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BBC interview wheelchair user and police victim Jody McIntyre. BBC scum defend the police

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posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Acidtastic

Covering his face and listening to jungle music doesn't really help his "cause" does it?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Raider of Truth
Covering his face and listening to jungle music doesn't really help his "cause" does it?

Yeah, I hate not being able to look people with cerebral palsy in the face, and I HATES me some jungle music!!

So let's beat him with police bludgeons and drag him across the street while he's participating in non-violent demonstrations!!


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:14 PM
Something i find funny in threads like this is the amount of language people use especially the old police brutality line, well if you start some violence and attacking colleagues,property and civilians you deserve a good thrashing around the legs,arms and head.

You all act like warriors but in reality your confused people who pretend to be revolutionaries or guerillas fighting some oppressive regime. When in fact the first person you would call in an emergency is the police, we aren't oppressive in fact we are to lax thanks to the useless CPS and Home Office.

You automatically assume EVERY police officer is like that adrenaline fuelled idot dragging him off the wheelchair. Discipline and demotion is mandatory if the reason is unjustified.

One police officer did that not the entire force. Learn the difference. He got caught up in the action. It is alleged because we coincidentally don't see what happened before or after. I'm lucky to be monitoring actual peaceful protests which i am all for, instead of a bunch of socialist gorillas running amok and causing trouble.

My best friend serves with the Met and he is lying in hospital with a broken neck and shattered retina because of these so called "peaceful students" i have no pity for them and they deserve everything that is coming to them.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by ThePeopleParty
reply to post by March of the Fire Ants

But the remark he made in response to the guy in hospital with the head wound from the police baton was out of order, He made it sound as though the protesters deserve it because they through missiles.

I didn't get that impression. First, he interrupted McIntyre's point about "what if it had been a cop getting that brain injury." To me, that has the effect of saying, "I don't want to reply to that point because there's really no defense for it.", so McIntyre's point sticks in the viewer's mind. Then he says he saw people throwing things and repeats his, "Did you throw anything" question, when it looks to me like McIntyre couldn't hit a dartboard with a dart at five feet.

The overall effect was that the reporter looked like he tried to stick to the script, but failed. Of course, I've never seen this reporter before, maybe he's just not that good. But maybe he didn't like the script and failed on purpose. My first clue was when they showed the video of McIntyre being dragged out of his wheelchair while the reporter said, "allegedly being dragged." He may as well have announced, "This is going to be a hit piece ..."

An American style talking head would have relentlessly interruped McIntyre with baseless accusations out of left field. Remember CNN's Assange interview?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:15 PM
Sorry if this has been posted before. Sack Ben Brown...

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

He wasn't assaulted, just dragged off his wheelchair by one idiot officer.
I'm not condoning it, but in those situations it does happen.

Non violent peaceful demonstrations? What have you been smoking?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:29 PM
Bravo to Jody!

He seems a very intelligent man. He tried to high light many problems that we all see with the BBC but the news caster just wouldn't have it. I think the BBC may have done more damage than good for the government but then they have always been labour party backers.

To be honest these protest have really brought to light the divide between the government and the youth of Britain, They seem (the protest) to be about more than just tution fees.

I don't see the elite of the world holding on to power for much longer let alone this country.

Western society is in its death throws, i'm not sure wether thats a good thing or a bad thing but I tell you what it gonna be intresting.

Peace. (But not on the streets)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by NadaCambia

Wow and Here i thought FAUX NEWS Aka Fox News Did alot of spin doctoring

as this Shows alot of Editing (Cutting Out) and Why ?

as BBC is trying to Throw in The Defend the Police Card

its Sad Real Sad as the protester looks like he has Cerebral Palsy and his Only Attack of Defense
Would be Harsh Language! Wow

as the Police could of just as Easily Rolled him Out to the Side Walk Instead of the Man Handle Drag Show are they Teaching him a Example Lessen ? No Different then Americas Police Police Nation

Well I glad he is Defending himself From the Corrupted Media

S&F TY for Exposing

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Raider of Truth

sorry mate but from what i saw they handeled him pretty roughly by throwing him onto his front then dragging him across the road and slamming him down on his front again.
Now you tell me as your so in the know (
) just how if you grab or push or even pull away from a cops hold you are arrested for assaulting a police officer yet you say they didnt assault or attack him!

you cant,

and if your mate is the guy on the horse that fell off due to his saddle strap failing & slipping that broke his neck then your as bad as the media lying about it cos he wasnt pulled off by protesters his horse stamped on him!

