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CIA Opium In Afghanistan - What Your Tax Dollars Paid For

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posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 07:57 PM
US Troops guarding opium crops in Afghanistan:

Let us look at this opium problem a little more:

US claims Taliban's main source of funding is opium.

If the US shuts down opium production, the Taliban supposedly would be deprived of funding.

If the Taliban was deprived of funding they wouldn't be able to continue fighting.

US claims it can't eradicate the opium crop because then the farmers would turn to the Taliban, who had previously shut down opium production entirely in the country for religious reasons prior to our invasion.

Further, the Taliban should supposedly cease to exist if the US shut down the opium production since they get their funding from the opium crop. So how can the farmers turn to them if they don't have any funding?

Does anyone else see the fatal flaw in the US's argument here?

Of course, the question I want to know is who is profiting from the sale of the opium US troops are currently guarding?

aaaaaaaaaaaand the answer is!

Karzai's brother is on the CIA payroll and he's also the primary trafficker of all the opium the US troops are guarding. Karzai himself is also in on the drug trade, working in conjunction with the CIA to move the drugs out of the country.

Here's a WikiLeaks document showing he's pardoning all the drug dealers the US military is catching.

In 2001, the Taliban had nearly eradicated the entire opium trade in Afghanistan. By 2002 after the invasion, opium production in Afghanistan was at record levels. Faaaaar higher than at any point during the Taliban's rule.

The US led invasion was about installing drug lords to run opium out of Afghanistan, which the CIA then uses to fund its payrolls. The money is also laundered through US banks, wide out in the open, so they get a nice profit boost from the illicit drug money.

Guess who is the only politician to have a problem with this?

edit on 10-12-2010 by mnemeth1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:07 PM
I'd love to hear exactly what orders the troops on the ground are given in order to secure the crops. This is so f# up.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Come on, the CIA have got to get some cash for their next FF operation from somewhere stop being so unreasonable !!

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by maythetruthbeknown
reply to post by mnemeth1

Come on, the CIA have got to get some cash for their next FF operation from somewhere stop being so unreasonable !!

I think we should tax CIA drug profits.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:13 PM
We should complain?If it wasnt for the drug ecenomy there would be no economy left at all....
With the CIA doing the dealing, the gov boys taking their end, the banks laundering mucho dinero at a tidy profit no doubt, and the death, and the ruined lives the abandoned children, all provide overtime for gov emplyees....
Meanwhile weapons sales are booming,
Wed be virtually at a standstill if the drug money changed to euros i tell ya.....hey...hmmmm.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by stirling
We should complain?If it wasnt for the drug ecenomy there would be no economy left at all....
With the CIA doing the dealing, the gov boys taking their end, the banks laundering mucho dinero at a tidy profit no doubt, and the death, and the ruined lives the abandoned children, all provide overtime for gov emplyees....
Meanwhile weapons sales are booming,
Wed be virtually at a standstill if the drug money changed to euros i tell ya.....hey...hmmmm.


How about we just legalize drugs.

This way the CIA nor the Taliban will get the profits.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

I am curious if all opium there goes to the illicit black markets or if a percentage of it goes to legit business', say in medicine, and if so what percent?
I ask because if some of those fields are providing legitimate income, it would make a little difference in the broadness of my generalizing. As it stands, I assume they are all for black market, so the story upsets me too, but is not so surprising. Protecting an asset for the global market? I can see matter how destructive it may be

edit on 10-12-2010 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

The more "drugs" they make illegal the more the CIA and others get in their coffers. They only care about that. They do not care about education of substances which should be priority. Lots of so called "drugs" should be not only decriminalised but made legal. Over 18, with advice on pros and cons and taxed, with the money going towards education. Why line their pockets so they can do more hurt. Will free up prisons which maybe in the USA they dont want to do considering they make millions from the labour. Education is what is needed and people need to learn moderation, but the choice should be theirs with our being prosecuted. I mean who the fuuuccckk has the right to tell you what you can or can not put in your own body??? Exactly no one!
I would say such is life, but it does not have to be this way.
Ok take care Regards

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:21 PM

In 2001, the Taliban had nearly eradicated the entire opium trade in Afghanistan. By 2002 after the invasion, opium production in Afghanistan was at record levels. Faaaaar higher than at any point during the Taliban's rule.

Oil and Drugs.

My understanding is the Taliban is very much against drugs!
That is why they are a major threat --- TO HUGE DRUG Profits.

After all, the Taliban are religious fanatics, they are against drugs and alcohol, and other 'devilish' vices.

BUT, you could not have the MSM telling everyone that the Taliban want to rid the world of drugs from one of the worlds biggest productive areas.

Hell, people in the west might actually condone this behaviour!

"WHAT!!! The Taliban want to force farmers to grow food for the people instead of drug crops!!".

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Honestly, the average american and westerners are so dumb..
They believe everything their corrupt politicians tell them...

The US would be financially better off by simply paying the farmers not to grow poppies and thus supposidly cut off the Talibans main funding source...

But then the US itself has ADMITTED to funding the Taliban also, for safe passage for their convoys..
I mean what a crock, and most lap it up as truth.....

