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A compelling read into the holographic reality theory

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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 02:41 PM
The theory the universe is a holographic entity is based upon the theory we are a intelligent species.

We are not. Mankind is no different than a plague of locusts devouring an areas resources.

Given enough time we would devour the entire Universe. Lucky for the universe we will die off after we've devoured the Earths crude oil and natural gas. The Earth will die without crude oil to keep it's core molten and the gravity field operating around the planet.

If this was a holographic universe ran by an intelligent entity I find it odd they would want to create something that would only die. Unless we are IT'S food/fuel source.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Is this "holographic" universe theory just a metaphor?

I mean, are they trying to argue that everything we see, including the changing of atoms (transformations, positions, etc), and energy, is all just a hologram, literally? Like this is all embedded in some substrate, and the the movement through time appears to occur because we (the consciousness, outside looking in) are constantly changing perspective?

Or are they suggesting the term "hologram" as a metaphor? Like, it's not really a hologram, rather, we can think of it like a hologram because reality is fundamentally static, but time appears to move because of the effects of consciousness?

Or do they mean something completely, completely, different?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

They don't know what they mean.

Its a good idea at best.

Our experience isn't holographic. Although i do agree with a few points of the theory such as, information being contained within itself, i believe the theory as a whole is flawed. If they can't explain the observer and experience then they can't explain anything.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:35 AM

I wrote an article a long, long time ago, similar theory.
I will add it here for extra discussion.


This is how I perceive the Universe based on the information I have. Let’s keep this simple and as detailed as possible so no confusion is aroused.

First of all, the information which I have, tells me that the universe is a giant hologram:

According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in. "It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time," says Hogan.

(Marcus Chown, 2009)
That information is self explanatory, for individuals who still didn’t get it:

If this doesn't blow your socks off, then Hogan, who has just been appointed director of Fermilab's Center for Particle Astrophysics, has an even bigger shock in store: "If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."

(Marcus Chown, 2009)
This information should make it as clear as possible into what we are talking about.

To continue let us analyze this information with other information available such as past lives. No doubt many people would be confused into why such information which is not credible and dubious at best (past lives) should be mixed to form a wider picture of how the universe is really constructed. The answer lies within us, one should understand the limits of science. Once you have studied this article you would understand the limits of Science therefore would be appreciative of the idea of past lives.

from using the techniques of a detective or investigative reporter to evaluate claims that a young child, often just beginning to talk, had spontaneously started to speak of the details of another life. In a fairly typical case, a boy in Beirut spoke of being a 25-year-old mechanic, thrown to his death from a speeding car on a beach road. According to multiple witnesses, the boy provided the name of the driver, the exact location of the crash, the names of the mechanic's sisters and parents and cousins, and the people he hunted with -- all of which turned out to match the life of a man who had died several years before the boy was born, and who had no apparent connection to the boy's family.

(Tom Shroder, 2007)
Note: Past lives can’t be proven physically, but any individual with a brain can connect the dots and see the wider picture.

How can we connect past lives with the discovery that we live in a gigantic hologram? Does anything come into mind? Anyone played videogames? Well let’s see how developed we are in that field.

All the dots can be connected if we sit back and think about Virtual Reality for a while:

Brain-computer interfaces offer liberating possibilities like faster 'thought typing'.

(Science Daily, 2009)
These days we can use our brains to control things, which mean in near future we would be able to fully use our brains to control different parts of our virtual bodies and virtual objects.

Computer Scientists Create System That Gives Users A Sense Of Touch

(Science Daily, 2008)
That would give you a hint of how far we have reached to creating virtual reality. Now keep that information also in mind because soon everything will make sense.

Let’s drift off to the land of Evolution where always it causes controversy between creationists and the rest. Taking all the information available above how would you perceive Evolution? Keeping the information above in my mind, evolution would become nothing more than an update. Before humans weren’t able to build cities, but why? It is because of the fact that we could not have made it without the available updates. That is the reason behind all this commotion because when updates occur, anyone familiar with games would know that either new objects are added or old objects are improved or some objects for whatever reason are removed. That is the controversy behind evolution, we can’t seem to get how an object can just suddenly come to existence.

All the problems of evolution are easily solved with this theory.

Now to bring it all together let us examine this drug which can destroy memories, temporarily or not we don’t know yet.

Scientists recently used an experimental drug in animal testing that when delivered to the brain, could block the activity of a substance that the brain needs to retain information in such areas as emotional associations, spatial knowledge, or motor skills. If enhanced, the drug could potentially help ward off dementia and other memory problems.

(Heather Tomko, 2009)
So we are not there yet but we are close to creating such a drug that allows us to erase which ever memory we please. This just shows to the extent on how far we have come to achieving such a drug.

What if this drug was used in the future to block our memory from remembering your previous life in this hologram? This hologram is a game of a sort, but much more advance, hence the product of humans in future. Maybe this game is a test of a sort, or maybe this game is to punish all the sinners, and give the ones who recompense a good life here and the next. But that is just a what if, what if this game is created for a more humanistic purpose, anything is possible. Think about it and prove me wrong.

