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Just got off the phone with President Obama .... He wants your opinion

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Oh my where do I begin!?

I voted for Obama sadly.. It was nice to see someone who would stand up for the little guy, who was a real person. Too bad it was all a lie.

How about a little transparency in govt instead of classifying 16 bazillion documents and not letting any American know about anything that our tax dollars are paying for....

STOP BAILING OUT COMPANIES!!!! Obama may bankrupt our nation... Yeah great job POTUS
If you want to stimulate an economy.. you might want to give the money to the ones that would be putting back into the economy.. you know like the consumer?

How about getting us out of wars we weren't supposed to be involved in anyway and instead of protecting oil interests why not put that exact money into research.. I hear algae diesel is a pretty good one!

Lets see.. how about you quit lying all the time and put the interests of the people to whom you are a leader of before corporate or your own personal interests....

I would gain some respect back for you though if you happened to allow third parties to debate with you...

Too bad it won't happen, because the Democratic and Republican parties are terrified of third parties.. especially if the third party happens to have better ideas than you!

Too bad I'm not voting for you again.. Fool me once!

RON PAUL 2012!!
edit on 6-4-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:04 PM
tell him leave the illuminati then and only then we can start thinking about liking him, but w8, u cant leave the illuminati bcuz he will be killed AND hes possessed by demons we call aliens

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by coolottie

I realize that. I just think it's a bad idea to even let it get started. We know Obama has teams working the Internet. No secret has been made of that.

Of all places, ATS should not be used as a political propaganda tool. Debate the issues, yes, by all means. Allow a politician or their supporters to use it in this way? I don't like it.

If it was a person I would vote for, my thoughts would be that same. Unless the title is a lie and the OP is lying, this is something quite different than normal. It's an attempt to use ATS as a propaganda tool. It's a trick to make people think he cares about their opinions, which is a bald faced lie.

Obama could care less what ATS Members think or what our opinions are. The whole thing is a ruse. Pure propaganda being spread as a campaign tool.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by ashtonkusher
tell him leave the illuminati then and only then we can start thinking about liking him, but w8, u cant leave the illuminati bcuz he will be killed AND hes possessed by demons we call aliens

Sneaking a little of Grandads Moonshine are ya? Sniffin a little rubber cement perhaps?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:08 PM
I am sure i will get flack for this but i WILL NOT be voting for any one any more!.I believe it will be decided by the great powers that be as it has been for many yrs!.To many lies from everyone in government to......There ALL CORRUPT imo and i am DONE!!..

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Well if you noticed it failed miserably lol... People that actually pay attention to politics and the state of the world are definitely not Obama supporters.

He is barking up the wrong tree IMO....

I know he doesn't care.. I just hope he does in fact catch wind of our extremely harsh yet 100% true comments. Hope he feels like a real Horses... well you know.

Oh and if I could say any one thing to Obama personally... "Sir you have destroyed our faith in the democratic process... if such a thing even exists anymore.."
edit on 6-4-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by coolottie

President Obama asked that we go out among the people of America, and get their concerns, questions and complaints, at the price of gas I can't afford a trip out of state. Dish it out ATS, I will have it all transcribed, and sent. I promise you that it will be sent directly to President Obama.

Why is that the ONLY time I see you mentioned on the're on vacation?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Return to the Constitution !!!

* End the Federal Reserve - The modern Federal Reserve Note is NOT a "dollar". A constitutional "dollar" is a silver coin containing 371 1/4 grains (troy) of fine metal. the Federal Reserve act is at the very heart of the problem .

* Restore The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment To The Constitution For The United States

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

* Get rid of the 16th amendment With sound Money & No Fractional Reserve Banking SCAM who needs the IRS to collect the Interest charges by a PRIVATE BANK charging the very Government which gave it it's power to create money out of thin air while not creating the currency to pay said interest thereby setting off a "rob Peter to pay Paul" inflationary wealth confiscation scheme ? not America that's who. That being said it is not as if the will be no taxes as the Constitution clearly has 4 distinct definitions that describe who & what can be taxed. The average Americans "Labor" NOT being one of them.

