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The Outsourcing Of Democracy

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:09 AM
After participating in several threads recently pertaining to the fact, or at least the feeling, that someone other than the American voters are really in control of our government, I began to think about how corporate structure and mentality are more than likely the "someone" we are speaking of.

First there was the Citizens United / Supreme court decision establishing that corporations were in fact "people" despite the fact that they are not the product of a "live birth" and that they should enjoy the same rights as people. The decision went further to even legalize unlimited expenditures on political campaigns.

From the beginning, I knew this was a bad decision as I contemplated the affects that this massive amount of corporate influence would have on our elections. I began to think about "multi-national" corps. and their new found ability to influence American elections. That's when it hit me. Is there really any publicly traded company that does not have foreign shareholders? Does foreign money already influence our elections? Is it in the best interest of these corporations to maintain an american trading policy that not only allows but rewards outsourcing? The answer to all of these questions was a resounding YES!

It dawned on me that publicly traded corporations have been outsourcing Democracy for some time and they have been doing it right under our noses.

Corporate mentality is, without a doubt, the head of the snake that is consuming America. If left unchecked, America will soon be a 2nd world nation and over time, as China's labor cost and environmental regulations become to intrusive, the corporations will outsource to the next 3rd world nation and exploit their lack of regulation and so on, leaving in their wake, a trail of abandoned and failing economies.

It's time to wake up America. It's time to return the power to the people without undue corporate influence. We have to enact publicly funded elections and remove all outside influence from our political process if we wish to perpetuate the democracy envisioned by our forefathers.

To my knowledge, the term "Shareholder" does not appear in our Constitution and should have no place in a government intended to be "Of, By and For" the people.
edit on 12-10-2010 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

I could not agree with you more as I see corporate influence of policy direction as direct subversion of the Constitution.

I am not saying those who own corporations do not have Constitutional Rights as much as we do, in fact I see they do have the same rights, the exact same rights, but due to their influence, essentially buying votes though, through controlling interests in the re-election machine of politicians through lobbyist groups, special interest groups, you name it, then they are in essence not only unfairly and unduly influencing political movements, they are subverting our own interests and as well diluting our Constitutional Rights in favors of theirs due to undue and unwarranted political influence.

In essence, they are taking more of our rights, than they have a right to, and are in a way literally being a subversive element.

We are a Constitutional Republic though and not a democracy, we may practice democracy in some senses but as a republic our countires first duty is to all citizens, in a broad spectrum, not those who can afford to legally bribe them.

When it comes to foreign policy directives we are as well within our bounds to deny assistance to anyone.

McDemocracy : Would You Like Fries With Your Freedom, Sir?

This is not how politicians see it though because they want to assist people, not to actually be good, or benevolent, but to be able to influence the foreign and or domestic policy of other countries through what equals political blackmail in the form of promised funding, troops, and or food through aid programs designed to be leading a foreign country into our good graces, with us citizens footing the bills, without a choice in the matter, except pay up and shut up.

Democracy cannot be handed out like candies to Middle Eastern children to buy promised coopertation.

Nor in buying the hearts and minds of those of another country when we are about to attack their neighbor.

Democracy must be earned, with blood, sweat, and tears, and lives of those valuing and desiring it, not of America.

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