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Is Porn Dangerous?

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by nophun

I suck at logic because you say so?

Well...that's, like, not really insulting. It's from you. lol It's just sort of trying to win something. If you're trying to win a game with me, then you win because I'm not playing,
which in turn makes you a loser, interestingly enough.

A juvenile that enjoys such a small game only gets my attention when I'm bored enough to lend it.

This topic, this issue is serious to me, you are not.

I respect all of the logical defenses of porn on this thread, but I do not respect you.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
And I'm really sorry that you feel insulted by me. I just can't help all that noise.

Don't flatter yourself, skippy.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by KingPen

I suppose it depends on what kind of lover you are, Pen.

Do you love like an elephant or like someone interested in how your partner feels during sex?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by KingPen

I suppose it depends on what kind of lover you are, Pen.

Do you love like an elephant or like someone interested in how your partner feels during sex?

Depends on her mood, obviously.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by insubordinate

yep... that's the only way it can be dangerous.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by nophun

I suck at logic because you say so?

Your logic is fallacious, therefor the logic you have displayed in this thread is subjectively sucky. It isn't even up for debate; you suck at logic.

edit on 7-10-2010 by JohnnyTHSeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Violence and pornography teach young people to not respect others.

Both are sick and both are damaging.

And even though I am a follower of the teachings of Christ - which are love each other (difficult), do not harm anyone, and forgive - this is not the rant of a church-goer - because I believe that churches are mostly hypocritical. And it is not a rant from a bible believer either - I believe that the bible was written by too many people to be truthful.

I am just saying that I believe that when young people play a lot of games featuring violence and/or pornography, they become innured to the extent that they might think these things are OK.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 03:35 AM
I watched porn a LOT when I was younger. I snuck into my Mom's bedroom while she was away and did some magic with the dial on the cable box. (Yes Cable Boxes had tuning dials at one time). I had a skewed and warped idea of sex as a kid.

I was also a very promiscuous, flirty, touchy, and advanced sexually as a kid. I learned a lot from porn and was lucky I didn't get a girl pregnant early on. My Mom taught me about using condoms and back in the 80's it was a really big deal. I wasn't dangerous or 'bad' just an extreme pervert at a young age.

Now that I'm older I rarely watch porn. seeing over 1,000 porn films gets old.

But there are some negative things about porn.

1) The more you watch, the more you need to expand your tastes to get the same level of excitement. I'm not saying you become a child molester or fantasize about harming just need 'more' of whatever you're into. Hard to explain without being graphic.

2) If you ONLY watch porn regularly as a replacement for meeting women and/or the opposite sex, you're stunting your social relations with them. Porn makes people lazy. It gives you an excuse NOT to ask a girl for her number or approach one in public. It kinda turns you anti social in that way. But I'm talking about people who have porn addictions and replace sex with it.

As far as the industry goes I have met many people in porn. I am born and raised in Los Angeles and have hung out in many weird social settings and have had many types of friends.

The Porn industry sucks. Most that work in it are socially challenged, jaded, and super cynical about life period. Lots of drugs and lots of violence. You couldn't PAY me to even be in that industry. They view sex as a commodity and the relationships they have are truly about something other than love or respect or honor.

I've dated Strippers....same crap...some of the most dysfunctional people I've ever known. Not all but most.

In my opinion any industry that revolves around sex is going to attract some many screwed up people.

Is porn "harmful"? I guess it depends on which glasses you're looking through.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 03:38 AM
All right...back for another stab.

Firstly, I would like to have a more in-depth say on the whole "porn causes rape" issue. I think if you make that correlation, then you would have to also claim that video games and movies cause violence due to their content...also, I believe some movies have sex scenes, and graphic ones at that (Monster's Ball, for instance). SO...if we ban porn, then the video game industry should be shut down, as well as any kind of violent movies. Honestly...are we heading back to the middle of the 1900s here, where a husband and wife couldn't even be shown sleeping in the same bed? Porn does not cause rape. Period. Rape is a violent crime and, in my opinion, the ultimate act of violation. In order to commit rape, one must lack certain moral and ethical principals that exist in modern society. This could occur if, say, someone was exposed to "rape porn" from a very early age, when they had not yet begun to learn how to exist within the civilized world. However, the time that most people become interested in porn is the mid to late teens, when hormones are in full swing. If they're able to commit the act of rape THEN, when their morals and ethics should be well developed, then there is something wrong with them that is completely seperate from the viewing of porn. Teenagers viewing porn = interest in sex = furthering of the human race. Personally, if I have a son and don't bust him looking at naked women, I might be a littled worried.

