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Google executive confirmed still missing in Egypt

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Egypt Releases Google Executive, Company Says

(with photo from Associated Press)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 10:59 PM
Freed Google executive helped spark Egypt revolt

And since Google=NSA, the hand of the NSA and American gov't in initiating this revolt/coupd'etat is clearly shown.

That having been said foregn forces such as Israel are still trying to prop up the old dictator and his torture chief (now Veep), Suleiman.

Yes, I know, a family feud. They happen from time to time even among the PTB.

Thus the apparent vacillating by the puppet Soetoro and his underlings. Biden has staeyed loyal throughout to Mubarak, as has Hilary, being they are both Zionist extremists.

Barry has propbably just been trying to figure out how to play it, focused as he is on reelection and his (liberal/progressive) "base" who are sympathetic at least with the struggle of the Egyptian people to overthrow their dictator (even though that in itself may have been something orchestrated for questionable purposes from outside of Egypt itself).

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