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posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:17 AM
Im going to make this as short as possible......Stop Paying your bills!!!

You are all being conned on a massive scale, yet we all continue to bend over backwards to pay what we owe.
But do we? Do we actually OWE anything? My answer is no.

You are all being conned by:-
Electric prices
Gas Prices
Fuel Prices
Food Prices

I say cancel all your payments. Everysingle one. Its only money and its what is one of the root causes of all the bs that is going on. Billionairres are giving it away because soon it will be worth squat. Spend the money you save on supplies instead of paying the bills that are so wrong i dont even know how its legal.

You pay for water? Why? You are actually paying them to poison you.
Your electric and gas prices are through the roof yet it costs them nothing to produce it.

While you are at it, get rid of your cars, you are going to have an expensive lump sat outside that does not work soon. Cancel all your insurances also its a scam.
I will be closing my bank account next, the time is coming but so many of you still choose to ignore or ridicule when it is mentioned.
Take out all of your savings and buy neccesities.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by jazz10

I admire threads like these, which is why I am replying. I feel exactly the same as you do and I am doing something about it. Unfortunately, your rant will fall on deaf ears as there is much to think about. People have families, responsibilities it is not so easy to give up everything that has been shown to be part of society since birth.

Small moves are needed in order to achieve fruition.
edit on 4-1-2011 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by jazz10

Are you actually being serious? If so, have you done that? Have you stopped using electricity, TV, Radio, water, food, waste transport, the internet, wait, no you haven't, you are on the internet, how, may I ask you?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by jazz10

There's nothing wrong with the concept of money & banking... it's just that the current system allowed people to take advantage

There's nothing wrong with paying for services and goods, but the monopolies and centralised control of resources created by 200 years of capitalism are a problem that should be corrected.

Reform is the way forward, surely? Destroying (or ignoring) hundreds of years worth of development is a form of regresion. I admire your idealism, but what you're suggesting will end with you homeless, cold and hungry.

Have you picked the bridge you're going to sleep under already, or are you going to move home every night?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:31 AM
We have a lot of people around here like that theyre called welfare rats so get used to it. Find a fat chick with a couple of kids on welfare to move in with and your dream will come true.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by jazz10

I admire your rebellion, and I encourage you to continue to take those measures you find necessary to prepare yourself. But such extreme measures are just not realistic, especially when others, like a spouse and children, are involved.

I am taking some precautionary measures (emergency kits, water, canned goods, cash, bullion, etc) while at the same time continuing to try to enjoy every moment of my life Now. I don't share these actions with very many, lest they write me off as nuts, but it's simply good preparation for whatever may come our way. My personal reasons for doing so are irrelavent...shouldn't everyone have stuff put aside?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:32 AM
I feel where you are comming from. There have to be steps taken befor the masses can behave like that w/o suffering more discomforts afterwards.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:38 AM
How do you propose to live without lights and heat?
What feasible alternatives have you found?
What guarantee do you have that social services will not come and take your children out of the home for having such "adverse" living conditions?
What guarantee do you have that code enforcement will not remove you from inhabitating such a dwelling? It could be designated a "health hazard" or some such thing.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:45 AM
When you had your electricityturned on were you AWARE that you would be billed?
If yes and you defaulted you have stolen.

Were you aware when you had your gas turned on that you would be billed?
If yes and you defaulted you have stolen.

See where this going?

It doesn't matter if all of the sudden you decided it was a crime against humanity and they are corporate fat cats ripping you off. You did not have to agree to pay. Since you obviously did agree, if you don't pay and leave a debt then you are a thief.

I hate my car payment. It's a ginormous rip off. It makes me want to impale myself on saltines everytime I have to write the check, but I signed the papers and initialed 50 times.... if I walk away I am a thief.

Live off the grid. Be at one with nature. But pay what you promised to pay before you do so.
edit on 4-1-2011 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:02 AM
Yep, hook line and sinker. I knew that if i posted this and returned a short while later that the replies would be as they are.

You really all need to wake up.
you are all forced to pay or risk prison terms or risk losing your kids?? They sure do have you running scared.
The time is coming where a new free energy will be implemented. Out with the old in with the new. Same goes for automotive and aviation industry.
Some people fail to realise that this has been going on for years....since WWI.
I know that they have had the technology for years that would have made the world a very different place indeed. Where starvation and poverty were only things you read from history books, but then again, they re-wrote the histiory books when they were bought up and re released. Feels like at the moment we are all suffering with floods at the moment and thats the bs thats been fed to us.
Browse a couple of the threads on here regarding energy and sciences etc? its blatantly obvious its a con. Free clean renewable energy capable years ago yet here we all are today still in the same #ty situation that they put us in way back then? WTF? Please....
Everyone flapping about debt and paying their bills? If you want that then keep it. I want more than that. I want the truth.

