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What is the real downfall of our society?

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Welcome, reading ATS for 5 years now I've finally decided to join, this is my first thread. Forgive me if it is not to great but I need to warm up.

The debate I ask is if we all annihilated each other tomorrow (all human life destroyed) and another civilization were to come to Earth in a thousand years to research us for all humankind. What do you think they would put down as our so called major cause of demise?

When looking back at how we live I can't help but see three major problems with our race: Religion, Politics and Resources. And I use these terms loosely for they categorize many separate ideas within each. Religion is easy to categorize for it is just that - Beliefs and belief systems. Millions upon millions have died throughout history due to beliefs most of which are unfalseifyable and based on faith. For what reasons? (being rhetorical) Politics can be more difficult for it encompasses everything from major world powers struggling for control, to small tribal communities fighting for dominance. Even high-schools now seem to take on these rivalries in small scale with sports. An even smaller scale, I can't help but remember, in kindergarden arguing who's dad was better at something. For what reasons? Resources is the only different category for when there isn't enough food or water to go around, our very lives depend on it. But many have taken this to a new level, we are no longer hunter gatherers but now consumers. Everyone wants the nicest car, the biggest house and the largest bank account. For what reasons? Corporations form out of selling the most 'stuff' we all want for a profit, becoming bigger and more powerful, ultimately affecting our political systems. I could go on and on but I think the ones I'm trying to speak to will understand my point.

Usually when something is harming us or our families we tend to correct or eliminate it, but our race doesn't seem to do this on a whole. I'm originally from Manhattan and it amazes me to see Jewish and Palestinian people living and working together on the same block, but on the other side of the world - war. Does it have something to do with our collective mindset? Is conflict part of our collective lust back to singularity?

I just wanted to see others thoughts on this subject, I hold nothing taboo. And in closing, since this is a site with lots of ET following, how could we ever be part of a greater universal construct when we can't even get along with each other, here on Earth? Unless we pretend to until we get what we want from them also.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:15 PM
Personally i think evolution is bull, and mankind has played out this game all too many times before. I think mankind has been done so many times before on this planet.

So your thread may be more accurate than you know.

Though i think the ptb are knowing this and will try not to do it again, and thats why things like the cuban missile crisis never went hot, as i think we saw there there is a level above us, and what we see.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by AnteBellum

The systematic deconstruction of community is to blame for our woes.The human race has been tugged, pulled and lured into the boxing ring where we all pick our corners and come out fighting. Religion, politics, global warming, UFO's. Most of the topics here at ATS generate various levels of argument and debate. We have dueling news stations, congress sits divided.....there are endless examples and clues to why our little society doesn't work.

Turn off the televisions people and go talk to a neighbor about the weather.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:23 PM
The real downfall?

Complaining and offering solutions so that others must change.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:56 PM
Just for clarification by downfall I mean the systematic killing off of our specie, by us, in the name of something.
From what I'm reading it seems to me andy1033 and witness2008 you both feel there is a higher order at work manipulating the masses into fighting over trivial issues. But is this done in your opinions to reap the benefits of all parties involved which I would categorize as 'resources' or is it of some political/religious reason?

Dumbass (love your screen name) I posed this as a hypothetical situation as seen by an outside observer.

Complaining and offering solutions so that others must change.

The part I need clarification on is the use of the word 'must'. Do you mean at the point of a gun or some other reason? Would your statement be different from the perspective of a peasant or the Emperor?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by AnteBellum

I do not necessarily see the demise of the human race and the cultures of many civilizations I see a thinning of an over grown herd that spreads disease....a natural process that occurs within nature. Humans left the natural world long ago so the humans at the top of the food chain are conducting their own culling.

I believe the authors and erectors of the Georgia Guidestone are right on about the planet and we as it's stewards.

So when the Fox programmed herd hear the calling for their vaccinations they won't give it a second thought, and they won't see the latest natural threat or the chemtrails or their own servitude because they are too busy arguing about the latest message from Glen Beck.

Survival of the fittest..... the T.V watching, pill popping, aspartame consuming crowd won't be fit to survive.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by AnteBellum

It is more a collective statement.
I will give a few examples; crops and the use of pesticide, we complain about the bugs and they must change or die; cultural differences, culture A complains about culture B and they must change in order to create acceptance, etc.

I'm not talking about any gun to enforce the change. I'm just talking about pointy fingers directed at, not yourself, but others. Others in the same group of species. Instead of working on mutual problems, mostly it is about eleborating on the problems of others. In the last century the world has changed, as it was polarised in "nations"/groups with trading between them, I will not say that they are centralised now, but the poles are mixing, mainly because of transport, communicating and outsourcing. Because these worlds are entangled and we have a pretty high info speed (I mean, if I fart in australia, within 5 minutes we have an end of the world thread because of the chemical warfare by dumbass) the differences are more apparent and will be pointed out by opposers of a global society. (i'm not talking about global suppression, NWO)

Ok english is not my native language so i'm not sure if it will be clear.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Dumbass

Your English is just fine and I certainly got your point.

Globalization has and will continue to contribute to humanities downfall. Let's consider Monsanto and this whole idea of feeding the world with overgrown, pest resistant agriculture. The idea of genetically modified food was fed with the idea that third world countries were starving and helpless and if we could produce super-food the problem would be solved. I always thought that the so called charities collecting money to feed people was a bad idea...why not provide populations the means to feed themselves? Charities collect money for a living....I know because I have been a part of it. Nothing ever really gets solved....a bandaid solution to a seriously broken world view.