* End Presidential Executive Orders Return to the Constitutional Structure for Limited and Balanced Government. This process totally by-passes Congressional legislative authority and places in the hands of the President almost unilateral power.

* Legalize Marijuana/Hemp this one is obvious. With more than a million prescription drugs available on every corner of every city, why is a plant illegal than is seriously less harmful and definitely all around better for society in many many ways be it industrial, medical, or recreational? At one point in time you could pay your Taxes in Hemp!.

* Benefits for being on a Jury When did participating in one of America's greatest Rights become a joke or something to weasel out of? and while I'm on the subject.. Why are Lawyers allow to stack the deck? Someone neutral should make sure they meet the requirements. Whats with that Martial Law Flag in the Court room? Another Pres Exec Order. Any courtroom that displays these flags behind the Judge is a military courtroom. We Need a return to a TRUE Court in this Country, not a group of UCC enforcement thugs masquerading as Rule of Law, but that would be taking care of with the original 13th amendment in place. The Magna Carta is very powerful. Time for Americans to Understand Jurisdiction.

* Enact Tariffs This would reduce unemployment, and encourage a rebuilding of the Industrial Infrastructure lost in America. It is also one of the few constitutional sources of revenue.

* Paper Elections Live PBS full coverage nonstop televised checked & double checked good Ol'Fashioned paper trail. No More Voting Machines!

* "Energy" Commission and I mean a Real one.. if everything is run on Nikola Tesla's inventions to this day.. get some high paid creative intellectual type's brain storming on just what the heck Mr Tesla was talking about when he moved on from AC current.. and seriously figure this out. If no one could follow what he was doing and it works today.. lets find out what we still do not understand that this great American was referring too.. He had an electric Car that was proven. He had the Electric Submarine. In 1898 Tesla patented the Teleautomaton Boat, (#613,809) an electrically powered submarine. This submarine would pick-up electricity that was being broadcast to it by a receiver... really people .. when he took it to the next level, along with his track record and devices you were born using and still to this day we are being fools not to pursue this mans train of thought. Time for America to get on board.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Look my son just asked me if I could meet anyone alive today who would I want to meet and I said to his surprise due to me not being a very politically motivated type person that I would like to meet Mr. President Obama. That's not to say I think so highly of him thats, its just that he is currently running this country, and I think I have some pretty progressive ideas that might help our country.

I also believe that he was facing a brick wall when he took office when going up against the GOP. I notice that the poor man has aged tremendously given the amount of stress his job entails.

He talked a big game when he was elected. Sure the cards were stacked against him, but I feel it was unfair for him to shut the people out of what was going on behind closed doors. He seemed more connected in the beginning. If there is corruption withinin the government and he is finding walls where there was supposed to be doors then he should be more open to the public so that they can make a more informed deciscion come election time........more transparency would help him I think! When people are left to assume they tend to assume the worst!

My best Advice for President Obama would be to put his finger back on the pulse of the American Public. We want our FREEDOM BACK!

We want the laws to change so that our votes DO count!

We want to live healthier and happier lives! Let all those things that stand between that, such as Nuclear Power and our pursuit of Oil driven Energy become learning examples of from our past. Not even the wealthliest of men can be saved from the greedy endeavors that have brought this planet to the brink of extinction it faces today.

Education should be a human RIGHT and not have to depend on Societial status. The more educated people in the world the more solutions we will have to problems as they arrive in the future.

Capitalism has stunted our growth and its high time we recognize that fact, and CHANGE direction.

Should we start a war? NO! I don't think we need to........we just have to change course. I believe we can starve Capitalists out if we do that.

Oh yeah I have some very progressive ideas for Mr Barack Obama, and if he would like to hear more of them then he can contact me himself.