Secondly, I have read a few times that porn has been "confused with sex"...honestly, do you think all the people who look at porn are ignorant? You would have to be pretty stupid to mistake your right hand (..or left hand..) for a vagina. I don't think anybody views porn, decides to rub out a few knuckle children, and then says "best sex of my life"...and if there are cases like that, I wouldn't blame the porn. I would look into what kind of an education this person had.'re watching sex taking place at the same time. Don't you think this person might be looking at the monitor, then looking around at his surroundings and thinking "something is missing..."?

This whole idea of "porn is bad" or "video games cause violence" is ridiculous. These people are simply uneducated or unable to draw the line between reality and which case, it doesn't matter what they're exposed to. I would say that for every man you find who views porn and rapes women, you'll find HUNDREDS that view porn and don't rape women...and you might even find that they're intelligent, layed back people to boot.


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 03:47 AM
Just for the record. I'm into some freaky stuff myself and I love sexually confident freaky women. I've watched over 1,000 porn films or clips easily and I have never wanted to harm a woman or rape a woman, child, animal, or have gay sex with a man, a midget, get into BDSM, she-males or anything illegal.

I don't think porn "makes" you something you already aren't. If you're into stuff that is anti-social or illegal, I think you're going to seek it out or gravitate to those videos eventually. But if the videos didn't exist, people's screwed up minds would invent the scenarios in their heads or books.

Porn has done one thing in all honesty though. It's dumbed down the average male instinct for those who watch regularly. And it makes bad impressions on young boys who haven't mentally developed concerning women.
edit on 7-10-2010 by Prove_It_NOW because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:12 AM
if i had youporn when i was 13, i probably would be dead by now

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:47 AM
Not exactly. While the existence of the porn addicted exists, so any person can become addicted to anything. Are we going to ban skittles because someone on this planet loves skittles way too much? Everything must be done with moderation, and if things are kept running properly, in your professional life and in your personal life, porn really doesn't affect you.

I can speak from experience. I love porn. Since I have quite the free time to do whatever I want, I indulge in constant porn, as I am a young male with hot blood. I can tell you that all this constant porn doesn't affect me. As a test of my will of power I once decided to stop watching porn. I managed it quite easily. I prolonged this "holiday from porn" up to a full year and I only stopped because my goal had been achieved. I also stopped all self - relief or sexual activity and I wasn't bothered by it.

So, I would conclude that a person with a normal will power/or above, can easily shrug off any "negativity" porn brings.

Now, we've talked about the downside of porn. Lets talk about the upside of porn. Studies have been made about porn and its relation to rape rates and it seems that the more porn is accepted in a Country, the less rape occurs.

It makes sense. Rape is violence steaming from sexual frustration.

Another positive point of porn is that, you don't have to hook up with people you don't care about, nor do you have to deal with girlfriends and boyfriends to satisfy your sexual urges.

I don't date. I don't hook up. I don't have girlfriends. Why? because I use my brain instead of other organs.

hooking up is dangerous. We never know how many gals or guys the woman or the man has been with. We never know whether the person's having sex with us because she finds us attractive or is the person doing it because of emotional issues?

I've only had one girlfriend and I never had sex with her because she was religious. I'm a virgin, and I'm probably one of the very few males who isn't bothered by this.

I grew up watching how men would kill, rape, steal and lie for sex and for emotional intimacy with women. After seeing so many males(and I'm sure women do get cheated a lot too, obviously) being cheated on with their best friends, them getting raped during divorce procedures, catching stds, I basically concluded that sex and love(mostly sex) is the most powerful drug a man(or a woman) can ever have.

I don't drink or smoke. I eat the best food, clean and healthy so it would make sense to stay away from anything that can make me addicted. I mean, if porn makes me feel this good, and research suggests that an orgasm through sex is 400 times more powerful than the orgasm I can give myself...

Greed can make the tallest man fall

As I was saying. I had a girlfriend. Only girlfriend I had. She was very attractive, and I spent most of my time sexually frustrated because I wanted to do it with her but she wouldn't give in to me. I learned from that experience that without self - control I would never become the man I want to be.

I broke it up with her and began a life of independence. Porn allows me to clear my head of sexual desire. If I watch porn, I can be surrounded by the most attractive females in their prime, and to me, its the same as looking at the wall. Nothing. My body suffers no reaction. I love it.

Porn also keeps me from catching a std. I have none. I've read somewhere that most women and most males will eventually catch HPV; some studies have been done on HPV and it seems that HPV might be linked with prostrate cancer.

We can't also forget how many, I mean MANY people are infected with HSV - 1 and HSV - 2 (herpes). No matter how good the condom is, it doesn't protect from the stds. Condoms lower the chances of catching a std. I've heard a few doctors say that condoms(even the ultra thick) only protect around 30%.

