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Stop the prosecution of Christians Pakistan!!!

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posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 01:40 AM

Pakistan seems to think they can get rid of Christianity by prosecuting them through the law. This will lead to complete failure, and will back lash, by giving the Pakistani Christians more legitimacy, and give them more power, and will make them more powerful.

The prosecution of Christians, to some, could mean that Pakistan fears Christianity, or Islam fears Christianity.

This is a complete failed policy, Pakistan needs to take in to consideration that these policies are uniting Pakistani Christians, and giving them more conviction to their faith, whether true or not.

Instead of allowing them to believe in what they want to believe, and through comfort question that belief, Pakistan is forcing the Christians to forget whether Christianity is right, or wrong, rather making them focus on an issue which they think is more important, hence the prosecution of their Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan.

I will leave these verses of Quran for the Pakistani people, and the Pakistani government to ponder upon:

Noble Verse 5:3 ".....This day those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: Yet fear them not But fear Me (Allah). This day have I (Allah) perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your (complete) religion...."

Do not fear the Christians, fear Allah, please do not prosecute them, as prosecution based on belief is a failed policy, and we have to learn from the past. The truth stands strong in the sea of falsehood.

Noble Verses 10:99-100 "If it had been thy Lord's will, they would all have believed, all who are on earth! wilt thou then compel mankind, against their will, to believe! No soul can believe, except by the will of God, and He will place doubt (or obscurity) on those who will not understand."

Let people choose, after all, if GOD wanted us to believe, no human being in this earth would reject.

Noble Verses 15:2-3 "Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to God's will) in Islam. Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them)."

Leave the Christians alone, to enjoy the good things in this life, and to please themselves. GOD will punish them in the end.

Noble Verse 2:256 "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things."

Truth stands out clear from error, can any Pakistan arrogance stand over the statement of GOD?? Stop your none-sense and do as GOD wills. Stop the prosecution of Christians. Do you think any claim by Christians regarding the prophet Mohammad becomes automatically true? Do you think it will hurt his status, in the eyes of GOD? Or in the eyes of you?

I have clearly put forward my stand point for any Pakistani official to come and try to counter the points above.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 01:49 AM
What makes Pakistan's Christians more special than say Iran's?

What makes Christians worth more than Muslims in Gaza?

We are all humans, and titles only separate us.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:01 AM
Christians have no business in Pakistan. They have rejected the word and deserve what they get. Jesus said if a people do not receive you then dust off your shoes and leave; you have done your duty. He also said all Christians should leave countries that do not want them. So you are wrong on all accounts. Christians don't fight. We are sheep for the slaughter. Anything else is not Christianity. You preach a hijacked version of warrior/religion. We true Christians don't resist death, we embrace it with no violence because we know there is no death or kingdom here on earth. You are spreading hate and violence and are no true Christian.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:04 AM
i highly doubt any pakistani official leisurely browses ATS for political or moral advice. if you want your opinion to even have a chance to matter, write it to the ambassador and consulates in Pakistan and request them to forward this letter on behalf of the concern for an american citizen's request to any diplomat or leading policy maker in Pakistan:

American Embassy
Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5
Islamabad, Pakistan

U.S. Consulate General
8 Abdullah Haroon Road
Karachi, Pakistan

The U.S. Consulate
50, Sharah-e-Abdul Hameed Bin Badees
(Old Empress Road) near Shimla Road
Lahore, Pakistan

I'm not sure on the names of our ambassador or consulates. its never been an issue for me when i write letters to pakistan. i usually just address it to: 'Anyone Concerned about Pakistani Policies and Their Consequential Ramifications'.

I'm sure many will say that writing a letter to US diplomats in Pakistan won't have any significance, but i don't see how writing in a conspiracy forum would be any better. As far as my own experiences go, our representatives in India will at the very least respond with their opinion or a letter of thanks for being concerned. when it comes to pakistan though, i usually write a random sending address from some building or store i live near, so i've never received a response.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:04 AM
This might sound weird or off-topic (sorry, mods) but do people really consider Pakistan as middle-eastern? I see this thread is in that forum, so...
When I think of the Middle East, it has always been Israel-Jordan-Palestine, Saudi Arabia-Lebanon-Syria....maybe I am not well-informed...

