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Quantum Mechanics (Program) Classical Universe (Execution of the Program)

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Science tells us everything is a construct of information.

We can't show that 3 dimensional objects have an objective existence. This is because the information about a 3 dimensional object is not found in it's volume but a 2 dimensional surface area.

We know that everything from matter, space, time and the laws of physics break down at Planck's Constant. Information doesn't break down. It just goes from Classical bits to qubits.

Quantum Mechanics is based on probabilities and this is information. Information is the reduction of these probabilities which reduces uncertainty. Shannon defined Information as the reduction of uncertainty.

We're essentially living in a computer and quantum mechanics is the program.
edit on 10-10-2010 by Matrix Rising because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
Science tells us everything is a construct of information.

We can't show that 3 dimensional objects have an objective existence. This is because the information about a 3 dimensional object is not found in it's volume but a 2 dimensional surface area.

Can you please clarify.
The way I have heard explained, is that we live in a mulitdimensional universe, our awareness is limited to our perception, and that every quantum particle exists in many dimensions, but our current perception is limited to 3 dimensions; meaning the other dimensions are present, we just aren't aware of them.

But, the other dimensions are not derived from the lower dimensions, but create a new aspect to the 'object', and so the information attributable to the other dimension can not be derived without direct access to that information.

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
We know that everything from matter, space, time and the laws of physics break down at Planck's Constant. Information doesn't break down. It just goes from Classical bits to qubits.

Quantum Mechanics is based on probabilities and this is information. Information is the reduction of these probabilities which reduces uncertainty. Shannon defined Information as the reduction of uncertainty.

We're essentially living in a computer and quantum mechanics is the program.

It does seem like most of the quantum mechanic formulas are based on probabilities, and much effort is put into the disclaimer that it is only based on probabilities and not any true understanding of the fundamental principle driving quantum behavior.

As, a follow-up to what I mentioned earlier about dimensional calculations, there is the school of thought that says that, quantum particles are multi-dimensional, and the 'odd' behavior we observe, is from aspects from other dimensions, and we observe the resultant perturbations that are translated ('trickled down/across') form the other dimensions.

So we continue to tweak and modify our formulas to match what we see, because they seem to only work on a macro-scale, by leveraging some magical paradox of statistics ... Thus the push for the grand unifying formula/theory to define everything.

But, it is, seemingly, a futile attempt, without perceptions/awareness of the other dimensions, to measure and analyze directly, and some would probably probably try the brute force approach to perception, and build huge gigantic power sucking complexes to do that.

Others, probably try more harmonious approaches, (i.e. enlightenment).

But I agree completely, our understanding of our reality, is converging with our science, it is not surprising our advancing technology reflects, and is coming into alignment to, the fundamental aspects of our existence, albeit a ridiculously over-scattered reflection.

Our understanding of quantum mechanics (our attempt to define what we see) and related 'true sciences', are converging with religion/spirituality and we are on the path of making a great leap in our understanding of our existence.

interesting thread and topic OP! thanks.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

Personally, the probability of us being characters in a computer simulation I think is extremely high. The universe does backface culling, just like a 3d graphics engine: it conserves resources by not collapsing the wave function unless it is observed. Only a machine with non-infinite resources would do that.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by masterp

Good points.

I like to call it a Space-Time Server. The universe seems to store information about a particle until a measurement occurs. Look at the double slit experiment. The particle behaves like a wave of probabilities until a measurement occurs.

A Server stores information about different websites and that information is expressed when someone visits the website. It makes no sense to display the website if there's nobody looking at it.

Just like the universe isn't displayed unless someone is looking at it.

We live in an Observer-Dependent Universe

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:17 PM
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

The observed reality idea has a problem imho. It is placing the observer outside of the system. How do you identify an observer? What makes an observer different from the observed system? Will an event still happen if nobody is observing the observer? "I observe, therefore I am?"

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:28 PM
We are just the universe becoming conscious of itself.

The computer simulation theory is a tough one, we will know sooner than later if this is possible. If we can create a computer sim that is close to human existence that the possibility raises exponentially, if we cannot create something similar than the possibility lowers exponentially.

