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Terrorist Following Soldiers Home

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posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:29 AM

It is only a few Islamic fundamentalists who corrupt the teachings of Islam and brainwash Islamic youth. It is not leaders of Islamic nations, nor high ranking Islamic figures, who tell people to become suicide bombers. It is a small minority, such as Al-Sadr in Iraq.

Thank for that, some of you need to be more knowledgeable on the true meaning of Islam, like any other religion you always going to find the radicals that interpret and change the foundations of their religion to fulfill personal agendas. Any religion in the world had these problems.

We are not at war with the Islamic nations but with the Islamic radicals that do not respect their own people how they are going to respect the rest of the world.

Please before fighting for who knows more than who educate yourself in the issue you are fighting for.

[edit on 23-6-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:32 AM
Well I am Pro-War (to a point, but I disagree with the current tactics used in Iraq), come from a middle class family and have never and will never have any "relationship" with a family member. Although when I was younger I thought my cousin was ultra hot, but she was my cousin and older so it was just a statement of fact.

I would vote for Bush to remain in office, if I actually voted, but I dont because I think idealogically the Presidential race is fixed already and the winners have already been decided by a "controlling party".

I am a gun owner, but I dont kill animals for sport. Although I could take someone out from over 300 yards.

I love weaponary, yet I hate to see someone die, regardless of whether or not I know them. Even the enemy.

But if you are intent on killing me, I will spare no expense at making you suffer and disposing of you with extreme prejudice.

I have a "way above average" IQ and can veil my age to mimic anything I desire. Along with attitude and motive.

I am the subversive element in society that on the surface appear to be the law abiding normal citizen, yet deep within lies the raging, lunancy of a violent psychopath.

I would not make it on a video pleaing for my life, to be slaughtered like a farm animal. I would not make a good hostage. While no one can be Rambo in real life I would choose to die in a stuggle then to capitulate and have my life taken. They would have to tie me up like a wild animal with shackles and chains and beat me senseless before I would submit to death.

And in death I would ask that the fury of GOD come down upon them and strike them where they stand. That my blood, my life, be the cause of their own death.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:32 AM
Oh really!! Can you say that most if not all the 9/11 terroists were not of middle eastern origin big shot? Why at this time should we care about offending the sensibilities of middle easterners? We are talking about the survival of this country. Didn't you hear that some of the 9/11 hijackers lived and worked among us? Trust is a great thing when you have NOTHING to lose. Trouble is WE DO!! Too lax immigration policies have let people into this country that only want to do us harm...and we don't know which ones do!! I truly can't say what to do about the ones already here except that I hope they are here for legitimate purposes...BUT as for those coming in the future...forget it!! I also think the ones here should have to register with immigration. Time to play hard ball...while we can still play!!

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:47 AM
Let me remained you all that this country was founded by immigrants, and that is what it make this country great, when you can come here and keep your believes and traditions.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:51 AM
It seems like there is a lot of hatred towards those of middle eastern people who are of the Islamic Faith. I also think there is some racism involved with it as well.

The people who are responsible for these wars and the terrorist acts are the so called leaders of the respected nations, those who support the war machines, not the regular working class. Once again, there is a lot of fear already in the western populace about the possibility that middle eastern terrorist are going to take over the world. You can thank the media for that. Most westerners live in rich environments, are never exposed to terrorist acts. Yet, westerners will give up their freedoms when a terrorist act happens and demonize the problem on what the media shows them.

Those of us who live in these rich environments should act from that rich environment to teach those small few 'over there' who appear barbaric to learn about 'our' ways of life. Dropping bombs will accomplish nothing in terms of relations.

The war on terrorism is not making those people who live in the west any safer, I think we are beginning to realize that now, with all the statements that we should just 'nuke them'.

If there is no change in direction on what our leaders will do between these countries, your children and your children's children will all be mired in the hatred that exists today.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:59 AM
If it wouldn't lead the terrorist nations to think we are weak and vunerable, I'd say lets get out as fast as we can and let them enjoy thier massive litterbox in peace (or in turmoil, however they decide). But, I beleive that will give them a false sense of invincebility and that will lead to some pretty sever acts in the US.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:01 PM

Your post summarizes all, I blame this government for what they are feeding our people, and I pity the world of hatred we are creating for our unborn children.

Sometimes is hard to make other see the truth of all this things that are happening now.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:04 PM
This is what it is, They have a belief, what ever that is. They where brought up by a set of rules and beliefs. Much like people in all religion. How can you hate or kill them for that. If you belive in your god, how can you be mad or not like someone because of theres? And it goes both ways.

Dont be mad at me, because your god is diffrent than mine.

[edit on 23-6-2004 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound
Hmmmm. Why is my sarcsam detector going off all of a sudden?

