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Do you WANT there to be major catastrophes in 2012?

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posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:13 PM
Hello all,

I am very interested to hear how many people are actually looking forward to a 2012 scenario, and how many hope nothing will happen at all.

I'm not asking what you think will happen. I'm asking what you want to happen.

So do you want it to happen?

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:16 PM
I am curious to see how it all plays out and to see if the mayan prediction really is real. However the minute any major disaster happens the boards will be flooded with see i told you so threads which will make this place crazier than it already is. so i am kind of on the fence.
edit on 22-4-2011 by lcbjr1979 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by sign00

Hopefully peace
I'm was really hoping to activate the living library and wake the hell up!!! Ever here of the planet that just didn't know how to get along with itself?


posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:20 PM
First of all no, I don't think anything special will happen. But you have to keep in mind something could happen at any moment, so yes something could happen. As for what I want to happen? I want the masses to wake, wake up to corporatist greed. I want them to turn off the t.v. I want them to realize the media for what it is, lies, and a distraction from the real problems like elites and our corrupt politicians in Washington. I want mass awakening.

all the best,
edit on 22-4-2011 by XxRagingxPandaxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:20 PM
I hope nothing happens i have just brought a child into the world and hope he gets a long fulfilled life. That being said i think my hopes are in vain because much of the world revolves around human thought, if a huge amount of people think bad things will happen then they will.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:27 PM
Oh HELL no! "My Will Smith inpersonation"
No disaster or war...I don't want my kids to grow up like Mel Gibson in Mad Max!
I would like to see is a WAKE UP! call for humanity.
Nothing that would throw the world into chaos.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by sign00

Not a catastrophe...change...real change.We have lost our way.We allow ourselves to be dictated because we have been weakened and domesticated.We want want want.No one gives a crap about each other unless they are close friends or family..We are ALL family..or should be anyway. Humanity has allowed itself to be corralled like cattle while a few live in paradise.Whether you want to accept that or not does not is fact and is the way it is. Yes you all sit in your own environments and live the life you provide for yourselves..but the fact is..everyone born to this planet has a right to shelter and food..that is real progress.Everyone has the right to educate themselves at their own pace.I mean think of us..floating in the universe..a miracle...and we live as slaves.slaves happy with shiny toys and materialistic things.We have failed.ALL OF US HAVE. If a catastrophic event is what it will take for our greedy hands to let go of this selfish materialistic world then so be it. Everything YOU have, everyone deserves,Everything the elites have we deserve.Everything that is should be for everyone who is.
edit on 22-4-2011 by Dominus1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-4-2011 by Dominus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:34 PM
I personally am a firm believer in the "like attracts like" concept...where by...negative out begets negative in, and vice versa. This quote speaks volumes...

What you resist, persists. What you fight you get more of ~ Carl Jung

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:34 PM
What i want to happen is the world keeps spinning( the same direction). No comet Elenin and no meteor shower. I just want the world to stay the same....almost the same. I want the illuminati to come out of hiding so their can be a " Change" FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. I want to live in a peacefull world with a currency free global economy. Just maybe with no money around there could be no fat-cat investors trying to swindle and scam the people out of penny they got and not keep them in a infinite loop of paying bills untill they die.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Everyone who believes in the 2012 nonsense will be sat eagerly waiting wetting their pants everytime the slightest bit of trouble appears on the news, I for one will be avoiding this place once it gets closer to the 'date' so I can avoid the salivating morons wishing it to happen (of course denying this is the case), rubbing their hands with glee when a disaster happens by coincidence and innocent people perish.
I want people to search a 2 part mini series called The Second Coming by Russell T Davis (an Atheist who also wrote Queer as folk), its British (as am I) and is about an ordinary guy who becomes the return of the Massire (hence second coming), the part I particularly want you to take note of is the part played by tubby actor Mark Benton, watch his excitement as the world turns to chaos because he thinks the end of the world is coming, its what I picture in my mind everytime I see some ... person ... here relishing in the 2012 myth.
I doubt one single 2012 believer will own up to being wrong of course, much like every other failed prediction fear mongerers and their disciples and gullible followers.
I fear one day someone with the same mindset will get into a very high position of power and 'help things along' a bit like religious types who try and force things in accordance to the Bible so that the apocalypse would be that much closer.
I'd rather hope people would admit they was wrong on 2012 and maybe just maybe start to act a little more optimistic and positive about the world and start to shake off superstitions, but of course someone will find the date was wrong because xyz reason and its actual xx/xx/2014 so we go back round in circles and a fresh batch of doom and gloom worshippers will jump on board, another movie will cash in and a bunch of documentaries all pointing to other myths and nonsense.
But what do I know, I just have a silly method of taking note of all the failed predictions and the reoccurring themes around these parts.
Behold The End Is Nigh! it's been nigh for a long time hasn't it, hence the old style wording of that very phrase.
Just on a similar note, when a predictor is right 0.0001% of the time to some vague capacity that equates to 100% of the time with some minor flaws in a lot of peoples minds on this site and around the world in general.
People practically worship the likes of Nostradamus because of the vague cryptic coincidences, I doubt they know of the many thousands of failed predictions that he made that bore no resemblance to anything at all no matter how much people tried to force cryptic rhymes to fit events.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by sign00

Great point- as the father of a beautiful 7 year old girl, I do not want her to go through some mass chaos/death/destruction event.But- on the other hand, I feel like the human race needs a "restart", or whatever you want to call it.Because what we're doing isn't working.It makes my heart very heavy...