I was speaking to someone the other day, i was clamped up when he said ''All these nutcases and conspiracy theorists talk the talk but cant walk the walk, none of them ever band together to get to the truth to busy finding evidence to debunk than finding evidence to support, they feel like kings and qeens of their own little world satwith a cup of coffee with crumbs all over their mouth''
Funny thing part of that is right. Go figure.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by jazz10
I was speaking to someone the other day, i was clamped up when he said ''All these nutcases and conspiracy theorists talk the talk but cant walk the walk, none of them ever band together to get to the truth to busy finding evidence to debunk than finding evidence to support, they feel like kings and qeens of their own little world satwith a cup of coffee with crumbs all over their mouth''
Funny thing part of that is right. Go figure.

They await their LEADER to lead them and not place targets upon them for wanting brighter lifes... They know as of now they would all be rounded up and targeted by death or prison. Their LEADER has more power then EARTH combined and with the support of their LEADER they can rise w/o fear of just being made news and becomming the past. Now their LEADER??????????????????????

edit on 1/4/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:14 AM
The reason i created this thread is because its already started. Im merely telling you all not to worry about your bills etc stop paying them because tshtf situation is here. Bury your heads in the sand if you want and deny it all but we'll see.
I predict a massive avalanche
America's b
Big Quake could be days or weeks away.
A Dam will burst killing thousands
Also an explosion. Not just any explosion, but one where you will return to this thread.
Food and water shortages globally
almost forgot the massive crack that will appear in the ocean floor n to s

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

would that leader bear a mark on his left palm by any chance?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by jazz10

I agree with you that the world has gone to pot, and something needs to be done to throw these criminals of there thrones, but to do what you are doing is not wise. You have to remember, that the reason you are doing this, might not even happen, or might not be as bad as you say, or might not happen for years.

Its simple. Don't pay your house, you lose it
Don't pay for your gas and electric, you lose it.
don't pay for food, you will starve
etc etc!

Lets say you do all this, what will you gain? What will your family gain? At the moment, all we can do is pay for what we have to pay for. It would be foolish to stop paying for everything, just because you think something is round the corner, when it might not be.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by jazz10

You don't get it. Knowingly accepting goods and servicesthat require your promise to pay, then failing to hold up your end is stealing. Thievery.... plain and simple.

It does not matter if they bed down with satan himself everynight. Paying what you owe is not running scared or being conned. Willingly skipping out on your promise to pay however shows the caliber of your integrity.

If you paid for electricity bills 2 months in advance and they cut your power but kept your money, the direction of the wind would change drastically. You would hit the roof. Same difference. If you thought it was all such a rip off then you should have sat in the dark and took your baths at the local truck stop. Then you would not have to be worried about "owing" someone to poison you.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

would that leader bear a mark on his left palm by any chance?

I dont know friend

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

But I think that the reply would be that this person does not feel bad for stealing from those who are con-artists, thieves, and bullies. And if the OP has truly found evidence that they are, then the OP shouldn't feel guilty for doing so as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by gnosticquasar

To each his own of course. I generally tend to think of my own honor and integrity first. If I promised then I promised. It matters not to me if the other guy doesn't do the right thing. I will sleep whether he does or not, and THAT is why I would pay. If these providers are the spawn of satan then the deal should not have been brokered to begin with. Obviously their goods/services weren't so tainted they could not be used.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:54 AM
some still choose to bang on about thieving etc? wtf u talking about? at what point did i declare i was stealing, and since i didnt then its fair to assume im branded a thief now?

Its ok no offence taken as im not actually thieving at all.
My fault not explaining myself properly.

All im saying is dont let the worry of their subtle manipulative devices pull you down because what goes around comes around. All of this thats happening now must happen.
Right, imagine this then, the scenario we are all in now talking globally not individually, as a whole as it was, as it is but due to tptb dressed and divided to hide the implications.

We are a kick in the arse from some really bad events here, yet we all still continue to play it down as regular occurances etc etc well sorry thats all bs in my opinion.
Dormant volcanoes will wake from their slumber, yet will still be down played by those gov dis info spreading individuals that plague the web.
The Earth is about to take it back then we will prepare for the biggest welcome back party ever, because like i said on another thread theres a very strong possibility that we who are here now could actually witness in one way or another our God, or God of the Gods, our creator.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by jazz10

Can you hurry up and get your power disconnected so we don't have to keep on listening to this drivel?

And that's all it is, nonsensical drivel.

Hey, did you know that in some places gas is cheap, just because you might pay a lot for gas doesn't mean others will, so stop trying to force people to do what you are doing, there's a little thing called free will.

Anyway, there are actually places, can't remember exactly where right now, where it is cheaper to leave the gas stove on and burning all day every day than it is to light a match.

Just a little "outside of your little world" perspective for you...

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