With that said I am already currently in the works with some very progressive plans of my own that would help my family as well as friends and people who want to get involved towards living alternative lifestyles that could perhaps change the course in how humans live today for the betterment of mankind as a whole.

I am willing to be that kind of TRAILBLAZER even if it is only on a small scale.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Stop making sense, you'll confuse the masses.

I need a couple of aspirin now you made me think.

Originally posted by reeferman

Return to the Constitution !!!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:33 PM
Wait, what?

You guys don't understand yet, do you?!

It's just a show.

He's just an actor.

Ain't nothing one man can do to fix this mess we're in.

It's up to the people at this point.

Stop looking up to these narcissists.

They don't give a $%^ about you...lemme repeat THEY DON"T GIVE A &*$% ABOUT YOU!!!


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Stop looking up to these narcissists.

They don't give a $%^ about you...lemme repeat THEY DON"T GIVE A &*$% ABOUT YOU!!!


Only we can change the future, stop leaving it to a bunch self-centered prudes in suits!


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:44 PM
If Mr O calls you back can you tell him I need some change to fill up my tanks? $5.00 for fuel is crazy. Thanks in advance.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Show us the vault copy or it didn't happen!

What is on the vault copy that he doesn't want us to see?

Just show it, Barry. Stop tap-dancing. Whatever you are hiding will be known eventually anyway.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:58 PM
Tell Obama to take the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues committee seriously and that human experimentation the likes of MK-Ultra is still going on today and must be stopped, i know he set up this committee but he must see it through to the end......

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by coolottie

No existing political party can fix America, politicians are only humans and are corrupted by greed.

If the option were open, I would say elect an alien, but seeing as we are short on aliens, I say make a large large group that acts as congress excepts, the actions of the country (every law, every action) in the hands of the people, but polls can be rigged.

So perhaps a super intelligent computer with a code of logic, knowing the best and most logical actions to take.
However machines can be hacked or broken, and people would scream of ethical discomfort.

So the last (logical) choice would be to change the system altogether, instead of welfare giving you money, they give you a box of supplies and a shelter of your own. (this would prevent drug users from abusing the welfare system) instead of investing so much in military, turn those funds to pay off the super crazy debt, cut public funding, regulate and increase corporate taxes (given the same rights as people, they must pay), being rich doesn't give you a "I don't do whatever I want pass"

Turn all education systems into one, teach them all the same thing, evolution and science are required (educate the youth, so their knowledge can pay off in the future, instead of having thousand of cokes out youth with guns)
Cut unions. Find logical investments (spending a billion to big a hole, then another billion to fill it, seems an extreme waste in recourses)

Big one: religious tax (churches, moques, etc) Catholics are the richest in the world, tax the sh*t out of them.
Enact the death penalty immediately, for extreme crimes, and DNA evidence, no more extending courts, only one trial, dead or alive, seems heartless, but we are overpopulated, what's a few hundred(thousand) bloodthirsty criminals going to do for the system? Waste expenses on trials and prison system.

Drop marajiaua charges, exploit the people's want for the plant, by making them pay extra.

Does America want money and remain top of the world? It can only be done, with some of the things I have listed.

Also labour workers are the backbone of the economy, yet they make so little. While a corporate big shot, signs a paper and makes millions, that big shot did no real work, give the power to the people.

Also big issue, no more fluoride, your actually poisoning the mental health of the people.
Also incase you haven't noticed, Americans are paranoid, reassure them, increase medical funding.

Invest in third world countries, sounds odd I know, but they will pay off. Furthermore, cut politicians spending, they cannot do their job without dragging it on, gathering more money, still have high pay, but not grossly high.

Survival is giving through cooperation, not individual gain, same said for societies, and global population.

Final and most profitable one, mining astroids! Have machines, or create new jobs and have people risk life and limb, for gold iron, sliver, etc. All minerals found on earth are found in space. Invest in mars exploration project (land there and call it mini America lol) but there are many ways to increase fundings, which many have refused to look because of their personal feeling towards said subject.

