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Remote Viewing inside Dream State

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posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:06 PM
well I hope I put this in the right place
as some of it is of an urgent nature.
And some of it is to be used by LEO
involved I believe for them to act


Remote viewing experience #1:
This is the urgent RV.
I saw tainted/poisoned white powder
inside the intestines of pigs.
There were at least 3 pigs, maybe more
getting ready for transport.
I saw them upside down, heads down
and butts up in some kind of water
or liquid. Maybe even refrigerated.
A dark skinned woman of about 35-45
a lil on the heavy side is responsible
for this shipment by cargo ship
or is responsible for making this poison.
She has some bad dental work,
maybe metal fillings or substitute
for teeth when she smiles.
The ship carrying this poison is
black with white letters and the name
of this vessel starts with a "W" or it could
have been inverted to an "M".
There is some Federal Official aware
of this transaction and in fact making
some sort of profit or kickback on
this event. May be stock market related
or direct sale commission. If this poison is allowed
to reach it's destination, at least 10
people will die from it. And many more will
get very sick and some will have permanent
damage. There will also be
another Federal Agency reading this
post that this info will be of utmost
importance to. And for that agency
that gets involved, you also have
a mole or an individual with loyalties
other than what they appear. There
is corruption and your investigation
will try to be diverted or lead astray.
The agent reading this will have
to make a choice that will affect many
people. The ball is in your hands now.
I have done my part.

Remote Viewing experience #2
Los Zetas are not what they appear to be.
They are funded and governed by a Mexican
Federal Agency similar to our CIA. And some
members have gone rogue and are making money
from trafficking humans into and out of
the USA. Boys and girls (very young) are
being sold to black market dealers
world wide. There are corrupt Federal Officials
who assist in this process. Other Officials
have been killed and beheaded because they
found a conscience and wanted out. The only
way out of Los Zetas is a body bag. It has too
many secrets to allow loose lips. There are 2 factions
inside the Mexican Federales system. Some ethnic
cleansing is going on. There are also US Federal
Agents (DEA and CIA) involved with undercover operations
and some of them have also gone rogue and
are pursuing their own agenda other than what has been
assigned. Multiple agents have left the farm.
There is a non-trust factor going on
inside these factions. There will be more killings
and bloodshed before this is all over. And some
will even be US Agents.


sorry that is all I can muster for one session.
I hope the right people see this and adhere
the call. Good Luck.

and that is a load off my chest

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:47 PM
let me make one thing clear.
I am not involved with any
of this. I just saw it in a dream
and relayed it here.

I am not inciting violence and I wish no
harm to anyone.

It was just a dream
with remote viewing

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:28 PM
Are you familiar with the term, co-ordinates, with remote viewing?
Focus on your experience, then,
please provide us with (1) : a four digit random number.
(2): Provide us with another random four digit number.
An example would be 1983 9664.
We will see what we can.
Violater1 out.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Violater1

wouldn't I have to focus on these numbers
while I was in the dream or remote view?
I didn't know it could be done after the fact.

A few more things came to mind that I missed
in the OP cuz I was typing so fast to get it all
out. That's a lot of info to relay. It was like
a memory dump of sorts.

Anyway, the pigs I saw had white/light hair,
don't know if that was from some sort
of bleaching process or it was natural

This experience differed from my other dreams
cuz I was not directly involved in any of it.
It was like I was a spirit that moved through
the air that just viewed my surroundings.
There was no audio in this dream. All visual.

As far as location, the pigs I saw were in a
jungle type environment. There were little islands
and water, kind of like a swamp setting. Maybe
like something you see in the LA Bayou. Except
I don't think it was LA. It just had that feel to it.

And I don't even know if the white powder
stayed in these pigs for the remainder of
their journey. They may have just been used
locally and changed shipping containers somewhere
in between.

This woman I saw was in charge of this location
I do not think she was a head figure in this operation.
Just basically like a site manager. But these pigs
were at that location at some point in their

Maybe I can remember more in the future.

I tried focusing on co'ordinates and didn't
get anything. Too cloudy.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:59 PM
Oh, it was dark outside,
night time when this happened.
But I dreamed it during the day
when it was light outside. Don't
know if that has a bearing on location
or not. As it is not daytime all around
the globe at the same time.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 07:20 PM
So how is it that you can remote view? Did you just read up on it and give it a try or what? Have you done this a long time, or is this one of your first tries?

SOunds interesting, but I'd like a litttle background to this.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by SunnyDee
So how is it that you can remote view? Did you just read up on it and give it a try or what? Have you done this a long time, or is this one of your first tries?

SOunds interesting, but I'd like a litttle background to this.

I have done no research on this subject.
However, I have read some others experiences
about it here on ATS.

