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US says it may go after WikiLeaks chief

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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:31 PM

US says it may go after WikiLeaks chief

The United States on Monday said it was carrying out a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks and would pursue the whistle-blower website's chief if he were found to have broken the law.

"We have an active, ongoing criminal investigation with regard to this matter," Attorney General Eric Holder told a press conference the day after the website began releasing some 250,000 confidential State Department memos.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Ummm, yeah, just make sure you go after the criminals of the previous admin and this one while you're at it.

I still am not sure I entirely buy into what is going on with this wikileaks stuff, and who is actually behind it and for what intended purpose.

Originally I looked at Assange as a hero, and I still do find ANY truth coming out about our ever-criminalistic gov better than none, but something about this whole operation doesn't sit right with me intuitively. It feels like we may be being manipulated by tptb to serve yet another agenda of some sort.

One thing that is always hilarious though is how ANY truth coming out about our criminals in charge sparks screaming and yelling of 'terrorism' and calls for prosecution. The irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:36 PM
The information released and the way it's being played by the American government does make you second guess the veracity of wikileaks. I'm about 50/50 on whether it's real or a psyops. Assuming that it is real for a moment, the American government has no basis in international law to go after Assange. Not to mention, when was the last time the American government actually abided by international law? This is thick with propaganda, the kind you might expect from the Stalinist Soviet Union back in the day.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:39 PM
Of course they want to go after him. He's released material that exposes world leaders for how hypocritical and corrupt they all are. See, telling the truth makes him a terrorist, just like refusing to violated by the TSA makes one a "domestic extremist". When our private conversations are exposed to random people, it's for our protection from terrorists. When theirs are, it's terrorism. Lovely bit of hypocrisy there, eh?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I am with you on this. The leaked documents thus far scream only to further reinforce the need for more government and more secretive communication between nations. Even if this leak is real and a bonafide attempt to show the world back room deals, it is too easily spun by propaganda. I hope that there is some real damning information contained in these documents that is released in the coming months. Otherwise, this will turn into government seizing the opportunity to pass more laws restricting the right of the people to understand the dealings of their government.

I do think what has been learned so far is our leaders are like high school students labeling world leaders and calling each other names. Very unprofessional. At the very least, I now know our government is operated by high school jocks that think bullying each other is the best method for accomplishing a job.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:52 PM
To be honest, i'm not sure what this is all about
I used to believe in Wikileaks but im not sure anymore

Every leak they leaked sucked arse and didn't expose anything we didn't already know, so what purpose do they serve?

The most condemning leaks were mostly against countries that the U.S. aren't too friendly with
Recently what leaked regarding the U.S. was tabloid gossip on the U.S. said this and that about them
woo hoo big deal.

I think wikileaks is a front!
What has recently come out?

Iran used ambulances to run arms into Lebanon during 2006 war
Karzai 'paranoid' and Ahmadinejad 'like Hitler'
Iran's Khamenei has terminal cancer
WikiLeaks cables show U.S.-Israel fear of 'fundamentalist' Erdogan
WikiLeaks cables prove Israel is right on Iran
WikiLeaks exposé makes it clear: Everybody hates Iran

I don't know man but something is odd here.

For those that don't know Gordon Duff is a Marine Vet.

This last week, in a lawsuit over an AIPAC, (Israel’s lobby) employee reputedly fired for being caught spying against the US, news stories across the United States reported that, as part of that $20 million civil case, evidence will be presented that masses of classified material come to AIPAC and Israel continually. Is AIPAC Wikileaks? The only evidence of any massive leak discovered in the Pentagon is AIPAC.

I'm not sure what's going on, but remember one thing....
Something sure doesn't make a lot of sense and you HAVE TO ask yourself

Who is benefiting the most from the Wiki Leaks?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:58 PM
Hmm, and in related news, Iran's prez today issued the following statement regarding this operation:

“Some part of the American government produced these documents,” he said. “We don’t think this information was leaked. We think it was organized to be released on a regular basis and they are pursuing political goals.”