I'll present the same question here as I have in another thread:

Name any peaceful, successful Islamic nation that enjoys a standard of living approaching the least of the Western Countries. In fact, just name a peaceful, successful Islamic nation at all. Any one will do. As long as we are asking, name anywhere in the world that Muslims exists in large numbers that has not seen religious based conflict.

a little late but thought id give it a go...malaysia?

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:16 PM
SP, I don't hate Muslims or want to kill them, but if it's between killing them or letting them kill me or my fellow Americans, that's not a very difficult choice.

If we pulled out of the Middle East right now, stopped buying their oil and just ignored them completely, do you actually think the terrorism would stop? No, they would blame us for plunging their economies into chaos and for starving their people. They would still hate us just for being what we are. If they couldn't attack us, they would turn on themselves with the same barbarism they try to frighten us with. The few countries that people have named in response to my eariler questions about "good" Islam would be the first to fall to the evil that would grow there.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound

If we pulled out of the Middle East right now, stopped buying their oil and just ignored them completely, do you actually think the terrorism would stop?

Sorry But I think it would. And if it didnt, then you leave us no choise. Good bye. Period.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:21 PM
Agent, that is a good answer but Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy with a legal system based on English Common Law, not Islamic Law. After some research, I don't consider it to be an Islamic state although it is one of the few places that Muslims are indeed living in realtive peace with their neighbors of different faiths. However, when you look at their close neighbor Indonesia, you can already seen the conflicts begining there and I expect Malaysia will not be able to escape this. It's just starting.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:51 PM

However, when you look at their close neighbor Indonesia, you can already seen the conflicts begining there and I expect Malaysia will not be able to escape this. It's just starting.

i am optimistic that malaysia would be able to maintain its peace.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 03:27 AM
This hatred towards middle-easterners and Muslims in general is EXACTLY what �they� set out to achieve.

�They� have swayed mass public opinion in favour of Christians to set up and allow modern-day crusades to take place.

Don�t let propaganda blind you from the truth.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Eddie999

Originally posted by Ambient Sound
I see that no one who defends Islam wants to step up and answer my earlier question. Why is that I wonder?

I'll repeat it here for the scrollbar challanged

Its just been answered by curme : Qatar, Yemen, Oman also, Bahrain, the UAE, TURKEY.

Furthermore, most European nations have large Muslim populations and no religious violence has ever occured.

Urmm... Yemen??? Yemen isn't even a proper country, it's so divided. Not only have they been fighting their own civil war since de-colonization, but it's been a major cold war battlefield as well. The Soviets had a base in the PDRY, while the west used the YAR for its own purposes. It even rated a respectable 3 stars in the most recent edition of Robert Pelton's "The World's Most Dangerous Places."

That said, I don't think Islam is a violent religion in itself. To say so is to grossly oversimplify a very complex situation. I just saw Yemen in the list and my eyes bugged out.

-koji K.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 07:39 AM
Do I think all Muslims are violent terrorists? No. There are many peaceful Muslims in the world who want nothing more than to live their lives in peace and freedom.

Am I willing to bet my life and the life of my family on this belief? Not a chance. The fact is that it's not Hindus or Roman Catholics that are blowing up hundreds of innocent people fighting an enemy that they created.
This may sound racist but, If I am boarding a plane and I see Arabs on the plane. Off I go. I'm not going to risk my life in the current state of the world to prove to someone that I'm not racist. I would rather be alive and racist, than dead and openminded.
Sorry if I've offended anyone, but thats the way it is. I mean, if you were black, would you walk into a klan meeting. Nope. you'd stay out of it because you knew they stood a good chance of killing you. Not all of them would want to, but would you really take the chance.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:54 AM

TextThis may sound racist but, If I am boarding a plane and I see Arabs on the plane. Off I go. I'm not going to risk my life in the current state of the world to prove to someone that I'm not racist. I would rather be alive and racist, than dead and openminded

I see your point and you are just been careful just like many other people around is not been racist but concern, and I don't blame you my husband is Iris and Spanish but he looks Iranian, and let me tell you I worry sometimes and does him, when he travels specially to Washington.

But that is what terrorist wants, for us to be in guard, afraid, unsecured and helpless and if they are making us feel like that they are winning.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 09:29 AM
Text Black
MY QUESTION: How do they know whether some of us WANT THEM to follow us home?

[edit on 24-6-2004 by MachineGunKelly]

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Let me remained you all that this country was founded by immigrants, and that is what it make this country great, when you can come here and keep your believes and traditions. was founded by immigrants however when my ancestors came here it was not with the intention to do the country harm. We can't be so sure of that in this day and age. The world is a dangerous place now and we have to be more careful who we let in because once they are in there is NO control over them. Yes too America is a melting pot but it is BOLING OVER!!!

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