And I was not trying to remote view.
Like I said it was a dream I had during
an afternoon nap. I do have lucid dreams
occasionally but most times I am actively
participating in these dreams. This time
I was not active at all. I was just seeing
these things while I was asleep. And this
is my first experience like this. So this
is all new to me.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 07:35 PM
And the guy I saw at his computer making money
off this event was Caucasian, maybe in his 50's
was in decent shape, wore a tie and a white shirt,
had light colored hair, maybe grey or white and had
a receding hair line and was clean shaved. A nice haircut.
He was sitting at a desk in an office. Where this office was?
I have no clue. There were a few certificates
on the wall beside him and the wall was painted
white. I viewed him from his left side as the right
side of his desk is very close to the wall. He had a
swivel chair. He knows about this event.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by Violater1

wouldn't I have to focus on these numbers
while I was in the dream or remote view?
I didn't know it could be done after the fact.

You provide the coordinates, we'll join in.
If you wanted help, you would have provided the numbers. It's like like saying you saw a UFO, but didn't provide any pictures.
No pictures, it didn't happen. Sorry.
It can be done after the fact.
Suggested reading material: PSI SPYS by Jim Marrs
Suggested web sites: this guy is from the orginal military Op.
A caveat! what you may get into may not be to your likeing. I believe I was visited by the same enities that the New Mexico Motorcycle officer saw. I haven't tried it since.

edit for SNF, hopefully, it will draw more attention.

[edit on 30-8-2010 by Violater1]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Violater1

well yes I do want help
but the help is not for me,
it is for those people who may die
from this event.

You have to realize I took a big risk
posting my dream. I did not want to
post it but I felt compelled to do so
for the life of those involved. If anything
I posted here can save lives then it is
worth it to me.

And the first I heard of coordinates
in a remote view is when you mentioned
them. There were no numbers or digits
that I remember in my dream. And I have
tried since then to produce some random
digits but I haven't been successful.
And I don't want to interject any info
into this post that may be my own
speculation. As Friday says:
"Just the facts ma'am".

And thanks for posting those links
I will give them a look see.
I really do not want to get involved
in this stuff as it seems in left field to
me. But in this case it may not be
me choosing it, but rather it choosing me
and I may not have a choice other than
to keep what I see private. And then if
somebody gets hurt then it would bother
my conscience knowing that I could
have helped prevent it.

But like my daddy always said:
nice guys always finish last.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 09:00 PM
wow, been doing some reading
and watched some videos. And my
experience differed from those in the
fact that I was asleep and most of those folks
were just in deep meditative trances
or states. And all of them were actually trying
to remote view a target, whereas mine was
not targeted by me. It was weird to see
these remote viewers use pen and paper
to do this stuff and see some of what is
produced by them. I see there is a set of
protocols for recording these RV's.
This is some weird stuff. And to think,
our gov uses this stuff against all of us.
I guess they have to cuz the Russians
are doing it to them.

I never knew this type mind espionage existed
before and has opened up quite a lot of possibilities
in my mind.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 09:55 PM
here are some sketches I made of what I saw
however remember I am no artist and it is
hard as heck trying to sketch this in paint.
In the first sketch I intentionally only drew
1 pig but there 3 of them.

here is the side view of the ship with only the W
or it could have been an M visible on the stern.

and here is the slimeball making money. I wished
i could draw facial features but I do not have that
ability. sorry


posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 06:34 AM
any more comments
or suggestions ???

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:34 PM
You shoudl try while in dream.... it will be minutes before you wake once you realise you are in state.....this may sound odd but its worked for me before, think of google maps it may bring you out of the dream but on your way out try it. Next time you dream, big plus its good practice for control.
As for Facial Recognition try chopping up some photos from google images in Paint, Chop/Copy/paste.
only a short reply DIY never ends..........

[edit on 6-9-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 01:47 AM
Remote viewing in this case is another term for astral projection with the feed being made availible to your conscious self.

Astral projection is the process of going out of body while remaining alive but if you do it is mandatory that you must return to your body by the start of Hour 3 to prevent riggor mortis from taking hold. Riggor starts by Hour 6 or Minute Marker 360 as once it starts it is impossible to reverse or stop.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
here are some sketches I made of what I saw
however remember I am no artist and it is
hard as heck trying to sketch this in paint.
In the first sketch I intentionally only drew
1 pig but there 3 of them.

here is the side view of the ship with only the W
or it could have been an M visible on the stern.

and here is the slimeball making money. I wished
i could draw facial features but I do not have that
ability. sorry



On your first sketch was it done prior to the Sea World Orlando incident of 2009 where a trainer got killed by the ocra? If so, these are psychic visions and you were able to manifest the video sequence over into this plane.
You could've inadverately predicted the death of the trainer.

The other 2 I still gotta see if there is any correalation with as if so you have a gift and you are to use it wisely.

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