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Bridge, Shafts and Structures visible on Dione (Saturn moon) NASA photo

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by imd12c4funn

Originally posted by ZiggyMojo
I'm sorry I don't see a bridge or shoots. It looks like naturally occurring geographic phenomena. The same or at least similar "structures" can be seen in the larger, more well lit, crater to the left. Besides, do you really think NASA would let something as obvious as a bridge remain in a picture? What reason would there be for a bridge in this location anyhow?

If you regard this as naturally occuring, what then in nature would create such a spanning structure?

As to why?
If I knew this, I would be closer to discovering the secrets of the universe.
Possible it is mining shafts, enclosed transportation tubes such as those on Mars.

I just don't see anything natural about this.

I believe they call it erosion. sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CDYQsAQwAw&biw=1248&bih=668

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