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Why is white pride a bad thing?

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Nameless Hussy
To all the whiny people wondering why Blacks and Latinos and Asians and whoever can celebrate their culture but poor oppressed white people can't, wondering why there's a BET but no WET, wondering about your "hardships" because of affirmative action, etc, listen up:

No no, you listen up:

There's no "special" place for your "cultural celebrations" because pretty much all of what we call Western culture is one big celebration of...well, whiteness.

Seeing that you speak english, I'm assuming you are from somewhere that has a predominantly westernized culture. Therefore you are part of the Western Culture. Just as everyone else that lives around you is. Western culture is not a celebration of whiteness.. I know just as many blacks, hispanics, asians, jews, asian-indians, etc. that celebrate the same holidays I do, have many of the same traditions as I do, and are just as much a part of Western Culture as I am and celebrate it just as much as I do.

There is no special history month to learn about white achievements because when you take a general history course (at least here in America), white achievements are pretty much all you learn about.

I'm going out on a limb here.. But maybe that is because the United States was founded by White Europeans. Unfortunately it took awhile for blacks to get the equal treatment that they deserved. Without sounding racist with the next comment.. Blacks were a key part in the industrial expansion and growth of the US, again unfortunately they weren't paid a fair wage for their efforts. You learn about Blacks in the regard that they were slaves and I'm pretty sure every school in the US covers the civil war, and the civil rights struggles. There are highlights of black accomplishments everywhere in the history books I learned from. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington Carver, Crispus Attucks, Frederick Douglass, etc. etc. etc. I didn't have to take a black history class to learn about any of them.. And the list would be longer if I was truly concerned about furthering my point. Maybe you graduated circa 1850.. I dunno. This country is young, I'm sure if blacks didn't have the rough start they had here, there would be a lot more written about them. They didn't have the opportunities that whites did for awhile but they do now so there wasn't much history to cover about AMERICAN Blacks before the 1900's. Public schools in the US don't really cover history from any country aside from our own. A shame yes, but that includes White's cultural heritage too. There is no white bias in history. History is history.

There is no special channel dedicated to featuring stories specifically about whites because when you watch regular broadcast television, almost every show is dominated by stories about white people -- even casts with a lot of racial diversity still almost always feature white main characters. Take Lost for example. Lots of racial diversity on that show (compared to normal television). But with the exception of three important secondary characters (Sun, Jin and Sayid), all the main important characters were white (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Ben). The one black character on South Park is named Token for a reason.

There are several shows that are pretty much "Black Only". With several main characters being black. There are tons of primetime television shows that feature blacks as main characters as well. In fact I saw two last night, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Nearly every primetime television show features a black main character of some sort, whites are not the main character of every television show either. I don't see what you're trying to say here.. Maybe there are just more white actors? Maybe all of the good black actors do mostly predominantly black television shows and Tyler Perry movies.. I don't know.. Blacks watch shows that feature white main characters and whites watch shows that feature black main characters.. It's not about the skin color of the actor, it's about their ability to entertain and be persuasive in their role. Oprah has had one of the longest standing shows on television, is known worldwide and is one of the richest women in the world. There are very few talk show hosts that can say the same thing. I'd discuss this matter more as I'm not big on entertainment or TV, I have some to learn here, but I still feel that this argument doesn't hold up.

As to these imaginary hardships brought on thanks to "affirmative action," I have to laugh. The vast majority of wealth and power in this country (and world) is in the hands of white people. In 2000, black households on average were worth $6,166, compared with $67,000 for whites, according to census data. The inequality is actually worse now. Affirmative action really hasn't helped people of color advance. Which means if you're white you're probably not being oppressed because of it. Maybe, you didn't get that job because you suck and the black guy was just better. If you're a white male and you can't parlay centuries of white male privilege into some kind of success here in America, then the problem isn't affirmative action, it's you.

The figures you use only talk about household worth.. This is directly related to where people live and concentrations of population. It is a well known fact that the highest concentrations of blacks are in major metropolitan areas. Which means the average is skewed based on location and property value. When more black people live in apartments on average than white people, because they live in the city as opposed to rural areas it is going to drastically alter the value gap between the two. While it is a pretty large gap it as you stated, whites DO hold the majority of wealth.. So the upper end of the spectrum is dominated by whites. The people that live in 1 million dollar homes are more than likely white by majority.. Again this is going to widen the gap further.
Don't even get me started on affirmative action.. I've seen countless people, white, asian or otherwise not get a job they were more qualified for because the company had to maintain a quota. That is just sickening.. You can say whites are more priveleged all you want... When the above happens it totally destroys your argument. Whites have had longer to get established, thats about all it comes down to now. If you need a government crutch to get you a job, then something is wrong with YOU. Not every white man is racist, in fact most of them aren't. People want to pay the most qualified workers, its money.. Has nothing to do with skin color. If you can't get a job, study harder, work harder, accomplish more then reapply. There is no special pass for whites.. They have to work just as hard for everything they earn now. Again this isn't pre-1960. Stand on your own damn feet, quit looking for excuses and realize that most people don't care if you are black, white, orange, purple, magenta, green, whatever.. People care about your work, effort, reliability, qualifications and ethic. People care about people.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by cj6

