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Theory on earth getting bigger.

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:17 AM
Well I had a theory about earth which I wanted to share with the rest of you and get some feedback. I even cross referenced it on the internet and I found some small portion of people who actually thought it too...

In my brain it makes much more sense the fact that earth is getting bigger... Not tectonic plates moving arround. Actually if you look the map of the globe and with your mind try to make it smaller you will see it kinda connects our land from all directions.

Thinking that it lead me to believe that if earth was smaller it would have a smaller gravity hence bigger creatures cause of the lack of gravity pushing them. (dinosaurs).

I don't know if all this any sense to anyone but just wanted to share it and hear your ideas on it

video link:

edit on 9-11-2010 by Alda1981 because: adding the video

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Alda1981

That does sound like a good theory, I just have one problem with it. If the Earth were getting bigger causing the land to break up and float around on "techtonic plates" that would mean that it was getting bigger from the inside out and I don't think that is possible unless it is super dense material inside the Earth that is slowly becoming 'un-dense'

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:42 AM
ive heard this theory before, they said that with less gravity that could explain why ppl in biblical times lived much longer.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:42 AM
you're saying the earth is expanding? for example, its possible that the core may be getting hotter, causing everything above (magma) to get hotter and expand, which of course causes the crust to crack and expand to compensate for the increase in area, which is why we get eruptions and earthquakes on the surface? what is really happening is that the earth is in a sense inflating? my grandmother thinks that because the surface of the earth is getting hotter, the land is beginning to crack, like skin under the sun.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:46 AM
I am no geologist, but from what I know, considering current knowledge this doesn't seem plausible.

However, realistically we know very little about our planet, and we seem to be constantly discovering new quirks and characteristics of tectonic plates that we were previously unaware of. So it is possible that something currently unknown about the nature of our planet will come to light, and more evidence will present itself to support your hypothesis.

Unless of course you have more substantial evidence than looking at a map and seeing that all of the continents fit together? Because I know that our current theory of how the earth has developed already explains this 'jigsaw' like nature in a rather satisfactory manner.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:46 AM
I found the video also now
edit on 9-11-2010 by Alda1981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:54 AM
Last month, my wife and I took a vacation to the awesome city of Rome. We decided to take a underground tour of ancient Rome in the Trastevere district guided by a professor of Ancient History. At the end of the tour, I asked why ancient Rome had been completely buried under the street level. His response shocked me. He said think of it like this, when you leave your home for 2 months and return there will be a thin layer of dirt/dust covering everything because there had not been any maintance done. Imagine thousands of years of dirt/dust piling up and this is why Ancient Rome is buried beneath street level. Could it be possible that on a macro scale these principles are causing the earth to expand simply by collecting cosmic dust? I have researched this on Google and have not been able to find anything.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by joyride0187

atmosphere burns up cosmic dust...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:19 AM
Did no one watch the video posted by Alda1981?
Neal Adams has a theory that the land mass of earth
makes sence only on a smaller earth.
Fringe stuff, but interesting to see.

David Grouchy

As to the dust accumulation he states no such thing.
In fact one of the main reasons his theory is so easy to dismiss
is that he posits no explanation for the expansion. For it to work, it looks to me,
that the earth would have to grow larger from the inside. The only clue I've ever found for this
is the gaia theory. In which case the earth is nothing more than a fertilized ovum and we aren't even born yet.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:27 AM
heating of the core causing expansion?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:31 AM
but wouldnt the levels of the oceans decrease if that were the case? arent they riseing?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:41 AM
Yes Earth IS expanding, this is a fact. Estimates for the total ammount of cosmic mass that falls on Earth each day are right around 3000 tons. Most of this mass would come from dust-sized particles.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker
but wouldnt the levels of the oceans decrease if that were the case? arent they riseing?

i suppose the ice is melting faster than the dust is collecting

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:06 PM
I've created a thread on the expanding earth hypothesis but not with Neal Adams but with a guy named Maxlow.
He is one of the next generation expanding earth theorist.

His vids are cooler.

Read and see all about in the following link.