Another bonus of porn is that, you don't have to make a fool of yourself by chasing women. Most women can get any man to sleep with her(yes, yes, women want more than that) while most males have to ask women out, risk rejection, being used, both financially and emotionally and most males see about 20% Of males getting all the sex(with average to very attractive females) as easy as breathing.

Look at how most marriages end after a few years. What about the people who stay married? Are they married because they are happy? or are they still married because they'd lose out by divorcing?

I don't believe human beings were made to stay with another person, forever. There are exceptions, but studies have been made and they suggest that women are wired to seek a new partner every 4 years.

I'm expected to invest my money, time, emotions, and risk emotional, financial, and financial ruin - and get dumped?

How many guys and gals are cheated on? How many guys and gals are rejected? Dumped?

I've never had sex, but I've tried condoms on my own .They pretty much remove any sensitivity, including the ultra thin and sensitive condoms. You're having sex for what? Emotional intimacy? I doubt that. People wouldn't be having rampant hooking up sex if emotions were that meaningful. The pill(or any other anti conceptive) destroys the female body. High chances of heart problems, bloated body and the list goes on and on.

But even with the pill and condom used at the same time, there are stories of couples getting pregnant. I'm not interested in having children; what would be the point of being in a relationship?

We can't also forget that there are cases of paternity fraud. Many women trick men into fathering kids... belonging to the other guy. A man can't even get the baby tested to find out if the newborn is his or not because the feminists(worldwide) made paternity tests to be illegal based on "the well - being of the child").

All in all, it makes a lot of sense to watch porn and masturbate rather than letting women control your sexuality and emotions. Most people will suffer from heartbreak. Find other sources of emotional joy(reading, traveling etc etc) and you shall never know pain.

Its been years since the last time I kissed a woman(my first and only girlfriend) and I can tell you that I am pretty free.I have no debt(I don't have to support a family, buy gifts for a girlfriend, take her out), I don't have a mortgage(I saved a lot of money as a teen, bought my first house in full). I don't have a car because I don't need it(but if I was dating I would have to have a car). I don't have to worry about "the condom broke?"

I don't have to worry about trips to the std clinic. I don't have to worry about being cheated on or not. I don't have to worry about "Am I becoming ugly? Is she still attracted to me?"

I don't have to worry about her forgetting to take the pill. I don't have to worry about buying a house with a woman only to have her dump me(most relationships end) - "what am I going to do now?"

I don't have to worry about supporting a kid for 18 years.. because I don't risk anything by being celibate.

I don't have to worry about her family liking me or not.

Oh man, the list of "why is it much better to watch porn and be celibate" than, " Porn is evil, or relationships are worth it " - are much, much higher than the alternative.

I've had women ask me why they never see me looking at women in the street. I grin at them and say, "why would I look at a woman, giving her a self - esteem boost, when I can easily surf the net for the most beautiful women in the world?"

I avoid being charged with sexual harassment and I don't build up a woman's ego. I always win, hehe.

Its funny how mad they get. I guess that with the appearance of porn, and many and many males looking at the dating world, and realizing that they can get much more from porn(emotional intimacy is overrated) , many are dropping out of the dating world and women don't seem to like that.

Hey, not my problem ;D.

I am aware that some women will read my post and become massively angry at me. No, I don't have emotional problems; I had a very good upbringing.

No, I don't have sexual problems. I don't feel inferior to any other male, nor am I intimidated by powerful, independent woman.

I am not broke. By being celibate and saving my money, I have much more money than most married men.

No, I am not religious. I can be as depraved as any other male, and I can be as angelic as any Angel made by Boticelli.

Its just that.

I was given an ability. When I see or sense that something isn't worth it, my body and my emotions keep away from it. I don't want to die crushed by stones, right?

That's why I don't have lunch near a mountain.

I'm completely free from society, the addiction of sex, the downfall of emotions, and I'm forever healthy as the risk of catching a std is not there.

I do have to admit that I get a kick out of hearing women(my cousin, for example, a very attractive 18 year woman, with everything going for her, complaining that NO guy is interested in her, that they all want to play video games and watch porn. Not even average guys are interested, lol) rant at me and try to make me their boyfriend or even their sex friend.

Heck, a friend of mine is always laughing because women we know, are always asking him if I'm working already. I always tell women I don't have a job, and I always have several days old stubble, and I wear extremely plain and roughed up clothing to prevent gold - diggers from pestering me.

And man, do they get the most shocked facial expression when I tell them that I am virgin and plan on staying that way, aha.

I got the feeling women would try to make me their boyfriend if I "had" a job lol.´

Oh well, I've expanded myself way too much. Sorry for the huge reply.

What can I say?

