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Guess what, the answer to happiness is within yourself!

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posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:19 AM
Has anyone realized the horrible truth that we are all alone?

That people always fall out?

That people hate each other? Even in families - especially in families.

Countries hate each other with wars.

Basically, we are alone on this planet.

So, I want to say this to you - you are a special person, you deserve love - so love yourself and love the planet and you might be happy!

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
- so love yourself and love the planet and you might be happy!

I appreciate what you are trying to say. Really.

However, the truth is a lot of us are in chronic pain and it's a chore to even get through the next hour let alone the next day or week ..etc. It's hard enough some days just to breath let alone 'be happy'. No one in their right mind can be happy when they have severe Autoimmune Disease, or are dying a painful death from cancer, etc.

Once we are dead .. yep .. we can be happy because we are pain free. But now ... nope.

Oh .. and before anyone says 'it's a state of mind' ... don't bother. That's bunk.

I used to say that to people .. 'it's a state of mind' ... 'just adjust the attitude' .. 'it's all for a reason'.
I HIGHLY regret saying that to people. It's trite. It's just WRONG.

So while I appreciate your positive attitude, the truth is that happiness many times can not be found on planet Earth. We've gotta' wait for release from this situation and place.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

OK, Flyers,

I realize that it is crap here on earth - I really do - and I am sorry for your suffering.

I am trying to get younger members into that thought.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

But, flyers, remember what I said next - love yourself - so love yourself at least.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
I am trying to get younger members into that thought.

Okay. Excuse my grumpyness. Just wanted to point that out.
I get SOOOOO tired of hearing 'it's all attitude' from so called 'friends' who just don't get it.

But you are doing a service for the healthy folks so ....
have at it.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I am not doing this for the healthy folks.

I am doing it for mankind.

It is time we realize that we hate each other, so when the world ends don't be surprised! It is because we hate each other.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 07:22 AM
S+F from me, (people don't seem to be giving flags out that readily these days, hint

While the OP has a simple message, it's definitely true...

You can't love anyone else if you don't love yourself, obviously I'm not talking about in a boastful, egostistical or narcissistic manner but hopefully people will understand what I'm saying.

A lot of people are going through hard times through various reasons but you have to try and find peace with yourself.

Am I there? Not fully.

Will I get there? Hopefully.

Am I okay in the mean time? Yes, I do my best.

edit on 19/9/10 by Death_Kron because: Emoticon Edit

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

I have to disagree with your thread.

Loving ourselves is exactly what has been wrong with everyone for a very long time now, its infectious parasite that breeds its way into you life through everyones actions around you and its even bleeding onto this thread.

Me, me, me, me, me is the attitude of the day it seems...

The way you have written the opening post is a contradiction because its written out of care of others. Which in itself means you give a damn about others beyond yourself.

edit on 19-9-2010 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by catwhoknows
I am trying to get younger members into that thought.

Okay. Excuse my grumpyness. Just wanted to point that out.
I get SOOOOO tired of hearing 'it's all attitude' from so called 'friends' who just don't get it.

But you are doing a service for the healthy folks so ....
have at it.


I have a friend who is dealing with MS, and it's just advanced on her and become chronic. She asked me to tell her my diamonds story again, so I did. She loves that analogy because it helps her see the value in her torment. Here it is, for what it's worth...

The difference between a flawless diamond and a lump of dirty coal is stress. And when I say stress, I mean [[stress]]. Enormous heat and pressure for millions of years. The kind of abuse that turned lesser pockets of rotting matter into shale oil and whatever else might’ve become of the targets of this magnificent confluence of existential violence. Even coal was crushed and abused, but not to this extreme level. In fact, there’s not much in existence on this planet that’s been the recipient of so much dedicated fury, and over such a long period of time. And in the end, look at what’s become of that pocket of rotting matter. If properly cut and fashioned, it can be literally priceless. A thing of legend.

A lump of coal? Not so much. Then again, it didn’t pay the price that the diamond paid, so it all balances out in the end. And about that shale oil, and other fragments of what’s left of the pocket that didn’t survive? Not every-thing survives that kind of heat and pressure, and that’s what makes a flawless diamond so valuable. It survived and became the epitome of dazzling eternity to a world that worships the eternal. It won, but it didn’t win alone. If not for the relentless heat and pressure… Well, it owes a lot to that heat and pressure. It owes everything to that heat and pressure. Without that stress, it’d be coal – if it was lucky.

The quality of a human being is developed in a similar manner. Even the corporeal body – the support system for the Intellect’s generation unit – responds positively to physical stress and resistance. We call it exercise, and no other machine besides the corporeal body responds to use with structural improvement.

Bad things develop in the lives of people. All people. Some people are crushed by them, some people endure them, and some people overcome them. Most people respond to them in all three manners, and they become stronger, better and more valuable as a result. Even so, only a few will be given the opportunity to become priceless as a result of raw circumstance bringing the level of terrible required for such transcendence. That level of bad is rare, and if a person is never presented with it... Well, the coal might've survived to become a diamond if it'd been given the chance. I mean, it probably would've.

Too late to know, though. Makes you wonder if - as it got tossed into the furnace - it might've regretted the easy time it had of things. Relatively speaking, of course. Then again, it's not like coal thinks about stuff like that.

edit on 9/19/2010 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 09:52 AM
What does loving oneself mean? How can someone love themselves if they don't know how?

We grow up in a world that teaches us to reject true selves and replace that space with an image that we try to breath live into called pride/ego(whatever you want to call it). We end up suffering because the image isn't real but we keep devoting our energy into it hoping that one day it will do something for us but really it only hurts us.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by FlyersFan

I am not doing this for the healthy folks.

I am doing it for mankind.

It is time we realize that we hate each other, so when the world ends don't be surprised! It is because we hate each other.

A brave try Cat...I can see this thread spiralling down into a sad, slow doom already though...

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

My SJogrens is mimicing MS. Hope you don't mind. I'm going to go post your story at the Sjogrens site.

I just wish ... well .. not 'just' ... but I really wish this strangling feeling would go away. It chokes and chokes ...
I'm just not seeing diamonds coming from it .. but you never know I suppose.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:44 AM
If I may add some thoughts to an interesting thread topic.

This is my perspective from what I have experienced thus far in Life.

Loving oneself is an illusion of Love. You cannot cheer yourself up when your sad. You cannot mend your own broken heart when you have been dumped. You cannot, as one poster revealed, heal your pain when you are hurt.

It is this self dillusion which leaves us tossed about in life without an anchor to hold us still.

Love others!

By loving others, yourself is taken care of. There is an indescribable amount of joy that comes with seeing honest joy brought on another by your efforts. The joy you feel in this is more than any joy you could bring forth by your own self loving. By loving others, you have also created a friend you can call on when you need help. You have created a friend who will listen to your pain and help heal it. By loving others you have done a big part of uniting the human species into one family.

If the world is a cold dark and lonely place, it is because you made it so by curling up inside yourself and loving only you.

To my friend in pain, I love you and if I could, I'd come right over and i'd share a hug and a blunt with you. I am sorry to hear of your struggles.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace.

With Love,

Your Brother

P.S. Cat, you are not alone. If ever you need someone to talk to, send me a message. I am neither above you, nor below you, but right here with you.

edit on 19-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

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