The Expanding Earth hypothesis.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:10 PM
nice thread mate. will read it asap

Kinda make me think that all planets start from little with too much density inside and start expanding. At the period of which they are big enough to keep atmosphere but small enough to keep density life occurs also. They keep expanding and become gas giants like jupiter etc.

I mean is it so hard to believe? Everything arround us follows this principal. We grow, the sun grows, universe grows... why is it so groundbreaking that earth grows also?
edit on 9-11-2010 by Alda1981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:30 PM
Here's something some here may be able to explain,

If we accept Pangea / Gondwanaland to have been real, yet the Earth still the same size it is today...Wouldn't that have made the Earth an unbalanced spinning sphere, having all the land on one side ?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:07 PM
We HAVE to think out of the box on this one.
There have been several threads on the same subject here on ATS and some very important points have been made before which we have to consider and then try to find or prove other ideas.

IMO, I like the idea that Earth is growing. I believe there is a discussion about how oil is made naturally and constantly and is part of the planets system for the crust to slide around the inner core etc etc. This same, never ending, cycle of reproduction is around us in nature why not on a planetary scale..

Just how does a gas giant stay a gas giant? You'd think the gas would burn up or explode or diffuse into space.. but no, there's just constant storms...

As for Earth, you've got to ask yourself just how do volcanos still explode if there is not enough lava? How do tectonic plates crack open and spew out lava and make the plates shift? In my mind, I can see a system of constant renewel, and with that, expansion. The new lava has to come from materials being recycled and produced by the earths core. Each time a plate splits open and spews lava, the Earth has to grow a little bit.

We know that materials also arrive from outer space, many burn up, yet ATS threads have shown that the amount that arrives is not enough to give us the expansion that is required from Earths origins to todays current size. One issue seems to be missing from that and that is the idea that Earth was once hit by another body, which some believe was the moon. This collision musty have had some impact on the size of Earth.

As for where all the weater came from, well, you never heard of global warming/cooling and the greenhouse effect?
All that dew collecting on the grasslands every morning has to go somewhere. An entire planet covered in lush greenery would probably be quite the 'Amazonian rain forest'.

With the constant expansion and constant temperature changes, the seas were born.

We do not know what goes on in the Earths core..we have no idea as to what the core is made of or what it is capable of doing or producing. It could be so compacted with an almsot endless supply of planet building materials that it would just boggle our minds.

We've got to think beyond the norm in order to get a better idea as to how the Earth could, or does, expand.

I'm with the expanders..

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:15 PM
I would like to through this in to the mix that is.

Lets just say that when the planet was small and compact is spun vary slow and so the mass of the planet stayed compact to the core. Over the millions of years as earth began to spin faster the center of the earth began to push the surfaces out wards causing the earth to expand thus not needing any more material to make the earth bigger.

One other thing when the earth was smaller and spun slower that would mean less gravity for the dinosaurs to live in, as the earth grows the gravity gets stronger and the dinosaurs can no longer exist.

You see it's all self contained so now we have a hollow earth because the earth expanded to it's present size.

I thought I would through the two ideas together and see what you get, the earth expands and no new material needed.

Now at this point we have reached where an equilibrium is reached between the size of the hollow inside and the size of the earth out side. For if we keep expanding could the earth tare it's self apart.

OK have at her tear it up all you want but you have to think that this fits nicely together for this outcome to happen.

Just a thought.


posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by jsettica


There is actually a lot of matter coming from space to Earth. More even then you can imagine. That's without the stuff that gets vaporized in the atmosphere. Eventually all that matter gets recycled just like the rest of the Earth at deep sea trenches.

The rotation of the earth is smaller then it started out with, which was approximately 6 hours for a day.

The dinosaurs are a good one. Their bodies were discovered not to be strong enough to hold their own weight in 1 G
There was also a lot more oxygen around back then which also causes animals to get bigger.

If you are interested then visit my profile thread list and read the expanding earth hypothesis and My amazing discovery, the hollow earth.

I personally recommend the first one and the second has about 200 + flags that back it up.
edit on 11/10/2010 by Sinter Klaas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker
ive heard this theory before, they said that with less gravity that could explain why ppl in biblical times lived much longer.

This would also explain how in ancient times they moved rocks that now weight TONS...

VERY intriguing.

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