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Radio Telescopes Capture Best-Ever Snapshot of Black Hole Jets

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posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by manontrial
reply to post by Saint Exupery

No, wrong.
The image clearly shows the entire Centaurus A Galaxy, and I'm sorry to inform you, but the Centaurus A Galaxy is much larger THAN four point two light years across.
Whoever wrote the article, is not an astronomer.

I never said that it was. In fact, I explicitly stated otherwise. I was merely paraphrasing the article which was talking about the new image, not the archived image displayed.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:37 AM
Thanks for posting. I think the picture has been photo shopped though.


edit on 22-5-2011 by eyespying because: no reason

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by ChemicalResurrection

Um, I'm sure it was never said that this radio image is the first ever image of the galaxy, its a new image and I'm quite sure that our viewpoint hasn't changed in a year, hence, the similarity.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:27 AM
So, I guess they are only ASSUMING that it looks like this due to RADIO waves? If so, they can put a picture of Homer Simpson in it and everyone will believe it?

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:42 AM
That is one amazing photo.

isn't black-holes bad? isn't that a little close to our galaxy?

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Jetman44

So, I guess they are only ASSUMING that it looks like this due to RADIO waves? If so, they can put a picture of Homer Simpson in it and everyone will believe it?

Radio is a kind of light. If your radio had a tuning knob that went all the way high enough, you’d have light coming out of your radio along with the sound. Thing is, by then your radio would have turned into a telescope, and if you are lucky you might have got to see good ol’ Homer through it.

You do know this, right?

Well, what they did is they took this radio picture using a radio telescope, which is really a kind of parabolic antenna like the one my brother-in-law uses to watch Russian satellite porn, only bigger, and then what they did was, they multiplied all the radio frequencies by a squazzillion to make them into light frequencies. Then they put all those squazzilized frequencies into a big ol’ computing machine and it made a picture of what the galaxy would look if you could see the radio waves coming out of it. That is, if the radio waves were really light waves.

And that’s the picture we’re talking about, except it turns out we’re really talking about another picture that never actually got posted.

Hope that was clear.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by XPLodER
reply to post by highfreq

i am going to say something that will not be well received,
if nothing can escape a black hole,
and nothing could power the jet except a black hole,

how can both statements be true?

Originally posted by OrionHunterX
Nice pic, but a simple question....

If NOTHING - not even photons - can escape the massive gravitational pull of a black hole, then how can jets of particles accelerate outward from it at enormous velocities?

In other words, there are no such things as black holes! This is a myth being propagated by a coterie of scientists who's funding is making them laugh all the way to the bank!

Noted physicist Stephen J. Crothers says that Black Holes have been conjured up by combination of confusion, superstition and ineptitude, and is sustained by widespread suppression of facts, both physical and theoretical.

The majority of people nowadays neither know nor care what Theoretical Physics is or what it does. Nothing less than a whole new philosophical approach - a new paradigm, in effect - is now long overdue.

Like Plasma Cosmology?

Originally posted by XPLodERi do understand the theory of the event horizon and that nothing can escape the event horizon,
i would like to point out the article acually metions the source "supermassive black hole"
and while i also understand the tidal forces (incomplete) i wounder if the event horizon is the area capable of speeding matter to super luminal speedz. if so is the supermassive BH acually capable of creating heavyer atoms by the exact same tidal forces?

The effect of the tidal forces is easy to understand. The force of gravity follows the Inverse Square Law, which basically says that as your distance from any object(such as a planet or a black hole) increases, the effect its gravity has on you drops very sharply. A "tidal" effect is produced when the net amount of gravitic force being felt is markedly stronger on the side nearest the source. The moon does this to Terra, resulting in tectonic movement and oceanic "tides"; because the moon's gravity is much stronger on the side of the Earth that is directly facing the moon at any given moment.