Whites have had no struggles eh? What about when the Christian Romans invaded and slaughtered everyone's family if they didn't convert? You sound a little biased honestly. Your knowledge of history is clearly limited and riddled with the confirmation bias.
edit on 3-12-2010 by WashingtonGrewHemp because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:57 AM
I like being who I am. I like the way I look and the people I came from. They happen to be white so, in essence, I like being white. I don't see anything wrong with that.

I don't need a month out of the year or an entertainment channel to remind me.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by sparrowstail

I think the OP means that there are no support groups for white people of European descent like there are for other groups. He's also right about unfairly carrying the burden of slavery. Spain controlled the slave trade for hundreds of years before England took it over.
edit on 3-12-2010 by WashingtonGrewHemp because: missing letter

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:01 PM
I dont think that it is about having a month out of the year or a channel to remind us.. It is the fact that if we DID want that.. We couldn't. That would be racist. That is the double standard and that contributes to racial tension. You are black, you are yellow, you are burnt sienna or you are white.. Whatever you are, accept it, realize that 99.99999% of the people in this world don't care about your ethnicity.. They care about you as a person. Stop using excuses, stand up, live, be happy.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Honestly, the biggest culprit in historical slaughtering is good old (not) Christianity. Remember that when the colonists went to America, they cooperated with the Wampanoags, who taught them how to grow food in the harsh climate. If it wasn't for them, here would be no white people in America. When Massasoit died, his son Philip took over leadership, and around that time the colonists started to pull a crazy Christian evangelist move, trying to get the Wampanoags to convert to Christianity. When they refused, the colonists began to slaughter them. It had nothing to do with skin color AT ALL. Remember this. It was Christianity that befouled their minds and made them attack Native Americans that had saved them in the first place. Christ was a Jew. Jews believe in slavery. It's in the Bible. Read Exodus.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Oh God a race thread. Totally sucks. White people celebrate being white all the time and I don't care. Whites run the world basically with all their wars and scams, and that should be enough white pride celebration right there.
You are lame for this thread. We might as well talk about religion, politics, gays too. So I can barf. Look at the money whose face is on it? If my face was on some money I'd be proud too. If you are the winner why brag? It's like beautiful supermodel saying she's pretty all day. Overkill. And I say all this not to say Europeans shouldn't celebrate their cultures. Darn it I celebrate at the bars with the Irish on St. Patricks day and I'm not white.
Stop turning ATS into a yahoo comment board.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Are you trying to deny that Jews had a huge hand in the slave trade? The OP is correct in what he says. The Bible also approves of slavery.

Jews come up in this discussion so much why? Its making anyone claiming to want "white pride" to look very much like a Klansman or neo-nazi.

I was on board with the OPs sentiment UNTIL he railed against the jews, then it became quite obvious his agenda is not all about whites getting the same treatment.

The thing about jews being "in charge" of the slave trade is laughable at best. Do some research and you will realize its something that many, many societies and cultures did since ancient times. Hell, the Romans enslaved entire populations for many generations. I suppose they were jews?

Where is the proof of jews running the slave trade? For any one peice of proof somone provides of this, ill provide two more showing other cultures doing the same.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Mactire

I think the point the OP makes is that white people generally have no support groups where they can learn about their heritage, unlike most other non-white peoples. Whites are unfairly blamed for slavery when it was controlled by Spain for hundreds of years, and Jews also- that is true. Also, the American colonists did not start slaughtering the Natives until King Philip's War in the late 1600's. The war broke out because the natives didn't want to convert to Christianity. So in a way, it was the Jew's fault because Christ was Jewish. I'm just saying, it didn't have anything to do with skin color. It was religion- good ol Christianity...

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Teeky
White people celebrate being white all the time and I don't care.

I have yet to meet a white person who shoves his/her skin color under everyones nose.
ST. Patricks day is a day for Catholics and for Ireland.
What holiday, specifically, is a 'white' celebration?
Where is this 'celebrate being white all the time' stuff??

