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Jesse Ventura "Its not our government anymore"

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posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:42 AM
Interview between Lou Dobbs and Jesse Ventura...Discussing TSA groping 6 year old and the loss of the people's government.... Check it out..

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:55 AM
"It's not our government anymore.."
Never more true than when it's aimed at our corrupt government here in Blighty.
I've never known a time when ones supposedly elected government has lied to the people to get into power and then openly and without forethought turned on it's own people in such a viscious and callous way... I thought it was just us but it seems it's everyone, no matter what country you reside in...
In 1642 ordinary Englishmen fought against a corrupt king and won.
In 1775 ordinary Americans fought against a corrupt British king and won.
Could 2011/12 be the year that ordinary people around the world fight against corrupt governments world wide to win their freedom..?

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by RufusDriftwood
In 1642 ordinary Englishmen fought against a corrupt king and won.
In 1775 ordinary Americans fought against a corrupt British king and won.
Could 2011/12 be the year that ordinary people around the world fight against corrupt governments world wide to win their freedom..?

The people who fought for their independence previously are of a far different mettle than that of people today. While there are many who have had it with the corruption in government and would love to see something done about it, there is a leadership vacuum and it seems people are waiting for someone else to do something. If things continue down the current path, there will be no choice but to do something and we will see the uprising begin.

Unfortunately for Jesse, this is our government and we are guilty of allowing it to be the tyrannical force that it has become.
edit on 14-4-2011 by bozzchem because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:32 AM
just STOP FLYING!!!! within 2 weeks of noone flying and this crap would cease

god, why are so many braindead??

ok, wah, wah, wah---i can already here the excuses.. I won't allow my family to fly and visit family, so what we have phone, email, dig cameras...

don't fly unless it is to see your mom on her death bed. refuse to fly for business.. I mean come on stand up.. I've put my money where my mouth is : rather I've lost money where my mouth is..

so many people are soooooo freaking WEAK.... a WEAK human being doesn't deserve to breath, as they are in the way of liberty...

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

It isn't as easy as "stop flying", besides if that did happen the airlines wouldn't lose money because the government would just bail them out again. It isn't the airline's fault that our government and the TSA do what they do, I'm sure they are just as irritated by it, but that is just my opinion. There are tens of thousands of people that rely on air travel to conduct business everyday. If everyone stopped flying it would kill our economy even more if that is even possible. Don't get me wrong, I like where your head is at, but I think if there was a mass boycott of the airlines it would only hurt us even more.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by OptimusSubprime

you are one of the weak? i don't think so maybe just not thinking it through.. THE AIRLINES have all the power needed to stop the TSA if it was important enough to them.

are you really of the opinion the airlines don't have the power to do so?

and how would it hurt us more, when we would be stopping another tyrannical and criminal act which goes against the 4th?

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by rebeldog
reply to post by OptimusSubprime

you are one of the weak? i don't think so maybe just not thinking it through.. THE AIRLINES have all the power needed to stop the TSA if it was important enough to them.

are you really of the opinion the airlines don't have the power to do so?

and how would it hurt us more, when we would be stopping another tyrannical and criminal act which goes against the 4th?

I'm many things but weak isn't one of them. Sure the airlines could stop it if they wanted to, but why should they? All they care about is profit and they know that the vast majority of sheeple in this country will shut up and do as they are told. As far as the progressive left is concerned, 9/11 is the best thing that could have happened in America because they can now bring their totalitarian agenda to the front in the interest of safety and security. Besides, pilots and other airline employees are allowed a much lighter version of the screening process or they get to skip it altogether so what do they care? I agree that the TSA screening grossly violates the 4th amendment, but since when has that ever mattered, at least in the last decade? I assure you that you and I are on the same side of the freedom argument, but I have come to the realization that the constitution is dead and can not be revived via the political process. I still believe in the Constitution because it exists rather it is written down on paper or not. Our rights are on loan from God and it is our duty to protect and defend those rights, but our battles must be chosen with great care and prudence.

