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Shocking Info on Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:42 AM
Many of you may have already heard or read something about Electronic Harassment or Gang-Stalking. Most of the information that is widely distributed and in circulation on these two subjects are all almost nearly identical as if they all came from the same source. If you google "Electronic Harassment" you will get almost 7 million hits. Almost all of these links all contain nearly the same information that has been out on the internet since the 1990s when people began to talk more about these two subjects. I suspect that the information that is widely distributed and in circulation may be a clever disinformation program to help conceal the real truth about these two programs. I believe it is being done to mislead and deceive people who attempt to research these two subjects.

One of the most common misconceptions regarding Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking is that it is secret Government mind control program. If it was indeed a government program, then which government could have the financial and human resources to carry out Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking operations worldwide? There are documented cases worldwide from places like Zimbabwe, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Iran, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, and all over Europe. Again, who could have the resources to support this type of global program? The human resources that would be needed to support such a program would number in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Again, what government on Earth would be able to support this global program? My theory on this is that it is not one single government that is responsible. The size and scale of the Global Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking program is too huge for just one government to be involved. The fact that there are documented cases worldwide leads me to believe that it is not a government program because even after the 9/11 terror attacks, the program still continued undisturbed. Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking activity cases did not decrease worldwide, instead it actually increased in numbers. Now if a single government or several governments worldwide were responsible, then right after 9/11 the harassments would have decreased because the governments would have needed to pull human resources out of the Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking program to use in surveillance of Terrorists or suspected Terrorists. The fact the Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking cases actually increased after 9/11 attacks, leads me to believe that the people behind these programs may not be human at all. In fact, there are credible reports from victims of these two programs that some of the people involved in their harassment did act or behave like other humans would. These harassment victims suspect that the people behind Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking programs may be either Reptilian human hybrids or Grey Alien human hybrids.

edit on Apr 4th 2011 by Djarums because: All CAPS title changed

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:46 AM
Whats with all the open caps thread titles I thought they were frowned upon.Are there any links to back up your articale. Thanks

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:54 AM
I thought I was being stalked once and I started running, but he caught up to me because I've never been athletic and I realized that it was actually a friend who had just had a wrong I was.

The story ends here, but the fact is, allot of people are just paranoid, but then again, why would there be any reason for them to be followed. Private investigators working for Monsanto? FBI, CSI, NSA...TPTB...?


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:58 AM
Im not sure if im straying from the subject here or if this is the sorta thing your talking about but the government currently uses software that picks out certain words from phone conversations like bomb, or terrorist etc. This is then flagged for a human to analyse further so that they dont go through literally every phone call so you dont need nearly so many people. Its so stupid tho, terrorists as wll as criminals know not to use these words incase they are being watched. Thats why drug dealers etc change their phones so often to prevent effective monitoring. Terrorists are very savy as well, they wont ever say 'im going to bomb 'X' at 7:30 tomorow' they will use code words like or military do. The onkly people they will catch will be lone maniacs who arnt as clued up as they arnt rooted in these organisations. So then why monitor us at all and waste all this time and money?!?! Im betting that it is or many other reasons.

As for electrical harrassment are you talking about radiowaves etc? You only need transmiters and engineers can instal these without knowing exactly what they are for so you dont need that many people involved.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:59 AM
Moving to an appropriate forum.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by phfaty
One of the most common misconceptions regarding Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking is that it is secret Government mind control program. If it was indeed a government program, then which government could have the financial and human resources to carry out Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking operations worldwide?

*drum roll*

New World Order


But seriously, I don't think the NWO or any other government would have the time or interest in setting up these global operations of Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking. Its just a strategy or tactic that any human could eventually come up with to take revenge, punish or harass someone. Just another way of our sinful natures. Rape, theft, murder occur globally too. Are these all carried out / created by this secret organization? Well they are I guess if you believe that Satan exists.
edit on 4-4-2011 by balon0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:21 AM
research Silent Spread Sound Spectrum (or just SSSS).

Harmonic Resonance.

DARPA "Smart dust".

ELF and VLF.

then go read the patriot act again.

that all pretty much sums up the current surveillance programs.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:38 AM
The people who are doing this to me are using some type of electromagnetic based weapon that is used every morning to wake me up from sleep and even after I am awake laying in bed, the signal is still left on which leads me to suspect that the signal is dual use. It is used to wake me from sleep to disrupt and limit my sleep cycles to under 5 hours so my body does not have enough time to produce melatonin and testosterone. I also suspect that it is also used to erase my short term memory and to keep me feeling tired and unfocused so I do not figure out what is currently going on in the world.

