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Is Sweden is being destroyed ?

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posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Sambell
reply to post by EnkiCarbone

No, not really, but the question about using dead rabbits as fuel isn't that important to me and pretty off-topic, but thanks for providing me with the info. But when we are on that topic, what does it matter what they do with them if they are dead anyway? The rabbits in Stockholm, it's cute and everything but they are also a problem, obviously. Almost like the rats in any large city. I see them almost everyday and it's nice to see them, but I can understand if the take over large areas and populate like crazy, they become a problem.

can always introduce more predators,
such as foxes to keep the population stable.

is it better to just dump them somewhere or put them to use when they are dead?
I say go for the good use if you gonna get rid of them anyway, they don't even burn them alive.

burning meat? that's just a horrible offence.
Do you realize how much life that could provide?
And you're saying to simply waste it by burning?

Burning just creates pollution,
and destroys all natures hard work,
in having created a meat body.

Those dead rabbits would be much more useful,
if they are dumped in some forest,
where scavengers can pick them off.

Even composting would be much better,
insects and worms could benefit.

And you judge an entire country because we happen to slay some rabbits that has become a pest? All over the world, we kill off cows by the millions, rats, cockroaches etc etc. Do you fight for them also or is it just because the rabbits are cute n cuddly?

yes, I'm personally involved,
have 2 rabbits and 2 cats,
living in our apartment with us.

As they are a pest, they probably get incinerated anyway when they are dead. So why not use them for something good? Their fur isn't good for resale anyway

though it is quite soft.

and the meat can be dangerous to eat.

only if they ate something toxic,
such as environmental pollutants.

If you clean up your area,
the rabbit meat should be safe.

So should we just let them hump like crazy and take over the entire inner city of Stockholm?

Like I said,
introduce predators,
make sure they have habitat.

Lawn mowing is abhorrent,
it be oppression of the weak,
so please stop it if you're doing it.
Instead plant native edible or useful plants.
Make a forest garden.

Or should we do as the Australians and introduce targeted viruses and deceases which gonna screw it all up after the rabbits build up an resistance to after a few years anyway?

that's a bad idea,
introducing poison into an ecosystem,
is bound to bite back eventually.

We all know that hasn't really worked for them in any way.

no, but what has worked,
for millions perhaps billions of years,
is introducing predators that eat rabbits.

I'm sure there are native predators,
that are already capable of eating rabbits,
but they don't have enough habitat in Stockholm,
so make enough by growing tall plants on lawns,
and letting the various parks go fowl.

In Toronto we have enough habitat,
foxes and coyotes are aplenty,
rabbits, deer, and racoons,
among many populations,
are quite balanced.

Can also trap lawn rabbits,
for supporting the ecosystem,
you get a free lunch.
Congratulations! :-)

[edit on 17-8-2010 by lowki]

This could be applicable to the muslim situation,
in that, if there be empowered Swedes,
with the ability to secure themselves.
They'd be the equivalent of "predators",
or eco-system regulators.
Technically the police is supposed to,
though clearly it's manpower be insufficient,
so ordinary citizens must enable themselves.
To secure their own persons and property.

[edit on 17-8-2010 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 01:33 PM
Is Sweden being destroyed?

Not destroyed, it's too harsh to say, but in some wierd sense, the old Sweden has now changed a bit IMO! Sweden like many other European countries, has been a victim of globalisation and mass-immigration policies through a political agenda to make Sweden less homogeneous.

The agenda could probably be to erase strong cultural identities and European nationalism before they can implement some sort of New World Order - I don't have any other logical explaination to this devlopment, other than this.

Or maybe they really want to provoke a confrontation and then steer the people who don't like this towards the more extreme political parties which are against immigration?

And by doing so, steer us towards some form of new Fascism?

Is there any resistance in Northen Europe to this development then?

Yes there is a growing resistence to this agenda because people are now waking up to the reality of the recent mass-immigrations.

(But the Video in the OP is more or less exagerrated propaganda for such a extreme political party in Sweden though!)

An extreme Swedish version of your Tea Party perhaps!

Unfortunately, when people are waking up to these realities they start to look for a political answer to stop this agenda - and the only political parties in Europe who wants to break this agenda, are the extreme right wing parties on the far right, which are also flirting with dangerous fascism.