We will know with the upcoming advancements in computer technology.

Now that we are playing with DNA computers it provides evidence that the whole universe and basis of life is a computer itself, whether that computer is being ran by someone or is a self governing machine is the bigger question. If it is 'someone' where did they come from? And if not how did a computer create the universe without having a conscious being giving it consciousness?

Were getting kind of heavy now, I'll wait for a response before I go further.


posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:43 PM
I think it boils down to the question if the universe is deterministic or not. A deterministic universe doesn't need observers. Reducing consciousness to an illusion, a simple feedback loop.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by moebius

My opinion would be yes, at least for a time. I believe in the notion of 'residual reality', that when 'reality' is 'manifested' (collapsed wave function, as it were), that it becomes tied to (entangled) into the reality that it manifested into.

The question is, what is the duration of a manifested reality (collapsed wave function), is it indefinite? or does it drift back to it's original undefined state after a period.

Does it take continuous 'attention' to maintain the manifestation? and that 'attention' is propagated throughout the reality fabric, and reinforced by every entity entwined into the reality fabric, so that the manifested reality is continually reinforced to maintain it's current 'reality' state, without requiring explicit attention by the original manifestor. A general systemic 'reality' alignment pulse, manifested instinctively, by all entities that are capable of originating manifestation.

Or does it just lock into it's manifested state and just maintain it's state by nature, a 'stable', 'natural', alignment? until some external energy source alters the state?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
Science tells us everything is a construct of information.

We can't show that 3 dimensional objects have an objective existence. This is because the information about a 3 dimensional object is not found in it's volume but a 2 dimensional surface area.

We know that everything from matter, space, time and the laws of physics break down at Planck's Constant. Information doesn't break down. It just goes from Classical bits to qubits.

Quantum Mechanics is based on probabilities and this is information. Information is the reduction of these probabilities which reduces uncertainty. Shannon defined Information as the reduction of uncertainty.

We're essentially living in a computer and quantum mechanics is the program.
edit on 10-10-2010 by Matrix Rising because: (no reason given)

Hi Matrix Rising,

How exciting is this thread? On a scale from 1 to 10, I give it a 10 and throw in two thumbs up.

Enticing opening statements. Now my mind is going in more directions than I can grasp. It's okay, eventually I'll get a hold of myself. In the meantime where I want to start is with the word 'information'. What a fun word it is. But there's one thing that I still want to know about this word and will have to get to researching it soon: Who thought of it? Where did it come from?

So anyway, Merriam-Webster was where my intuition led me...interesting. It adds to what you have already logically and seductively presented...

Main Entry: in·for·ma·tion
Pronunciation: ˌin-fər-ˈmā-shən
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
: the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence
a (1) : knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction (2) : intelligence, news (3) : facts, data
b : the attribute inherent in and communicated by one of two or more alternative sequences or arrangements of something (as nucleotides in DNA or binary digits in a computer program) that produce specific effects
c (1) : a signal or character (as in a communication system or computer) representing data (2) : something (as a message, experimental data, or a picture) which justifies change in a construct (as a plan or theory) that represents physical or mental experience or another construct
d : a quantitative measure of the content of information; specifically : a numerical quantity that measures the uncertainty in the outcome of an experiment to be performed

If we break it down into syllables: in + form + a + tion = information or 'in form' implies subjectivity, among other fine qualities.

Then the verb 'inform' is just as fun for language lovers... (Page won't fully load until ad is finished.)



edit on 11-10-2010 by Antoniastar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by thoughtform

"A general systemic 'reality' alignment pulse, manifested instinctively, by all entities that are capable of originating manifestation."

Yeah, the reality being a superposition of all subjective realities. Some kind of mass hallucination or a shared dream.

What if we go a bit further and see the reality as a means of interaction between conscious entities?

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
Science tells us everything is a construct of information.

We can't show that 3 dimensional objects have an objective existence. This is because the information about a 3 dimensional object is not found in it's volume but a 2 dimensional surface area.
We're essentially living in a computer and quantum mechanics is the program

I agree with you, but only those that have a good understanding of Quantum Mechanics will be able to see why you come to this conclusion.

