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Iran Unveils Domestically-Built Drone

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posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Retseh
You are wrong, both factually and morally. We ALL have a moral obligation to act when the behavior of other nations crosses certain boundaries - no country is excused from that responsibility.[edit on 26-8-2010 by Retseh]

How ironic. Considering your logic, I am MUCH more concerned about the Americans who, in the last ten years, invaded two countries on the other side of the world under completely false pretenses, leading the death and displacement of millions of people.

If the world was a fair place, you're dangerous government would be disposed of by international forces.

Secondly Iran does not have hostile forces "surrounding its borders and crying for war"

This is a diagram of only US air bases in the region. Nope, doesn't look surrounded to me

And the American government has no intention to invade Iran?
Project for a New American Century (Publications)

PNAC is the result of a neo-conservative think tank composed of high ranking members of the Bush administration, ie Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, etc. PNAC was founded pre-9/11 and clearly outlined their intention to invade other countries for the future interest of American homeland security. They even had a list of who they would invade; first was Afghanistan, second was Iraq, third was Iran.

This isn't made up and it's the real deal. You can tell me whatever garbage your government tells you, but they obviously have other intentions.

Thirdly, Iran has not only been involved in "just one war", they were a constant menace in the 1980s when they were caught releasing mines into the Persian Gulf, and are known supporters of Islamic terrorist organizations such as Hamas, who wage war on the west as an Iranian proxy.

I never said "just one war", I clearly said "their last major conflict was in the 80s". And HAMAS, you mean the democratically elected government of Palestine which the US refuses to accept as legit and uses as an excuse to endorse Israel massacre of Palestinians?

You take the usual tack of trying to make this about Israel, as if poor Israeli behavior somehow justifies anything that Iran chooses to do, again incorrect, because it doesn't. Unlike you I am able to criticize both entities

I'll criticize whatever country I want. I fail to see how Iran is hostile here. Just because they don't bend over and take American corporate interest up the ass doesn't make them bad people.

And no, I'm not making this about Israel, I'm merely pointing out your typical American hypocrisy of bashing Iran for things it has not ever done or officially planning to do when clearly Israel has been doing much more violent things for many years and the US supports them without hesitation.

The only reason why Israel hasn't been taken out yet by regional forces is because it has nuclear weapons, and obviously such an unstable regime in Israel would not think twice about using them if they were the ones forced into a corner.

So therefore I am left with your final error, the belief that Iran somehow deserves to have a nuclear program, that it's a good idea, that no harm will result. Is your hatred of Israel so deeply entrenched that you have lost all grasp of reason? Nuclear proliferation should be resisted in EVERY country

Iran is a signatory to the Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and has always cooperated with the IAEA to show that their nuclear energy efforts have nothing to do with weapons.

Israel, on the other hand, is not a signatory to the NNPT and has a shoot-to-kill policy around their nuclear power stations/nuclear stockpile locations, including shooting IAEA observers.

The US and Israel might not care about breaking international law and obligations, but Iran is obviously not the US or Israel.

You're simply too biased to see reason in this issue, your incessant invective against Israel proves it, cooler heads must prevail, because any individual who believes that Iran should be allowed to progress its nuclear program without restriction, is deluded.

Tell you what. Until the US dismantles every single one of its nuclear weapons and nuclear energy plants, I see no reason why the US, or any ignorant American for that matter, should be telling other countries what they can and cannot do with their own nuclear ambitions.

The US is the only country in the world who has even used nuclear weapons on people. The entire cold war was based on the fear that the Americans would launch nuclear strikes against the USSR and the USSR would have the capability to retaliate in kind.

Maybe if the US would STFU and mind its own business in the world, then maybe other cultures might be able to develop their own technology that would prove to be beneficial to the world, as opposed to the extreme misconception that only Americans know how to create things and everybody else is either inferior or in some "axis of evil".

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

This is a diagram of only US air bases in the region. Nope, doesn't look surrounded to me

If you check the dictionary, the definition of surrounded means closed or confined on ALL sides to bar escape.

This is not the case for Iran. I think there were several countries to north of Iran that do not have US air bases, and they are sympathetic to Iran's cause.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

If the world was a fair place, you're dangerous government would be disposed of by international forces.

Fair has nothing to do with it. The only difference between America and any other country is we are physically capable to project our desires on other nations. At one time we saw this with European nations with mainly the Brits, French and Spanish, and we saw this with Russia, Germany and Japan in more recent times, and today we see it with America, and in the near future we will see some South American countries capable to do this in their region and also China will soon get busy.

So the world is made up of those who can and those who wish they could. Iraq would have dominated all the Middle East in the late 70s and 80s and Israel would be like the West Bank today if we didn’t get involved. Our involvement really has little to do with whether it was a good or bad thing, but more limiting other countries agendas that don’t match ours.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

You're mostly right, but the power of the US military is not used by US interests as much as it is used by globalist interests. Globalist corporations have their hand so far up the US governments ass that it is technically fascist. Now it is more apparent than ever that something needs to be done about the US machine before it creates another world war, just like German fascism did in the 1930s.

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