Full Article:

Is THIS what may actually be taking place? A sort of 'misdirection' to achieve an agenda?

Is this some sort of smoke and mirrors campaign to manipulate the masses, yet again?

If so, then we are on to a TRUE conspiracy underway people...
edit on 29-11-2010 by DimensionalDetective because: typo

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 02:19 PM
I can only think of two possible scenarios why Assange is still walking around, and not tied up in the back of some 'rendition' flight.

1/ He's doing what he does with the secret blessings of the US administration. Reasons for having such a 'front' are legion. Two that immediately spring to mind are 'shaping public opinion on future policy (Iran war)' and as a distraction from the very real economic mess that threatens the US.

Personally I don't buy the 'CIA front' scenario ... It has a very limited shelf life, as the longer Assange remains free, whilst wikileaks continues to leak, the more suspicious the whole thing becomes ... so, in a very short time it becomes a disfunctional operation.

2/ Assange and Wikileaks are holding back some SERIOUS dirt on the US establishment (possibly others too). The sort of dirt that could topple governments, cause mass unrest, or even revolution.

By holding back this 'dirt' it allows them to release stuff that TPTB would generally not want aired in public, and do so with impunity.

Reason?.... because (from TPTB's point of view) any amount of 'minor' embarrassment is preferable to having the serious dirt released.

All other scenarios that spring to mind are variations/combinations of the above.

As an example... Wikileaks starts off as a government front, goes rogue and turns into scenario NO 2


Wikileaks starts off as a real whistleblowing site, then gets co-opted by 3 letter agency.... but the limitations of scenario NO 1 apply - limited shelf life.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the whole thing.

Great thread DD

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 02:22 PM
Got to find the sneaky basterds first look at roland powlansky running his whole life still directing movies.... What does roland powlansky and julian assange have in common

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 02:48 PM
I just watched a Judge Andrew Napolitano on Fox News and he said they don't have any rights to go after Wikileaks, because Wikileaks was given the information by someone in the military. They have every right to publish what they found out.

The person who stole the info and gave it to Wikileaks did wrong, and the crime is at the very least, theft. Probably much more. He said Wikileaks would have been foolish to be sitting on such info, and not publish it.

So they may go after Wikileaks, but if they can't take them to court............

The information released and the way it's being played by the American government does make you second guess the veracity of wikileaks. I'm about 50/50 on whether it's real or a psyops. Assuming that it is real for a moment, the American government has no basis in international law to go after Assange. Not to mention, when was the last time the American government actually abided by international law? This is thick with propaganda, the kind you might expect from the Stalinist Soviet Union back in the day.

I wonder how many scapegoats could be going down on this one?
Why are they letting the media cover any of it, if it's all supposed to be so classified. If they just ordered the media to stay quiet, most people wouldn't even bother caring about it. It's on every news station being done to death. They're calling too much attention to it.

edit on 29-11-2010 by snowspirit because: addition

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Is THIS what may actually be taking place? A sort of 'misdirection' to achieve an agenda?

Is this some sort of smoke and mirrors campaign to manipulate the masses, yet again?

If so, then we are on to a TRUE conspiracy underway people..

There are elements within the US government with unlimited powers and immunities to laws, they are not elected and can conduct covert operations so secret no elected leaders or officials in government will ever know about it.

Wilileaks and Julian Assange have provided a perfect vehicle for controlled leaks and for the "elected" government a target to go after when in fact they (elected government) regularly attend social functions, dinners and luncheons with the very people who are doing this.

If the agencies wanted these leaks stopped that could have happened before ANY of them were ever published.

Lets see how well the Obama administration (Holder) does at bringing Julian Assange to Justice.

edit on 29-11-2010 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Absolutely hilarious!

Two weeks ago WikiLeaks was the hero of the people - the champion of truth and justice!

After they release reports that fail to agree with anti-American conspiracy rhetoric, WikiLeaks is now a shill!