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Raider of Truth
He wasn't assaulted, just dragged off his wheelchair by one idiot officer.

He said himself he was attacked twice, only the 2nd one was filmed, the 1st involved being hit by a police weapon, and yes, actually, being dragged across the street IS ASSAULT.

If I dragged a police officer across a street against his will, you could bet your ass I would be charged with assaulting a police officer. It's no different when you're dragging a handicapped person or anyone else.

I'm not condoning it, but in those situations it does happen.

And during uprisings when people get pissed off enough at their authorities after regular and repeated abuses, police get shot too. I'm not condoning it, but in those situations it does happen.

Non violent peaceful demonstrations? What have you been smoking?

What did I miss this guy doing? Was he rolling his wheelchair towards the police again?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Wolfenz
reply to post by NadaCambia

as this Shows alot of Editing (Cutting Out) and Why ?

I noticed that too, I thought it was my laptop but obviously not. Its no suprise, the BBC is a state run channel. It makes no difference to somewhere like say, N.Korea. State run television is used for one thing and one thing only....propaganda.

Its the reason I haven't paid my TV license for 6 years.
edit on 14-12-2010 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Raider of Truth

& to add to your just one idiot officer comment, there are unfortunately a lot more of these than you care to admit. There are some good cops out there who care about what they do - i have met some, but at these type of events its the thug elements that love a ruck that are used and i know this because i have heard it from one.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by NadaCambia

I think that this is just sick and disgusting. That man with CP put up a hell of a fight with that ignorant, corrupted reporter.

I thought he made a very valid and interesting point about how even though he, himself, does not feel inferior to others, others may see him as vulnerable, and erupt in violence after seeing him being attacked by a group of police. What sadistic and twisted minds these people have.

COP: "Hey i'll bet we can justify killing and at least arresting a few more of these kids if we can provoke them enough...OH!, hey! that kid in the wheelchair will do, lets just attack him!"

The reporter that claimed the kid was "wheeling towards" the cops reminds me of that episode of South Park where Stans uncle Jimbo takes the kids hunting.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Raider of Truth
When in fact the first person you would call in an emergency is the police, we aren't oppressive in fact we are to lax thanks to the useless CPS and Home Office.

We? Now I understand where this bull crap is coming from.

I've never called you guys for ANYTHING, and believe me I've been in some pretty rough situations before, including being assaulted and all number of other things. And I've NEVER called your arrogant organizations.

You automatically assume EVERY police officer is like that adrenaline fuelled idot dragging him off the wheelchair.

And YOU apparently assume that every private citizen becomes a sissy baby as soon as something unfortunate befalls them and they'll come running straight to you, making you the most important people in the world I guess. Delusions of grandeur.

And your really think men in police uniforms are the only ones with spines? You know how many ex-military are preparing for future scenarios where they're going to have to stand up to you? All I'm saying is you better think twice whenever you're called to go after your own people for something petty or not even illegal at all, because whether the government or the people themselves have the final say has been tossed back and forth historically countless times already in very bloody struggles. This isn't a fantasy world.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

It's replacement is an Islamic Caliphate, yet only a few hundred thousand notice it. Even police officers are taking notice.

I'd rather have this system than one run by a cult wanting world domination, it's trading one evil for another. I agree the BBC is terrible it does the same with all demo's if violence flares it's amazing for them if there is none you get nothing shown. The recent EDL demo had 2000 supporters and only 78 UAF counter protesting. No violence at all except from the MDL(Muslim Defence League) no word on it in the media except the small firms and independant ones.

170 courts are now closing and our own "CSI" has been shut down. It's terrible what's happening soon we will have disorder,race wars and political upheavals. Something needs to change. Con-dem's aren't helping the situation that's for sure.

Unrest is starting to spread all over the world especially in Europe, obviously this NWO's power is starting to falter thanks to the economy and rumours of war. It's the reason i believe they are pushing Augmented reality,Transhumanism,Mind Control,Sexualisation of children and Project Bluebeam in all forms of media for their final stand.

Tuition fee's are the lowest priority in the problems we are facing as a nation and race.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by cropmuncher

Can you link me clearer footage? If that's the case then the officer deserves the sack and a hearing for misconduct.