Consciousness creates reality from the most fundamental law that exists. Chaos into Order.



edit on 12-10-2010 by Korg Trinity because: Spelling

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
Science tells us everything is a construct of information.

We're essentially living in a computer and quantum mechanics is the program.
edit on 10-10-2010 by Matrix Rising because: (no reason given)

This is a great post! Very interesting indeed! I´m new at the site, just started reading posts about 3 days ago and this is the first one that made me want to post! I had just been searching Terence Mckenna´s "Novelty Theory", abou the Timewave Zero and it somewhat connects with what you´re saying...
quoting: "...the story of the universe is that information, which I call novelty, is struggling to free itself from habit, which I call entropy... and that this process... is accelerating... It seems as if... the whole cosmos wants to change into information... All points want to become connected... The path of complexity to its goals is through connecting things together... You can imagine that there is an ultimate end-state of that process—it's the moment when every point in the universe is connected to every other point in the universe."

McKenna says this connection of all information in the universe will happen in 21 December 2012, linking it to the Mayan calendar end of time myth!

Can you tell me if your view and McKenna´s are connected? Do you think that this might actually happen and in such a short term?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Antoniastar

Thanks for the response.

You make some good points about "inform" ation. The universe "informs" us through a singular consciousness and information leads us to this singular consciousness. Korg made a good point and quantum mechanics as well as our lives lead us to this singular consciousness.

First, I define consciousness as being the probability of being in one state or the other. This is a 1 or 0(bit) or 1 and 0 at the same time(qubit). Information "informs" us as to which state is measured. This is consciousness and the universe is conscious.

A subatomic particle is a wave of probabilities until a measurement occurs. This wave of probabilities is the singular consciousness of the universe.

Our future and the future state of everything in the universe can be seen as a wave of probabilities until a measurement occurs.

Chaos(probabilities)and Order(measurement)

Look at a leaf. The future state of a leaf that falls from a tree is a wave of probabilities. Will it land on the grass or fall towards the street? If it fall on the street, if a car comes by will the car run over the leaf and the leaf is stuck to the tire or will it blow back onto the grass?

This is the singular consciousness of the universe. Probability and potential drives this singular consciousness and the universe stores information about the future state of everything in the universe.

When I wake up in the morning and turn on the TV, there's a probability that I will watch 1 of the 700 channels on cable. This is consciousness. The probability that I will be in one future state or the other. When I stop on HBO then a future probable state becomes a measured state.

The singular consciousness of the universe contains an infinity of probable states so we will live this life and many other lives ad infinitum.

So you can see this singular consciousness driving everything in the universe. The difference with human beings is we are this singular consciousness. We're this infinite singular consciousness having a finite experience. So we can cause a measurement to occur through the choices we make.

The leaf and everything in the universe is an expression of this singular consciousness. We're not just an expression of this singular consciousness, we're the singular consciousness experiencing the reality it created.[

It's funny that you mention inform -ation because I'm reading a book called Science and the Akashic Field - An Integral Theory of Everything by Ervin Laszlo and he talks about what he calls in-formation links all things in the universe.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Matrix Rising because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by masterp
The universe does backface culling

What makes you say that?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
reply to post by Antoniastar

Thanks for the response.
You're certainly welcome.

You make some good points about "inform" ation. The universe "informs" us through a singular consciousness and information leads us to this singular consciousness. Korg made a good point and quantum mechanics as well as our lives lead us to this singular consciousness.

Wow I luv your description of the workings of the universe! I don't remember thinking of consciousness that way before. And, yes, Korg definitely makes a good point about quantum mechanics as well as our lives leading us to a singular consciousness. That's practical application at the peak. So, in essence, we bio-beings are the being tested on the field, time and time again, to accredit the mechanical aspect of quantum physics (is there any other?). Even "chaos" is figured into the equation because chaos is a probability?

I will never look at the word "focus" the same way again. When time flies I know that I'm engaging in quantum mechanical activity.

Information leading us to a singular consciousness can be harnessed. For example, I've heard of a Monk sitting on top of a mountain in the cold and he lived through harsh conditions by keeping his body temperature stable while wearing little clothing (among other things). So maybe, because I haven't perfected this activity, there are identifiable levels or measurements of experiencing QM in my life?