But the moon's gravity well is weak. A black hole--especially a "supermassive" black hole, which is not just a collapsed giant star or 'collapsar'..."supermassive" means it has many millions of solar masses (one solar mass = our sun), and it is theorized that it may be what is known as a "collaxar", a collapsed galaxy. Anyway, no matter what you call it, the gravity gradient of an object this massive is gonna be really, really steep when you start getting close to it. So steep, in fact, that if you decided to take the plunge and jump into the hole wearing a space suit, the tidal forces would tear you apart long before you reached the event horizon. The gravity well would be so steep that the pull on your feet(assuming you jumped feet first) would quickly grow much more powerful than the pull on your head, and eventually the difference would be great enough to do some very unpleasant things.

However, as long as the stuff dropping into the gravity well of the black hole isn't alive and doesn't thereby smudge our pretty pictures with screams transmitted over suit radio, the energy released from the matter being torn asunder by tidal effects result--after some tweaking--in these beautiful glowing images. Most black holes are presumed to be surrounded by an accretion disk--a hodgepodge of random stuff, mostly gas probably, that has been trapped into orbit around the hole--and the friction will cause the inner parts of the disk to generate a lot of heat(and thus radiation of all kinds, including visible and radio), so despite the common name, black holes are anything but black.

Now to discuss the theoretical "nothing can escape a black hole" idea. This is also fairly simple to understand. Everyone is familiar with the concept of escape velocity, right? On earth, escape velocity is about 7 miles per second(11.2km/s), if we ignore air friction. If I could somehow achieve that velocity starting from ground level, I would shoot off into space and never return to earth. I would escape its gravity well permanently.
Escape velocity depends on the mass of the object you are trying to escape. Lots of mass = more gravity. Mars, for instance, has less mass than the Earth, so its gravity is weaker, and its escape velocity is only a measly 3.1 miles per second(5km/s). On the other hand, the sun is huge and has a great deal of densely packed mass, so its escape velocity is about 383.8 miles per second(617.5km/s). The more mass, and the more densely-packed that mass is, the more powerful the gravity is, and the higher the escape velocity becomes. A black hole forms when an object becomes so massive and/or densely packed that the escape velocity from the surface of the object becomes higher than "c", or the speed of light. That speed is 186,282 miles per second(299,792km/s) and is, as far as we know, a Universal Speed Limit. Nothing can go faster than 186,282mps, so if a collapsed star has a surface gravity with a resulting escape velocity of over 300,000mps, it is a black hole and is effectively sealed off from the rest of the universe. Once past the event horizon(which is the point near the black hole at which escape velocity becomes higher than "c"), anything that falls into it ceases to be a part of this universe as well.

Hope this helps and/or amuses people. I tried to keep it short, but I felt some of these concepts needed to be presented if everyone is to be ogling pics of black holes. XD

Also, a quick P.S. about the speed of light and Universal Speed Limits: Those of you who are about to write an indignant response to my assertion that "light-speed" is also the "top speed", please note that I do not assume that the only way to get around in this universe is to point oneself in a desired direction and haul ass. There are many possibilities for timely and effective interstellar travel...folding, dimensional warp, tesseracts...i.e. "shortcuts," if we can learn them. I like to view actual kinetic travel in space as being akin to using the "brute force" method to break a coded message. Its grueling work and it takes forever, but it will work. Eventually. It may be so slow and therefore take so much time that when you finally arrive at your destination, there will already have been humans there for a hundred years or would have advanced far during the long trip. So you may be the first to head out, but not first to land, explore, etc.

If we ever get out there and start doing this stuff, it should be a blast.
edit on 5/22/2011 by Tsurugi because: General editing

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

I am not a dumb a**, I just enjoy seeing how many different responses I can get from the different armchair "scientists" that are on this site.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Jetman44

Radio signatures allow you to see the light spectrum out of our visible spectrum. Which is why we don't see this galaxy larger than the moon in our visible spectrum of light wavelengths. It doesn't mean it's not there, it's just beyond our neurological wavelength perception. Maybe some birds see this larger than us? You most certainly can relate to your dog sensing sound waves beyond your perception, and smells though thoroughly masked in sniffer dogs. This isn't an out-worldly leap of science. It is enabling science, provided to you by very smart people.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Quasars are galactic forming, two beams from a super massive black hole in the center of a galaxy, at least I thought it was

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:06 AM
Thank you Tsurugi, that information was very enlightening. Learn something new everyday.

