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Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?

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posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:43 PM
The implications are beyond staggering. Whether it is Chris Matthews (notwithstanding his high profile) or Joe Schmo asking the question at this point is almost irrelevant. If it were to be proven that Obama is a constitutionally illegitimate POTUS, then he would personally face every possible retribution reaching far, far beyond humiliation and being outed as a liar and a cheat.

Also, hasn't it already been pretty well established that if this ugly scenario were to play out that all legislation during his "tenure" would not only become suspect, but at best have to be re-negotiated or thrown out?

Who becomes president? Its easy to say the VP, but would republicans have a valid argument for winning in 2008 by default putting them in the WH?

Finally, as has already been stated, we all have to have access to and be able to show our proof. What exactly makes the President different? In fact, this seems to be a blatant disregard for the rest of us "underlings", the law of the land, and some twisted grab for entitlement. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one, but he sure makes it hard to do so. Don't worry, though. If this isn't the proverbial straw, he will manage to cross the line too far sooner or later and it will all come crumbling down on him. That will be a sad day in American history, but perfectly deserved.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:45 PM
VERY simple now get this..

Because Obama was not born in the US he was born in kenya.

If he produced that information it would be found presented as false.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by SinnthiaPlease help the OP out and explain what is not valid about a COLB from Hawaii. Please use facts and the truth though, and try not to just say "cuz its not." thanks.

You're being intentionally obtuse. This isn't about anything being "valid" or not. This is about a group of suspicious people that would like to see a document that would be much more difficult to forge, as opposed to a document that would be easier to forge.

Here's BO's certification of live birth.

Here's an example of a Hawaiian certificate of live birth.

A certificate of live birth would have to have been created at the time of birth, and there would absolutely be too many inconsistencies if it had been created more recently in an attempt to legitimize a candidate, no matter how skilled the forger.

I forgot my other points, oh well.

The bottom line is that, to my knowledge, a certification of live birth is all that's needed.


posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:52 PM
It's so funny that people are making such a big deal about Obama being born in another country. Have you guys forgot about what this country was founded on. It was founded upon immigration. Some how the descendants of those particular immigrants feel like they can tell everyone who should be here and who shouldn't. This is so wrong and it is going to back-fire on you, the average US citizens.
I Shake my head at our current state of arrogance. The founding father's knew that people would create bloodshed and confusion in the name of 'America' so they asked for forgiveness in advance. " God Bless America"....and I hope He/She does.
Much Peace and Love

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn

The bottom line is that, to my knowledge, a certification of live birth is all that's needed.


And you have one. Nothing obtuse about my question. You are just making up excuses for the fact that people are saying one is valid and one is not when none of you can even explain the difference. Your pictures are no help either since I can find at least 5 different Hawaiian birth certificates. You have the current one they issue for Obama and ironically, it is exactly what you asked for above.

Either explain to me the difference between these things or stop saying there is a difference. Seems pretty simple.

Obviously you cannot tell me the difference between a certificate and a certification. I will help you out though. They are the same thing. So asking for one because you do not like the other is going to get you nowhere. Different states and times use different titles but none of you can explain how a certification of live birth is any less valid than a certificate of live birth.

If your accusation is that what was provided has been forged, then you all need to get together and make up your minds. Either it is not good enough, or it was forged. Why would anyone forge documents not good enough? You theory eats itself.
edit on 28-12-2010 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Sinnthia

Sinnthia....There is a difference between certification and certificate. Just because you can't understand it or I can't explain it, doesn't make the difference go away. If anyone is a lawyer on ATS reading this thread, please explain the nuances.
Look up certification in Black's Law Dictionary...the act of attesting. Do the same for certificate.....a document in which a fact is formally attested.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by conspiracytheoristIAM
reply to post by Sinnthia

Sinnthia....There is a difference between certification and certificate. Just because you can't understand it or I can't explain it, doesn't make the difference go away. If anyone is a lawyer on ATS reading this thread, please explain the nuances.
Look up certification in Black's Law Dictionary...the act of attesting. Do the same for certificate.....a document in which a fact is formally attested.