Whites run the world basically with all their wars and scams,

- So there is total peace in Africa? The black skinned people of Rwanda will be glad to hear it.
- No tribal wars by black Africans keeping each other down? hmmm ...
- So there is no slavery in Africa or the Middle East? The black skinnned people and the brown skinned muslims who practice it (in rather large numbers) will be surprised to hear it.
- So there is total freedom in China? The asian political prisoners will be glad to hear it.
- So there is total freedom in N. Korea? The starving asian folks will be glad to hear that they'll be getting some food instead of the (asian) military.
- So there is no Mexican drug cartel running Mexico and the S.W. USA? Riiiiiiiight.
The hispanic folks doing the drug running and who are really running Mexico will get a kick out of that.
- So white people run the middle east? All those arab princes ... they look pretty brownish-tan to me. They don't look 'white'. They may be considered caucasian or cacasoid ... but they certainly aren't 'white' skinned.
- Pakistan and India .. unending fighting and threats ... where are the blue eyed blond haired 'white' folks who are supposedly running those places? Wanna' post a picture?
- etc etc etc

Yep .. everythng bad in the world is because of rich, white people of european ancestory.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

the OP is right, the Jews did have a hand in the slave trade. He didn't say they ran it. But listen, when American colonists started killing Native Americans, it had nothing to do with skin color. It was because the Wampanoags didn't want to convert to Christianity. Christ was Jewish. So basically, it was in fact the Jews fault. I'm just saying man...

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by nightbringr

the OP is right, the Jews did have a hand in the slave trade. He didn't say they ran it. But listen, when American colonists started killing Native Americans, it had nothing to do with skin color. It was because the Wampanoags didn't want to convert to Christianity. Christ was Jewish. So basically, it was in fact the Jews fault. I'm just saying man...

Fine, i can accept that, but why mention the jews at all, if they only had a "part" of it. Why not mention the Spanish, the Europeans in general. Mention the Dutch who almost singlehandedly started Aparthied.

Singeling out jews in a discussion about white pride does NOT help his cause. If you cant see why, i cant help you.
edit on 3-12-2010 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by No_man4
Because 'white' isn't a culture, it's a skin color. A skin color shared by peoples of various cultures. If you want to uphold the religious traditions and practices of your antecedents from overseas, that's your right as an American, as long as it doesn't get in the way of anyone else exercising their rights. If you want to celebrate culture that's distinctly American, that's fine too. But considering that American culture is cobbled together from and shaped by cultural elements from cultures all over the world and across time, many of which aren't white, one can see how that might be difficult to do without injuring one's "white pride".
Having pride in the color of one's skin is needlessly divisive, no matter what it is, and makes about as much sense as having pride in the shirt you're wearing.

So, Black isnt culture its a skin color then right?

Same as Brown Pride groups etc?

There are so many cultures that fall into each of the basic color groups. Anyone who says "whites have no culture" is being ignorant, or bitter, or both. Sure, there have been horrific times in history due to "whites," but lets remember whites have killed and enslaved whites, blacks have killed and enslaved blacks, so on and so on.... Evil doesnt discriminate. Blaming a whole group of people just because they have the same skin tone as some bad people from the past is pretty pointless and redundant.

When I was in highschool, we had after school groups that would raise money for charities, and throw private parties and what not. Basically the whole purpose of the group was to just add a bullet to your college application. So we had Black Pride groups, we had Brown Pride groups, Philipino Pride Groups, Japanese, Korean, and so on and so on. However the one we didnt have of course was a White Pride group. A few of my friends and I thought "hey why not," and put in a application to start it up. Not only was it shut down, we were all individually called in to the dean and called "racist," accused of attempting to start racial tensions at school, and were threatened with suspension. They even called our parents to inform them. Please understand how frustrated we were, we werent "gothic" or "punk" or "skinhead," we were all honor roll students who NEVER got in any trouble. I had friends in all of the other groups, and never considered them "racist" when they would have a private party for only black people where all the proceeds went to African American Veterans. Most of these groups were comprised of people who came from many different countries but had the same general skin tone. Brown Pride group's members had Mexicans, Guatamalans, El Salvadorans, Chileans, Argentineans,etc....

We figured it was the name of our group that was causing an issue, so we re-applied under the name "European Heritage Group."

Me and my five honor roll friends who were never in any trouble, were called in, reprimanded, phone call to the parents, and we had to stay after school for a week picking up trash!!

This was an outrage. Their excuse this time was, "we dont want to start any issues with the other cultural groups by sending the wrong message." It was clear to us that our Principal, Vice Principal, and our Dean were scared of not being "politically correct." Pussies....

We went to all of the other groups and asked them if they cared. None of them did because they knew it wasnt a racially motivated "hate" group. They all signed a petition to allow us to start our group.

And we were still denied.