First, I define consciousness as being the probability of being in one state or the other. This is a 1 or 0(bit) or 1 and 0 at the same time(qubit). Information "informs" us as to which state is measured. This is consciousness and the universe is conscious.

Yes excellent definition! That's how I see emotions, as "states of mind" (Anthony Robbins, The Giant Within). It gives my life a lot more clarification when I have a way to measure states of consciousness. And to see the universe as a living, breathing consciousness reminds me that I am a part of it, not separate from it, not outside of it, but one with the cosmos. That's only if I choose death over life. If I consistently choose to die then eventually I will die, and the universe will allow it. Sure, energy never dies but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't disperse. However, if I constantly choose to live, then I live forever.

Quantum physics is a fascinating topic.

A subatomic particle is a wave of probabilities until a measurement occurs. This wave of probabilities is the singular consciousness of the universe.

That's seriously awwwesome!!!!
It almost takes my breath away. So then I can get out my handy-dandy singularity stick and measure a subatomic particle and *birds whistling* I am creating a new universe? Where do I sign up?

Our future and the future state of everything in the universe can be seen as a wave of probabilities until a measurement occurs.

Okay, gotcha. I will get to work on it right away. Oh the possibilities.
So isn't that a bit strange how some scientist are "trying to find a way" to legitimize the theory of everything? What? Do they think we're daft? There scientific jargon don't scare me.

Chaos(probabilities)and Order(measurement)

Look at a leaf. The future state of a leaf that falls from a tree is a wave of probabilities. Will it land on the grass or fall towards the street? If it fall on the street, if a car comes by will the car run over the leaf and the leaf is stuck to the tire or will it blow back onto the grass?

This is the singular consciousness of the universe. Probability and potential drives this singular consciousness and the universe stores information about the future state of everything in the universe.

Well if I didn't get this the first time, I've got it now. But I'd sure like to see Snidely trying to figure out where a specific bit of future possibility info is stored in the universe. HA!

When I wake up in the morning and turn on the TV, there's a probability that I will watch 1 of the 700 channels on cable. This is consciousness. The probability that I will be in one future state or the other. When I stop on HBO then a future probable state becomes a measured state.

Ohhhhhh a menu! Yes, I get it. If I order a gargantuan sandwich then I should get a garg sandwich (this doesn't always happen when more than one chooser is participating). So that should tell me that my choices can be super powerful as long as I equate errors and some chaos in the mix?

The singular consciousness of the universe contains an infinity of probable states so we will live this life and many other lives ad infinitum.
Wow now that's a mouthful.
Ahh that explains why I weird dreams. The big thing with my dreams is correct interpretation (I look for patterns, naturally), because sometimes I'm dreaming of me as another me in a past life and other times I dream of me as someone else.

So you can see this singular consciousness driving everything in the universe. The difference with human beings is we are this singular consciousness. We're this infinite singular consciousness having a finite experience. So we can cause a measurement to occur through the choices we make.

The leaf and everything in the universe is an expression of this singular consciousness. We're not just an expression of this singular consciousness, we're the singular consciousness experiencing the reality it created.
Well yeah but being a finite being living as an infinite singular consciousness doesn't help out when I'm havin a bad hair day. haha

To summerize: Choice is a measurement that narrows infinite possibility to drive life instead of being the passenger? No cuz being a passenger is still choosing (most of the time anyway). Choosing perturbs space-time to the point of making a bunch of entangled particles into a sandwich. That is super freakin awesome!

It's funny that you mention inform -ation because I'm reading a book called Science and the Akashic Field - An Integral Theory of Everything by Ervin Laszlo and he talks about what he calls in-formation links all things in the universe.
Really? Well I hope to shout. It's about time someone (Akashic Field) makes the connection. Although, it could very well be a conspiracy to keep certain information from the masses.

That word entertains me to no end. In-for-ma-tion. There's also a derivative that gets me all worked Accidental or by design?


edit on 17-10-2010 by Antoniastar because: I left out a code tag.

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