No my mate was the one who was dragged into the crowd after the 1st line broke and stomped on,kicked,punched and hit with a hammer until the first riot support got to him. His armour was the only thing that saved him.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

"And during uprisings when people get pissed off enough at their authorities after regular and repeated abuses, police get shot too. I'm not condoning it, but in those situations it does happen. "

Highly doubt that in the UK but in our traitorous cousin's backyard more likely. They aren't rebelling against the police it's the MP's they are rebelling against. The police are in the way so they try taking them on. It fails miserably each time mind.
Uprising? More like a bunch of students,socialists and anarchists trying to start something but failing every time resulting in very little public support.

"What did I miss this guy doing? Was he rolling his wheelchair towards the police again? "

I'm not going to comment on that as i wasn't there, you made it sound like the entire protest was peaceful. When more than 3000 people got involved in violence and looting. Resulting in 168 arrests, 30 standard police officers injured and 46 protestors injured.

If it was meant to be a stand against the oppressive government then why loot shops and attack civilians and tourists? Not to mention two members of the royal family and the amount of disrespect shown to our ancestors.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:56 PM
And for all these problems whats the answer?

There is only one WAR. This is the only way the elite can regain control, by sending a genaration to the brink of madness. I read a paper recently that spoke of war sending a population both at home and on the front lines to a sort of stress induced state of madness. This "stress induced madness" then allows the government, dictator, king etc etc to mold their citizens into peaceful god loving beings.

The only problem with this now days is that with the creation on the internet these "Warring" population can talk to one and other which in turn counters any propaganda made by their elites.

So what the answer then? Bluebeam? Population reduction? Guess were gonna find out.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

I'm wondering why a yank is commenting on something that is of no concern to you? Unless your an ex-pat?

Delusions of Grandeur? Me? No i just enjoy helping people who deserve it. I'm ex military myself mate, i've done some things i'm proud of and not proud of, that's life. I serve in Armed Response as a sniper but i do overtime as riot support when it's needed. When some little gob#e with a iron bar tries to do you in, he gets a baton to the head. Anyone who calls that police brutality really are stupid.

Not going into to much detail but there are those in the police and military who are ready to stand against the NWO when the time comes.
As for turning on your citizens. I will never follow an order to shoot or harm an unarmed civilian if someone shoots at me or tries to get me into a melee fight with knife,hammer,bar etc. Citizen or not they are going down. No mercy and no pity, they used their free will.

You seem to hate police, usually when that happens. The person in question has done something wrong.

Anyway i better get back to work been sitting in this internet cafe for to long. Take care.
edit on 25/11/10 by Raider of Truth because: (no reason given)

edit on 25/11/10 by Raider of Truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Raider of Truth
"And during uprisings when people get pissed off enough at their authorities after regular and repeated abuses, police get shot too. I'm not condoning it, but in those situations it does happen. "

Highly doubt that in the UK but in our traitorous cousin's backyard more likely.

I'm proud to be called a "traitorous cousin."

They aren't rebelling against the police it's the MP's they are rebelling against.

And who are your politicians' foot-soldiers on the streets, enforcing their crooked laws? Oh yeah, it's the police. Are you one of those cops that arrest people for taking pictures and video in public? Or is that just the other brownshirts in your department?

Uprising? More like a bunch of students,socialists and anarchists trying to start something but failing every time resulting in very little public support.

Who the public supports is rapidly shifting, and that's all that matters.

"What did I miss this guy doing? Was he rolling his wheelchair towards the police again? "

I'm not going to comment on that as i wasn't there, you made it sound like the entire protest was peaceful.

No, that's just your cop mentality looking for an excuse to beat up any cripple. No, the cripple wasn't pointing his wheelchair at anyone, but that guy over there looked at me crossways, so let's go beat on the cripple instead. Yeah, I can see how you thought that I was denying you that "reasoning."

If it was meant to be a stand against the oppressive government then why loot shops and attack civilians and tourists?

How do you know that wasn't some undercover cops doing that to incite more violence, like your buddies beating up the crippled kid? That's what they do here in the US, and our scum isn't any worse than your scum whether you want to admit it or not. Over here a UC will throw rocks at riot police, then run right into their lines and flash a badge and disappear behind them as the riot police storm forward with shields and bludgeons and just start beating and stomping anyone and everyone in their way. I've heard plenty of Brits talk about the same sorts of things happening there, including the very same person featured in this OP. But I guess since he pointed his wheelchair at you the wrong way he's not a credible witness of getting his own ass busted for doing nothing violent. No, I know you wouldn't want to comment on that.

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