I love porn!

edit on 7-10-2010 by Payita because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2010 by Payita because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Nope porn isnt dangerous. It stops urges and stops sicko people from going out to get it, and instead just watching it to.. well you know...

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:38 AM
Of course Porn isn't dangerous, it's just like anything; people can become addicted to fast food, smoking, drugs, alcohol, apples etc

I don't understand all these people who say things like they "don't get porn", it's an outlet for sexual satisfaction and comes in very handy when your partner isn't around and your feeling in the mood.

To suggest the number of rapes has increased since porn has become more readily available is ridiculous! I'd wager a bet that states that porn, believe it or not, reduces the number of rapes as people can indulge (to some degree) in fantasies that would be illegal if they did them in real life.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Payita

Excellent post, have a star

You pretty much summed up everything I would of said but I couldn't be bothered

Well done.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyTHSeed

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by nophun

I suck at logic because you say so?

Your logic is fallacious, therefor the logic you have displayed in this thread is subjectively sucky. It isn't even up for debate; you suck at logic.

edit on 7-10-2010 by JohnnyTHSeed because: (no reason given)

Maybe my logic isn't creative or crystal clear to you, but for a moment in time, it will at least match yours. Observe:

You had a dog that had a limp, therefor you are a turtle in this thread.
It isn't even up for veterinarians.

You suck at being a super-crime-fighting-octopus-hamster.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

I say porn is dangerous and it's quite apparent to those who think otherwise haven't really taken a look into porn.

I'm the kind of guy who likes to obliterate a couple of knuckle children every now and again, I'm not going to lie. But over the past month I've been reading a little more into what the porn industry is about. And it's not good.

Here's something which caught my eye a couple of weeks ago. (I don't know the website so I can't say what kind of "merit" it has.)

Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.


Although I loosely call myself a Christian, and this isn't really why I'm against porn, I just thought it was interesting and just more timber to add to the fire.

My real reasons for being against porn is the simple fact that many of the porn stars are abused and forced to do things they don't really want to do and set in a situation where they simply just can't "back out".

That fact alone, is really why I'm not "into" porn as much anymore. I really suggest people check out a documentary called, "Graphic Sexual Horror". For more information and (chilling) trailers, see this link:

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Violence and pornography teach young people to not respect others.

Both are sick and both are damaging.

And even though I am a follower of the teachings of Christ - which are love each other (difficult), do not harm anyone, and forgive - this is not the rant of a church-goer - because I believe that churches are mostly hypocritical. And it is not a rant from a bible believer either - I believe that the bible was written by too many people to be truthful.

I am just saying that I believe that when young people play a lot of games featuring violence and/or pornography, they become innured to the extent that they might think these things are OK.

I see what you're saying.
And you're right, people can't be trusted to be telling the truth whether they wrote the bible or something else.

But I don't necessarily believe young kids are going through the same mental manipulations when it comes to games because games are pretty much where you sit there, lazily, taking in information in a way that could improve your memory like reading.

Of course, as many have said in 53236[approximately] different ways, it depends on how gullible the person is.
I've seen kids joyfully laughing that they shot someone's head off in a game and then had a big increase in their vocabulary, but I do believe it's easy to keep porn and video games under different topics.

Porn is something different entirely to kids and adults alike.

However, I'm sure the gullibility of the viewers and the amount of use does have a factor of how far it affects the person.

Thank you for sharing your thought on the matter. It's good to see something different after a while.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:33 PM
People get addicted to porn just like drugs. Have you ever sat down with a druggie? They lie to everyone including themselves. I believe that Porn addicts do a similar thing. It is better to get out there and meet real people and interact with them. People can be flakey - true but you must learn to pick and choose. Leave the flakes to the flakey!

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
reply to post by LimbicSystem

I say porn is dangerous and it's quite apparent to those who think otherwise haven't really taken a look into porn.

I'm the kind of guy who likes to obliterate a couple of knuckle children every now and again, I'm not going to lie. But over the past month I've been reading a little more into what the porn industry is about. And it's not good.

Here's something which caught my eye a couple of weeks ago. (I don't know the website so I can't say what kind of "merit" it has.)

Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.


Although I loosely call myself a Christian, and this isn't really why I'm against porn, I just thought it was interesting and just more timber to add to the fire.

My real reasons for being against porn is the simple fact that many of the porn stars are abused and forced to do things they don't really want to do and set in a situation where they simply just can't "back out".

That fact alone, is really why I'm not "into" porn as much anymore. I really suggest people check out a documentary called, "Graphic Sexual Horror". For more information and (chilling) trailers, see this link:

Thank you. This is some interesting information that you're sharing to the ATS community.
I'll even check it out.

And I agree that whether your religion is against it or not, this is an issue.

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