posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:21 PM
I work in retail management. since yesterday, in southwest CT, at our registers, its required now, in order to buy ciggarettes, a drivers liscense! i
am a smoker that would love to quit, but imean cmon this is rediculous! its ok to ban things like bubble gum and electric ciggarettes, the safe
harmless stuff, and keep the real cancer killers on the market. I was watching blumenthal other night on news, about electric ciggs...he was saying
they have harmfull stuf in them, kids watch and learn....just like the real ciggs. its bull....plain and simple.
It make me feel, like im being cattalgued watched or something. in CT here, its only recently, that OSHA has started popping up around, and state
officials who hire kids* to go into a shop, get the person working their to buy ciggs. Kid reports back with the ciggs, and yuo will have to go to
court, and lucky if your job isnt terminated. its called a 'sting'* This is how this state makes some money, through fines* which can range a few
thousand and up and up. now..recenlty, theyve cracked down on medication with Psuedrafin* which in CT, can only be purchased from the pharmacy
counter. an employee rings one out by accident, its recorded on register, so the state has its evidence against you...and even if the employee wasnt
aware, he/she is held accoutnable, the manager on duty, and company gets fined.
the thing is thiers illegals working where i work, and the language barrier. so sometimes an employee might not be aware. the pharmacutical
companys made this crap which is kinda overkill anyways, pseuedrafine* for granted, the kids take them sometimes, as a brain rugh drug..mixing it with
alcohol , red bull or something like that. they helped screw it up...but jesus on ciggarettes!
i know its on the political agenda, especially with obama, getting rid of ciggs. its not my or your fault, pharmacutical companys lets say,
especially doctors and all the cigg companys, know nicotine is 5 times more addictive than heroin. They knew this for years, and all the sudden now,
its a problem? ever since about 1999, when smoking was banned in resteraunts, whcih i agree with, has this escalated. we have homeless here, people
without jobs being outsourced all over china and they wanna tackle ciggs>
makes me wonder if thier trying to crash phillip morris or something. as for the register thing..i think its moraly wrong too track how many packs
a week i smoke or something ya know?
is this/has this been happening in other states as well>?