I think you make a great argument. If everyone stopped flying then the airlines would be forced to put the TSA in check, but I don't know if that would work. I think the airlines would be bailed out by money that doesn't exist, making our economic situation even worse. Local economies would be hurt as well because less people would be spending money in those local economies due to not flying. Besides, it isn't very realistic to think that enough people would stop flying to really make a statement or impact, and even if they did the bought and paid for media wouldn't cover it anyway.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime

...Sure the airlines could stop it if they wanted to, but why should they? All they care about is profit and they know that the vast majority of sheeple in this country will shut up and do as they are told...

That's why people need to be woken up. If people DID stop flying, the airlines' profits would be affected, and they would have to get things fixed or go belly (fuselage?) up.

...I have come to the realization that the constitution is dead and can not be revived via the political process...

Correct. The political process is a sham and has been for quite some time. Action BY THE PEOPLE is what is needed to fix the problem, not more politicians jabbering away about how they'll fix things if they get elected.

...I think you make a great argument. If everyone stopped flying then the airlines would be forced to put the TSA in check, but I don't know if that would work. I think the airlines would be bailed out by money that doesn't exist, making our economic situation even worse...

I don't think the airlines would be bailed out if their loss of revenue was due to people en masse no longer flying. Why should they be bailed out in that situation? The circumstance would (should) continue, which means they would not gain the revenue to "pay back" the bailout.

Also, if they WERE bailed out, and it made our economic situation worse, then so be it. I can't think of a better reason to turn this mess of a country on its head than to protect our rights to personal freedom.

...Local economies would be hurt as well because less people would be spending money in those local economies due to not flying...

I'm not sure this is really true. While I don't have numbers to back it up, I would venture to say that the majority of people buy their airline tickets online, which doesn't aid the local economy at all. As far as travelers flying in to other locations, it might have some impact (particularly for tourist-trap areas), but people can still get there by driving (which brings up the gas/oil argument, but that's for another time). I can't help but think people might actually HELP their local economies more by not flying...stay local, pay local.

...Besides, it isn't very realistic to think that enough people would stop flying to really make a statement or impact, and even if they did the bought and paid for media wouldn't cover it anyway.

The first part of this statement is, sadly, probably true, unless there is a solid way to wake people up. I do think the media would HAVE to cover this issue, though if everyone stopped flying. The revenue loss alone would cause the airline PR firms to want to come on the air, the politicians would be asking people to fly because if they didn't it would hurt the economy (in their opinion), etc.

Personally, I've flown ONE TIME since 9/11, and I have no intention of doing so again. Enough is enough. Time for people to wake up and act.
edit on 14-4-2011 by notsofunnyguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime

I think you make a great argument. If everyone stopped flying then the airlines would be forced to put the TSA in check, but I don't know if that would work. I think the airlines would be bailed out by money that doesn't exist, making our economic situation even worse. Local economies would be hurt as well because less people would be spending money in those local economies due to not flying. Besides, it isn't very realistic to think that enough people would stop flying to really make a statement or impact, and even if they did the bought and paid for media wouldn't cover it anyway.

I don't disagree with your argument that if people stopped flying local economies would be hurting from lack of tourism, but consider local economies supporting themselves. Obviously the idea of every small town having all the resources they need to support their people is a little far fetched, (not everyone has oil, or easily cultivated land etc...). This could be achieved without flying. you could have trade between these communities and others, without flying. It of course is not realistic to try to create a big enough momentum to stun the airlines into lobbying for the safety and rights of privacy of the average person, but if enough people did band together, it would be hard to ignore.Also even if it created worse debt because the government had to bail the airlines out, so what? The debt is in the trillions, thats a number so large that it is almost pointless to try to fathom how much stuff you can buy for that money. In effect what I am trying to say is, even if the government had to dish out a hundred billion dollars it wouldn't make all that much difference compared to what is already owed. In any event, i try to do my part and stay away from the airport.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:09 PM
As much as I believe Jessie is a clown, I also believe he's usually on to something about 50% of the time.

He's right, this isn't our country anymore. It's a joke, and in most cases a slap in the face.

Egomaniacs, socalist thinking, bad engineering tactics, monopolies, and "Environmentalists" have ruined 50% of the US production.

