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Obama Has Made My Life As An Intelligent Black Man Harder Than It Already Was

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Have you ever had one of those conversations among a group of people where after your first statement, you became the weird awkward one everyone loved to hate? I'm guessing if you're on this conspiracy site, the answer is "Yes, almost everyday."

For me it is a little different. I've always been different from others (in that I actually like learning new things) so I've always ended up being THAT GUY that "has all the answers". When I would spout bizarre conspiracy stories, depending on the company I kept at the time, I would either be shunned away or engage in some semi-intelligent conversation. However, since receiving a black president, I've been ignored MUCH more.

The gateway to semi-intelligent conversation usually starts with politics. If you can get past that barrier, everything is open for discussion. But Obama has been messing it up! (For lack of better words.) When Obama was first elected, I knew something was up with white people. At first, they were all so supportive of him. I had a feeling that no matter what he did, this wouldn't last. They were just waiting for him to make a mistake so they could pounce on him like a pack of wild lions on a giant gazelle.

I supported him at first too but not for the same reason as most minorities who, let's face it, supported him because he's the first black president and he's a democrat, which was the polar opposite of our last tyran- I mean president. It is a fact that only 40% of Americans vote, excluding our last presidential election, which tells me that Americans generally have no clue about what goes on in politics. Even the ones who do don't really know as much as they think they do. So when Obama came out with all these typical campaign promises, coupled with his dashing features and "fluid" speech, people hopped on without knowing ANYTHING about him except what he promised, which naturally appealed to most people.

But as soon as he hired virtually the same people for his administrative staff as Curious George, I thought people would catch on quickly. Nope. Not at all. Now, we on ATS already know that this so called "democracy" is really just a puppet show being controlled by The Powers That Be, and the people who seem to be in charge really aren't, but I played the game silently. Until I noticed that everything he was doing in office was either the exact opposite of what he promised or just more of the same old crap; I thought for SURE that people would notice. Nope. Not at all.

What happened was, white people got angry because he threatened their wealth (most white people I know aren't even fully certain why they're mad with him, they just are because everybody else is). But us minorities, we keep supporting him even through all of it. Low-income households are still getting screwed sideways, but the word CHANGE has been washed through our brains so thoroughly that we don't even care anymore. The thing that people fear most is Death, with Change being a close second. Both sides, rich and poor, are to blame because neither one of them wants to do the research or participate, they just want to see pleasing results.

The thing is, I see the corruption, seen it for a long time (relative to my short life span). When the political ice is being broken in a conversation, no one ever sees my valid arguments. No one pays attention to net neutrality (though it will affect everybody), no one pays attention to FEMA executive orders, government spending and overall bull# which is making this country more and more of a slave nation everyday. Freedoms are being taken away and when I talk about it, my own people look at me as if I'm "the Man" or some "white devil". It's like I'm a traitor to my people, even though I probably fight harder for my people than most people can fathom. When I talk to white people about Obama, they just say something to the effect of "YEAH, HE MESSED UP BIG TIME, AND HE'S A DIRTY STINKIN MUSLIM! JUST LIKE ALL THESE OTHER TERRORISTS THREATENING AMERICA!" It's really saddening. I can't express that extremists exist in all religions, America was actually duped into believing that 9/11 was Al Queda's fault when really it was "America", and that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. Nobody is threatening America except America!

I 'm really just posting this to vent, because it's starting to get on my nerves that we are so duped simply because of physical characteristics and professionally executed (albeit easily suspicious and debunkable) agendas. If any other minority has had the same experience, please post. Show me I'm not alone.

edit on 14-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: title fix

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:05 PM
I've noticed that throughout the recent years media has been pushing this "group" mentality, you are not an individual you are a part of your group or race and you must represent THAT and not individual freedoms. this seems to have increased tenfold since Obama was elected, every time I watch the news they tell white people that their Americans but the only heritage they have is being racist slave owners and their telling Black and Hispanic people that their not American and they must focus on whatever heritage their people had before arriving in America. It worries me that people are really buying into this. remember "united we stand, Divided we fall"
edit on 14-10-2010 by TruthWizard because: typo

+4 more 
posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by prepared4truth

I supported him at first too but not for the same reason as most minorities who, let's face it, supported him because he's the first black president and he's a democrat, which was the polar opposite of our last tyran- I mean president.

This basically tells me that you have no clue about politics either... so you just wanted to add a bit more colour to the political palette. Nice.

But I got confused with one thing here... is this about race or politics?