(Marcus Chown, 2009),

(Tom Shroder, 2007),

(Science Daily, 2009),

(Science Daily, 2009),

(Heather Tomko, 2009),


I did a little research based on this subject and came across a scientific theory Biocentrism which proclaims the following:

Biocentrism is a scientific theory that posits that life creates the universe rather than the other way around. In this view, current theories of the physical world do not work, and can never be made to work, until they fully account for life and consciousness.

Now this even more supports the idea of us human living in Virtual Reality of a sort, or a hologram.

Now let us try to understand this:
I suggest that maybe we are in this hologram because we have done crime in reality and being punished for it. I suggested that we are in hell and as long as we don't change we will continue being in hell, 'past lives' backs my point. But maybe just maybe, this body of ours is given so we can create the universe.

For example designers now have gloves that they wear which allows them to design easily, they are not fully inside the virtual reality but their hands certainly are.

Researchers at Engineered Fibre Structures (EFS), a University of Manchester subsidiary, have almost completed the development of a soft-fabric electronic glove that remotely controls PC-related devices via a Bluetooth connection.

Now, imagine what you could actually do with this cool glove. Just snap your finger towards the desired device and suddenly your iPod plays music, the PC switches off in no time and those wireless speakers pump up the volume. Or even better! Forget about that Wiimote and interact more naturally with your console.

This glove is already being used to design cars, the article was written in 2007 so it is out of date.

Many religious scriptures pose the idea that this life is a test, maybe this life is a test, every time we are reborn it is probably because we failed the test. And what would be the test? Look at our creation now, look at the high skylines across the world, they actually reach the clouds. That is the ability we have, the ability to create, to design. Everything in this universe can be used to 'create'. Maybe that is the test, the test is to see if we can create.

Now have a think, why do we have the ability to manipulate the universe. Maybe just maybe we are software engineers, but engineering the Universe. Needs more thinking and more thinking will be done in my parts. I will add my thoughts on this subject frequently in this thread.

Thanks for your time


Enjoy the read.

edit on 29-11-2010 by oozyism because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2010 by oozyism because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Hi oozyism.

Thanks for that great reply, I enjoyed the information presented.

One thing you said got me thinking, you said:

Now have a think, why do we have the ability to manipulate the universe. Maybe just maybe we are software engineers, but engineering the Universe

As soon as I read that the infinite monkey theorem popped into my mind:

The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.

We have the ability to record all knowledge we discover and produce. This knowledge gets passed to the people that succeed us in life. Now apply the infinite monkey theorem to an entire species.

What is it that we will eventually achieve ?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Red_xi

WOW, first time hearing about that theorem.

You should give me the answer because I can't wrap my head around it.

Anyways, I will make sure to read more about the monkey theorem, you got me hooked

Here's another mission for me.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by oozyism

First of all, the information which I have, tells me that the universe is a giant hologram:

According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in. "It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time," says Hogan

I have a few questions;

Explain gravity?

Does the observer exist outside of the hologram?

Now have a think, why do we have the ability to manipulate the universe. Maybe just maybe we are software engineers, but engineering the Universe

Because the universe is mind. We give the universe its shape by method of observation.

I am surprised you didn't reference sacred geomtry in your post, why? I would think that sacred geometry would be major supporting evidence with thousands of years of trial and error.

How come you refuse to respond to my questions about the formation of particles and the affect of observation?

I don't think the universe is holographic.

Red_xi -

We have the ability to record all knowledge we discover and produce. This knowledge gets passed to the people that succeed us in life. Now apply the infinite monkey theorem to an entire species.

According to your theory, information is self contained, so in essence, information creates within itself. How could the information not have a record of itself? How are you experiencing this information? In a hologram?

I think the ALL would be more creative then a hologram....

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Can we not yet see that we are currently evolving our species into the next realm of experience?

That realm of experience is called mind, we are evolving ourselves into the dimension of mind where all is possible. It is the next stage of evolution that we are embarking on. If you can't see this then you are blind.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Great post.

Haven't read the whole artical yet, I just wanted to touch on a few subjects before I forgot.

To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam.

So if the universe is holographic and you need an object to photograph to make that hologram then what are we a "photo" of. Are we or our universe a photo of another more objective reality? or are we simply just a hologram of ourselves?

Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.

So if subatomic particles are able to instantaneously communicate with each other could this pave the way for instantaneously teleportation?

In addition to its phantomlike nature, such a universe would possess other rather startling features. If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected.The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are connected to the subatomic particles that comprise every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shimmers in the sky.

Isn't this what we call the after-life, the astral plane, the dream world. Could The Holographic Theory prove that there is something beyond this supposed solid reality.

Just some thoughts.


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:44 PM
All basic form of matter conform to the universal paradigm of the Tree of Life, the cosmic blueprint that governs all levels of reality, including whatever exists physically at all scales of space-time. Matter reflects the archetypal Ideas of the Universal Mind, what Plato called the "Forms". The eternal forms are unchanging, pure, perfect, and absolutely beautiful. They have been discovered in pioneering research to be the mathematical operations and numbers expressed by the ancient Hebrew Names of God. An interface between mathematics/theoretical physics and religion has been explored that is amazing because it reveals the perfect, mathematical nature of the Mind of God. What is fascinating is that the sacred geometries of religions have holographic qualities in the sense that the Divine Names enable you to divide their geometries into successively smaller geometries that contain exactly the same information about the nature of reality (and all realities). The key to decoding this information has been successfully developed - with truly astounding results.