I think people of all backgrounds should celebrate their heritage and remember the struggles of their ancestors. Unless you have royal blood in you, everyone has a story of struggle, no matter what color or country you came from.
edit on 3-12-2010 by WhiteDevil013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:26 PM
It wasn't the whites who took the land from the indians, it was TPTB who took it and then blamed it on the whiteman. If the whiteman hasn't already lost his land to TPTB, then he is well on his way towards getting it taken. The last person hired for a job is the white guy. I wasn't born a racist, but honestly I feel people are racist towards white people and I get to endure every day of it in a country that supposedly was founded by white people (europeans settlers). We are all getting robbed by these people but indians hate whites for supposedly taking (and raping their land), all the while the white guy is getting raped of his land by the banks and government regulations stupid enough to regulate growing vegetables for your own consumption or living in a trailor that doesn't have running water or sewer. Yes, the white guy has it tough, because the racism is there and whenever it's brought up or mentioned it becomes a big joke, but there is a term for it called "reverse-racism". I didn't make your grand daddy into a slave so I have no business paying the price for my ancestors mistakes, get over it already. I didn't take your land I have no land and have to rent, go blame the rich elitists who have all the land instead of the white man.

I never agreed to this lifestyle of working for nothing. In fact, I don't need these evil corporations or the system to survive; the only reason why I have to play ball some of the time is because the rest of humanity is rife with milquetoast limp-wristed pansies who think a real day of work is called the gap. Since when did we make this deal that we have to work almost all of our lives for so little? All we need is a plot of land to make our own food with and build our own house and some materials. This system is friggin useless since it is designed to keep us imprisoned within it for life -- true retirement is getting free of their meddling and influence. At some point in life, I'll have given enough to society, and live a net neutral lifestyle with the environment, that will be enough and I will choose to keep to myself at that point. Is that legal in today's society? Hell no. Can you keep your land without working for the man? Hell no, you get to work till you are at least 60. And even that number is going up.

I honestly would love to see the indians get their land back, I mean, can we even think of any group or minority that could do a worse job at running things than a politician? I think even a little bus full of mentally handicapped could do a better job because at least you'd see the failure coming instead of being swindled into thinking there is any other result. Plus the handicapped wouldn't be smart enough to concoct such intricately manipulative plans to swindle the general masses. It's funny how a retard would actually do a better job. LOL.

Yes, definitely, yes, white people have culture and those people who suggest that we don't are racists. How frigging racist is it to go around saying that everybody has a culture unless their skin is white. It's people like this that constantly remind me why I am sick of dealing with other people. F*** society. My life would be perfect if I didn't have other people trying to constantly stick their noses into it.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

The OP doesn't single out the Jews.
The Spanish are also mentioned.
In the old testament (Exodus 21:21-21:22), it says, "if a man smites his slave with a rod, and he dies under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if the slave gets up after a day or two, the master shall not be punished, for the slave is his money."

The thing is, it's hard not to mention the Jews when talking about Western culture. If you can't see why, then you are blind sir.
edit on 3-12-2010 by WashingtonGrewHemp because: missing word

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by nightbringr

The OP doesn't single out the Jews.
The Spanish are also mentioned.
In the old testament (Exodus 21:21-21:22), it says, "if a man smites his slave with a rod, and he dies under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if the slave gets up after a day or two, the master shall not be punished, for the slave is his money."

The thing is, it's hard to mention the Jews when talking about Western culture. If you can't see why, then you are blind sir.

Huh? Hispanics are mentioned, i dont see Spanish anywhere.

Its NOT a discussion about jews lol. The original post would have gotten a star from me without the mention of jews and slave trades. It doesnt serve his purpose.

If you dont see how talking about white pride and then defaming jews in the same breath looks bad, you honestly dont have a clue.

They are the most oppressed race in the history of mankind, and i dont see anything they have done as wrong. Despised and shunned since time memorable.

And as for your statement that we cannot have a discussion without mentioning the jews, i can only laugh. I dont know about you, but ive often had many discussions about North American culture and society, economics and history, without ever mentioning the jews. You must be fixated on them.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by stealthc

Demographics change all the time. There is no 'original' people. It's changed so many times over the tens of thousands of years .... there is no original owner. Birthrates .... Outbreed the enemy ... wars that are won and lost ... diseases ... earth changes .... everything contributes to demographic changes. No one has an original claim on any land. And no one holds land forever. It's just the way it is.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

Obviously I know why it looks bad. Way to ignore my point completely.
Great job.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

I don't disagree with you about jews being treated poorly, but the race treated the WORST. American Indians. Not only were they treated badly, even now when there is plenty of political correctness the American Indians STILL get not respect. Could you imagine a professional sports team called the Washington K**kes? Well there is the Washington Redskins.....

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:44 PM



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