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Footage seen before of japan Ufo, a better version, very high quality

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Radiobuzz
So after eight pages noone has mentioned the small fact that the "object" is making the exact same movements the camera is making but in reverse?

This is a camera glich. Please, try a little harder. All of you.

If the chopper was moving like that my friend there would be no cameraman or helicopter left

And how do you expalin the trail left behind before it plunges into the crashing waves @00:02 - 00:03

This is the part you should watch much much closer

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:18 PM
where is the link? dink.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by GreenGiant
reply to post by Ir0nM0nkey

Ok, I know I'm just a newbie here, but I have to say that Ir0nM0nkey is on the right track. At the start of the clip you can see 3 poles in a line near the buildings that are about to be swallowed up by the water & debris. The poles are either light poles, power line poles or both. I don't see a UFO, I see a piece of debris snagged on what seems to be a power line that is still attached to another power line pole somewhere off camera. If you've ever been fishing (and caught a fish) you've probably seen your fishing line and/or bobber dance around as the fish darts around under water. I think the turbulance of the water and debris are jerking the broken power line around in the same manner. There just happens to be a piece of debris snagged on it giving the illusion of eratic flight over the water. In a couple frames you can even see a wake left by the line dragging through the muddy water. And there's even a big electric spark jumping off what looks like a transformer just before the snagged debris appears.

Just my 2 cents...

I don't buy that, not that its a ridiculous comment or anything. Its just that electrical pole got annihilated by the coming flood and so did everything else. As you know fishing lines break which what i would suspect would happen here.

I would like it to be right, just checking the video makes that look far fetched.

There maybe an explanation i just don't think thats it.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Please click and enlarge the images to view better

Object cut through the debris

Look at this hole left from its power

Now look at the hole in the debris,

Reappears 2 before shooting over roof top

Watch this @00:10 - 0012

if you watch the debris under the craft you will see it is heavily effecting it, please watch @ 00:09 - 00:10 look at that huge hole created when it lifts up please just what it, there is a clear powerfull down draft

Also you can see this effect @ 00:16 - 00:18

Now that is not incredible no? watch the surface ripples like a mini helicopter is over it 00:16 - 00:18 clear ripples & down draft all over this video watch closer people paper doesn't have a gravity field or any form of propulsion system

I'll post them next you will see the ring get wider & wider like its being pushed

Ok more displays of its power people missed

This is when it pulls up after a good dunk in the drink, notice a large hole appear in the debris when its clearly giving of some type of down force

Hole closing as expected with the strength of the current

No this further up the line, think of it for example like phome over water, when something pushes down on it or blows it moves and then re heals over this is what you are seeing, look at the brown indent i believe that is the actual water bending in, the debris is pushed away already

Bit closer, hole bigger


Now look at the imprint

Serious you have to watch that on the video on loop, its like a mini helicopter is over it, that is a Tsunami folks from a 9.0 EQ,

This is where the object originates from, does that look like a person to you?

Moves of and goes into that big black wave, paper?


Watch that bean on the video after the orb what ever come from that object or out of it it is connected by a beam of light

Now then still a bag?
edit on 30-3-2011 by BRITWARRIOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:05 PM
Probably just a plastic bag. There is nothing conclusive there and just seems people are
'grasping after straws.'

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by talisman

What can you expect really? Some people here see any light in the sky and instantly post a topic telling us about alien invasions, disclosure, cover ups, reptilians and a dozen other made-up alien races.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:16 PM
DEBRIS!!!!....people sometimes you people are just (censored). The alien believers are just desperate for anything they deem UFO like...

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:18 PM
Haven't this been posted before? Like in 10 other threads? Why is there another one? 9 pages... 20+ flags... goodness

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:20 PM
most likely a plastic bag drifting...
it is possible with the force created by the tsunami there would be a draft of wind that could pick up any manner of light debris.
or it could be a bird.
or a ufo.
or cgi.

my bet is on it being a plastic bag...

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Look at the links above please

look at the pictures one by one in LARGE then go back & re watch thos moments on loop on the video times provided, i'm just asking you to give it a look over with your full attention before you dismiss it thats all,

edit on 30-3-2011 by BRITWARRIOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
DEBRIS!!!!....people sometimes you people are just (censored). The alien believers are just desperate for anything they deem UFO like...

Although it could be debris it does not behave like it. Which is why it is being debated. You have no proof other than opinion and have also sound like a (Censored).