These far right semi-fascist parties are now on the march all over Europe and are slowly gaining ground in Scandinavia, The Netherlands & Eastern and Southern Europe etc.

Far-right Fascism in Southern Europe still exists in one way or another in Spain and Italy today.

Spain's far-right nationalist fascist 'Falange' movement is gaining ground in these hard economic times - And many business men around Berlusconi in Italy are openly fascist.

So if I put my *Tin Foil Hat* on - I would say that the ELITE are pushing people towards the extreme far right political parties here in Europe with:

Problem: (Create mass-immigration - mainly done by Social Democratic Governments)

Reaction: (People are waking up to the problem and are feeling threatened by this reality & these developments)

Solution: (People are willingly by their own free will because of this problem, looking for political solutions from extreme far-right political parties with fascist & racist tendencies - much easier for the elite to later implement a fascist NWO agenda in whole of Europe.

So the Elite is clearly pushing people towards fascism as an answer to the problem of mass-immigration - they want to steer people towards the solution to these problems, which is their kind of feudal corporate fascism for the new age in Europe!

But we also have some new resistance to this mass-immigration from various youth groups and sub-cultures in Europe.

Nationalistic and Viking rock/metal music is also on the rise and is growing very fast in Scandinavia and Europe - perhaps as some counter-reaction - and I think that some of these younger people could maybe vote for the new SD (Sverige Demokraterna) or similar parties - perhaps for being tired of losing their identity in the new multi-national EU and with the immigration/the multi-cultural society?

(But I don't think this new party will get more than 8-10% of the votes anyway)

So is it right to call all of these people rascist and fascists because they are tired of the mass-imigration policies and want to do anything about it?

Probably not entirely, since many are being pushed into that direction by the agenda of the elite with: Problem - Reaction - Solution.

And that is the danger of all of this as I see it - dark fascistoid forces are taking advantage of the situation because some normal people are feeling threatened by a situation the Elite created for their agenda and motives.

For an example: In Scandinavia you don't have to be racist or overly nationalistic to identify yourself with the this kind of music and lyrics. Most of it is just the old deep-rooted Norse culture & old customs of the North.

But sure, the lyrics are very much about the old Nordic culture, which many thinks are too nationalistic in these multi-cultural days.

It's lyrics of glory & greatness and pride from a bygone era, lyrics of the resistence to the new agenda of the NWO - lyrics of fighting back if attacked - defending their old Viking heritage.

Some identify themselves with this because of old nationalistic & romantic ideals - and some other identify with this because they are really feeling threatened and uncomfortable by mass-immigration, other religions etc etc. They are afraid of losing their old cultural identity and the old Nordic traditions.

And many now prefer to go back to the old genuine Nordic roots of Ásatrú and mother nature instead of embracing Christianity and the Church.

Amon Amarth - Guardians Of Asgaard lyrics:

"Standing firm against all odds
Guarding the most sacred home
We protect the realm of gods
Our destiny is carved in stone

Three evil giants
Of the south
Are constantly on the attack

With lies and fire
From their mouths
But we always send them back

We are brothers
Of the north
Who are sharing the all father's blood

Marching down the left hand path
We are spawned by Asagods
'Cause we are!

We're the guardians
Guardians of Asgaard
Guardians of Asgaard
Of Asgaard

We have faced our enemies
A thousand times or even more

Still they cannot
Make us kneel
One thousand years of constant war
The giants look for
Any chance
To bring down Asgaard's mighty walls
No matter what they send at us
We will never let it fall
'Cause we are!

We're the guardians
Guardians of Asgaard
Guardians of Asgaard
Of Asgaard

Standing firm
Against all odds
We are guarding
Asgard's mighty walls
We protect
The realm of Asagods
No matter
What they send at us
We will never
Let them fall

We're the guardians
Guardians of Asgaard
Guardians of Asgaard
Guardians of Asgaard
Of Asgaard"

Some more videos with Nordic Viking & Pagan metal

But many identify themselves with this because they can see that things is happening all around them in their society - the elite are transforming and molding us to somehing new which many don't like because we don't know how their end vision and result will look like.

