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Project Monarch in Michael Barkun's Book

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posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:16 PM
I noticed that there haven't been any threads about Project Monarch recently. Hopefully this thread reveals new information on the subject.

Michael Barkun, Professor of Political Science at Syracuse University, wrote a book called: "Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America" that came out in 2003. The book explores various conspiracy theories and stipulates what would happen to American politics if all the people that believed in conspiracy theories formed a political party. I read it last winter because I had heard he mentions Project Monarch, which I had been interested in. There are a couple pages about alleged mind control survivors who claim that MK-ULTRA never really stopped and continues under the new name Project Monarch up through today. Cathy O'Brien I was already familiar with, so it didn't add too much to my understanding of the issue. Although the book was good, and is one of the few conspiracy theory books written for an academic audience. I recommend it.

My question is, does anyone have any further information on Project Monarch? Also, has anyone else read Barkun's book?

Here's a link to a video series about Project Monarch that some of you may have seen already:

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:38 PM
wow, this thread sucks. i'm almost sorry i made it in the first place...

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 03:54 PM
Do you really expect fringe dwellers to read an academic book?

They should -- it's a splendid book. I wish it had been 100 pages longer.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by terrythecensor

Honestly, I didn't expect much, but I couldn't help myself in this case because I really liked his book. Did you know that Barkun advises the FBI on ultra right-wing groups in the US? He is a brilliant mind for sure.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 11:13 PM
The Government still does mind control experiments it went from MK-Ultra to Project Monarch and now on a bigger scale organized/gang stalking and direct energy weapons i haven't read the book but i'll take a look at both the video(which i might of already seen) and the book.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

There isn't a lot of information in Barkun's book about Project Monarch, but it's one of the only academic-quality books out there that even mentions it, therefore I would recommend buying a copy. I wish more ATS members knew about this book!

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by WashingtonGrewHemp

I checked out the video i'v seen alot of them before but the maker of the video has added more to his library so thanks for posting it, i'v spoken out about direct energy weapons and the later videos touches more on the subject plus it also shows the links to the occult the cia had, as far as the book i'll pick up a copy at some point like you said not many people have touched on the topic about Project Monarch other then Fritz Springmeier.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

I'm glad to spread the world about this very interesting book by Professor Barkun. It's extremely difficult to find any information about Project Monarch, and probably for good reason.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by WashingtonGrewHemp

There are many subjects attached to this one. Occult philosophy, the left hand path, satanism, etc. The basic storyline is that a satanic order has used researchers from many countries and intelligence agencies to help them program people all over the world. Although the illuminati is supposedly gone, it keeps coming up in investigations of the most secretive, powerful, and evil happenings of our time.
Official Documentation of Mind Control
Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control
Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse

To learn important tidbits about the occult's hand in mass media and mass programming I go to Vigilant Citizen.
"Academics" are generally too constrained by their fears and egos to investigate, write about, or publicly discuss anything like this in a way that isn't derisive, so while I will read what they have to say I wouldn't take it as gospel.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by time91

I'm glad you opened up the dialogue about this one. there were allegations of Satanic Ritual abuse in the late 80's and 90's, but there were only 1 or 2 confirmed cases. The rest of the so-called "Multiple Personality Disorder" cases were iatrogenic in origin (meaning, physician-induced; basically the psychologist would convince the patient they had this disorder, then the patient would act out the symptoms.)

There was a really good PBS Frontline documentary about this subject that came out in 1996, called "The Search for Satan" which got banned from by the FCC because it showed the Director of the American Psychological Society saying, people were programmed by "Satanic Jewish Nazis." He was referring to Project Paperclip and MK-Ultra but seemed to pin it down on Satanic Jewish Nazis. Needless to say, it's easy to see why the FCC decided to ban the documentary. I actually had to watch the film a couple years ago for a college class about antiquated psychology theories and the 19th Century Gothic Horror Novel.

So, this is an odd, and grossly understudied corner of conspiracy research. Barkun scratches the surface, but to really get it, you need to really study MK-ULTRA and the Cold War.
edit on 24-12-2010 by WashingtonGrewHemp because: paragraph

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by WashingtonGrewHemp

The idea of a satanic jewish cult controlling many things worldwide has been around for quite some time. At least by the early 1900s a worldwide shadow government controlled by the jewish occult, specifically the satanic side of the jewish occult, was written about by some in the know people.

American Deception- Place to download document

Scroll down a little over halfway and download the file

The site in general is also a great resource if you're interested in historical and differing perspectives and important information from the past about secret societies, politics, the globalist conspiracy, communist psychological warfare strategies, economics, everything.


And about satanic ritual abuse, many have concluded it leads to the highest (or lowest, depending on perspective) levels of the CIA and all spread out through occult groups all over the world. The illuminati is supposedly still the group at the top this system, infiltrating worldwide governments and systems of power. They are attempting to create a world government, or the now famous term new world order, controlling the minds of each individual directly. The goal is to create an everlasting tyrannical system ruled by them, where they become godlike through technological advancement and rule everyone remaining as nothing more than literally 'human resources'. This all stems back to other hidden beliefs in apotheosis, and alternative origins of man. The idea of evolution and adaptation was taught in mystery schools and occult orders long before Darwin. If you read about ancient groups like these,you find out most of what they taught is now taught to school children. I made a thread on the occult a while ago that didn't get much attention, but if you're interested its in my signature (origins of it all).
edit on 24-12-2010 by time91 because: (no reason given)

Here is a former FBI chief talking about the SRA stemming from the CIA and ultimately the illuminati:

edit on 24-12-2010 by time91 because: Video

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by time91

K, I'll scan through this...
Keep it real.


posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 01:03 AM
If you want you can connect the dots from Aleister Crowley to todays mind control experiments done today by the USA or other countrys, it starts with Adolf Hitler and his use/knowledge of occultic practises that mirrored Crowley's philosophy on many subjects and even know there's no proof that Hitler read Crowley i think it's a smart guess that he was aware of his teachings and implemented thim unto his own teachings which he used the Nazi scientist's to experiment on human subjects with this theology and when the war ended both America and the former Soviet Union took the Nazi scientists as there own and had them continiue there experiments that centered around Crowley/Hitler philosophy and in return we got MK-Ultra, Project Mockingbird, Project Monarch and which branched off from these studys we get what we call Direct Energy Weapons/Electronic Torture done via remote control today and who knows what other black ops projects came out of these experiments...

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by King Seesar

If you want to figure out a few people who connect the nazi's to the occult and the CIA I'll give you three names:
1) Jack Parsons
2) Von Braun
3) Dr. Greenbaum

Obviously, project paperclip connects many others. The files on Parsons are pretty amazing. He was associated with some very dark groups implicated in black magic and pedophilia and he was connected to L. Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley...

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by time91

You're right i listened to a podcast about Crowley a few days ago and Jack Parsons was mentioned more then once, apparently he was friends with Crowley and continued Crowley's teachings to other people through his writings and so fourth, also the connection to L. Ron Hubbard is glaring...

Also you're right about the accurately named Project Papperclip as you and i both know that is the official name that was given to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as the black op's recruiting of Nazi scientists, like i said in my previous post there are more then just one dot to connect to bring these types of experiments to light in terms of how there origin began...

edit on 27-12-2010 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

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