What you also have to ask is, where is the drug processed, what are the supply routes, who are the buyers??
Gaurding the fields clearly shows the US has control..They know it all and tell you nothing..

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:49 PM
The truth is already known, what more can be said? Drugs are international currency. Drug money keeps worldwide economy afloat. What government is not complicit in this scam?

Anyone here at ATS already knows that the most popular illicit drug, marijuana, is less harmful than the most popular recreational drug, alcohol. Pure propoganda keeps the prohibition going. It is an easy sell telling the public it is for their own good it is illegal. Altruism is what keeps it in place and keeps the do-gooders eager to pick up the tab for the all-out War On Drugs, and the prohibition is what keeps it lucrative.

OK, this thread is about opium. Heroin addicts will steal from their grandmother to get their fix, but in a sane and uncontrolled market we are talking about pennies a day to support thir habit, it is the prohibition that creates the crime problem and lines pockets.

Heroin a bad thing? Not necessarily, addicts can be functional in society. If I were a terminal cancer patient heroin is the pain drug I would want, it would allow me carry on in a normal fashion until the very end. What harm could it do me if I were dying? Why deprive the terminally ill some comfort? Reason: Insane profits for the insanely rich. Drug legalization would cripple the pharmaceutical industry.

Pot legalization would also put a dent in the liquor industry profits. It would definitely put the hurts on the pharmaceutical industry. Two years ago my aunt was dying of cancer and the doctor suggested she try Marinol, the marijuana pill. A 30-day supply would cost over $900. I can buy pot in Mexico, where I live now, for about $100 a kilo. Any idea how long a kilo lasts me?

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:26 PM
Everyone knows government jobs dont pay well.. And the economy in the toilet.. How else can a poor c.i.a agent prepare for their retirement.. After all its hard work overthrowing governments, assinating and torturing innocent people all in the name of democracy..

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
Everyone knows government jobs dont pay well.. And the economy in the toilet.. How else can a poor c.i.a agent prepare for their retirement.. After all its hard work overthrowing governments, assinating and torturing innocent people all in the name of democracy..

No excuse..They have a great retirement plan and life insurance in case they don't make it to retirement..
And what about the premium healthcare??

And an endless supply of black SUV's, suits and sunnies...

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Apparently getting a job at the CIA is like getting a job at Goldman Sachs.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
Apparently getting a job at the CIA is like getting a job at Goldman Sachs.

Why not..
Some would say it's the same boss...

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by backinblack

Originally posted by mnemeth1
Apparently getting a job at the CIA is like getting a job at Goldman Sachs.

Why not..
Some would say it's the same boss...

Same boss?

Hell, same employees:

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 12:02 AM
Yup, very true stuff.

I hope this helps other unaware members.

A lot of stuff is made from opium like Heroin, Synthetic Heroin AKA Oxycontin, and Morphine.

Then they use the crops they grow and use it for the pharmacies in America. Or other countries or for U.S. lackies in the war.

I wonder how fast this clip will be buried.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 12:15 AM
Here's a solution to the opium problem:

Drive an army of armored combine harvesters through the opium fields, scooping up and shredding the poppies in their wake.

The ripples of the opium destruction will shock the globalist elite and their Wall Street financier lackeys, because their illegal profits would have taken a crash dive.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by backinblack

Originally posted by Expat888
Everyone knows government jobs dont pay well.. And the economy in the toilet.. How else can a poor c.i.a agent prepare for their retirement.. After all its hard work overthrowing governments, assinating and torturing innocent people all in the name of democracy..

No excuse..They have a great retirement plan and life insurance in case they don't make it to retirement..
And what about the premium healthcare??

And an endless supply of black SUV's, suits and sunnies...

In case these are legitimate questions I will address them, though I retired from a different department of government. Basic life insurance is equivalent to one-year base salary plus $2,000, healthcare offers different pland and is premium if you select and pay for the premium plans. I managed my retirement by keeping my eyes open and taking advantage of opportunity as I described briefly in my very first post here just yesterday, but those CIA guys probably have a few more opportunities pass their way. I wasn't a rocket scientist but a missile test technician and it is true our basic pay is sucky but the overtime can be really great. Govt. retirement goes further and life is less complicated if you retire to a different country, one with a bit more personal freedom and lower cost of living, and the CIA guys usually have a little better opportunity to check out the best places to retire.

I got out in my early 50's just a few years ago. I had the advantage of having a President that played games with the economy and presented some great opportunities to feather the nest and get out before the inevitable crash. I hated the bastard but he made it possible for his buddies to make a killing and I was able to hitch a ride if I wasn't greedy. Retirement may be a little harder to pull-off at the moment but it will get good again, for awhile. I had planned to work another decade or so but when the roller coaster got going I knew when to jump on, and more importantly when to jump off.

Drug money and that game is too risky for most of us but prohibition provides for a lot of economic dynamics. The opportunities for us regular folk lies in the peripheral activities that are completely above board. Drug money fuels the opportunities, just make sure you do your laundry on the same days as the top players. Plenty of washers to go around.

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