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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:26 AM
Now that I am on my laptop instead of my phone...

ATS should not be a tabloid. I must admit it angers me a little that people treat this forum as a joke...

Because a conspiracy to plot against the better part of the world is not a joke. It is a game, but not a joke. It's a serious game of Chess, Risk, and Craps. The good news is that the pawns happen to be real people who can take control of themselves at will... so, therefore, we are only pawns to those we follow. If we pick a side and choose to be a pawn, then good. If we choose to take control of ourselves, then good. Whatever we do, it is our choice... and this makes this the largest game ever...

But people are also easily manipulated, even the best of us! IF more people want to come here to learn, that just means that ATS is that much closer to being at the center of a battle of wits. And because of the age of communication and technology (notice reason is not highlighted), I believe the battle is here.

Now, if you are new here and you wish to make a difference and you feel that stepping out the door with an M-16 isn't your M.O., then you need to use your imagination. Wisdom is knowing that whatever you can imagine is possible, one way or another. So, you need to use your imagination to determine how YOU would make everything happen, from all angles. And then imagine how others would respond to you. And then imagine how you would be tempted to respond and better yet what a better response would be. And the imagine that you set a trap by acting to be tempted and yet knowing that they catch on to your feign temptation, etc. Imagine how it is possible for one to come to every conclusion they come to.

The same can be done for the simplest things. I determined for myself yesterday that perceived distance of an object in our solar system is exactly correct because our brains recalculate what reality is in order to be able to cause us to consciously discern it. I did this myself by using a mirror at my work and walking and ducking at different angles with a certain corner being my focal point. I won't ruin the surprise.

Imagine and play and calculate and keep the mind sharp and occupied but also open to interruption at any time.

"Life is what happens when we're making plans," so they say.

I have found that when I try to figure everything out, by first researching, then dumping the garbage info and imagining what I know is truly possible, I do not get overwhelmed, but this process energizes me. Food is second to the bread of imagination! Water is second to the inebriating wine of wisdom... sorta corny, but it worked at the moment...

I must go to work. Start using your imaginations and stop relying on the Phages of the world! I'm sure it would make their lives easier anyhow.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

very interesting read indeed. have you ever stopped to think that TPTB have always used this site to create a certain appearance for how things are going? by this i mean, they will disclose information X which is in stark contrast to what most people observe daily. once this is released people on this site (and probably a lot of others just using this site because im using it right now) will find it and spin it the conspiracy route and bring out a certain focus that TPTB want to point out. this whole OBL deal could very well have been one of these bits of information. it was kind of a smoke signal if you will for some group out there that needs to know something. can't put it out on MSM because everyone would know... we only want people that need to know something know something. im thinking there is a not so much elaborate, but very elegant plan (not necessarily malignant) set in place for when the # hits the fan, and we are witnessing some protocol that rarely gets used. no trail of paper if something goes wrong, just a bunch of nutters going on about how this guy died at this time, but the message got out through those conspiracy nuts none the less. dunno... little disjointed train of thought i hope it made sense. it's hard sometimes to put some thoughts into words.

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