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No Looting in Japan

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:38 PM

It has been often discussed in blogs and online media, but don't expect Times to put this social commentary piece in its pages anytime soon. The big question is why? Is it religion, values taught in the home or school, or do the Japanese enjoy a quality of life that is different from their more desperate neighbors. Unemployment is low in Japan. Whether or not the government has a transparent and honest relationship with the japanese, they obviously have the some of the right idea in how they do business and spread the wealth with jobs and financial opportunities for its people. Here in the US, our government is draining us dry. What is a government's job if not to ensure that everyone that supports and depends on it is fed, clothed, housed, and has dignity of life? If that is not the case for a significant amount of people, then it is time to overhaul it because it has failed us. Because I don't feel that my neighbors here will be as honorable as the Japanese. I think many Americans are so desperate, with heads full of reality shows depicting other people's excess, that they feel entitled to take what they want by force when order breaks down. What happened in the stadiums in Katrina was foul. Strife is supposed to bring out the best, most noble sides of ourselves. It's what creates heroes. But our heroes are being whittled away by our pop culture of fast wealth and SUV's.

What do all of you think? Do you feel safe in knowing that your neighbors will react like the Japanese or be reduced to animals if there were a disaster and why. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Namaste.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:42 PM
In the U.S.? They will turn to animals ... look at Katrina.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by sunqueen30

They have a stronger feeling of national pride, they all actually care about one another from their country and see each other as equals. People in other countries are much more diverse and people are more hostile toward other ethnicities, myself included and I'm honest about it. In Japan people also probably have better morals and ideologies too.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:44 PM
What amazes me about this is the headline, 'NO LOOTING!'
Like this is a freak occurrence in nature or something rare to report on.

Then again if there were riots. the headlines would be different. but we would still have them.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:48 PM
That comes from TRUE democracy, not the BARBARISM practiced in U.S. under the name of democracy.

But honestly I don’t think that even Americans will reduce to animals when a major disaster happens, don’t believe in media and Hollywood’s crap.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:51 PM
We can thank all these entitlements and handouts for part of this. All these entitlements have done nothing but teach people how not to do things for themselves. As it is, people only need to go to their mailbox to pick up their life ring and when SHTF, that goes away and then they are left clueless as to what to do without a flotation device. Then human nature takes over and then chaos erupts. Zero personal responsibility creates this mess. In a SHTF scenario, it is the people that depend on the government that are really going to suffer because they do not know how to cope without someone holding their hands. Those that are free of the entitlements will probably get by just fine, as they are probably more able to adapt to and overcome adversity.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by amkia
don’t believe in media and Hollywood’s crap.

Not to be rude but aren't you forgetting the facts here? Look what happened in the past. I'm afraid that it's a hard-tell for what's coming in our (United States) next "disaster".

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by amkia

You must not have been near Watts, south central during the OJ trials or Rodney King, or Katrina. Hell, it could be a football game in some of those cities and they'll find a reason to go buckwild.

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