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why did you join freemasonry ?

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posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:50 AM
I have some question to ask of my freemason friends :

1.why did you join freemasonry ?
2. wasn't there any other way to gain your goals ?
3.didn't you join it to get rich fast and to get more opportunities ? you have a free will to get out of this group in every grade you want ?
5.what do you do in your rituals ?
6.what have you achieved by joining freemasonry ? can you go to the next level ? you see any connection between Illuminati and freemasonry ?
9.what is your idea about this documentary "Inside The Freemasons The Grand Lodge Uncovered 2010" ?

You can purchsae at Inside The Freemasons The Grand Lodge Uncovered 2010*

I would appreciate if you write the number before the answer ( referring the question #).
every one who got some information feel free to answer. thank you.

* Intellectual Property: You will not Post any copyrighted material owned by others
edit on 28-4-2011 by dbates because: Removed link to copyrighted material

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

its unlikely any genuine Freemasons, will come along here and reveal their secrets on this thread.. i know a few masons and although they are relatively low level masons, they do maintain that it is nothing more than a kind of social club. they have, without going into details benefited from being part of this group though.
as for the Illuminati connection, ive asked and they are not to sure about this, but both groups do use the same symbol, the all seeing eye.
edit on 28/4/11 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Thank you and I don't expect to get so much information directly from them.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
but both groups do use the same symbol, the all seeing eye.
Actually, that's false. There's no historical evidence that the Bavarian Illuminati of 1776 ever used an all-seeing eye as one of its symbols. It's been used by Freemasonry (as well as by various Christian theologies) to represent the omniscience of God overseeing all that we do. It's not exclusively a Masonic symbol, and has been used for similar meanings for more than 2000 years.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Misterlondon
but both groups do use the same symbol, the all seeing eye.
Actually, that's false. There's no historical evidence that the Bavarian Illuminati of 1776 ever used an all-seeing eye as one of its symbols. It's been used by Freemasonry (as well as by various Christian theologies) to represent the omniscience of God overseeing all that we do. It's not exclusively a Masonic symbol, and has been used for similar meanings for more than 2000 years.

thanks fro clearing that up... i know its masonic, but the illuminati connection is only from what ive read in various speculative articles.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom

1.why did you join freemasonry ?

to get more involved with charity. I felt a void in my life and what I learned about masonry seemed like it would work. It did.

2. wasn't there any other way to gain your goals ?

There are lots of other ways, this is the way I chose.

3.didn't you join it to get rich fast and to get more opportunities ?

bwhahahahaha. Yea, I looked around at all the masons I know and saw how they usually dump their money into a big pool and swim in it at the end of each day. Most masons I know (including me) are just getting by. you have a free will to get out of this group in every grade you want ?

anyone is free to leave at any time. In fact, there are lots of people who just stop coming to the lodge.

5.what do you do in your rituals ?

it's a secret. So secret that a Google search will probably give you a video of each degree.

6.what have you achieved by joining freemasonry ?

Some amazing friends, and an much deeper understanding of God. can you go to the next level ?

Time and effort. But there is no further Level to obtain, only new opportunities. you see any connection between Illuminati and freemasonry ?

The Bavarian Illuminati was formed by Adam Weishaupt, who based some of the organization on masonic ritual, and the organization did attempt to gain members from within masonry, but once the Illuminati was disbanded, they stopped doing anything. That was over 200 years ago. The Illuminati is a fantasy since then. Like chemtrails.

9.what is your idea about this documentary "Inside The Freemasons The Grand Lodge Uncovered 2010" ?

haven't watched it. Could you give a brief description of some of the content?

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
thanks fro clearing that up... i know its masonic, but the illuminati connection is only from what ive read in various speculative articles.
No problem. Most modern conspiracy theorists cite William Guy Carr's 1956 "Pawns in the Game." As far as I've been able to determine, he's the first person to try to claim the eye in the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill "has always been an illuminati symbol" but he offered no proof, cited no sources, and it seems entirely likely he made it up. There are numerous other claims made in his book that have been more thoroughly debunked. But because he was writing conspiracy theory before it was really popular, a lot of CT authors since have used some of his claims as foundations for their own works, without checking into the validity of anything he wrote.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
I have some question to ask of my freemason friends :

1.why did you join freemasonry ?

I joined because some men that I like and respect were Masons. I was curious about the teachings, and I wanted to become a Shriner to help kids at the burn hospitals, because I was severely burned, and I think I could help them.

2. wasn't there any other way to gain your goals ?

This seems like a silly question, but I'll try to be direct. I am not "only" a Mason. I also attend a church, work for the state, volunteer for an Art Foundation, raise my kids, participate on ATS, BBQ with my friends and family, travel when possible, read in my spare time, attend the University for more education, etc., etc.

