here are the links this time in quotes if you want to use them. thanks..

This subject...

then worked up by high pressure scam artists, quite possibly drawing salaries from the FBI, such as this:


Need to get up to date on chemtrails? try this.. ""

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