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Aquarius Vs Pisces

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:25 AM
Long have the stars guided the course of humanity. Many astrologers in past societies and civilisations have directed the course of destiny through the Kings and Queens and Politicians and Leaders that have relied upon the visions and predictions of these astrological prophets.

Today it is hard to see beneath the cultures and systems that have overlaid the more esoteric or occult natures hidden within the fabric of humanities’ tapestry.

Is it little wonder then that many are unaware of the metaphorical and allegorical connections that The Lord Jesus Christ and his predicted adversary The False Christ or Anti Christ have in common with Astrology and the coming New Dawn?

We only need to take a look at the astrological symbol of Pisces which is represented by the fish and the many pictures and even car bumper stickers you see with the word "Jesus" inside the symbol of the fish to over stand the connection. (Further reading:

It is this age of Pisces that represents the individualistic nature of our currently fading age. An age which is rooted in the I, the Ego and matters related to the here and now.

It isn't so hard to put into perspective the process of separation that exists when you consider that one age replaces another. It is always the case that these monumental changes do not take place without visible effects on humanity and the earth (Mother Gaia).

The struggles that are evident around us, not just those that have been with us now for many years for example the diseases of Cancer and Aids and TB and so on... and not only the Famines around the world but more so the increase, the centralisation of and the intensity of the current revolutions and awakenings taking place around the world, are for the better part of effects of the influence of the Age of Aquarius on that of Pisces.

You see the struggle between the two ages will become more apparent as we head towards the years of change ahead of us. We as humans are struggling to move away from the nature of the Age of Pisces. We struggle because Pisces represents a selfish desire to exist, one that is far more about the individual than the collective and here in lies the problem of the ages.

Those more connected the way of thinking associated with Pisces are holding on tight to something which is slowly being taken away from them. There is no amount of holding that will ensure this security, be it financial, emotional, societal or whatever for that matter. The very fact that we are entering a new age and paradigm, a new way of thinking, one which encompasses the whole and unifies individuals into one single collective is simply part of human evolution and no amount of resistance can abate the tide.

The oncoming rush or Aquarius' waters will overwhelm the structures put in place throughout the age of Pisces and bring us into a new age of understanding.

What we are seeing around us now, the earth changes, the revolutions and so on are effects of The Processions of the Equinoxes (Further reading: The cycle of the ages so to speak and as a result of this we will cross from the earth into heaven.

Not only in a physical to spiritual sense of the word but also the metaphysical sense. Our psyches will change.
Once we are fully in the Age of Aquarius we will have evolved in our way of thinking and Telepathy and Telekinesis will become part and parcel of the gifts to humanity.

We have to also keep in mind that as the Age of Pisces had The Lord Jesus Christ to represent it so to will the Age of Aquarius have it's own representative. As predicted with each new age. A messiah type figure is always present. Be it the Messiah, The Avatar of the Age, The Neo if you like, of our modern world it has be preordained and predestined by many greats of the past.

The Powers That Be are more than aware of this although they will seldom admit it to the masses but it is more so expressed through more esoteric traditions such as Theosophy (the religion that unifies all religions) and great thinkers and visionaries and evolved beings such as Krishnamurthi, Alice Ann Bailey, Helena Blavatsky and Henry Olcott. These occultist and free thinkers along with the likes of Anton Levay and Alastair Crowley have secretly influenced and shaped the modern world that we live in. (Further reading:

These very people behind the scenes are aware of what is taking place and what is yet to come and they are creating the environment for it to occur. They are the 1000 points of light that work on channelling the energies into our realities.

To the layman this form of thought would easily go over their heads but to the more discerning of us it is this movement, This procession.. The New Age Movement, The Golden Dawn, The Order of the Ages, The New World Order, The Age of Aquarius that is in fact directly responsible for our current predicament in the world today.

Like a mother giving birth, we are witnessing the birth pangs of mother earth... the floods, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the volcanoes... Mother Gaia is preparing to give birth to the New Age of Aquarius... and as the old saying goes... as above so below... the cyclic nature of synchronicity will also give birth to many things... A new cycle, A new earth, A new way of thinking, A new spirituality, A new age Messiah and so on and so forth.