Joining the Masons was just an additional experience that I was interested in, and so far it has been a wonderful experience, surpassing all of my expectations!

3.didn't you join it to get rich fast and to get more opportunities ?

Never crossed my mind, hasn't happened in 7 years, and I don't know a single Mason that has those desires. I wouldn't know where to start on a goal like that without seriously offending my brothers in the fraternity. If someone joined with those goals, they would be unpopular, uncomfortable, and probably move on to some other scheme very quickly, and forget all about Masonry. you have a free will to get out of this group in every grade you want ?

Of course. You also have free will to stop at any point, even midstream of a degree. You are constantly and consistently asked if this is "an act of your own free will and accord." I have seen a couple of people chicken out at the last second, which seems really odd to those of us that have gone through, but they are probably victims of too much internet reading.

5.what do you do in your rituals ?

We walk around, recite some lines from ancient parables and allegories, and learn the proper forms of recognition and entry. That is about it. We don't call them "rituals" they are "degrees" and after each degree is a lecture that is usually very informative both historically and spiritually. The lectures are not secret, and the lessons are common throughout any good organization or religion.

6.what have you achieved by joining freemasonry ?

The only thing that s really "achievable" in Masonry is making good friends, and trying to live by the moral code. Personally, I have volunteered much more than I planned to, I have visited places and met people I would never have met otherwise, and I have learned some pretty good thought paradigms that I may not have thought of on my own. It has made me a better man, husband, and father. can you go to the next level ?

You just ask, pay your dues, and show up. It is pretty simple. You can't have any felonies, you have to be respected by your peers, and you have to show up to participate. The only level that is different is the "honorary" level of 33rd Degree. It is very simple to become a 32nd Degree, but the 33rd degree is bestowed after years of good works and visibility by your peers. you see any connection between Illuminati and freemasonry ?

Only on the internet, and by anti-Masons. Masons do use some pretty cool symbology, and it is often mimicked in songs, movies, or other groups looking to be mysterious and interesting. There is no connection, just emulation of an interesting group..

9.what is your idea about this documentary "Inside The Freemasons The Grand Lodge Uncovered 2010" ?

Haven't seen it. Haven't read Pike. Only barely watched the History Channel specials. If I do watch or read any of those things, it is usually disappointing. They are either inaccurate, or they just have little substance and a lot of speculation. I tend to prefer facts over speculation and theory.

Thanks for the questions. I hope that helps.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

they joined out of cowardice, a to be a pack of wolves is more powerful and less frightening than being a lone wolf. which exemplifies weakness. as one must be strong mentally and physically to be a lone wolf.

to get out of speeding tickets. for real, why not suck up to the group.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.. right masons?

i as a former marine, coast guard rescue operator, fed agent, hydraulic engineer. had many offers to "attend" on tues nights. but they dudes were kinda like a throng of non-alpha males. oops there goes the wolf analogy again. but an old gunny sgt of mine was the first to pull me aside and give me a little info about those who were "in the masons". a true group of 2nd rate men. all the weaker staff nco's and brass were members, and all the tough dudes "real-life john wayne and clint eastwood's" thought the masons were a complete group of pathetic losers. not the highest scores on the range, not the higherst pft (personal fitness test), not the highest test scores, truly second rate.

any mason is ----like the guy who got picked on in high scholl who becomes a cop-- or--- had a crush on some girl that went for a "superior breeder" instead, yet the anguish never went away---or--- like the guy who has to have the biggest truck or bank account to ""compensate"" for a lack of substance in the manhood region

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom

1.why did you join freemasonry ?

Out of interest in the history, traditions, and symbolism of the fraternity.

2. wasn't there any other way to gain your goals ?

Well, one can always read about it, but it's not the same as actually experiencing it.

3.didn't you join it to get rich fast and to get more opportunities ?

One does not get rich or "get more opportunities" by joining the Freemasons. you have a free will to get out of this group in every grade you want ?

Freemasonry is a voluntary fraternal organization, and operates like a civic club. If one wishes to resign from membership, there is certainly nothing preventing him from doing so.

5.what do you do in your rituals ?

The fraternity has two classes of ritual, public and private. The private rituals are initiation ceremonies for new members. The public rituals compose things like celebrations of the Festivals of the Holy Saints John, dedication of buildings, Masonic funeral rites, and installation of Lodge officers.

6.what have you achieved by joining freemasonry ?

A more intimate knowledge of Freemasonry. can you go to the next level ?

If by "level" you mean degree, you advance by demonstrating proficiency in the degree that you currently hold, and payment of initiation fees for the next higher degree. you see any connection between Illuminati and freemasonry ?