Back in 1988, I was in Basic Training at Fort Benning, Georgia and came across a strange platoon of soldiers that I now suspect may have been human hybrids. One afternoon at the processing center, we were all being ordered to drink as much water as we can and to keep going back for refills. On normal days, we were only allowed 5 minutes to wolf down our chow but on this particular day we were being allowed more time than we were usually given by the drill sergeants. So we all get done eating at the mess hall and get marched back to our barracks and ordered to stay off of the top bunks. On normal days during our time in the barracks, we usually start laying on our beds and falling asleep at around 9 to 10. But on this particular day, at around 6 to 7pm almost all of my platoon were already snoring on top of their beds. Some still in their fatigues and boots. The reason why I had not fallen asleep was because during our time in the cafeteria, when the drill sergeants were barking orders for us to drink lots of water, I immediately became suspicious as to why on this particular day the drill sergeants were suddenly telling us to drink lots of water so we don't dehydrate. So being the smart guy that I was, I faked like I was drinking it but let most of it spill down on the sides of my mouth. I even got up several times to get refills just so the drill sergeants could see me doing it. During all this feeding frenzy which normally usually lasts around 5 to 7 minutes, all you could hear was forks, knives, spoons, glasses, plates, trays, and the voices of about 500 hungry army recruits. It was chaotic but in all of the chaos, I sensed something was up so I didn't drink too much of the water. This is probably why I can tell you this story today.

The story is that during that night around 1am, these new guys who all came in to take the top bunks, came in without making a sound. Even with all their gear and stuff, they came in without hardly making any sound and what I found was none of them said a word. I did not see anyone near me say a word. Their movements were so efficient and after about 5 minutes, they were all settled in and layin on the top bunks. At this time, I was laying on my bed pretending to be alseep. And what happened next would change my life forever. This guy who was supposed to be climbing on top of the bunk next to mine, didn't climb up like humans would normally do. Instead, he sort of like just did it in one hop which looked more like he had slowly levitated onto the top bunk. I know that it may have been a hallucination but what transpired days later as our training progressed would later lead me to suspect that this whole platoon which took the top bunks that came in during the night, were exhibiting unhuman-like characteristics and displaying super human like strength during training.

Then I started hearing their voices in my head as if I was picking up stray radio telepathy signals. I thought I was going crazy but one day while out in the woods, I started cussing one of them out inside my head just using thoughts. I must've unloaded with every cuss word in the book. A few seconds later, he gets up, walks over to where I was sitting and cleaning my weapon, he then spits on my boot, gives me this really mean look, then walks off. It was then and there that I knew I wasn't dealing with humans. It was then and there that I knew that these guys were non-humans and were probably "clones". Why "clones" because at the time during the 80s, I had not yet heard about alien hybrids or reptilian hybrids, etc. I had never been formally introduced yet to the UFO and alien subject. I was 21 years old and ever since I popped up on the grid through the use of the internet way back in the early 1990s when was not yet a company but just a list, they have been following me around and harassing me.

I think these are the same people who planned and carried out 9/11, 4/11 (Spain), and 7/11 (UK) attacks. And just recently the 3/11 Fukushima incident. I will continue this thread later and in my next posting, I will describe to you how complex the previous attacks were and why I believe it could not have been conceived or planned by human minds.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by balon0

I can assure you that Gangstalking does exist.

I have been a TI for the past seven years since I had my computer hacked by a Satanist (initials D M).

He is a nazi turned Muslim and now seems to be pursuing his 'numinous way'.

After he hacked my computer DM turned up outside my house. He is very small, about 5 3”, and 8 stone.

Can give more details if needed.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by darnext

You can read about organised attacks on a disabled woman on the 'BBC Ouch' page, here:

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 07:25 AM
Benjamin Simon Corbion, 46b 5590 Leignon Belgique
A la recherche de financements et d'aide afin d'achever mes assassins d'urgence, les risques étant maintenant presque réduits à néants.