In conclusion i think it is important that we do not fear but instead embrace these coming changes and realise that as painful and traumatic as birth is... a miracle can not be born without it.

For the journey ahead I wish all my brothers and sisters unified peace and love and as a message to the Pisceans, don’t be afraid to let go... everything you are holding onto, the wealth, the control, the power, the materials and so on...they are all illusory. Let go and join the tide.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:43 AM
Great post! S&F
So many of these points are ignored and not tied into the equation.
This post was put together with excellence and did not sell out to any specific ideas.
I very much enjoyed reading and agree completely.
It is a chaos that we cannot fight, and only is chaos when we do fight it.
Proper order will come with a new age, going with the tide is the best way to put it

edit on 11-2-2011 by LetsTouch because: typo

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:05 PM
Pisces is represented by TWO fish connected, not just one. The jesus fish is just pointing to the whole episode where he feeds more people than possible with a small amout of fish and bread, yet there was plenty for all. Pisces is not an individualist at all, it a sign known for morphing into its surroundings and being greatly affected as it's a pure water sign. Water is deffined by that which contains it.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:19 AM
Nice post Nakiannunaki.

It should be of interest to note that the ancient world saviour Hercules has already forecasted what could or hopefully will happen at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius as he traversed the zodiac in his twelve labours.

First of all, Hercules represented the soul and not the personality. His labours, however, represented the struggle between his lower nature, the personality, and his higher nature, the soul. For thousands of years the personality of Hercules, like us all, traversed the zodiac in a clockwise direction, e.g. from Aries to Taurus via Pisces. Eventually, however, Hercules the soul began to influence Hercules the personality more and more. A turning point began where the Hercules changed his direction and began to traverse the zodiac in an anti-clockwise direction, e.g. from Aries to Pisces via Taurus. Thus began his twelve labours and his journey on "the way" towards becoming a world server in Aquarius and a world saviour in the last sign of Pisces.

Hercules started his journey through the gates of Aries where he was instructed to capture the man-eating mares that ravaged the land. These horses had ran wild for centuries, creating havoc and devastation everywhere. Hercules needed to capture these mares and drive them through the next gate. Confident in his task Hercules called his very close friend to help, this was the one who walked in his footsteps and followed Hercules in his travels. Hercules quickly captured the mares but rather than running them through the gate himself he gave them to his friend and marched proudly in the lead. While Hercules was strong and confident his friend was not. The mares turned on him and attacked him. Grief stricken and sad, Hercules had to leave his friend on ground dying and once again he captured the horses and drove them through the gate.

The meaning of this myth sheds light on the same path that all of us must eventually traverse. The female horses that ravaged the land represent our unbridled thoughts and it's here, in the sign of Aries, the sign representing the head, that we must learn to control our thoughts, for if we don't then they will create devastation everywhere. Hercules' friend, the one who followed and mirrored his footsteps, represents the personality of Hercules. It is only when the personality and the soul work together can our thoughts truly be controlled. Without the influence of the soul the personality is weak.

So the first labour of Hercules was met with disaster. His closest friend was killed and he had to once again corral his thoughts and drive them forward in preparation for the next labour. Hercules met with other failures in his labours. In the labour of Gemini he had to find the golden apples of wisdom, where he met and assisted Atlas holding up the world. In the labour of Scorpio Hercules had to fight the nine headed Hydra, representing the physical, emotional and mental aspects of his personality. In the labour of Capricorn Hercules has to first save Prometheus, chained to a rock, and only then could he descend into Hades and fight Cerberus, the three headed dog. All these labours, from Aries to Capricorn prepared Hercules to first become a world server in the labour of Aquarius and then finally a world saviour in the labour of Pisces.

In the labour of Aquarius Hercules was instructed to clean out the stables of King Augeas, which had not been cleaned for a long time and were causing a terrible pestilence across the land. Hercules said that he could clean these stables in a single day but Augeas was skeptical that anyone could do this task, let alone in a single day, so he made a deal with Hercules that if he could clean these stables in a single day then he would give a one tenth of his cattle to him. He if couldn't then Hercules would have to turn his fortune over the king.