.....The people who are actually IN power that listen to them, are responsible for the other 50% of the country's failures.

Let's just go the whole route of democratic rule already. No guns + no work + no one with money = poorly defended fudged up country.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by logicalthinking

There is a part near the end where Jesse mentions how he wrote the book with the word 'conspiracy' in the title and was easily labelled a nut; and how that motivated him to go after government doc's instead, to prove beyond reasonable doubt he things he claims to have discovered.

this is how we ATS members need to operate.

No more of this "OMG blah blah 2012 blah alien blah ww3" followed by a micro paragraph of speculation and a nappy clad band of morons clapping along in rhythm.

lets get back to denying ignorance.

edit on 06/03/2011 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:33 PM
i think jeese ventura is already or will soon become the most important political figure of our time

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:03 PM
'any more'???

At what point was it ever?

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 12:50 AM
Great Video!

I think that the TSA regulations have gotten out of control and they won't stop until we force them to. And this is all in the name of "keeping us safe." They will continue to slowly stangle us with our own safety until we have no freedoms left and are at their bidding.

I hope that we can someday value ourselves as a people of this nation and stand up for our rights instead of slowly watching them erode away as has been done over the decades. We have to remember that for every time we sit and give up our freedoms it's not just us that lose them. It's our kids and gandkids who will have to live without them.

And the most sad thing of all is that they won't even know they have lost them because that is the world they will have grown up in. I don't want my kids and grandkids knowing the freedoms once offered by this country only as text in their history books.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:11 AM
This hasnt been our country for decades. Although I wont say if im for or against these wars, when were we the people ever involved in making the decision to go to war. Its always the politicians that decide. I know that no one ever asked me if we should go to war. This country is now built on politicians, we live the way they tell us to and pay them what they tell us to. It is actually against the law and you can do up to 20 years in prison for conspiring to over throw the government. We are all puppets. I am not very politicaly smart and dont know much about war tactics, but I know how to shoot and I know where to hide when I need to, and I would proudly do the twenty years, if they can catch me, to protect the rights of my kids and grand kids. Our four fathers gave us the right to bear arms to protect ourselves and to form a militia in a time of corrupt government. Looks to me like its a good time to exercise these rights. I know nobody wants to do do anything because they dont know what to do, I would be one to say that I would be proud to start it. I am not a smart person but i am tired of the government giving my hard earned money to corperations and then taking my job away, I do know that this will never end with peaceful protests or new elections. We the people have to take control of the government and restart with people that we can trust.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Seems to me that sometime ago we all went to sleep one night and when we woke up we all, every single one of us, woke up in a created reality similar to the Truman Show! We are offered this increasingly fragile illusion of freedom yet the more and more of the money we all break are backs for is being snatched back by our corrupt governments. In the end we will be working for no financial gain... And what do we call someone who works for nothing or has their wellbeing threatened..?


posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by connorromanow
i think jeese ventura is already or will soon become the most important political figure of our time

I find this rather unlikely. Not enough people even know that he exists, I didn't know who he was until his interview with Piers Morgan. He would just be labelled as a dangerous nut, because he's a conspiracy theorist. No one would bother examining whatever evidence he has, it would simply be his opponents pointing their fingers and calling him crazy.

I'm guessing he lacks the funds for a campaign, by this I mean few people/groups would be likely to contribute, plus if the media is as government controlled as everyone insists, they'd either a, ignore him or b, make him out to an incompetent nut job.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by connorromanow

Isn't that how Obama became president, on false sense of solidarity toward the already stressed population due to government corruption?

But once it became president he became just like another corrupted politician manipulated by private interest like all politicians are in this nation.

I have known for years that "we the people" do not elect our political figures anymore, they are selected and pushed into the voters by elites and private interest, we just "think" we vote.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 10:56 PM


posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by logicalthinking

have you watched this speech the Governor gave the other day in philly? The man gives me chills for his courage, integrity, and testicular fortitude (old marine corps term). I would LOVE to see the man run for prez or VP for ron paul, but if he just ran for prez he could pick Mike Gravel for his running mate. anyway, check this out my second attempt to embed, first attempt failed

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