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alien human breeding

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posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by MainLineThis

im not saying this this what several reaserchers are saying is happening. so i am just questioning these claims of what people are saying is happening

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by connorromanow
The person that posted before your reply, The only truth he said was "idiot" . Don't let him get you in an aguement. As for Hybrids, I you had an nice little planet you liked to visit, and they were all idiots, they take a little of their DNA and Put a little of ours, [ leaving the idiot genes out] and you do this right before 2/3 of life on that little planet will is gone due to a world extinction event. Then when the little planet settles down, You take the Hybrids back most would be in their 20s, to repopulate. Now that is a very Clear Agenda.
I do hope they get all the idiot genes. LOL Especially one that do not know the definition of "Invasion"

S&F Good to make people think,

This is a cool video and the music is awsome.


posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by superman2012

I meant humans asking more intelligent aliens for some dna for the purpose of science minds creating technology and national power advantage ie nuclear, HAARP etc.
edit on 18-4-2011 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

Anytime you use mythology and genesis(aka mythology) as your source for your opinion, you know you need to re think it.

Did you just tell me that you think I need to rethink my opinion? Come on Panda get a grip buddy.

First of all it is not an opinion, but a theory loosely placed on a multitude of bits of information through the ages. It all actually makes sense, compared to the gibberish you have contributed to this thread.

As to the op. No I don't think we've been bred with aliens. Aids supposedly came about by a guy banging a monkey so I guess it's possible we're part alien, but not plausible as a monkey is still from Earth. If we are part alien or were exposed to aliens I think we would have started out with tech than sharpened stones.

For a person who frequents a conspiracy website you are very close minded. Even non "conspiracy theorists" know for certain that aids was probably man made. I will let you do your own research.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:17 AM
all right ive done some thinking, and i realized i had made a false statement, about human alien breeding in saying that our species should be incompatable, and that is that at least in theory if you took the 46 chromasomes that make up humans and pt them on another planet the creature that evolves from it could look nothing like us. so for all we know greys could also have 46 chromasomes like us and thefore we should create viable, healthy hybrids, at least in theory so i guess this opens it the possibility of this breeding actualy happening

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by connorromanow

There have been some good guesses here, but the truth after downright rigorous research is that the mind of an alien, yet so damn far advanced it literally does look like they come from another world, is demented and psychotic to earth standards. They are the type of beings who mutilate a cattle while it is still alive. They are the type of beings who psychically go into the minds of abductees and steal their vital soul energy through arranging events in the future. John Lear exposed this in 1987, and Eve Lorgen wrote a book on it, not knowing she discovered what the events were 15 years later.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by greyer

god knows im probably not even close on my reaserch, all i have are my best guesses with abit of evidence to support it, but really its hard to tell when looking into a stealthy hidden prescence

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by connorromanow

I know what you mean by stealthy hidden presence. I am turning into so much of a believer now. Here are some picture taken by a Colorado police department in the 70s. If these grey aliens are true they are so far advanced, they are able to carry out all areas of their agenda without public knowledge, and they deeply want to be kept secret, yet they still give us the evidence of leaving the cattle for us to see (basically letting us know we don't want to mess with them).

The UFO would sit in the sky, and they would witness smaller UFOs coming out of it.

After witnessing these things they would see the lights come down to the fields, and there would be a mutilated cattle the next day.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by amari
This is a good question and I have answered the question in my own mind about alien human breeding. The human soul is one of the most prized and sought after possessions in the all of this particular Universe. The alien agenda is to breed with humans to capture the soul they do not have. By breeding with humans they can capture the soul into a hybrid and having the ability to control that hybrid. Remember the soul is forever in other words ever lasting life and this is what the aliens desire even though they can replicate themselves over and over and the aliens know that the human soul is multi-dimensional. ^Y^
edit on 17-4-2011 by amari because: (no reason given)

Amari, you said it a lot better than I could have. The Soul/Spirit is a prized thing. Many who have experienced the Grays say [they] call our carbon based human bodies "Containers," and for good reason, we as a Spiritual Being do ride around in these containers, do we not? I sincerely believe that several intelligent ET races are attempting to create a hybrid race, but for what reason I do not know. I have even come to think that I myself may be one of these, certain things concerning by birth, coupled with the fact there are no true records, and fake records exist that are iffy at best. So, the question always on my mind is simply Why Me? And if, big word, this is true, then I could not possibly be the only one, there would be others. Many others.

That being said I know for a fact a war for our souls is a reality. So who wants them? I don't know. Why do they, collective word, want them? The best answer I can give to that is ENERGY. We, that which is us, collectively, the Human Soul is composed of Pure Divine Energy. I have said it before, not I will say is again. If we, Humanity, collectively, if we all got together in Love, would could in fact move mountains. We could in fact shake the very Foundations of this Universe. TPTB know this, as does the Religious Organized Corporation know this. But you, the individual does not know this. Fred down the street doesn't know, nor does Connie from across the street. We all need to begin the re-education of humanity, starting with your friends and neighbors. The truth is, if we want a better world, we have to make it as such. We are the Creators here.

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