Cue circus music - we need it in this thread.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

Not here, I've been quite consistent with my views on this subject for a very long time now.

But I have my own reasons for that.

It is what it is!

Or whatever you want to believe.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:41 PM
The Emperor wants to prosecute the person who told the world he was naked.

News at a 11.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:46 PM
So is this nothing more than another distraction? I mean its all over the MSM. Wake up people, its just propaganda to continue the " war on terror". Before we know it anyone on ATS will be an enemy of the state.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Ummm, yeah, just make sure you go after the criminals of the previous admin and this one while you're at it.


One thing that is always hilarious though is how ANY truth coming out about our criminals in charge sparks screaming and yelling of 'terrorism' and calls for prosecution. The irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Originally posted by gnosticquasar
Of course they want to go after him. He's released material that exposes world leaders for how hypocritical and corrupt they all are. See, telling the truth makes him a terrorist, just like refusing to violated by the TSA makes one a "domestic extremist". When our private conversations are exposed to random people, it's for our protection from terrorists. When theirs are, it's terrorism. Lovely bit of hypocrisy there, eh?

Agreed and Agreed. This world has truely gone mad when evidence clearly points out the US's pestilence, and it's citizens are trying to bring down the very thing that is looking to bring light to the scandals and corruption. As in they clearly WANT themselves to be in the dark, they clearly WANT to support the scandal, they clearly WANT the scandals and corruption to continue unchecked and without consequence. Polititions/government obviously will try to condemn it and try to ban it... call it a terrorist organisation... because they know that if they do ban it, they can get away with whatever they want. When they don't have it banned as they do now hopefully more people will continue to whistleblow. Maybe people will start to realize that there are people who are completely unfit running the governments and must be thrown out... by force or without force...and in the end, i hope there will be justice.
edit on 29-11-2010 by fordrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I tell you nothing more than bull crap coming from our corrupted entity knows as Americas government, how about going after the ones that cause the economic collapse in the nation? no, we could not do that because they enrich the coffers and pockets of the dirty politicians so we rewarded them with tax payer money.

I wonder . . . when our corrupted system of government will collapse . . .

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:15 PM
Does anybody know whether its illegal to copy and paste the documents from Wikileaks into a document and save them? Not that I care.
I already did, but now I'm curious, because my mom said very seriously, "Don't download or copy the documents because the government is thinking about prosecuting those who do." I don't know where she got that, and I don't want to ask her or show any interest at all, because then she might wonder if I did and try to make me delete my copy.

I copied them because I didn't have time to read them all last night and I wanted to see if Wikileaks would be forced to change them or leave some things out later on. I want to compare my original copy to that page in the future to see if there are changes. If the government really gets serious about prosecuting people who have saved them, I am going to experiment by putting them up on Google Docs and seeing if anyone notices. If they send a warning email, or delete it, then I will know that they are violating peoples' privacy through google docs.... If they do delete or alter the documents online, I will be willing to share mine.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Now THAT catches my eye...

I was on WL side of the fence lately... but I never made the connection with AIPAC, and that article lays out some very pertinant points...

It isn't the U.S. that is releasing these - it is Mossad.

The Leaks do not benefit the U.S., only Israels foreign policy objectives.(Which are closely aligned to Wall Street corporate objectives and Dual Citizenship objectives...)

Can't say anything for sure yet, but I am definitely more skeptical of Wikileaks now than I was before.

Of course, Assange could still have good intentions.

But what about Bradley Manning then?... Hmmm

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Rilan11
Does anybody know whether its illegal to copy and paste the documents from Wikileaks into a document and save them? Not that I care.
I already did, but now I'm curious, because my mom said very seriously, "Don't download or copy the documents because the government is thinking about prosecuting those who do." I don't know where she got that, and I don't want to ask her or show any interest at all, because then she might wonder if I did and try to make me delete my copy.

Mommy seems to be as dumb as a pile of rocks.

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