Injustice of any kind, against any people, by any country is condemnable...

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Jeanius
What makes Pakistan's Christians more special than say Iran's?

What makes Christians worth more than Muslims in Gaza?

We are all humans, and titles only separate us.

No matter how you are labeled, it doesn't matter, you shouldn't be prosecuted based on your belief, no matter where you are, if that be in Pakistan, or in US.

Worse, this is done in the name of Islam, me as Muslim will put Quran before Pakistan's disregards for Quran, and choosing their own way, using Islam as justification.

This needs to stop..

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by thewanger
Christians have no business in Pakistan. They have rejected the word and deserve what they get. Jesus said if a people do not receive you then dust off your shoes and leave; you have done your duty. He also said all Christians should leave countries that do not want them. So you are wrong on all accounts. Christians don't fight. We are sheep for the slaughter. Anything else is not Christianity. You preach a hijacked version of warrior/religion. We true Christians don't resist death, we embrace it with no violence because we know there is no death or kingdom here on earth. You are spreading hate and violence and are no true Christian.

Rejecting Islam doesn't mean you should be forced to leave the place of your birth, the place you raised up, the place where your ancestors lived etc.

That is no different than Jews kicking out Muslim/Arabs from Palestine, just because they are Muslim/Arabs.

This is disgusting.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:13 AM
Lets see,
World war one aprox 17 million died
mostly christians killed by christains
World war to 50 60 million dead (plus the oriental kills) killed by christians
some 2o to 60 million noth american indigionious people killed by christians.
several million Iraqis and afgahnis have just been slaughtered
by the christain nation(s)

the bit about christianity being paciFIST
don't think that will fly

do the pakistanis think it is muslims running the drone attacks on them?
why did the christians leave for the new world again?
oh yeah religious persecution.

what happened when they invented and funded protestantism?
half of europe wiped it self out in the resulting holy wars.

the Pakistanis are afraid their country is about to be wiped out by christians.

edit on 19-11-2010 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Danbones

I think you mis-read the thread, this is not about Christian atrocities around the world, this is about an individual being prosecuted in the name of Islam, because of her belief.

Islam does not prosecute anyone based on their belief.

If Pakistanis want to fight, they should fight America, and I don't see Punjabis fighting Americans, I only see Pushtoons, who are being killed by Pakistani soldiers also.

This is about justice.

No one should be punished based on someone else's action's.

Although I completely agree with you, I also accept that you have mis-read the OP.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Danbones

I think you mis-read the thread, this is not about Christian atrocities around the world, this is about an individual being prosecuted in the name of Islam, because of her belief.

Although I completely agree with you, I also accept that you have mis-read the OP.

I don't think they misunderstood the OP, they simply mean that Pakistan maybe have a reason to be afraid for Christianity, that might explain their actions towards them.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by oozyism

No Oozy, i got it.
I may have been sloppy expression its late here.
I am trying to illustrate that One christian persecuted is just another play.
If Christians were what they claim, they wouldn't have killed some many un believers. They would have proven they are right beyond a shadow of a doubt, and everyone would be Christian, and there would be no persecution.
or everyone would be what ever religion proved itself right.
but they haven't because the religions are purposefully wrong
like a tower of Babble

I recommend you google Hamid Gul and listen to the interviews he gave on alex jones.
General Gul was a hero for american interests against the russians when he was active.
He'll fill you in on Pakistan's REACTION to JudeoChristianity
Don't forget russia though Communist was also majorly christian, bolshevism is a jewish funded and promogulated politic and the russians where the last bunch that was there beefing befoe that it was the brits I think....
IMHO the persecution of one christian is a tame reaction.

I don't mean to be difficult and hope I've explained more clearly.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

I get that point clearly, but to bring Islam back to the equation:

Noble Verse 5:3 ".....This day those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: Yet fear them not But fear Me (Allah). This day have I (Allah) perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your (complete) religion...."

Don't fear no one but Allah, this is suppose to be their belief, as a Muslim, they are suppose to have that belief.

