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To all Amercans... Its OVER. period. This may be our last "Thanksgiving"

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posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

There should be a new law that says anytime a person uses the phrase "corporate greed" - it must be prefaced by:

"Private corporations partnering with a criminal government for subsidies, kickbacks, government contracts, tax breaks, protective tariffs, BAILOUTS, socialized healthcare expenses, socialized retirement benefits, and other profit boosting incentives."

Government IS the corporate gun.

Corporations have no power to dominate, loot, and destroy.

They rely on government to do that dirty work for them.

It is interesting to note that the entire defense industry would not exist if government did not exist.

The entire financial industry would not exist if government did not exist.

When government is not involved in the financial markets, the markets resort to a gold standard and the banks become NOTHING MORE THAN WAREHOUSES for the public's money.

edit on 24-11-2010 by mnemeth1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

Problem is, NONE of these "concerns" are really new....(though, some may seem 'new', when really just re-packaged).....

1) Possible war looming in North Korea and South Korea

Has already happened, once before. 1950s. Even was a novel, movie, and TV show (black comedy) about it. M.A.S.H. And, of course, countless history books. A Memorial here in D.C. My Dad served in it, too....

Not to mention, that other thing in Asia, somewhat bigger, more bloody, next decade. We're still here....

2) Economy near collapse

1929. The "Great Depression". Was much, much worse....

3) TSA tittering on explosions of anger by US citizens

This is just the 're-packaged' stuff I mentioned. Race wars, Integration, Forced Busing. ALL much worse.

4) Banking/money collapse happening before your eyes... every minute in the news

Getting better. See #2, above.

5) Missle (China) accident in California coast

That one isn't even true, anyway. NO "missile". Was an airplane contrail, period.

6) But wait there is more....Corporate greed, Loss of jobs, Global instability....

Oh, a cornucopia of the same old, same old....the wheels on that particular bus have been spinning since Man took his first steps.....

Now, if the REAL story of "thanksgiving" were actually talked about openly, and not the watered-down "happy-touchy-feely" one we are all fed, well.....but, it is SUCH a commercial requirement, nowadays, especially as the retail build-up to the next somewhat made-up excuse to "celebrate"...but, there is another thread, waiting for all of that......

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Even if the worst happened, and the country goes to hell... Even if we all end up as roaming nomadic tribes on the edge of cannibalism...

Americans will STILL pull together and celebrate Thanksgiving. No ifs, ands or buts. It's an American holiday, it will be celebrated by Americans the world over forever...

...assuming 2012 is bs.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch


Is there a day in your life where there isn't any threat of global war, etc?

Do you really want it to happen? If not, then why do you start threads like this?

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:19 PM
I was thinking about the world and its troubles and grief today as I was pulling weeds and pest trees. I thought about how things have changed [in one sense] since I was a teenager 33 years ago. I thought about how things are much the same [in another sense] in that there are still international boogeymen (and women) seemingly poised, ready to lower the nuclear boom and gloom upon us all.

........ and I thought about Thanksgiving, which isn't celebrated in the country I live in. I feel pretty damned thankful every day. I read too much sometimes........ Cholera outbreak in Haiti and PNG. Earthquakes. Russia and China besmirching the US dollar for the standard for international exchanges..... H1N1 reemerging as a new virulent pox..... people starving all over the globe, people out of work, or living under the bloody thumb of a repressive culture, government or religion......

It ain't over. Americans may have been shot in the heart, but they aren't nearly done. I wish the rest of the world could be so equally "downtrodden" as the U.S. People dying for want of the nourishment that most folks throw away in the trash. It makes me sick, sometimes. It ain't over. Look with fresh eyes all of you with computers to complain and debate with. You're the lucky ones -- You have shoes, and a roof over your head and food and potable water.

The spirit of Thanksgiving -- not the artificial sharing-that-didn't-really-happen of textbooks, but the real deal, where one people helped another....... I hope that never dies in the hearts of those who give a damn. I'm cooking fish for Thanksgiving, and damned glad to have it.

when we stop giving a crap about anyone but our own and give in to the fabricated commercialism of Thanksgiving........ THEN it will be over, and we can stick a fork in it. I will always remember, even if I'm eating callilou and coconuts.

