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Republicans want to roll-back spending to 2008 levels. What happened to fiscal responsibility?!

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 06:45 PM
Fiscal-conservatives/Republicans post-Bush have always been saying that the problem with Bush was that he became a liberal with his spending. They dumped him. Now they want to go back to spending when Bush was at his highest point of spending. In 2008 the budget was $2.9 trillion. How can anyone honestly want this or the Obama spending? We can't keep spending money like this.

I'm personally an anarchist, but, I'll admit that the government is on the road to spending themselves to bankruptcy. Can we really keep spending $2.9 trillion per year for the next 5 to 10 years? Imagine what the budgets going to be like in the future! This won't only affect the government but it will probably eventually crowd out the private-sector as well. How can anyone want to vote for the GOP now after this?

The flaws quickly became apparent Thursday morning when the lawmakers made the mistake of taking questions. "There are not many specifics in here about how you would get to the balanced budget if you plan to extend all the tax cuts and expand defense spending," the AP's Julie Hirschfeld Davis pointed out. "So can you give us some more details?"

John Boehner, the man who would be House speaker if Republicans win, responded that "by having the spending cap at 2008 levels, we can save $100 billion a year."

"What percentage of the problem in terms of our deficit is being taken care of by this plan?" Slate's John Dickerson inquired.

Boehner only repeated that Republicans would be "saving $100 billion a year" by returning spending to 2008 levels.

edit on 23-9-2010 by Frankidealist35 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I agree this is a rather week attempt by the Republicans. Here is their situation: They [republicans in office] enjoy spending on pet projects just as much as their fellow Democrats. They see angst and discomfort amongst the people and are trying to pander them in by trying to nail home 'our problems started in '08' type of logic.

I would have been on board with this certain thing if they said they would reduce all government expenditures by 50% across the board. That would be a vision, that would be a goal. This is just political theater for the ignorant masses.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:00 PM
No matter what side of the coin you are looking at you are still looking at the same coin.

Sorry about the short post, but that's all I gotta say about this clown and pony show.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by js331975

I know. I was looking at the GOP's pledge earlier like yesterday and I was thinking to myself... maybe all the fiscal conservatives did wake up and realize how important fiscal responsibility is and how the government shouldn't be wasting other people's money! It was only wishful thinking. I should have known better. The GOP is the party of Bush. The Democrats are the party of Obama. What choice do we have? I know when I go into the ballot-box in the general election I'm going to not be voting for either of the two parties.

And OwnBestEnemy, I agree. It's pretty much a game at this point.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:25 PM
The GOP has never been fiscally conservative in practice. They merely pay it lip service.

Wars arent cheap. And the current conflicts (well, everything since the end of WW2, at least, have NOT been about protecting our borders.

The ONLY fiscal Conservatives i believe are the ones who are anti-war. And there arent very many of them.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:30 PM
I would yearn for the following type of politician to that pre-dates Reagan and is a complete 180 flip from former President Bush x 2......(this is for the conservative side of the argument)

Stewards of the Peoples of now, no matter the political letter behind ones name, they believe it is their money. It is not. I worked hard for it, I am agreeing that for the good of the Nation I will give you a portion of it to maintain the very basics needed to run Government.

Will we ever see it under the banner of the Republicans? Nope. Same under the banner of Democrats.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Roll back to 2008..? Isnt that when we lost/spent/paid a countries load of money? yeah great idea guys, I can pick up a 9th job while we're at it.

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