The difference has been gone over many times on ATS,

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn

The bottom line is that, to my knowledge, a certification of live birth is all that's needed.


And you have one. Nothing obtuse about my question. You are just making up excuses for the fact that people are saying one is valid and one is not when none of you can even explain the difference. Your pictures are no help either since I can find at least 5 different Hawaiian birth certificates. You have the current one they issue for Obama and ironically, it is exactly what you asked for above.

Either explain to me the difference between these things or stop saying there is a difference. Seems pretty simple.

Obviously you cannot tell me the difference between a certificate and a certification. I will help you out though. They are the same thing. So asking for one because you do not like the other is going to get you nowhere. Different states and times use different titles but none of you can explain how a certification of live birth is any less valid than a certificate of live birth.

If your accusation is that what was provided has been forged, then you all need to get together and make up your minds. Either it is not good enough, or it was forged. Why would anyone forge documents not good enough? You theory eats itself.
edit on 28-12-2010 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

One has handwritten documentation like a signature of the nurse or doctor attending( which are illegal to forge and easily back checked). And a raised state seal imprinted.
The other the ("Certificate of live birth") I can make with photoshop elements or word perfect.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
VERY simple now get this..

Because Obama was not born in the US he was born in kenya.

If he produced that information it would be found presented as false.

Get this instead: It doesn't matter WHERE he was born.

As long as one parent IS a US citizen, the child is a US citizen too. For example, the children of Korean women married to US soldiers stationed there are automatically citizens of the US, even if born in Korea.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE
One has handwritten documentation like a signature of the nurse or doctor attending( which are illegal to forge and easily back checked). And a raised state seal imprinted.
The other the ("Certificate of live birth") I can make with photoshop elements or word perfect.

I asked about 4 times what the difference was "legally" and you failed to provide that. What you offered up is just your opinion and you cannot back it up or make it true. Sorry but if the only answers you people have are lies you make up off the top of your head, you will be whining about this forever.

Do I really need to ask again or can one of you actually answer with a REAL ANSWER?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by conspiracytheoristIAM
reply to post by Sinnthia

Sinnthia....There is a difference between certification and certificate. Just because you can't understand it or I can't explain it, doesn't make the difference go away. If anyone is a lawyer on ATS reading this thread, please explain the nuances.
Look up certification in Black's Law Dictionary...the act of attesting. Do the same for certificate.....a document in which a fact is formally attested.

You fail to understand. I know what those documents actually are. I know what those titles mean. I have done the research. I have no problem saying there is no difference and that none of you can prove there is. Keep saying it though. See if that makes it true. You obviously do not know the difference either. Why do you all grab a bat if none of you are going to swing at the ball?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
The difference has been gone over many times on ATS,

Really? And you still do not know what that difference is?
I guess you are not very good at this then?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:43 PM
I think they pull stunts like that just to get some extra ratings.
Only way they can get people like us off the net and to turn on the tube is with stories like these.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by CatfishBob

It is not a stunt and it is not something special that Chris "asked this question." It is almost like most people have never watched hardball in their lives and refuse to actually watch this interview. The topic resurfaced. It was a subject on the show. Chris "asked this question" BECAUSE HE HAD SOMEONE THERE TO ANSWER IT. This is how these discussions go. For the love of god, if you cannot stomach Matthews, at least watch this one interview and you will all see you are foaming over nothing. He is not asking because he is suddenly looking for some revelation. He is asking because that CUES THE ANSWER. Typical Hardball fair, nothing to see here.

Prediction: Two months from now this thread will be dead and burried. Nothing will come of it. 2012, Obama will either be re-elected or not but will never be taken out of office over this and nothing he did will ever be repealed over this.

You all dance around and get excited, again though. I thought after two years one of two things might happen.

1- you will all get tired of dancing and give up.


2- you will actually learn something about birth certificates and be able to answer a simple question about them, especially if 4 of you give it a try.

See you in the next thread about this that also dies without getting you anywhere.

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