Because... you know... if I, as a white man, said what you just said, like for instance if I had chosen a president because hes white, and refer to other whites as "my people", you know I would be called a racist till the end of days, and prolly get a temporary or definitive ban even here on ats, accusing me of "hate speech" or "racism" or something along those lines, Extreme T&C violations and such...

So if this is about race, yer lucky to be black boy! This is your time to be black! Never in history you could be as black as you are today! At least you can say whatever you want and be proud of your race and legacy and all that crap. I have to be careful with what I say, and how I say it, and be sure to avoid the mine field.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:14 PM
How can you be sure your black?

2nd line

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:16 PM
Just keep fighting the good fight.

We need more people telling the truth. Most people won't listen or believe, but you'll have planted the seed and spoken the truth.

Eventually enough people will wake up to make a difference.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Originally posted by prepared4truth

I supported him at first too but not for the same reason as most minorities who, let's face it, supported him because he's the first black president and he's a democrat, which was the polar opposite of our last tyran- I mean president.

This basically tells me that you have no clue about politics either... so you just wanted to add a bit more colour to the political palette. Nice.

But I got confused with one thing here... is this about race or politics?

Because... you know... if I, as a white man, said what you just said, like for instance if I had chosen a president because hes white, and refer to other whites as "my people", you know I would be called a racist till the end of days, and prolly get a temporary or definitive ban even here on ats, accusing me of "hate speech" or "racism" or something along those lines, Extreme T&C violations and such...

So if this is about race, yer lucky to be black boy! This is your time to be black! Never in history you could be as black as you are today! At least you can say whatever you want and be proud of your race and legacy and all that crap. I have to be careful with what I say, and how I say it, and be sure to avoid the mine field.

this is about to be funny. Do you know that as a black man, "At least you can say whatever you want and be proud of your race and legacy" has never been true while in America? Even now, with a black president it isn't an excuse. I am not advocating the sheeple mentality that "because he's black I'll vote for him". I am actually AGAINST that mentality. I'm not deep into politics but I know more than your average Joe, and I like him because of his promises, not because of his skin color. So you're completely wrong about that too. When I refer to "my people", I mean humanity in general. You've completely taken this statement out of context as I am an American too. Black people are my people, no doubt, but so are white people. So when I refer to "my people", it shouldn't really matter who I'm talking about if you get the whole point behind it.

In reality, you as a white man will have much less obstacles to jump because inherently there are still many racist, classicist, white people in elite fields who think in terms of "the past". (If you don't believe this, it's probably because you haven't been a minority. I've been through many situations where racism was obviously involved, whether aggressive or passive so I know it's still here.) What legacy are you referring to? You mean the legacy where my ancestors were forced to come into a strange land and work for people who didn't give a # about them? Or the legacy where once they were "free", my lineage was hung from trees and burned on crosses in people's backyards? Oh, nevermind, you must mean the heritage wherein the American government dealt in drug trades with South America and brought poison into the streets where low-income families were exposed to coc aine and crack while working paycheck to paycheck, while the middle to high-income communities around them were rarely ever harmed. They stayed in their cozy homes and only had nightmares about meeting blacks because the media told them we were thieves and savages.

This is about race AND politics. Read the thread more carefully and you'll see that. And don't call me "boy" again. You don't know me.

edit on 14-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by kbriggss

Actually, I'm not fully black either. I am part white on my father's side. My great-great-great-great grandmother (or something like that) was a lil old white lady who had a baby by a slave. But I'm mostly black, by cultural and genetic definition.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:45 PM
Very well said. I am often ridiculed for espousing my beliefs to people...and I'm white. In the end this is not about Obama or even politics. This is about a powerful divide between groups of people; white, black, Mexican, democrat, republican and on and on......

We are separated into groups and expected to think a certain way within that group. When the select few deviate from that, it seems to alarm others around us. I hope that we will be able to get past those divides.

Let them ridicule you. They are clearly not wise to the world they live in.

Good luck.....

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Thank you for understanding, and the others on this thread who've posted so far.

That's really what I was trying to get across. In this particular situation it is race that limits others within "my group" to get past that "Groupthink" mentality. Yes, we are all physically similar in certain ways, but that doesn't mean we have to think the same things too! I'm not hating on anybody because people of all colors and creeds go through this whether they know it or not, but this country is EXTREMELY separatist and we need to understand that before we can fix our problems. You can't please everyone, which is what TPTB tried to do with Obama.

