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everything in this world should be free

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posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:31 PM
i personally believe that something destructive has to happen for man kind to get to the way they should be

i believe we shouldn't have to pay to live. ya of course everyone thinks we would get nowhere if nobody was payed to do what they do, but i think it would work. if someone has certain skills they could trade those skills for another persons.. ( for example)... i can build a house.. i dont know how to put electricity through it . maybe you do, now i can build your house so you can put electricity in mine .. right same goes for everything else in the world. you can grow food on your land.. people need food so you could get the guy who can build a house and the guy who can put electricity in it, in exchange for your food.

another subject usually brought up is inventions. imagine scientists who dont have to pay for machinery and materials.. we would be so far more advanced. people seem to think they wouldnt do it because they dont get payed. well back in the day people invented because they wanted to. they wanted to help humanity.there would be no wars people could live where they wanted there would be no borders because people would bring thier skills from around the world to help. ( my thoughts anyways) im not sure exactly how it would work but its a nice thought and i think everyone would be better off. there would be less starving people and probably no homeless. just saying because without money there is no crime. no drugs, or dealers, no sensless murders,etc. less lazy people. you could travel the world with out papers and worrying about money problems..
just a thought i had. pls dont leave nasty replys. just saying i think everything should be free. post your thoughts on weather you think it would be possative or negative the pros or cons. thanks for reading

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:34 PM
That goes completely against human nature. It wouldn't work. It might work for a little while, but soon you'll have the leeches taking advantage, people claiming they're doing more work than others, some claiming that others need to be doing X YZ, some insisting on doing things they're not skilled at....

It really wouldn't work. Humans are messed up creatures.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:37 PM
Trading and paying are the same thing. So your arguement is invalid..

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Celcius

yah but its nice to think about lol plus we need to do something about the world we live in. its garbage to be. we need to take after the ants
they got it made lol

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by demontigny

How do ants have it made? slaves being born to work, and then just die?

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:49 PM
unfortunately they engineered you to toil and compete..they would have to totally redesign the populace for it to work. yes that means everyone gets exterminated

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by demontigny

DON'T YOU HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HUMAN NATURE. With all do respect nobody on this planet has any say about what our human nature really is. Unless you have anything besides a theory do humanity a favor and stfu. Find the spark of life then talk.

I agree with your post! free flow of goods

How you get a free flow of goods is difficult but possible. It would require communities of up to a max of 400 people that raise their own food and take care of themselves. Definitley doable though
edit on 02/23/2011 by mrjones7885 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:51 PM
Does not compute.
While I believe eventually we need a similar system, it won't be based on barter.

It will be a form of NEW WORLD ORDER.

What you do will be based on some sort of aptitude/interest quotient per occupation.
Everyone that can work will have to but work will be a smaller part of your day.

Those that can but won't will be sent to camps where they will have to toil to survive.

Some sort of socialism/capitalism hybrid system that will allow for those that want extra things to earn them fairly will probably exist.

If we don't go in that direction and stop wars we won't last much longer.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:57 PM
I agree. Money is slavery and forced labor for lodgings plus deprivation of natural rights to lands and resources as if you're not an equal inhabitant is also complete slavery and crimes against humanity. So I denounce/renouce every government of this world. Period.

Welcome to ATS.

edit on 17-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by ziggystrange
Does not compute.
While I believe eventually we need a similar system, it won't be based on barter.

It will be a form of NEW WORLD ORDER.

What you do will be based on some sort of aptitude/interest quotient per occupation.
Everyone that can work will have to but work will be a smaller part of your day.

Those that can but won't will be sent to camps where they will have to toil to survive.

Some sort of socialism/capitalism hybrid system that will allow for those that want extra things to earn them fairly will probably exist.

If we don't go in that direction and stop wars we won't last much longer.

Not happening. Ever. They're going to go be facing the consequences of their actions.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:11 PM
Things like water and food should be free,but if it were,then people would be getting more then they need so they would have to ration it out and come up with a new system.
I personally,overall,think that still paying for resources is a good way of rationing it out but those who cannot afford the basics should have tickets or something but NO ONE should go without the basics.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:24 PM
I have often thought about how a world without money would operate, and I do believe it is possible, but only with every ones cooperation and of course that is pretty hard to accomplish because of reasons that member Celcius mentioned.

The greed, ego, jealously, lies and hate of humans doesn't allow for a system to exist for our species as a whole, but if there were to come a time in the future where human kind is able to shed these traits, be it by revolution, global catastrophe, ascension, cosmic awareness, self awareness or all of the above, and start a new world of love and peace and cooperation, then this system could exist.

But I don't quite see it as you do with the trade system, although something close. I see a system where everyone just does what brings them happiness, where all the "house builders" don't do it because it pays or because they can trade it for stuff but because they're life passion is building houses and where farm guy doesn't grow food to sell or trade but just for the simple fact that's what he loves to do.

So instead of trading everyone just gives everything away to everyone, farm guys is going to give food to as many people as he possibly can and is not necessarily getting anything back from them, but he doesn't care because thats not the point, he wants to help everyone he can and the point of helping people is not what your getting in return. House building guys just build houses for anyone at all that needs one and won't necessarily get anything back from them.

So this system can work IF everyone cooperates. Your job gets to be whatever it is that you love from walking dogs to being a doctor to being a farmer or a writer, a builder or a teacher. Everything you need is provided for you by your neighbors for free all your life. This works better than trading because if all you can do is build a house, but all the farmers already have houses looks like your gonna starve. In this system everyone gives everything to everyone not because of what they're getting in return but because it is going to help them and make their lives better, and because if everyone plays along everyone gets to have an extremely high standard of living

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:26 PM
The land is ours as well, and communities need to have the imput of everyone to provide choice, beautiful and safe acreage/eco farms for everyone. And like bali used to do, design eco homes like earthship homes and do community house raising. With lending a helping hand for organic heritage gardens indoors and out. All people should have a free continual education and tons of wonderful careers to try on, and lots of opportunities to volunteer, guilds for inventions/music/art, and all numbers of craftsmen and high clean technology.

Sort of the like the Venus Project but grass roots,ever larger circles and counsels of citizens running things, taking turns with watchdog counsels that can out corruption fast.

edit on 17-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by demontigny

I wish I could give you a star too. This is called idealism. It is highly discouraged, laughed at and bandied about as impossible. It will never fly only because people are afraid to take it for a spin!
And if it doesn't take off you tinker with it and then try again, and again, until you get it right.
People will not admit they are as good as they are. See the comments?
We cannot. Yes you can. This is what Christ said for us to do. Share the bounty since they are all gifts given to the least of us and care for each other. It is a mission and a request.
I always had the impression that if we could unify and accomplish at least these small measures of success there is something that comes next. Something bigger planned for us all.
What is the definition of humanity if not concern and cessation of unnecessary suffering here on Earth. The suffering preventable by human action of course not natural disasters but still in the aftermath we can certainly make a difference.
Hunger, poverty, oppression (cruelty and subjugation) and disease.
God or no God. This is not a religious issue!!! They are basic human needs and human issues.
I have to ask all thinking people this too. Will we ever have a planet free of these?

I think you are a sensitive thoughtful person in a calloused and aggressive dog eat dog world.
Welcome friend (or food.) I guess now is the time to decide. Sad but true.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:43 AM
It's called barter, you can do it now if you so wish.

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