But, regardless of the science, that picture is beautiful and intimidating.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:17 AM
A quasi-stellar radio source ("quasar") is a very energetic and distant active galactic nucleus. Quasars are among the most luminous objects in the universe. Quasars were first identified as being high redshift sources of electromagnetic energy, including radio waves and visible light, that were point-like, similar to stars, rather than extended sources similar to galaxies.

While there was initially some controversy over the nature of these objects, there is now a scientific consensus that a quasar is a compact region in the center of a massive galaxy surrounding its central supermassive black hole. Its size is 10–10,000 times the Schwarzschild Radius of the black hole. The quasar is powered by an accretion disc around the black hole.

However all of this crap doesn't satisfy an explanation of the matter emitted by a super black hole when the very definition of a black hole postulates nothing can escape its gravity. Well then, we turn to the old postulation that matter cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes state.

Well, I live in Ohio right now, can I instantly go to Southern Florida to visit my friends without burning petrol then?

Surly, NASA and the Illuminati must be lying to keep me in my place.

–Recap–It's just a picture!

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX
Nice pic, but a simple question....

If NOTHING - not even photons - can escape the massive gravitational pull of a black hole, then how can jets of particles accelerate outward from it at enormous velocities?

In other words, there are no such things as black holes! This is a myth being propagated by a coterie of scientists who's funding is making them laugh all the way to the bank!

Noted physicist Stephen J. Crothers says that Black Holes have been conjured up by combination of confusion, superstition and ineptitude, and is sustained by widespread suppression of facts, both physical and theoretical.

The majority of people nowadays neither know nor care what Theoretical Physics is or what it does. Nothing less than a whole new philosophical approach - a new paradigm, in effect - is now long overdue.

Like Plasma Cosmology?

Thanks I totally agree with you. My common sense has lead me to believe that blackholes aren't real. That pic is devoid of any logic. When I first looked at the pic I immediately thought that something is not right about the study of "blackholes".


edit on 22-5-2011 by Teeky because: wordswitch

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:31 AM
The thing is, none of that is going to escape. It's all going to be sucked back into the black hole. Sure it might not always be stuck right on the black hole, and an explosion can shoot stuff out. But nothing is going to escape the gravitational pull. That goes along with what they say about black holes right? I guess theoretically something could escape the pull if it could go faster than light. But if we know light cannot escape it, then not much can. I imagine if you shined light away from the black hole, it would go out for a ways, and loop back in. So it sort of gets away, but never truly "escapes."

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Nothing can escape the black hole, if it passes beyond the event horizon. These jets are composed of material that did not pass the event horizon, but flew around the black hole and got launched away due to intense magnetic and gravitational fields around the hole.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
Nothing can escape the black hole, if it passes beyond the event horizon. These jets are composed of material that did not pass the event horizon, but flew around the black hole and got launched away due to intense magnetic and gravitational fields around the hole.

Exaclty Maslo

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:10 PM
this is a very beautiful picture, the mystery of space is something that should be taken more seriously. Instead of all this bogus rapture talk we should be worried about something like this happening close to us.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Tsurugi

i would like to thank you for your very interesting information and the simple way it was presented

i would also like to ask a few questions,
if a supermassive black hole was at the center of a lens,
and light going through the lens was passing the black hole without being captured by the higher than C gravity well, would that increase the distence that we could see throught the lens?

a gravity induced increase in lens "perscription" because of light being "bent" around the black hole gravity well in a denser medium?

ps thanks for the info

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:14 PM
No black holes, no dark matter, no dark energy. Simple and very standard electrical cosmology.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:29 PM
Insane I love how we can view such graphic details of our world. Maybe one day we will all see the truth

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