Well it turns out that global agriculture is not working but Monsanto on the other hand is still spreading misery amongst small communities around the globe putting long time farmers out of business, making super resistant insects that require twice the amount of pesticide to kill them, and it is the local community that suffers. We in the West should have minded our own business and kept our own greedy capitalists in check.....

The citizens of the west were a little to mesmerized by the all seeing and all knowing television set, thereby allowing the passage of the Codex Alimantarius and lining up for their vaccinations when the pharmaceutical industry saw fit to have MSM spread the fear mongering. When you destroy local community you create a one world government that will decide how the whole world lives and eats.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:26 AM
Interesting thoughts..,

I have often wondered about this myself.

You know... People have a group thing going in, we want to belong somewhere. Preferably with like minded people.
This is basically the whole deal. People are very loyal or choose their group to be the place to go whatever the problem.

This group mentality makes people do stuff they wouldn't normally do.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to OP:

I think the downfall of our society is the decline of moral character in its citizens, the breakdown of the traditional family, and the resultant supremacy of the corporation over the clan.

Just my two cents though.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:38 AM
I don't think we have moved on much from Easter Island, we're all just fighting to get the most "stuff" before the "stuff" runs out, at the moment that seems to revolve around oil that provides the energy to produce more useless junk.

In a million years time, if humans still exists, all that will be left of our society is billions and billions of plastic toys / phones / printer cartridges and I think people might marvel at a society that destroyed itself for such trivial things

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

I have to disagree with you about globalisation.

In how you present it, globalisation sounds like the key of our misery. Globalisation is abused by the systems, the elite as they did on a national level decades ago.. This abusing is bad. You can stop

But globalisation also means my life, I like to watch that Japanese movies and eat sushi. My deceased girlfriend and mother of my son originated from Maluku, I don't mind that Nikes are made in indonesia for 3 dollars pp, I do mind the corporations that bleed both the producers and consumers dry. My best friend is born and raised in Columbia. I like my american punk rock, my brasil techno, japanese techno, european squatting TeKno/Acid and under the influence of my late girl and her friends I like the salsa and merengue. Internet is part of the creation, but at the same time one of the advantages of globalisation. ATS is a part of globalisation. The international communication can be a great tool to fix these problems or at least prevent new ones. Globalisation is not the problem, the people are:

And so we go, on with our lives
We know the truth, but prefer lies
Lies are simple, simple is bliss
Why go against tradition when we can
Admit defeat, live in decline
Be the victim of our own design
The status quo, built on suspect
Why would anyone stick out their neck?

Fellow members of
Club "We've Got Ours"
I'd like to introduce you to our host
He's got his, and I've got mine
Meet the decline

(part of) The decline - NOFX

Global revolution, which is not possible yet, because of the lack of instant communication in some regions, can throw over these system abusers, it is all with the people themselves.
And as last, globalisation is not new, not from now, I won't go into the whole history of Egypt having contact with Asia and South-america
, But the VOC-u ships, VWC ships are a form of globalisation, same as all the french and british colonies, the spanish a few centuries before. The only difference is that 'the people' travel as only some did in the past. (reminds me of this

"In history the homeless would travel and see the world, while the rest stayed put in their villages and cities, nowadays it is the other way around, homeless have territories, borders and spots, while the rest of the world travels"

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Groupbehaviour is an interesting phenomena. Especially when there are two or more groups acting and reacting on eachother, sometime it is not the moral of the group that influences the actions, it is about opposing the other group. Really interesting to observe and influence

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:54 PM
You will all have to excuse me today I cracked a molar all the way in the back of my mouth and had to have it chiseled out of with a stainless steel looking screwdriver. Now thanks to all the Vicodin I can see ufo's flying around my living room.

Great points everyone! So this seems to be leading in the direction of social breakdowns of the largest and smallest scale. Governments and communities/families are desperately trying to rework themselves at the moment, I can only think that this was brought on by the internet (global community), for it restructured how we do everything. Now I can order things from anywhere in the world just by typing what I want, when 15 years ago if I wanted a kangaroo skin bullwhip it would of taken half a days worth of phone-calls just to find. The internet has become the catalyst for a new global information/consumer/political/social revolution. So is this all just growing pains we are all feeling right now?
I started this topic to see what you all felt the scourge of humanity was from an outside source, but I realize now no one of us can answer this objectively because we are all a part of humanity. Each of us has our own life influences that dictate our perception of reality. Years ago before the internet our perception was based on our proximity to our family, neighbors, coworkers and friends now our perception revolves around the entire globe. Our cultures are mixing much faster due to this old family practices replaced by new ideas from people we've never met. I think this mixing speed causes some to get worried (thus all the prediction threads and prophet hype in recent years). I remember my grandfather saying kids grow up too fast these days and now with a funny sense of irony I've been thinking it about our world. We will adapt, we have no choice.
edit on 11/9/2010 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Humankind's biggest downfall...

Ignorance and greed.

Those two things are going to be the death of us and yet very few people even realize that.


posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Dumbass

Influence is a big problem. These days there are a lot of signs one particular group influences all the other ones.
Simply by making them fight each other.

Not so long ago Israeli and Palestinian people lived in peace as neighbors and friends even. Look at them now....

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