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:43 PM
I'm with Shaiker, I have a 5 yr old boy and hope that nothing happens, EVER. I want him to experience all the fun, happiness and pain of a normal life. I hesitated on having children because I always worried about that child suffering in some disaster type scenario. I don't want anything to happen to change that. Disclosure, economic upheaval I can deal with. Mega disasters that will put my child at risk to go on with nothing, starvation, or no parents is not what I had in mind for him.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:52 PM
I have 2 kids but I still hope something happens. My take on it is, it is going to be some sort of war. I am ready to make the sacrifice of comfortable living so they can be guaranteed a better tomorrow. I'd rather it happen to them as youngsters then in there teens, kids there age find the best in everything. I am sufficiently ready to take all of us to the woods and build a transitional place to live for as long as it takes.

But if nothing happens that would be cool too!

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by sign00
Hello all,

I am very interested to hear how many people are actually looking forward to a 2012 scenario, and how many hope nothing will happen at all.

I'm not asking what you think will happen. I'm asking what you want to happen.

So do you want it to happen?

What do I think will happen? Personally I think things will continue to degrade to a point where the mass will eventually start to oppose negative activities that are currently taking place and begin to regain moral and ethical ground that has been lost since greed and money has run rampant.

I believe in a dream.

SnF (there is always the need for more discussion for both our and future generations

edit on 22-4-2011 by AeonStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:54 PM
Tough question! I dont want thousands/millions of lives lost, heck I got 7 kids and 4 stepkids, but I want whatever it takes for the "madness" to end. If I have to lose my life in 2012, I want it to be for a good reason! I will keep living as normal as possible until "then", but I am planning to stock food and water for any disaster that may come. I refuse to look my dyeing child in the eye and say, oops, should have been prepared! My bad! This goes for any disaster, not just "2012"

I guess, even though I know it will be rough, I want the government to crash and burn. I want people to be less materialistic, and be self sustainable community wise. I have a garden, use cloth diapers, want some chickens, lol and am on a personal mission to be dependent on me and mines.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:04 PM
Also, I know as parents, we dont want to have our kids in the pooh. Fact is, neither did any parents before us. Now here we are the great great whatevers, and we are neck deep in their pooh. This has to end. We are free creatures, even if we are "civilised" sp?.

I will mourn for the suffering of my children if something shall happen. I just prey its worth it in the end for my great great whatevers. Human sacrifice sux.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by AnteBellum
I have 2 kids but I still hope something happens. My take on it is, it is going to be some sort of war. I am ready to make the sacrifice of comfortable living so they can be guaranteed a better tomorrow. I'd rather it happen to them as youngsters then in there teens, kids there age find the best in everything. I am sufficiently ready to take all of us to the woods and build a transitional place to live for as long as it takes.

But if nothing happens that would be cool too!

As a father of two young girls you really make me sick.
How about we flip a coin, if its heads I shoot your kids in the face, if its tails I give them a million dollars each.
That is the exact same mentality of your 2012 salivating theoretical crap.
I question you as a human being let alone a father, if the 2012 nonsense did come to pass it would seem more likely that any huge war that would bring huge change would also have huge consequences and as much as you would love to gamble your childrens lives on the off chance it somehow brings your utopian future it is much more likely they would be killed, your little hut and survivalist tactics wont save you from nuclear destruction.
I don't care what the odds are, my childrens lives are not going on any roulette wheel, I would rather hope for some sort of middle ground than ... forget it, rant over, you enjoy your utopian dream and just picture your kids on that roulette wheel, you will never see logic because you have clearly lost your mind.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by keepithush

I think showintail is trying to say that we must also think of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc. Is it not narrow-minded to forget about these also? Would you not want your great-grandchildren to grow up in a better world than this one? We are also children, if we die for our children it is no different to our children dying for their children, how would your parents feel? Think of it like that.

BTW, I'm not giving any opinion for either side. I'm just interested to hear what everyone has to say. But keepithush, you and showintail are both parents, so maybe think how hurt you would be if someone just said to you what you said to him, as if you actually know the person other rather than just reading an opinion on a forum - it's not right to judge like that.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:45 PM
Like most other posters, I don't want major catastrophes but some type of restart or awakening would be nice.

This life has been so difficult - it's been like a class.

I would love to find out this life was just a dream.

(But in reality, I think 2012 will be just like any other year)
edit on April 22nd 2011 by Daughter2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by sign00

Thank you, and yes, I understand some may be offended. I will fight for my kids until my last breathe. But I dont control nor predict the future. You have it correct what I was trying to say. I am not so good with words.

I know 2 things in this life.
1. There is a "god"
2. I am not "god"

Was not trying to offend anyone or their children. If I had my way "tptb" would be the only to suffer

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