Hercules pondered on how to do this great task when he noticed two rivers running near the stables. With his great might Hercules diverted both of these rivers through stables, thus clearing away the filth and dung in a single day. Augeas was full of anger when heard this news, thinking that he had been tricked since it was the rivers and not Hercules that had performed the task. He ordered Hercules out of his kingdom. Hercules, however, happily returned to his Teacher and told Him of selfless deed, a deed that made him worthy of being called a world server.

The labour of Aquarius marks the keynote of the time we are living in right now. It's a time where pollution and skepticism is everywhere. And the pollution is not just the physical pollution we live with today, but its also the selfish emotional and mental corruption that dominates our world today. The two rivers represent the soul forces of love and wisdom. They are the two streams that pour out of the pitcher that Hercules carries in the sign of Aquarius. When the soul prevails in our lives then these forces of love and wisdom act as purifying waters in the world of the personality. Only when these forces begin to clear out the waste and obsession of materialism can we begin to live a simpler and more pure life.

Can these stables of our land be cleaned out in a single day? Time will tell, for an extraordinary may indeed happen very soon in our lives where the world will suddenly "wake up" and realize that our focus on the material world is killing us and that we must raise that focus to a higher level, a level where the "soul of man" becomes dominate over the personality. This would indeed be the beginning of a new earth and a new heaven.


edit on 12-2-2011 by Neo__ because: grammatical fixes

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by LordBaskettIV

I have researched the fish symbol extensively enough to know it has deep astrological connotations to it. Your understanding of the symbol could well hold some weight but i dont think the biblical feeding of the masses is quite what the symbol of Jesus in the Fish represents. Also Pisces most predomoniant attribute from an astrological energy perspective is one of individualism and comes in prior to the synthesis which Aquarius brings with it.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Neo__
Nice post Nakiannunaki.

It should be of interest to note that the ancient world saviour Hercules has already forecasted what could or hopefully will happen at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius as he traversed the zodiac in his twelve labours.

First of all, Hercules represented the soul and not the personality. His labours, however, represented the struggle between his lower nature, the personality, and his higher nature, the soul. For thousands of years the personality of Hercules, like us all, traversed the zodiac in a clockwise direction, e.g. from Aries to Taurus via Pisces. Eventually, however, Hercules the soul began to influence Hercules the personality more and more. A turning point began where the Hercules changed his direction and began to traverse the zodiac in an anti-clockwise direction, e.g. from Aries to Pisces via Taurus. Thus began his twelve labours and his journey on "the way" towards becoming a world server in Aquarius and a world saviour in the last sign of Pisces.

Hercules started his journey through the gates of Aries where he was instructed to capture the man-eating mares that ravaged the land. These horses had ran wild for centuries, creating havoc and devastation everywhere. Hercules needed to capture these mares and drive them through the next gate. Confident in his task Hercules called his very close friend to help, this was the one who walked in his footsteps and followed Hercules in his travels. Hercules quickly captured the mares but rather than running them through the gate himself he gave them to his friend and marched proudly in the lead. While Hercules was strong and confident his friend was not. The mares turned on him and attacked him. Grief stricken and sad, Hercules had to leave his friend on ground dying and once again he captured the horses and drove them through the gate.

The meaning of this myth sheds light on the same path that all of us must eventually traverse. The female horses that ravaged the land represent our unbridled thoughts and it's here, in the sign of Aries, the sign representing the head, that we must learn to control our thoughts, for if we don't then they will create devastation everywhere. Hercules' friend, the one who followed and mirrored his footsteps, represents the personality of Hercules. It is only when the personality and the soul work together can our thoughts truly be controlled. Without the influence of the soul the personality is weak.

So the first labour of Hercules was met with disaster. His closest friend was killed and he had to once again corral his thoughts and drive them forward in preparation for the next labour. Hercules met with other failures in his labours. In the labour of Gemini he had to find the golden apples of wisdom, where he met and assisted Atlas holding up the world. In the labour of Scorpio Hercules had to fight the nine headed Hydra, representing the physical, emotional and mental aspects of his personality. In the labour of Capricorn Hercules has to first save Prometheus, chained to a rock, and only then could he descend into Hades and fight Cerberus, the three headed dog. All these labours, from Aries to Capricorn prepared Hercules to first become a world server in the labour of Aquarius and then finally a world saviour in the labour of Pisces.