All this is just a natural reaction from a people who are genuinely worried which later in turn are then being taken advantage of for political reasons by the elite by 'divide et impera' tactics.

Myself, I'm very split between these two polarities!

On one hand! I very much like the old Nordic/Norse traditions and culture.

On the other hand, I actually also very much like certain parts of the multi-cultural society - in moderation!

There are many positive things like dynamics and other influences which makes a society even richer if you can combine it with the country's old culture in a good way and let the cultures blend together and mix slowly with time in a natural way - but you can't rush this important process through some delusional shock doctrine of mass-immigrations when many earlier immigrants still have problems of finding jobs, and are not fully assimilated/integrated into the society.

I don't like racism or pointing out a special group of people in general. But I also think it's crazy to flood a society with immigrants from one specific culture in a very short period of time - if you do that, there will of course be some cultural clashes with others - sometimes even with other immigrants who are more assimilated!

It's almost like some 'Shock and Awe tactics' for immigration policies that is taking place right now.

A multi-cultural society must take a longer time to develop and it must develop naturally without any forced agenda over many years, and without being forced on people and countries during a very very short period of time.

Unfortunately as it is now, as everyone can see, It's someone's secret agenda and it's not occuring at all naturally.

There is some agenda at work here! and it's probably the agenda of a New World Order of some sort!

And some people in the Nordic countries are genuinely worried because we don't know what the elite are up to, what they are doing behind our backs, we don't know the end result of the agenda and people always fear the unknown!

Europe needs immigration, but I also think a more diversed immigration and better assimilation possibilities would perhaps be the key to any success?

We can't just import people from just ONE specific place in the world and then treat them as crap and put them in a few immigrant projects/ghettos where they gonna live their whole lives without assimilating and no jobs, that is just crazy!

And lastly as a joke, just for the comparison and for the fun of it! this is a really bad braindead Swedish pop - Yeah! she's probably representing what some men in Europe likes best about Sweden

Yepp beware! Swedish Trashy Inga is a real genuine threat to all 'real' music lovers out there, worldwide - but she's certainly also a big threat to all the radical muslims who desperately would do anything to get her to STFU/be gagged and wear a burqa instead!

I bet that most of those same radicals are secretly fantasising about Inga though! J/K


[edit on 18-8-2010 by Chevalerous]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

Interesting points. You're right about the rise of nationalist/romanticist heavy metal. There are new bands coming up all the time in Scandinavia, the UK, Spain, Portugal and particularly in Eastern Europe. I have a bit of insight into the movement and for the most part it is totally unlike the skinhead punk movement of the 80s. It is not mindlessly racist but rather, it heralds back to a bygone era of national prosperity, family cohesion and a love for the natural landscapes these people's ancestors lived within. There's an intelligent and spiritual aspect to it as opposed to a hateful, political one.

My only thought is this: Did the globalists really think they weren't going to meet some kind of resistance from the youth who are set to inherit this muddled new world? They're lucky it's only being expressed through art and music so far.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 04:02 PM
you don't see that here in the USA because we are fat and lazy. The government won't regulate the fast food industry because they want us to keep on getting fat and lazy. I myself can't escape the fact that I buy fast food once in awhile. But soon I see America going into a civil war especially if Obama gets re-elected.

Sweden will destroy itself, but rebuild with the new occupants in power.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

I enjoyed reading your post it was very fair,

The first video sent chills up my spine, loved it,

The last two not so much, LOL

[edit on 043131p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Cythraul
Is Sweden being destroyed? Yes

Is it deliberate? Yes

Are other Western nations being systematically destroyed from behind the scenes in the same way? Yes

Is mass-immigration a primary tool of this destruction? Yes

How and why? Look up 'Cultural Marxism'. It explains everything.

The immigrants themselves (including Muslims) are pawns in the game. Unfortunately, native and immigrant will come into conflict, all the time not realising who the real enemy is. It's called "divide and conquer".

TY, I am going to look up, 'Cultural Marxism'

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Cythraul

Interesting points. You're right about the rise of nationalist/romanticist heavy metal. There are new bands coming up all the time in Scandinavia, the UK, Spain, Portugal and particularly in Eastern Europe. I have a bit of insight into the movement and for the most part it is totally unlike the skinhead punk movement of the 80s. It is not mindlessly racist but rather, it heralds back to a bygone era of national prosperity, family cohesion and a love for the natural landscapes these people's ancestors lived within. There's an intelligent and spiritual aspect to it as opposed to a hateful, political one.