People like me just ain't buying it.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by prepared4truth

this is about to be funny. Do you know that as a black man, "At least you can say whatever you want and be proud of your race and legacy" has never been true while in America? Even now, with a black president it isn't an excuse. I am not advocating the sheeple mentality that "because he's black I'll vote for him". I am actually AGAINST that mentality. I'm not deep into politics but I know more than your average Joe, and I like him because of his promises, not because of his skin color. So you're completely wrong about that too. When I refer to "my people", I mean humanity in general. You've completely taken this statement out of context as I am an American too. Black people are my people, no doubt, but so are white people. So when I refer to "my people", it shouldn't really matter who I'm talking about if you get the whole point behind it.

In reality, you as a white man will have much less obstacles to jump because inherently there are still many racist, classicist, white people in elite fields who think in terms of "the past". What legacy are you referring to? You mean the legacy where my ancestors were forced to come into a strange land and work for people who didn't give a # about them? Or the legacy where once they were "free", my lineage was hung from trees and burned on crosses in people's backyards? Oh, nevermind, you must mean the heritage wherein the American government dealt in drug trades with South America and brought poison into the streets where low-income families were exposed to coc aine and crack while working paycheck to paycheck, while the middle to high-income communities around them were rarely ever harmed. They stayed in their cozy homes and only had nightmares about meeting blacks because the media told them we were thieves and savages.

This is about race AND politics. Read the thread more carefully and you'll see that. And don't call me "boy" again. You don't know me.

For a person who says "what heritage" you seem to have quite a grudge about it, since you could actually talk a lot more about it then I could. I think blacks are proud of their heritage because they've suffered and prevailed or something like that, I really never quite understood it but moving on...

So you think that you're being underrated now because you have a black president?

So before you had a racist guy from texas as a president and you complained, now you have a black president, which in my opinion, actually represents black people in an equality position no black man ever represented before (the other 2 were shot and didnt have quite the same marketing team) - cause lets face it, even a neo nazi can recognize Obama as a very intelligent person and no matter if you hate him or like him, but you have to respect him - and since he pretty much betrayed the confidence of the people who voted him in, those people (the white ones) take their fair share of revenge randomly at black people and use black people as a punching bag channeling all the hatred they have for him, thus you feel that you actually lost credibility because of obama...

So basically the "dream" of having a black president actually had its negative backlash to the point where you wish he wasnt black (or you didnt have a black president) so you didnt have to put up with ignorant people that channel all the hatred they have for the president, on black people because of their race.

Listen... thats just pretty much an excuse. Most people need an excuse to hate, need an excuse to be a racist, an excuse to be homophobic, etc, so now they have a very good one... cause you can change the way people talk, or behave, but you cant change what people think and thats pretty much hard coded in your dna because of thousands of years of culture.

What you think people hate you more now because the president is black? Naw... before they were just being politically polite and actually show some respect, because they knew they couldnt be fully honest without being interpreted and labeled with some "ism". But now they can almost act like they really are, and are taking the opportunity to be *almost* honest, and say *almost* what they actually think. Does this surprise you? Thousands of years of history say you shouldnt... or did you actually believe people were changed and started to respect the differences of one another?

People dont change... they reveal themselves and that takes time or a really good reason. Difference is not tolerated, doesnt matter what people tell you, a black will always be pointed out as a black, a gay will always be pointed out as a gay, etc... times dont actually change, what it changes is the level of hypocrisy. Right now that level is a bit lower.

sidenote: Unless yer a girl, yer a boy.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

We've prevailed, but it doesn't really say much about the country when we're still largely looked down upon and given circumstances that most people would commit suicide under.

But overall, I don't think you're getting my point which is why you are posting these things. Most of the things you said were completely incorrect about my view on this. I don't care whether he's white or black, man or woman, he/she is still just a puppet who is going back on promises and proving how separated our nation is. Since you don't seem to see it the way I do, I will try and break it down further:

Person 1: "I love Obama. He is such an inspiration."

Person 2: (knowing he's just a puppet but still plays along) "Yeah, but he pretty much went back on every promise he made and enforced policies opposite of what seemed to be his initial interest. Don't you think?"

Person 1: "So you're saying you don't like him even though he's black and we're black?"

Person 2: "Pretty much. I don't care about his skin color, he's just doing the same thing George Bush would've done, with a more intelligent speech pattern."

Person 1: (looks at me like I'm stupid) " did you see Eli Manning get stomped by his brother the other day?"

Person 2: (sighs) "Yeah, I did."