Give thanks.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Our last Thanksgiving? Son-of-a...and I have to work. On the plus side, I won't have to hear about all the Black Friday deals next year.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
Happy, really.. Happy Thanksgiving.

What we face is nothing new...history is a wonderful thing. Don't be so glum or down hearted, friend. In fact, the US has faced many worse times then even now. These are the times that define good men and women and bring real leaders to the forefront...locally and nationaly.

How about an invading army that burns down Washington DC...War of 1812.

How about open conflict between citizens and border disputes...Missouri/Kansas 1858-1860.

Open rebellion and casualties numbering hundreds of thousands...Civil War 1861-65.

Deep Recession/Depression...1870,1900,1930,1970,

How about muliple low level conflicts in multiple countries... the Banana Republic Wars of the 1920s.

How about suprise attacks and loss of US lives...and territories...1812, 1861, 1941-42, 2001.

Threat from terrible aggressors with intent of global domination....Japan and Germany...1941.

My point is, we have suffered far darker times than we do now and hear the stories from our grand parents and parents. These are times you will share with your grand kids one day.

Your suggestion to live frugally, self sufficient...hmm...ever watch the Walton's? What you suggest is what my folks grew up with, and even me to some degree. My folks grew up when America was great....they went to bed hungry sometimes... both my grand daddies farmed, worked saw mill in winter, made moonshine to get by. they hunted and fished to have enough to eat. They slept 2-3 to a bed, cooked on a wood stove, killed hogs in winter, bought shoes and clothes once a year after the crops were in, and didn't throw nothing away.

Welcome to the good old days...question is, do we have enough intestinal fortitude to be as great as they were?

Thank you for this post. I think I needed to read something like this today to put it all into perspective. Happy Thanksgiving, hopefully on this holiday there will be millions of Americans who are genuinely thankful for what we all have.

Better to focus on the light than to curse the darkness. And remember Americans who feel you have it so bad - your garbage disposal eats better than 90% of the rest of the world.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 04:12 PM
just so I got this straight then...

contrails are now missiles
north korea doing something crazy is totally new
and the economy (though showing signs of consecutive growth for 5 straight quarters now) is actually dying...


doom...DOOOOOM!!! If Obama gets into the white house, the entire world is going to end...oops, wrong gloom thread..if heathcare is passed, the world is going to e...damn, thats not the right thread either...what was the latest doom prediction? oh...right...if NK and SK grump at each other...the world is over..

shouldn't this be in the prediction forum...followed by of course the hoax forum when us yanks are eating turkey this time next year?

Gotta admire the spirit though...gobble gobble.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Stop trying to dismiss the doom! Your doombunking will meet only deaf ears here...

omg...we are all deaf...if that doesn't prove the doom, then I don't know what else will!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:27 PM
The monsters in charge have already lost, they're in their last temper tantrum. So the best thing that could happen to us is for a collapse, it'll be what finally sweeps these monsters out and puts the right people in charge. It will likely happen by the end of this year and it will be the greatest thing to ever happen to humanity. Hilariously, some of the most unlikely players are the ones behind bringing this positive change, China and Russia. Nothing extremely destrutive will be allowed to happen and anything that is allowed to happen will be for our own good and will make us rebel even more against our controllers, so rest easy, maybe have 3 days of extra food if you're worried, but don't be too worried because the Law of Attraction can be a cruel mistress. As SaLuSa puts it, "Is it not something of a paradox that as the beneficial changes look on the verge of happening, so the chaos and collapse of the old system increases." As they say, it's darkest just before the dawn. So even though you're not trying to fear monger, I understand it's truth mongering, there is still some fear that comes with this information and you don't point out that it is actually a good thing, you seem to think it's a terrible thing, so that's fear mongering regardless, though it's not with ill intent. Please try to look into the coming changes and welcome them instead of dreading them, it'll make life much more pleasant for you. At this point, every time I read something bad like China and Russia no longer trading in dollars, I jump with joy because it gets us one step closer to the Golden Age we've been working so hard for.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Never Say Die!! Hopefully this gets people's spirits up!

edit on 24-11-2010 by WashingtonGrewHemp because: mistake

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Better to focus on the light than to curse the darkness. And remember Americans who feel you have it so bad - your garbage disposal eats better than 90% of the rest of the world.

Thank you. You said it better than I could've and shorter to boot. I may have to U2U you and ask permission to use that for my sig.

