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My simple life changing event.

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posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 02:04 AM
A year ago on May 5th my daughter was born. Around that time I was debating to change my diet to nothing but organic/locally grown or farmed. So with the birth of my kid I figured now is a better time then none.

So here's what I did. I stopped buying every traditional name brand line of foods (Nestle, GM, Coke, Nabisco Et Cetera) and concentrated on fair trade organics for the items that could not be purchased at the butcher shop or their farm stand. Made everything else I could from scratch. Some might say it is more expensive. It is but not as much as some think. To make it easy lets say you have a 300 dollar a week grocery bill. Your bill will go up 30 dollars roughly. That's only 10 percent. granted there is a time factor because now either myself or my ol' lady is in the kitchen longer but that just means more family fun in the kitchen. keeps us away from the tube too.

Ok so since then and more so the last three months I have noticed significant changes in myself. Especially in one area that I ill tie in a lil conspiracy thought with.... Let me list.

Weight. Amazingly easier to maintain. By that I mean I eat what I want and have not gained a pound and can with very little effort loose weight gained due to holidays of all sorts.

Mental focus and clarity. Unbelievable, I am a busy person I work long days and nights and have a full plate most days. I used to rely on a planner for everything and still miss deadlines and dates. I dont even know where my planner is as I type this.

Motivation. No more 8-10 hrs need to feel rested. 5-6 and I am ready to go I rarely procrastinate these days whereas before this was always an issue. Why put off what I can do now.

Mood. Calmer collected not as glum. More of a my glass is half full kind of stride. I've always been positive but some days I'd have a hard time staying that way now its just second nature. with the slight conspiracy angle.

Libido. THRU THE ROOF! I have always been a big fan of "gettin it on" but as of late the ol lady is walking around like the blonde form the Enzyte commercial. Ear to ear.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 02:38 AM
I'll probably lose 500 points for this... I cant help it... I gotta...
so be kind to me

Performance. Sustainability is an understatement. Also size and (I am trying to be appropriate but cant) and how harder one gets is very very noticeable.

If eating store bought junk decreases your... ahem size...
Then I better start eating a lot more!
This website used me as premise to write these jokes!
(WARNING! Explicit Jokes)

for the record, we grow most our food here...
as far as over all health... your right... it will improve if you eat "healthier"
In the summer I feel "alive"
in the winter when I rely more on store bought...
I feel like jumping out a window, lol

EDIT: OH!!!! congratulations on the birth of your daughter!!!
I can't wait to have kids!!! My wife and I are very excited to be parents when the time comes!!!

edit on 4/30/11 by EvolEric because: See EDIT Section

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:09 AM
ahh that's awesome!
good to hear! I try so hard to eat well.
it's a sick world, and you are a good man! keep it up!

and yes, food intake is important! keep goin at it! it gets better

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

Very well done!

I have tried , but unfortunately i have a little wobble now and then and head to McDonalds. I'm half way there though. I have been growing herbs in the garden for a few years now and i have found it so rewarding just going out into the garden a picking what you need. One thing i have stuggled with is the sell by dates. Every month i have a blitz in the dry cupboard and chuck out the out of date stuff. That all must equate to a good few quid!
You are absolutely right though and i applaud you!!!

This type of thing should be taught in schools.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:45 AM
It's nuts. I remember telling friends of this and them thinking I am a kook. A few months ago i had a wobble as one put out of necessity. I was at the train station late and the only thing open was a Pizzeria Regina, they boast of healthy food and what not and its a local pizza shop so I didn't really hesitate. Eating only one slice I started to feel a lil meh about 40 minutes into the train ride. About an hour in I had a headache of sorts that started behind my left eye and went straight thru my noggin. I developed this case of cotton mouth that only the the Grateful Dead could relate too. Like I said there is something to this whether it is intentional or not the preservatives and all that other mumbo jumbo that we cant even pronounce are doing bad things. Maybe its a form of population control I dunno. thanks for all the input and to the gentleman who stated he needed to eat more junk food... funny stuff. It should be taught in schools!
edit on 30-4-2011 by BlastedCaddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by EvolEric

Kids change your life. I remember asking my fiends with kids what is like They told me that they asked others with kids the same thing. Their answer was the same as my answer. You cant describe it till it happens to you. No truer words stated my friends.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

Originally posted by BlastedCaddy
It's nuts. I remember telling friends of this and them thinking I am a kook. A few months ago i had a wobble as one put out of necessity. I was at the train station late and the only thing open was a Pizzeria Regina, they boast of healthy food and what not and its a local pizza shop so I didn't really hesitate. Eating only one slice I started to feel a lil meh about 40 minutes into the train ride. About an hour in I had a headache of sorts that started behind my left eye and went straight thru my noggin. I developed this case of cotton mouth that only the the Grateful Dead could relate too. Like I said there is something to this whether it is intentional or not the preservatives and all that other mumbo jumbo that we cant even pronounce are doing bad things. Maybe its a form of population control I dunno. thanks for all the input and to the gentleman who stated he needed to eat more junk food... funny stuff. It should be taught in schools!
edit on 30-4-2011 by BlastedCaddy because: (no reason given)

sounds like a reaction to artificial color/flavor/etc
or to MSG which TCOTBIP put in everything.

think of it as a further incentive to not backslide again.

have some fish, instead:

you should make your own trail-mix and carry it with you so you'll have something just in case.


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