People dont change... they reveal themselves and that takes time or a really good reason. Difference is not tolerated, doesnt matter what people tell you, a black will always be pointed out as a black, a gay will always be pointed out as a gay, etc... times dont actually change, what it changes is the level of hypocrisy. Right now that level is a bit lower.

PS- You made a really good point right there.
edit on 14-10-2010 by prepared4truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:25 PM
Obama won the election only because the economy was [or at least we were told it was] in the dumps.

A minority democrat was thought by the electorate to be a fix for it. When Obama turned out to be either stupid, just another NWO puppet, and the economy didn’t get better . . . they turned against him.

White folks are going to get him in the coming elections!

This country is still a white supremacist land as all the statistics and the attitude of the people illustrate [ the brainwashing in white supremecy and the history is just too strong] despite they elected a half black man who turns out not much better than your average lying politician.

Obama will likely go down hard in 2012 as the Dems will pay for Osama’s failures in 2010 as well.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Good answer

Oh I'm getting you
I just wanted to get rid of the race card. Now that race is out of the way, we can focus on the politics since you only pretty much referred politics on that "conversation". I really just wanted to get that out of the way

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

You can’t get rid of the race card in this country, that’s what the Obama hatred is all about on the most part

You may want to avoid race but its in this country's blood

Why do you think the white people in the US, unlike those in Europe, ALWAYS vote against their own interest?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Yeah, the only thing about race that I'm talking about has to do with the fact that people inside my race naturally expect me to be supportive of Obama. So when I actually am not supportive of him (having nothing to do with his skin color), they get mad at me or ignore me.

I basically want to know why people are still intertwining race with politics when they obviously have nothing to do with each other, as evidenced by our first black president who is doing things just like any other president would. You would think people would've figured out it's just a puppet show by now...

Why do you think the white people in the US, unlike those in Europe, ALWAYS vote against their own interest?

Ooooohhhh. Great point!

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:56 PM
I would say just be glad that you are "awake" and you can see how things really are, and hope other people will eventually do the same.

No one will ever be elected president, that the "Powers That Be" do not fully control, it does not matter what race, sex, religion they are.

edit on 15-10-2010 by cavrac because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni
reply to post by prepared4truth

Good answer

Oh I'm getting you
I just wanted to get rid of the race card. Now that race is out of the way, we can focus on the politics since you only pretty much referred politics on that "conversation". I really just wanted to get that out of the way

Race, gender, sexual preference and religion are always going to be intertwined in politics and everyday life in the States.

Even from those that claim they don't see it. Numerous studies reflect this.

You'll never get those four elements separated from the mind of the voter when they are relevant, whether they are vocal about those factors or not. It's why many opponents use those factors as weapons when they are possibly present.

"She's a witch or lesbian", "he's a pro-black Muslim terrorist", "McCain has a secret Black-lovechild"!!

Those accussations aren't/weren't being thrown around for no reason.
They ABSOLUTELY have an affect on the mind of the voter.
People say they voted for Bush because he "relates" to them.

What does that mean, exactly?

Politicians have always played to our prejudices.
We have them, and it works.

I don't think it is out of place to even discuss these relevant elements and how we actually relate to them.
I think the OP has a very valid point.

Oh and also when you say:

Because... you know... if I, as a white man, said what you just said...

You're playing the race card, too.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:10 AM
So let me get this right.

A man whose mother was white, who was raised by two white people in a state where there are very few black Americans living to even "hang" with is considered the first black American President?

Black people don't eat arugula,or even know what it is.

He has NO ancestors that went through the civil rights struggle blacks have had to endure to be considered equals in this society.

He raised a billion dollars to become the President.

I am sure if those donors thought they were getting a "real" black President that would have never happened.

Obama is my friend a Oreo.

Black on the outside but white on the inside.

A person is basically influenced by his environment and those who raised them.

His influence was white people.

Nothing more and nothing less.

My wife was Asian(she has passed).

I have two daughters from her.

The oldest is a daddy's girl the youngest was a mommy's girl.

The oldest identifies herself has white,but she looks slightly Asian.

The youngest identifies as Asian but she looks mostly white.

Obama will pass along into history shortly.

Maybe someday this country will have a REAL black American President.


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:16 AM
I respect the poster, for taking a risk and is denying the linear age..

First step to greater intelligence as whole..

A prototype..

Might be to late thou...

Ignorance has been ruling our ways for so long now..

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:57 AM
FACT: Obama is proven to be the most racist president in history.

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