Petit fils de Gabrielle et Marcel Detry ( Armée Blanche, Détrianguleurs, Régisseur du Château de Leignon, Expert,...).
Aîné de Jeannine et Jean Simon (Armée Blanche, Détrianguleurs ,Prof, Magasin Henin, Franc-Tour, Juge, Union des commerçants Cinaciens, Co-fondateur des CM,..). Grands parents plus de 30 fois.
Aîné de Philippe et Fafa, Armé et d'Amis.
Nature, work, simplicity, friends , family, laxism, privacy and MUSIC

Here you can find my paper about a domestic surveillance in Wallonie Belgium, i don't have any official contact in Belgium since more than 2,5 years. My analyses confirms: psyops, nsa declassified protocols, echelon, OSEH, triangles. I am fixed harassed 24h/24 by theses bastards and I know others victims isolated in Belgium, France, Europe, and Worldwide.
Le modèle de surveillance maillé du réseau de multi-stalking wallon, le scada du D.O.T.

Le 24 mai 2011,
Je suis à la rue, me suis fait démonter ma société, ma voiture, mes moyens de communications, ma tête, et ma santé. Je suis coincé dans un BULLYING et pas le seul.
Mes déclarations ne sont pas acceptée par la police communale si elle ne sont pas conforme aux idées de l'inspecteur. Bien sur, le stalking n'est pas considéré.

Demain cela fera 3 ans que ces assassins sont sur mon dos et deux ans et demi de harassement 24h sur 24 7 jours sur 7 par silent-sound et autres armes à énergie dirigées .
Je suis toujours fixé avec ces techniques: clandestine humint, nasa psyops, gang-stalking, cointelpro, stasi ect……. 14 années d'équivalent-plein-temps consacrés à me détruire sous couvert de la gratuité, du non-mobile, de l'anonymat par le biais de protocoles déshumanisants, de concours d'ordures.
Ces sous-êtres m’ont tué et je n’ai pas d’aide pourtant je les ai…

J’ai donc tout mis en œuvre seul (déposition publique, instruction, contact avec le tribunal de La Haye, presse car black-out médiatique, vulgarisation….) et je ne veux rien…
D'autres avec qui je suis en contact et dont nos blogs sont liés et complémentaires, ou/et offline ont rassemblés des dossiers rempli d'évidence et de sciences, d'une utilité publique énorme qu'il est plus que grand temps de faire valoir.
Les dégâts s'expertisent sans les assassins et le découvert sera bien plus qu'amer, garni de cadavres. Le temps est l’ennemi et des criminels aussi, tous ne se pensent pas perdus.
Pourriez vous insister, me pistonner afin que nos dirigeants et dès lors leurs exécutants me donnent les moyens d'urgences, me contactent pour en finir avec ces déchets de trianguleurs perpétrant le crime à temps plein via des protocoles SS. est à peu de choses près la rédaction de la thèse pour laquelle l’armée belge offre une bourse d’étude 2012, IRSD Appel à projet 2012. Mon lecteur principal est le Docteur en Sciences Politiques Roberto Scaruffi (Brazil), LE spécialiste mondial de ce genre de contre terrorisme.
Ce blog décrit un crime actuel qu'est le MULTI-STALKING, méconnu car sous couvert, hyper-invasif et destructeur que des réseaux d’assassins perpètrent via logiciels et ondes sous la forme de réactions en chaîne et de jeux d'ordures issus de protocoles nazis (obedience to authority, karpman deviances, rats-wares, spy-wares network, worm, trackers, mk-ultra, domestic surveillance, brain tapping, hearing for the deaf, silent sound, human tracking, coils, microwaves, radar, trough the wall, stalkers).

La protection est l’information et l’observation afin d’anticiper et le cas échéant contrecarrer les intrusions de ces criminels nazis dans nos groupe sociaux.
Le dossier que j'ai rédigé online (plus de 17000 liens à jour sortants dont aucun n'est hors sujet) est exhaustif composé de littératures scientifiques, de faits réels et de preuves permettant leur mise hors d’état de nuire expresse depuis longtemps (2 ans de travail à plus que plein temps car non considéré par les autorités nationales). Ce Wordpress jouit d'une réputation internationale alors que principalement rédigé en français.

Le fait est que malgré cela je ne trouve toujours pas d’interlocuteur et la situation est très critique pour moi et d’autres nombreuses victimes, certaine sont identifiées dans ce blog. Auriez vous dans vos réseaux des personnes de contact au niveau national pour recevoir ce dossier et ces preuves ? Ce qui nous mettrais enfin en sécurité partielle et me procurerais le DROIT de me défendre.