So while it does look like debris its still open to discussion without the need to lol at the UFO community.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:46 PM
it always comes down to the validity of the footage itself.. clearly, if the footage is pure, that is a significant sighting and there should be no argument as to the nature of the objects.. they are ufos. Could you post a link to the original japanese newscast? thanks.

edit on 30-3-2011 by brigand because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:49 PM
I'm really new to all this, and even I can say, yes UFO's, extra-deminsional beings are real. During my first pyschosis I was very in tune with many things only I understand, that were extremely real, and very hard to talk about. But this, this is a bag or trash or something broken off the side of house floating away with someones life in it... Come on.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:50 PM
If nothing funny was done to the video, maybe it's an orb, one of those ghostly things, I don't see a ufo.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by BRITWARRIOR

nice effort there but all you did is show us more mud, sludge, debris, water etc hahaha

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:54 PM
My opinion is that it is a plastic bag or paper... When you consider the speed of the water, eddies and water turbulence there has to be a great deal of air movement rushing through. Most of the water would by this stage be a thick soup of soil, housing, cars... The top most layer could potentially still be carrying alot of dry material as a "crust" or "rafts." So anything riding the waves could be up-heaved into the air. There is all sorts of stuff being thrown around after you level a town.

And if you watch the slow-mo portion at 0:30 you can see the object flitter along the surface then get submerged and reappear stuck in the flow (reappears at 0:35). So I guess the UFO/Ghost is now hopelessly stuck in the water?

Later in the vid you see another object. It moves alot more radically, but following the path of flight it gets pretty erratic over spaces where the water is the most churned up. Example 1:10 and on it runs almost parallel to a rougher section of the water for a good distance before shooting out.

Then another dramatic change when it enters and almost whirlpool like area where alot of debris and water is almost circulating/stagnant between channels...

But I think we all can form our own opinions and I thought I would share my perspective.
edit on 30-3-2011 by wonderboy2402 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:17 PM
I am now more skeptic about many things, including this topic initially. At first when it came out I thought and dismissed it as merely a bird. I am also skeptic that it is a bag. It is easy for you to do just what I have done. Except one difference. I don't believe this object behaves in the manor of a plastic bag in a violent turmoil of air vortexes. So, I looked.
Note up lifts, down lifts and spinning chaotically (albeit edited).
The object is not a bag.

edit on 30-3-2011 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by BRITWARRIOR

You have clearly put a lot of effort into this, but I honestly cannot see what you are trying to refer to. I don't see any kind of "down draft" or "ripples" from the object. Even if a Sikorsky CH 54 were hovering over the water, I doubt you would see any significant "hole" from a down draft in the turmoil of the tsunami, let alone the much smaller object shown.

People are saying it's impossible that it is a piece of debris because it goes through the water. My opinion is that it doesn't go into the water at all. You see many other similiar looking pieces of debris briefly flying then being submerged. I think the main object in question changes it's position relative to the camera making it barely visible, giving the impression it went into the water only for it's position to change and seem to reappear.

Also, something to note is the distance the object travels. It appears as if it travels a signigicant distance in the opposite direction of the flow of water. I think that this is mostly an illusion caused by the water and debris washing past, and the camera panning. I don't think it travels very far at all from the original place it gets airborne. The motion reminds me of a newspaper blowing in turbulent winds. It is not a rare sight in Wellington, although it is very windy there.

I'm not claiming I know exactly what it is, although I am curious about what appears to be the rows of plastic sheeting in the fields that the water is ploughing into. You can see a large fragment of this material flung into the air briefly at approx. 7 seconds. Maybe the other objects flying around are also this material? I just cannot see this being some sort of powered craft.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Bird? Helicopter? come on folks I thought this was ATS, we can do better than those, right? I mean, a bird doesnt even move like that, and a helicopter would be a lot bigger right? I won't even make a guess right now because I still don't know what I am looking at, but it is small, and moves fast, and in sharp moving directions. When I have an idea that is worthy of posting, and that is better than a bird or chopper I will post back, until then, it most certainly is a UFO since it cant be identified, and it is definitely flying.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Lol OP video is not a bag or a rabbit. If it were a bag then it could not be engulfed by the waters and re-emerge to take off again. I cannot explain what they are, but they seem under intelligent control.

Some nights ago I spotted some orb objects appearing, moving a little and disappearing in the following tsunami footage.

Look in the blue sky in the top left quarter of the screen between 1:20 and 1:40.

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