Anyway I doubt any congress person, actually gives a rat ass about what I or any other person thinks, why? Most homo sapiens are retarded and don't even know it (borderline mental retardation) you decrease the amount of retards, the better life gets for all.

Missions like Libya had to happen, to save a people from being eliminated, you can't expect everything to fix it self on it's own, it can only be done with change, great change.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:06 PM
How about instead of speaking to him you show him and everyone else in DC the middle finger. They deserve nothing more than that, and nothing less than life in jail as each and every one of them have failed America in every aspect.

So yeah when you see him and the rest of the losers tell them the Constitution and America in general is giving you this (not shown as it might offend some viewers, click link to see the middle finger given).

You ask another poster who said he should resign why they said that. It is obvious; all of them are corrupt, self serving worthless sacks of garbage who do not really care what the American public thinks. They only pretend to care when it will benefit them.

The bailouts were a joke and yes both sides failed there in a major way. They could have covered the public with the same money and the economy would have blossomed instead of just robbing the public and giving it to their CEO friends who got more in bonuses that year than the average person makes in several years. My words to DC in general "screw off and die".

If you want to really know how I feel I can say that but not in a post due to the T&C.


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:07 PM
I am a full time student at a community college. I went through 2 combat tours in Iraq so that I could afford to go to college after my enlistment, using the Montgomery GI bill. I just spent 2 hours after class in a school board meeting, listening to our Dean talk about budget cuts and how many teachers will be getting laid off. I didn't sacrifice 4 years of my life, my physical wellbeing, and my sanity, to have my school shut down a year after I finally get enrolled. As a human being, I have a right to an education, and my teachers have a right to teach. The Dean skirted every question he could, and didn't give one solid solution to the problem.
On a list of 50 countries ranked by math and science scores, the US is in the bottom third. Below the Slovak Republic, and slightly above Serbia. And my school is laying off teachers. The top 3 spots are occupied by Hong Kong, Finland, and South Korea. What are they doing different? Are they laying off teachers too? Are there examples we can take from their educational systems, and apply to our own?
Economic crisis or not, I DESERVE AN EDUCATION!
The following is from an interview with a member of the Finnish Board of Education Interview Highlights

Transcript of interview highlights PUBLIC SCHOOL INSIGHTS: What do you think are some of the major reasons for [Finland's] success? LAUKKANEN: Teachers. They are the most important [aspect of] Finnish success. But there's also other issues. The second one is that we take care of all our children. And the third big issue is that we have set our objectives or the standards of education high.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:08 PM
I really want the troops to come back home. Getting involved with Libya is going to make the economic crisis worse. We still got debt from China, and now all this crap? I know most of things the U.S. has done is fake, and all lies...

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

Actually human experimentation is a good thing, how else to test a product to see if it's safe?
Scream murder all you want, but look at our population 7 billion+ (and rising, fast)
Now look at the actions of our species, we kill ore species wipe them out completely, and killing the planet welive on (we aren't as intelligent as we would like to believe)

Even if all of new York died that's 0.007% out ofnthe earths human population. So what's a few thousand? They are expendable, a commodity, a product of nature. You can be liberal and wish for a world pop of 20 billion, but it just won't and can't happen. We don't have the rescoures as a species, so would you want all life to die, because you wanted all life to live?

Things must die, it's the cycle of nature, if you can't stand death, then kill yourself now cause the next 10 years are going to be brutal for you.

So in final, experiment on humans (that are willing) you have no right to say otherwise if both parties say yes, or even just the one. Really.

Anyway shame for Obama to have bush shi*t on his lap like that, goes to show republicans are evil, no I'm being serious, they are evil.

If a republican is voted for 2012, there will be a major war, mark my words....seriously remember that, cause I'm going to say I told you so, a million times lol

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