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Do any liberals/progressives believe in NWO, 9/11, FEMA type conspiracies??

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by justadood

Can you imagine a world where a person in a refugee camp in rawanda has the same rights as a person in the US? Who can vote for someone to actually represent them? THAT is a new world order, and the people who profit off the old state chaos are scurred of the new world order.

Where the heck did you get that information from???

Global Governance will NOT be a democracy it will be similar to the EU. The peasants get to vote for useless politicians who take their orders from a central overarching government and not from the people who elected them. (see EU Referendum ) We are already seeing evidence of the lack of democracy here in the USA.

Straight from the Food and Drug Admin web site:

International Harmonization

The harmonization of laws, regulations and standards between and among trading partners requires intense, complex, time-consuming negotiations by CFSAN officials. Harmonization must simultaneously facilitate international trade and promote mutual understanding, while protecting national interests and establish a basis to resolve food issues on sound scientific evidence in an objective atmosphere. Failure to reach a consistent, harmonized set of laws, regulations and standards within the freetrade agreements and the World Trade Organization Agreements can result in considerable economic repercussions.

Do you see any where in that statement where the wishes of the American farmer and the American public are taken into consideration? 97% of those attending USDA sponsored meetings and commenting on the Federal Registar were against the USDA's National Animal ID. However Animal Traceability is mandated by the World Trade Organization Agreement on AG so the USDA plans to cram the ID requirement down the throats of US citizens. The last meetings were so tense that armed police were stationed to "protect" the USDA agents who "serve" the US farmers. (cough cough)

President Bush put it more bluntly when he signed an agreement to "harmonize US laws with the EU:

“In a sweeping move that has garnered surprisingly little attention this week the United States and the European Union have signed up to a new transatlantic economic partnership that will see regulatory standards “harmonized” and will lay the basis for a merging of the US and EU into one single market, a huge step on the path to a new globalized world order.” The BBC reported reported from the Summit in Washington on Monday: source

What most "progressives" do not seem to understand is that the Bankers and Wall Street are FOR socialism. Paul Warburg, a German banker gave the USA the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. In the mean time his BROTHER and other western capitalists funded Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution. (And the bankers have been raking in the wealth and power ever since)

The banking/corporate cartels decided that “socialism” is an excellent vehicle for fleecing the “peasants” and seducing them into cooperating. “What unites the many different forms of Socialism.. is the conception that socialism (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) must be handed down to the grateful masses in one form or another, by a ruling elite which is not subject to their control...” source

Sure sounds like David Rockefeller's Bilderberg statement: "The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." (national auto-determination is his phrase for democracy by the "unwashed masses")

While we are being distracted by the Mass Media's coverage of inconsequentials, a REPUBLICAN Presidential Executive Order divided the USA into ten regions. These regions are governed by an unholy mix of unelected government bureaucrats and NGOs. The regions were set up by President Nixon but implementing “regional governance concept began in earnest with the Clinton-Gore administration. “On the heels of the President's Council on Sustainable Development , came the President's Community Empowerment Board, chaired by Vice President Al Gore,” click These quasi-governmental regional authorities are slowly transforming the US from representative government to government by United Nations sponsored and directed NGOs and appointed bureaucrats.

"Very few of even the larger international NGOs are operationally democratic, in the sense that members elect officers or direct policy on particular issues," notes Peter Spiro. "Arguably it is more often money than membership that determines influence, and money more often represents the support of centralized elites, such as major foundations, than of the grass roots." The CGG has benefited substantially from the largesse of the MacArthur, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations. Source

Now how about SHOWING me how this great benevolent Global Government is responsive to the individuals and NOT to the corporations and bankers.

Here is another couple of quotes showing WHO's side the UN is really on:

In case you were not aware most farmers take seed from the best plants and save it to plant the next year. Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer, Dupont and BASF want to make that illegal world wide. For more info see: Greenpeace or Farmwars

FAO is supporting harmonization of seed rules and regulations in Africa and Central Asia order to stimulate the development of a vibrant seed industry...An effective seed regulation harmonization process involves dialogue amongst all relevant stakeholders from both private and public sectors. Seed quality assurance, variety release, plant variety protection, biosafety, plant quarantine and phytosanitary issues are among the major technical areas of a regional harmonized seed system. The key to a successful seed regulation harmonization is a strong political will of the governments involved...

June 2006 Global Diversity Treaty:
Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) a standardized contract that will enable much easier access to crop diversity. [ germplasm for patenting] royalty payment (1.1% of sales) is paid only if product is unavailable for further breeding and research... funds will be devoted to conservation efforts. [Translation: Bio-techs Corporations steal seed from third world farmers, patents it and pay money to Bioversity International]

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by neo96

I should have clarified what I meant; my mistake. Right-wingers, the followers, not the politicians. Politicians are all the same. They vote the same, for the same bills that destroy the country and the world.

Right-wing followers, the extreme right, are very dangerous people. They attack gays, blacks, Jews, anyone different. It is possible that leftists do this, but I argue they don't do it as often. Extreme right-wingers scare the crap out of me.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Right-wing followers, the extreme right, are very dangerous people. They attack gays, blacks, Jews, anyone different. It is possible that leftists do this, but I argue they don't do it as often. Extreme right-wingers scare the crap out of me.

Given the number of guntoting Extreme right-wingnuts that are supposedly out there how often do you hear of problems? Waco and Ruby Ridge are the only ones I can think of. As far as I can determine most of the "scary" is from the over-hyping by the mass media.

I live in KKK territory as a D--M Yankee and have walked the hills (ignoring the stills) without a problem. The real scary dudes are the druggies, dirty cops (my town is full of them) and the hard core activists of ANY stripe.

Remember it is the "leftist" PETA/Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front who plant firebombs in restaurants, destroy butcher shops, and torch research labs.

I and friends of mine have been targeted by these groups on several occasions because we have animals in public. I have a real problem with people who intentionally hurt animals and children and THAT is based on my own experience with these nasty people. I still have the blind sheep a PETA type kicked in the eye when he could not figure out how to open my fencing (YES I could the SOB) Thank the good lord I always found the cut cinches before the saddles slipped and a child was injured. THAT happened several times.

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