Merci de nous consacrer un peu de votre temps, il n’est pas perdu pour autant. Les commentaires du blog sont ouvert à tous, je n'en reçois presque plus car le site est hacké. Tout mes moyens de communications déconnent, spécialité du gang stalking.
Ces chiens bousillent tout à la compteuse, spoofeuse, hameçonneuse, chapitreuse,et à la copieuse- fausseuse (cointelpro ), (guerre foide, Sadam Hussein, Bande de Gazza, Place Saint-Lambert, Nihoul, Michaux, les Tueurs du Brabant, P. Hammers, Génocides en tout genre, twin towers, TOUTES LES HISTOIRES BELGES,...).
200 articles qui lu dans l'ordre de la rédaction prouvent l'existence de ces assassins, permettent leur anéantissement avec un minimum de moyens, relatent l’enfer que nous vivons chaque jours car visés par ces réseaux de nazis utilisant des armes à énergie dirigées et des techniques de piratages high-tech dont personne ne veut (techniques de bullying avec des armes de political control: Man in the middel attack, Spoofing, Cno, Echelon, Tempest, Signint, Comint, Domint, Humint...., MASINT, MARKINT ) décrit ces réseaux de surveillance et de destruction de l’humanité de manière résumée et hyper-biblioréférencée .

Il s’agit de plus de deux ans de travail, seul. Peut-être avez vous dans vos connaissance une personne disposée et/ou habileté à nous donner un coup de main?

J’ai tout les éléments pour que ces ordures soient écroués, .….sans contacts ni même un papier officiel malgré ces 3 ans d’enfer et ces deux ans et demi de travail à temps plein week-end en sus.
Je suis scientifique de formation et je dispose des meilleures références y compris par rapport a ce travail qui me fait vomir. Mais la Belgique n'est pas là.
Des bâtards m’ont assassinés et je n’ai pas d’aide pourtant je les ai…la police Cinacienne n’en veut pas et m’a laissé dans une situation de grand danger alors que je leur ai balancé ce réseau en août dernier sous forme de 3.5 Gigas de documents et de preuves (1 an et demi de travail afin de pouvoir déposer et à propos d'un assassinat). Comme je leur ai indiqué ce dossier exigeait ma déclaration et un minimum de collaboration pour être efficient. Malgré mes post-insistances, un papier officiel, d'autres déclarations en rapport direct avec ce dossier, un quatre yeux, un minimum de franchise, ont été impossible à obtenir, voir pire.


My phones and my mailboxes, websites, blogs don't work correctly because intercepted by the gang-stalking. I have all the history of the hacking, redaction, carnivore and than the other side's ways, mailing, links, snapshots, backups, logged (locally and on-line) , i suppose that i have the entire access at my HUMINT and can be fully exposed . That could be useful with a very large and very good impact.

An analyze of my logs by a Professional is necessary and urgent , that kill these bastards. I am working on (on-line). My state don't help me and than oneself and people.
Gradué : Eaux et forêts et Environnement La Reid (2000) Avec Distinction
AVES, maison liégeoise de l'environnement
UCL, Unité des eaux et forêts
UCL, Gestion des ressources en eaux
FREELANCE,chauffage industriel, énergies renouvelables, auto-construction

Le coup de la bombe dans le cul...
Les coûts de la bombe dans le cul...
La coupe à merde déborde...
OOUP..., J'ai déclenché la troisième guerre mondiale..
Alice in psychotronical warfare
Nasa, mk-ultra, Caca,...
Les nazis nous ont remis sous X.
Ex-Stasi, "fantaisie "
Y a des kalaches à cinquante
La Patinoire Rose de la Place Saint Lambert..
Revolutionary methods for political control
La psychiatrie dessinée aux enfants
Version je chie sur le Rock & Roll..
Le tour du monde du blog de merde
Les septs Monin
La tarte au speed pur ou la tartine de pain...
Minority report ..
Les araignes de la Marquise...
Le chemin de Croix
L'onde d'Hitler comme Assylyum
Echelon en el Di Rupo
Le Scada du DOD
La véole est sortie ?
Où est passée la Une ?
La Lune à Margaux
The Perpetrator, would you want a Job ?
Le coup de la Masint...
Cortex control Ecolo-Nato...
Les Jonquilles jaunes sont en fleurs
Le narcisse c'est la Jonquille du pauvre..
Les pourritures aux bouts des carnivores.
Des scatos pour la Rephlex ?
Heu, ....Je pourrais achever mes charognes ?
Inglorious bastards welcome
Bija 14 juill12 6,00h On COINTELPRO 2,00
Joindre l'otan