The Bavarian Illuminati was a quasi-Masonic rite that consisted of nine degrees. The 4th, 5th, and 6th degrees of the Illuminati were actually the first three degrees (blue lodge) of Masonry. The Illuminati's leader, Adam Weishaupt, had plotted a takeover of German Freemasonry which was unsuccessful. Eventually, the Illuminati were infiltrated by the Bavarian secret police, and disbanded.

9.what is your idea about this documentary "Inside The Freemasons The Grand Lodge Uncovered 2010" ?

Never heard it, I'll have to watch it when I have more time.

edit on 28-4-2011 by Masonic Light because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by rebeldog

Neat story.

Might even be true for your little group, and might even be true for some people's reasoning for joining.

As for me, it was exactly the opposite. It was one more notch in my belt, one more thing to add to my character, one more thing to have endured and grown from.

Fantasize all you want, it is much easier to be a "lone wolf" when you are all alone, it is a much harder endeavor to be a strong, confident, individual, that does not follow the pack, when you are also actively participating in a number of packs. Try being a lone wolf, when you are never alone. That is the true show of strength and character.

And for the record, I'm always up for a friendly challenge, any time, in the ring, on the mat, or at the range.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by rebeldog

If your goal is to Kick ass and take names, you are much better to be a lone wolf. If you like to kick ass and have gotten in trouble for it, there is a very good chance you would not be accepted into the masons anyway, so no harm there. But if you want to help others, there is no better way than by doing it as a group. It is much easier to help in a very massive way when joining efforts with others of like mind.

You might be right about your thoughts, I was not quite Marine Recon material so I did the air force. While I never shot at anyone, I could have hit them with my toolbox if they got too close. I have a lot of respect for the gung ho type marines and special forces guys. Not everyone can be that guy and we need them to be out front so others can do what they have to do. Thanks for your service.

edit to add:
I still have to pay for my tickets. If you know any tricks to get out of them please share.
edit on 28-4-2011 by network dude because: Augustusmasonicus won't share his beer

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
1.why did you join freemasonry ?

I liked the moral code and the focus on charity, and I find tirual to be a powerful form of learning.

2. wasn't there any other way to gain your goals ?

This question seems to be based on the assumption that the next is true.

3.didn't you join it to get rich fast and to get more opportunities ?

Absolutely not; in fact, I and every regular Mason had to affirm that we were not joining Freemasonry for this reason. you have a free will to get out of this group in every grade you want ?

Absolutely. It's called a demit, and all I have to do is request one.

5.what do you do in your rituals ?

The first two degrees are split into two parts: a section whereby one swears not to reveal the secrets of the degrees (the passwords, signs and handshakes) and is then shown them, and a lecture imparting the moral lessons of that degree. In the Master Mason degree, a short ritual drama (a play) is put on between these sections.

6.what have you achieved by joining freemasonry ?

I've made friends, become more charitable and learned a lot. can you go to the next level ?

There is no "level" or degree higher than that of Master Mason. you see any connection between Illuminati and freemasonry ?

The Illuminati modeled itself after Freemasonry and attempted to use German lodges toward its ends. This act was punished by expulsion of all Illuminists from the Grand Lodge of Germany, and contributed to the eventual dissolution of the Illuminati.

9.what is your idea about this documentary [REDACTED] ?

I don't download attachments from people I don't know.

You can purchsae at Inside The Freemasons The Grand Lodge Uncovered 2010*

I also don't buy things that tell me what I could learn for free.

edit on 28-4-2011 by OnTheLevel213 because: removed accidental complicity in IP theft.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:27 AM
I didn't join! But I am a charter member of Lions international in my area. The Lions are charity based, and in fact we now carry a charity number, we are not a secret organisation and there is no affiliation to the Masons. Hereabouts the Masons are not exactly known for their charity work in the community at large, although I do know a number of Masons, so I guess that Masonry has a different ethos here than in the states, possibly more in the way of self-help for those who are Masons.
edit on 28-4-2011 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

I made an extensive reply but ATS had a hiccup and it was lost.

I will try again.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

These are almost precisely my answers as well.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by smurfy

My lodge has donated more than $2.1 million to senior services in our county in the last fifteen years, but people probably wouldn't ever know because we don't really care to advertise our charity.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by smurfy

My lodge has donated more than $2.1 million to senior services in our county in the last fifteen years, but people probably wouldn't ever know because we don't really care to advertise our charity.

Like I said, there must be a different ethos here. You don't say if the $2.1million is a percentage of what you have raised, or is the total amount.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:47 AM
So i could rule the world
and at some point outer space

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by GeeDee
So i could rule the world
and at some point outer space
Oh, are you a member of Tranquility Lodge #2000?

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