In the labour of Aquarius Hercules was instructed to clean out the stables of King Augeas, which had not been cleaned for a long time and were causing a terrible pestilence across the land. Hercules said that he could clean these stables in a single day but Augeas was skeptical that anyone could do this task, let alone in a single day, so he made a deal with Hercules that if he could clean these stables in a single day then he would give a one tenth of his cattle to him. He if couldn't then Hercules would have to turn his fortune over the king.

Hercules pondered on how to do this great task when he noticed two rivers running near the stables. With his great might Hercules diverted both of these rivers through stables, thus clearing away the filth and dung in a single day. Augeas was full of anger when heard this news, thinking that he had been tricked since it was the rivers and not Hercules that had performed the task. He ordered Hercules out of his kingdom. Hercules, however, happily returned to his Teacher and told Him of selfless deed, a deed that made him worthy of being called a world server.

The labour of Aquarius marks the keynote of the time we are living in right now. It's a time where pollution and skepticism is everywhere. And the pollution is not just the physical pollution we live with today, but its also the selfish emotional and mental corruption that dominates our world today. The two rivers represent the soul forces of love and wisdom. They are the two streams that pour out of the pitcher that Hercules carries in the sign of Aquarius. When the soul prevails in our lives then these forces of love and wisdom act as purifying waters in the world of the personality. Only when these forces begin to clear out the waste and obsession of materialism can we begin to live a simpler and more pure life.

Can these stables of our land be cleaned out in a single day? Time will tell, for an extraordinary may indeed happen very soon in our lives where the world will suddenly "wake up" and realize that our focus on the material world is killing us and that we must raise that focus to a higher level, a level where the "soul of man" becomes dominate over the personality. This would indeed be the beginning of a new earth and a new heaven.


edit on 12-2-2011 by Neo__ because: grammatical fixes

Fascinating and thanks for the insight!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:56 PM
Aquarius depicts the image of a man pouring water forth from a jug. Thus, the Age of Aquarius, is the age of spirit (as water and truth), but not without reason or logic (logos).

I believe it represents a new understanding of the very process of history, of time and causation, and of a newfound reality which transcends time and history, like a keystone in a royal arch, over which humanity will one day pass into everlasting freedom.

"Our liberation is God's compulsion."
~ C. S. Lewis

edit on 1-3-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by LordBaskettIV
Pisces is represented by TWO fish connected, not just one. The jesus fish is just pointing to the whole episode where he feeds more people than possible with a small amout of fish and bread, yet there was plenty for all. Pisces is not an individualist at all, it a sign known for morphing into its surroundings and being greatly affected as it's a pure water sign. Water is deffined by that which contains it.

The fish with jesus's name in it represents the age in which jesus came which is pisces.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:04 PM
abit tangential to the op. but wanted to make this clear. the "jesus fish" referring to the omnipresent bumpersticker or symbol attributed to christians, really refers to the secret symbol early christians in the first and second century ad chose to assign themselves to recognize each other: due to the danger of being killed as followers of christ, when they secretly met, one person would draw almost a semi-circle, and the other person would also draw a semi circle connecting at one point. this would look like a fish. most likely referencing jesus' command to be "fishers of men". and yes, the "jesus fish" really has no relevant issue in the op.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:14 PM
The fish symbol is also created from the sacred geometry of the vesica pisces, and is clearly depicted in many paintings at the Vatican. It also represents the ah..gateway of procreation if you will.


It is the very first emination for the flower of life


posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

In this way, pisces may be thought of in terms of a type of "holy grail" or recepticle, of the "word" or the "logos" as the divine seed or spark of life. Pisces is like the jug from and into which the spiritual water of life (flow of life in eternity) is poured by Aquarius. The dovetailing of the two is an image of a spiritual consumation, or of a wedding between the spirit of man and God, as depicted at the very end of the Book of Revelations, on the last page of the Bible, with the Bride and Bridegroom (lover and beloved other) offering freely, to all who thirst, the free-flowing water of life (eternal life).

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”
~ Teilhard de Chardin quotes

That is an alchemical statement about Aquarius, imo.

edit on 1-3-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

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