Yeah exactly! that's my analysis also - mostly anyway!

This movement and Viking rock & metal genre is a lot bigger and broader than than the earlier similar movements or any other nationalist/romanticist from earlier, and it's not mindlessly racist nor overly hateful either. And it's much more spiritual in its nature.

Maybe because of the Pagan influences with the old Norse Gods as well perhaps?

And you said it beautifully - these are more "normal" people who are longing back for a "bygone era of national prosperity, family cohesion and a love for the natural landscapes these people's ancestors lived within."

There's an intelligent and spiritual aspect to it as opposed to a hateful, political one.

Yes! but in this day of age with insane political correctness - this can unfortunately be seen as overly nationalistic and racist in the eyes of the corrupt maistream media when they report about it to the sheeple, because of the old Norse symbolism etc.

My only thought is this: Did the globalists really think they weren't going to meet some kind of resistance from the youth who are set to inherit this muddled new world? They're lucky it's only being expressed through art and music so far.

The elite and globalists always work with, and are ruling us with 'Hegelian dialectic' to support two opposite sides to get their preferred outcome.

Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis.


Problem - Reaction - Solution.

And as I said in my former post:

First they have this agenda of mass-immigrations which was mainly implemented by Social Democratics and Centre Governments in Europe through the 1960's to today.

Now the whole political field has changed in Europe towards more neo-liberal right wing Governments.

And many of the extreme far right parties are gaining ground in many countries and even in the European Parliament.

And as I see it - the elite has created this problem and now they are steering us towards the solution, which is the political extreme parties of "Fascism" which are the only political parties who want to stop the mass-immigration.

That's the only logical conclusion I can make of this so far?

But I don't really know mate, but as I see it both in America and here - is that they are clearly implementing and pushing us towards more Fascist Corporatism in our political system.

Maybe this new form of Corporatism/Fascism needs to wipe clean old nationalistic thoughts and concepts of sovereign nationalism and national culture identities on each country's soverign national level before they can implement a new form of Fascist nationalism - but this time on a much bigger scale - on an European level for all of Europe?

It will not be named nationalism though - it will be Europalism 2.0

I mean, that's pretty smart if you think about it!

If I for an example would like to implement a new Fascist system for the whole of Europe, what would the biggest obstacle to that be?

That would actually be the old strong remains which also happens to have to the same character as the old form of Fascism:

1. A strong cultural identity
2. A strong national identity
3. A strong national Sovereignty of each country in Europe.
4. A strong miltary (this has already happened recently in Sweden, the old strong Swedish military is now almost gone - they now wait to build a new one, but this time it will be a part of a regional new EU Military)

I know this may sound weird, but to be able to implement a new Fascistoid system (but this time on an European level for whole of Europe) I must first destroy the old sovereign system with its nationalistic pride and strong cultural identity - FOR EACH COUNTRY!

Then I can start all over again with a clean sheet - but this time as a Universal Fascist & Feudalistic system of Corporatism for the WHOLE OF THE UNITED EUROPE!

Or something similar to that!

Then after a while, they will probably unite the European Union with the American Union and the African Union - then at some later stage we'll all be a happy family when the Asian Union will finally unite with the rest of us!

Voilà, welcome to the new World Government!

Yeah! it's either this OR total resistance and a world wide revolution perhaps?!

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Chevalerous]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

Excellent posts, Chevalerous & Cythraul. Thanks for posting the videos.

People have the right to defend their homelands from invasion.

As for people complaining that the video in the OP was an exaggeration by a fascist political party: the people who made this video have PRE-vision.

At the moment it may be an exaggeration. But soon it will NOT be.

Those who bury their heads in the sand and pretend the problem will not exist in the future, are in for an unpleasant shock. The problem can only grow worse and very quickly, unless people put brakes on this runaway train.

TPTB want war & chaos among their serfs. Prosperity & education empowers the serfs. These things will have to be degraded. Smart serfs are too difficult to manage. The desperately poor are so much easier to herd.