If they fear Christians, no matter what they have done, they will lose in the end, because they are not following GOD, rather following their own emotions.

I have seen the terrorism you are talking about, but the soul purpose of terrorism is to terrorize and to put fear on people's hearts.

GOD says don't fear them, don't fear their terrorism, fear GOD, in that sense you won't forget justice, you won't forget GOD's will, you won't forget GOD's laws, and you won't let your emotions drive you to your own destruction.

I once again agree with the saying, I just don't agree with even 1 Christian, or 1 Muslim being prosecuted, or murdered, anywhere, at any time, that includes in Afghanistan, and in tribal areas of Pakistan, and in Chechnya and in Iraq, and in Iran, and in Kashmir....

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Danbones
Lets see,
World war one aprox 17 million died
mostly christians killed by christains

WWI wasn't fought over religious differences. Think about corruption and greed...

World war to 50 60 million dead (plus the oriental kills) killed by christians

Japan was responsible for between 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 Chinese killed. It had nothing to do with religion AGAIN. That doesn't include all the Koreans, Filipinos, Brits, Dutch, French or Americans etc they killed

some 2o to 60 million noth american indigionious people killed by christians.

This is about the only place I'll agree with you. [Being of Native descent myself] But the figure on the whole between North, Central and South America was actually much higher.... Try a few hundred million or more through war, disease and expansion of Imperial European powers. [English, Spanish, French and Portuguese etc]

several million Iraqis and afgahnis have just been slaughtered
by the christain nation(s)

Can we get a source for those figures. Or are you again spewing numbers out of your backside...
[Let me guess] the [Lancet survey]

the bit about christianity being paciFIST
don't think that will fly

Just like in Islam there is a division between REAL followers and those who twist the word. In Christianity there are people who twist the word and do things in Christs name that have very little to do with the religion.

why did the christians leave for the new world again?
oh yeah religious persecution.

I'll agree there was a certain % that did leave due to persecution but there was also a lot of greed.

what happened when they invented and funded protestantism?
half of europe wiped it self out in the resulting holy wars.

AGAIN your claims are very inflated and Exaggerated. Just how many holy wars were fought in Europe that resulted in HALF the population being wiped out?

the Pakistanis are afraid their country is about to be wiped out by christians.

So what should the west do?
Remove Muslims from the UK, US and the EU out of fear of being wiped out by Muslims?

edit on 19-11-2010 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by thewanger
Christians have no business in Pakistan. They have rejected the word and deserve what they get. Jesus said if a people do not receive you then dust off your shoes and leave; you have done your duty. He also said all Christians should leave countries that do not want them. So you are wrong on all accounts. Christians don't fight. We are sheep for the slaughter. Anything else is not Christianity. You preach a hijacked version of warrior/religion. We true Christians don't resist death, we embrace it with no violence because we know there is no death or kingdom here on earth. You are spreading hate and violence and are no true Christian.

Rejecting Islam doesn't mean you should be forced to leave the place of your birth, the place you raised up, the place where your ancestors lived etc.

That is no different than Jews kicking out Muslim/Arabs from Palestine, just because they are Muslim/Arabs.

This is disgusting.

Dammit, Oozy, Stop that! You KNOW I hate it when I have to agree with you on anything!

NO ONE gets to decide for me whether or not I am a "good" this or that other than the deity concerned. If I am a "good" christian, or muslim, or jew, or whatever is between me and that particular god. Whether or not I am a "good" hindu, or jain, or animist is between me and those particular gods.

NO HUMAN gets to make that call for me. Not Falwell or Robertson, not Rouf or Gilani, not thewanger.

If I come under attack for my religion, the attackers will be sorely surprised to find that I defend my humanity, rather than my religion, and I defend it with gusto. My god or gods need no defense from me, a mere human. Deities are fully capable of looking out for themselves, or they are not worthy of worship to begin with, because in that case, they are not deities at all.

Not so my one and only body, or my friends and family. As mere mortals we are, well, MORTAL. Sheep go to slaughter, as thewanger says. Sheepdogs prevent that slaughter from occurring at the teeth of the wolves.