For those who would like to learn more about the holographic nature of the encoding in sacred geometries of information about the world that has been independently discovered in various branches of science, visit:
and study the material and research articles made available there.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
reply to post by oozyism

I have a few questions;

Explain gravity?

Does the observer exist outside of the hologram?

Gravity is just a law.
It would be much easier to explain if you had a programming back ground.
Think about how games are programmed. You can create a law which attracts two objects towards each other, for example two boxes attracted towards each other, using mathematical formulations.

Because the universe is mind. We give the universe its shape by method of observation.

I am surprised you didn't reference sacred geomtry in your post, why? I would think that sacred geometry would be major supporting evidence with thousands of years of trial and error.

How come you refuse to respond to my questions about the formation of particles and the affect of observation?

I don't think the universe is holographic.

Red_xi -

I will find your question regarding formation of particles and affect of observation then see if I can respond.

We have the ability to record all knowledge we discover and produce. This knowledge gets passed to the people that succeed us in life. Now apply the infinite monkey theorem to an entire species.

According to your theory, information is self contained, so in essence, information creates within itself. How could the information not have a record of itself? How are you experiencing this information? In a hologram?

I think the ALL would be more creative then a hologram....

What is information?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 06:57 PM

Definitions of information on the Web:
a message received and understood

Information could be explained mybe....




Information is created and exchanged according to what choices, and experiences the observer is observing. Or possibly what the observer is choosing to have as information. This information could be holographic in nature according to what the observer is choosing to experience about the information.

Of course i am hypothesizing here. I am not basing my ideas on anything other then my own experience, logic, and my own intuition.

I understand what you mean about gravity. Although my programming experience is somewhat limited i do understand a lot of the basic principles of it.

The reason i believe i brought gravity up was because it is basicly our foundation of experience in this world.

It is my belief that gravity is a product of observation and focus. By focusing in on a specific point of experience, i am creating the universal plain for that experience, in the mind of course.

We are bound by the laws of physics, but only because it is our choice to have been so.

By saying this is a hologram, are saying that our experience of the hologram is predetermined?

This question is vastly important. From my own understanding, if i am programing a hologram, i am essentially creating the experience of the hologram from the inside out. From my own point of view, wouldn't it make more sense for the observer to experience this plain of existance from nothing, to everything? In otherwords, how do i say this so you can understand....

I want to experience this plain of existence for what it is, rather then what i want it to be, so it makes more sense for me to create an experience that involves freedom of choice so that i can have the full experience of it?

Does that make more sense for you? I can further clarify if you ask the right question.
edit on 30-11-2010 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:22 PM
Great article, articulating the theory in an easy to understand way, if there is such a way to explain a complex topic. I just wanted to point out that Astrophysicist Bernard Haisch has also written about the world being a conscious projection in his book "The God Theory." He makes the analogy of a movie projection. From the white light of the projector, any image can be created by use of filtering. Project the images fast enough and you have the illusion of motion. Assuming that there is an underlying reality containing all possibilities, if you carry out subtraction of these possibilities in space and time then you create the material world.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 06:29 AM
i just read a thread about touchable holograms, Maybe we can figure out more from it. here is the link.

Now holograms work in 3D. But if you believe our universe is 4D, Then our answers we are looking for may easier to find. Im no expert, But the great minds here maybe able to figure it out.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by onequestion

I have just read your posts.

I'm short on time at the moment, so I will reply to them later when I have time to digest them and respond accordingly.



posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
There is no such thing as distance.

There is only observation. Time/space is an illusion of separation. You are observing the mind. The observer is god, you are the observer. The universe isn't holographic, it just is, the reflection of the universal mind which is in a developmental stage. Call it the adolescence of god if you will.

To be truly awake is to realize that you can never be "awake".
edit on 28-11-2010 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

Yes, that is almost EXACTLY what the full article states. Did you read it? I find it amazing that you summed it up so shortly and perfectly.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:46 PM
I'm speechless. This just boggles my mind, I can't believe it. Great post, S&F. Also, doesn't it clearly state that since everything in the universe, every particle, isn't separate, just part of one whole, and interconnected, that telepathy might just be tapping into a higher state of this superhologram and getting information from other particles in other people's minds? So an hologrammic universe could explain telepathy, and perhaps other paranormal experiences. Huh, I guess I'm not speechless, considering that I wrote an entire paragraph explaining my thoughts on a hologrammic universe.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 10:55 PM
my understanding is that the holographic universe means the universe we individually perceive is a mental reconstruction of "reality" gathered from sensory information. we're not directly perceiving reality, there's a delay, there's not one reality, there are almost 7 billion realities that are separate yet connected. each one of these realities is a hologram, one part that contains the whole.

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