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 07:28 AM
MIL Appel a Projets F 2012 est à peu de choses près la rédaction de la thèse pour laquelle l’armée belge offre une bourse d’étude 2012, IRSD Appel à projet 2012. Mon lecteur principal est le Docteur en Sciences Politiques Roberto Scaruffi (Brazil), Spécialiste mondial de ce genre de contre terrorisme.

Des mesures de protection contre les menaces de tous types peuvent être développées au moyen de techniques de détection et de repérage.

La compréhension des aspects psychologiques et sociologiques de la guerre asymétrique permet d’élaborer des techniques visant à modifier ou éliminer les conditions qui donnent un avantage à l’adversaire. Cette démarche peut également viser à influer sur l’environnement de telle façon qu’il défavorise l’adversaire.

La Défense doit être capable de protéger ses propres moyens ainsi que les installations et points stratégiques du territoire national. Son champ d’action s’étend également vers la protection et la défense de populations civiles et ce dans un environnement de plus en plus complexe et de plus en plus souvent urbain incluant des armes chimiques, biologiques, radiologiques et nucléaires dans un contexte de menaces asymétriques. L’accent est tout particulièrement mis sur le bioterrorisme.

Ce blog décrit un crime actuel qu'est le MULTI-STALKING, méconnu car sous couvert, hyper-invasif et destructeur que des réseaux d’assassins perpètrent via logiciels et ondes sous la forme de réactions en chaîne et de jeux d'ordures issus de protocoles nazis (obedience to authority, karpman deviances, rats-wares, spy-wares network, worm, trackers, mk-ultra, domestic surveillance, brain tapping, hearing for the deaf, silent sound, human tracking, coils, microwaves, radar, trough the wall, stalkers).

La protection est l’information et l’observation afin d’anticiper et le cas échéant contrecarrer les intrusions de ces criminels nazis dans nos groupe sociaux.
edit on 3-8-2012 by bensimcorbion because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-8-2012 by bensimcorbion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 08:17 AM
Let me ask you this, what about those people who get gangstalked then start hearing voices, getting pinched in their bodies or burned leaving no trace of burning? For me the voices narrarated what they were doing to me, i would feel a sharp pain then ask them "was that you". They would respond only like a computer with "thats right" i would ask "how are you doing that, psychicly" they would respond again.."Thats right".

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 08:35 AM
I am a targeted individual. I am being both electronically harassed and gang stalked, not by the government or for religious purposes though but by Hells angels and there friends. Here you can read my story and follow my blog. I will write both personal experiences, thoughts and speculations and gather information. It's hard to describe the exact experiences in detail though and I've noticed I'm repeating myself a it too. But i'm doing by best while being subjected to this. I've just started though.

Link to archived version in case the site goes down:
edit on 12-6-2016 by eharassed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: phfaty

But, why? What could possibly be the point? What are these people doing that others are not, that causes them to be singled out. Makes no sense to me.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: Sounds_of_Silence
I thought I was being stalked once and I started running, but he caught up to me because I've never been athletic and I realized that it was actually a friend who had just had a wrong I was.

The story ends here, but the fact is, allot of people are just paranoid, but then again, why would there be any reason for them to be followed. Private investigators working for Monsanto? FBI, CSI, NSA...TPTB...?


It started out for me being harassed by actual people. Once the voices started in my head, they went into hibernation. I landed myself in the psych ward, the calm mind control man's voice told me repeatedly they would stop if I lay down on the floor and stop breathing. As I held my breath a tone beam sound moved from my stomach to my head, getting louder as it reached my head.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: anotherside
As I held my breath a tone beam sound moved from my stomach to my head, getting louder as it reached my head.

That would be a blood pressure shift caused by holding your breath, commonly associate with almost passing out.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: phfaty
My theory on this is that it is not one single government that is responsible.

Mine is that you are not being stalked, and that if you really believe you are, there's something else going on, and it doesn't involve stalking.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 05:53 PM


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