Folks are also welcome to hang on to their martyrdom complexes all they please. In the end, martyrs go extinct, and that little problem gets solved.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Danbones

what happened when they invented and funded protestantism?
half of europe wiped it self out in the resulting holy wars.

the Pakistanis are afraid their country is about to be wiped out by christians.

Huh? protestants did all that by themselves? It take two sides fighting to make a war. Who was it that started the slaughter of the protestants, such as the huegenots in France? Who was it that STARTED killing off the heretics, trying to make "good" catholics out of them? Who was it that wiped out, by torture, subterfuge, and outright murder, the French huegenot colony planted by Coligny at St Helena in South Carolina, citing their "heresy" as the reason?

WHO was it that hunted them down, all the way to the Americas, and exterminated them when they just tried to get away and live in peace?

Do you ALWAYS blame the victims for starting a fight, or is this a special case, and just because they were "christians", they are fair game?

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 06:03 PM
No one should ever be forced to leave their homeland. What is wrong with you people who think that? Pakistan is an Islamic country and I believe the Christians there recognize that fact. They live in peace in the same lands their ancestors left for them, no people should be forced out in such a manner or should they be subject to atrocious persecution.

No country should ever persecute their own citizens regardless of how small the numbers are. I am sure I will receive responses criticizing my supposed hypocrisy since I have lately been arguing against Islam but like I said before and it stands for every person in ever country regardless of their ethnicity, if you are born legally in that country you are a native of that country.

Now if these Christians just immigrated to Pakistan and were faced with persecution I would tell them it’s in their best interest to just go back home and leave Pakistan to the Pakistani’s. But this is their home too and they are not inferior or superior to Muslims. The Pakistani dictatorship needs to learn this.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Arrius
This might sound weird or off-topic (sorry, mods) but do people really consider Pakistan as middle-eastern? I see this thread is in that forum, so...
When I think of the Middle East, it has always been Israel-Jordan-Palestine, Saudi Arabia-Lebanon-Syria....maybe I am not well-informed...

Yeah, there's no way that Pakistan is in the Middle East. Iran isn't either.

I think with the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and with hostile rhetoric being exchanged with Iran, then people are just putting all of these areas and related conflict zones under one umbrella, for convenience.

Otherwise it might be a bit pedantic to have separate ''Middle East issues'' and ''Iran/Pakistan/Afghanistan issues'' forums. That's my explanation, anyway.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

My point was that as soon as there were two types of christianity the fight was on.
just like Ireland
of course the fundies say that niether protestants nor catholics are actually christian.
people who call them selves Christians just kill and kill and kill.

I realize I broadened the thread a bit but I have listened to several Pakistanis like general Hamid Gul over the bast couple of mounths give in depth insights into the situation.
America and her agression abroad is portrayed as a christian offensive on zionist instruction.
America is slaughtering her own allies with drones
You can't imagine I don't think, what people actualy think of the "christian country of America" for its lack of
the kind of bravery that they esteem. where an honourable man fights face to face .

Oh Christians aren't famous for treating blashphemers very well are they.
They have laws of the land. Who are christians to tell them no.
Look at GWB and the innocent peopl he put to death in Texas...DNA posthumously exonerated what, half?

Christians! stop persecuting innocent people!
No, the the zionists have set this up so the world hates christians for what they have done so they can get everyone to kill themselves off so they can inherit the earth.

If Christians had a god worthy of the name he would tell you no, don't do it.
I made each and every one of your victims by hand and don't you wreck it you fools.

Do I think Christians are bad people ?
Not for me to decide.
But I don't think you want wind up in the same justice system that you seem to want to put your victims through.
You won't like it.

edit on 19-11-2010 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
My god or gods need no defense from me, a mere human. Deities are fully capable of looking out for themselves, or they are not worthy of worship to begin with, because in that case, they are not deities at all.

Star for you, I spat up some scotch through my nose laughing

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Arrius
This might sound weird or off-topic (sorry, mods) but do people really consider Pakistan as middle-eastern? I see this thread is in that forum, so...
When I think of the Middle East, it has always been Israel-Jordan-Palestine, Saudi Arabia-Lebanon-Syria.......

The 'Middle East' is a euphemism for either 'Muslim' or 'Oil'.

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