Americans may feel under the gun. Much of the rest of the world hopes for a standard of living like that. It sure as hell ain't over. Give thanks as you feel the pull.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:17 PM
Please don't deep fry your turkey!
Or else you MAY NOT be here for the next one!

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I don't know if the idea of "turnings" gets discussed here much. But according to that theory, yes, we're coming up on one. In fact it's overdue and festering now.

Believe it or not though, all of this madness is totally normal. Every turning those experiencing it feel that it's something unique, but it's only unique to us. This has been going on like this in a steady cyclical rhythm for centuries.

I think if we learn to identify where we are in the cycle, we can easily manipulate it to our benefit. For those interested in that line of thought, you can google The Fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Oh, You mean the OLD Republic. Yeah Old news. Here in California? We want to break it up into the NEW California Republic and break away from Southern California and create a New Territory.
All revenues are seperated. Kinda like North and South Carolina without any violence.

WE get South of Yosemite to San Lous Osbisbo(Sorry Santa Barberbra) WEST to Yosemite.. EAST to Lee Vineing NORTH to Oregon? Good? New Northern Californian Republic? AND San Fran.. AND, We'll pay for OURS. ALL of them...
Hippies, Illegals,Conservatives(not that many,may have to do a donation drive) AND legal Northern Californians.

New Rights and Laws created by the New Northern Californian Republic.

We have nothing to lose before your scenario takes place.

We have hope here. AND I don't want to be the mayor.
First person applying for the right to Control the others? (Paid Government Job)

OFF To Livermore Labs to confirm they have no secrets. Hehehehe (Slows down the Federal Job Rate applicants)

Not making light of a serious issue.. Just pointing out.. people are talking. Northern California is FED up too.

Oh Tahoe OURS!! I heard Reno wants in too. Dunno.. Reids gonna want Reno.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

I can't help but think of william cooper and the pale horse assertion that they'll come for people on thanksgiving.

things seem to be spiraling quickly.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

Your Thread reminds me of a quote from Fight Club

Tyler Durden: You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your #$%!@% khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

You take the negative aproach...
, you sound bored... go find some hobbies... enjoy the world before the electricity is gone and you wont be able to post on ATS anymore.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by bluestar.ranch

5) Missle (China) accident in California coast

Just to clarify, this has been debunked. It was NOT a Chinese missile

Yes, things aren't peachy right now, but it's not the end of the world and fear mongering doesn't help. Anyway, happy thanksgiving to all

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:48 AM
I am sorry my friend, but this will NEVER be my last thanksgiving. Tomorrow I will be giving thanks again, and every day there after. If this is YOUR last thanksgiving, maybe you are thankful for the wrong things.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:53 AM
Originally posted by bluestar.ranch

1) Possible war looming in North Korea and South Korea

What's new? That has been going on for decades... N Korea pulls off some provocative action and then the US and it's allies tell them that if they quit and come back to the negotiating table they can have ( fill in the blank). It is political posturing, if you will. Trying to get things out of us. It has worked for N Korea for years... So why shouldn't they do it, as long as we are enabling them?

2) Economy near collapse

Wouldn't be the first time. Made it through the last one.

3) TSA tittering on explosions of anger by US citizens

It's a phase. Media is blowing it up and people are following like sheep as usual. Either the TSA will tone it down, or the people will give up...

4) Banking/money collapse happening before your eyes... every minute in the news

Again... Wouldn't be the first time. Made it through before.

5) Missle (China) accident in California coast

Pure speculation as to what it was on your part. Some said it was a missile to show our might to China... But really. If that is true... We launched a missile from a submarine... Not that big of a deal... I wonder how many other countries can do that? Also, experts say it was just a plane flying combined with an optical illusion making it look as if it was going straight up.

6) But wait there is more....Corporate greed, Loss of jobs, Global instability....

What's new? Corporate greed has been in existence as long as business. Loss of jobs is to be expected in an unstable economy, but as I said. We have made it through before and we will again. Global instability? Really? How many times must one man ask the question, "what's new?"

What can I say? More of the same... Things are not nearly as bad as you may wish to think. We will be here tomorrow and the day after. Thanksgiving will take place next year. I would bet money on it, but hell, this economy has me broke

edit on 25-11-2010 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

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