Except there are too many people on the planet to be able to control easily. We are edging towards 7 billion people and it's growing exponentially. This is not acceptable. There has to be a culling.

The cullling will be done in many different ways. Depopulation is a very real Globalist goal. Man-made plagues, war, famine. We are being intentionally poisoned thru our food & water. Drugs legalized to keep many of the serfs in a brain-dead stupor.

We are watching this scenario unfold and still most of the sheeple will not believe.


[edit on 17-8-2010 by SeaWind]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Chevalerous
And as I see it - the elite has created this problem and now they are steering us towards the solution, which is the political extreme parties of "Fascism" which are the only political parties who want to stop the mass-immigration.

That's the only logical conclusion I can make of this so far?

You're partly right. TPTB want to steer us towards fascism, but most of the far-right parties I know of seem to be the ones not proposing fascist measures. These parties can be considered 'fascist' only in their views on ethnic and cultural preservation, whilst in all other ways (surveillance, taxes, banking, free-speech, war etc) most appear to be quite (paleo)-liberal - i.e. Libertarian to an extent. It is the 'far-left' parties - at least here in the UK - who are actually, covertly introducing their totalitarian society.

Far-right parties will not help TPTB achieve their new world order. However, stoking tensions by forcing mass-immigration will help them achieve this because as the tension rises, violence will ensue, unfortunately. When violence becomes commonplace, TPTB can 'justify' banning politically incorrect speech and any form of movement which seeks to peacefully preserve the people's heritage. The people will accept this loss of liberty because they will be told this is the only way inter-ethnic violence can be prevented... "you're not for racial violence are you!?" we'll be asked - because none of us are. Yet what most of us won't work out is that the inter-ethnic violence is ironically a result of the supressing of our vocal concerns about mass-immigration and will not be helped by yet more gagging.

Basically, fascism 2010 is coming from "the left", not "the right" as it has done before. "Left-wing" and "right-wing" are meaningless in themselves to the NWO, they're just trojan horses for state tyranny.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:27 PM
Are not wikileaks servers in Sweden?

The swedish government may now be on the Neo-con's hit list - because you cannot maintain control of societies by totalitarian means without complete control of information.

For more info see Joost Meerloo's chapter of his book, The Rape of the Mind, titled "TOTALIA" LINK

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Chevalerous
reply to post by Cythraul

Interesting points. You're right about the rise of nationalist/romanticist heavy metal. There are new bands coming up all the time in Scandinavia, the UK, Spain, Portugal and particularly in Eastern Europe. There's an intelligent and spiritual aspect to it as opposed to a hateful, political one.

Yeah exactly! that's my analysis also - mostly anyway!

Maybe because of the Pagan influences with the old Norse Gods as well perhaps?


And you said it beautifully - these are more "normal" people who are longing back for a "bygone era of national prosperity, family cohesion and a love for the natural landscapes these people's ancestors lived within."

Family cohesion in nature,
by neo-tribalism,
can also be the future.

My only thought is this: Did the globalists really think they weren't going to meet some kind of resistance from the youth who are set to inherit this muddled new world?

Oh ya,
resistance is planned for.
Creating working alternatives is not.

They're lucky it's only being expressed through art and music so far.

The elite and globalists always work with, and are ruling us with 'Hegelian dialectic' to support two opposite sides to get their preferred outcome.

Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis.
Problem - Reaction - Solution.

David Icke mentions it alot.

And as I said in my former post:

First they have this agenda of mass-immigrations which was mainly implemented by Social Democratics and Centre Governments in Europe through the 1960's to today.

Now the whole political field has changed in Europe towards more neo-liberal right wing Governments.

rebranded nazi's,
neoliberal and fascist seem like synonyms.
they promote power of corporations.

the difference being that nazi's were socialist,
so it was a "one order" based on how corporations are designed.

wheras neo-liberalist is no-order or capitalist,
based on selling public property to the private sector.

And many of the extreme far right parties are gaining ground in many countries and even in the European Parliament.

And as I see it - the elite has created this problem and now they are steering us towards the solution, which is the political extreme parties of "Fascism" which are the only political parties who want to stop the mass-immigration.

Wow that's quite strange.
I don't see how corporatism (neoliberal fascism),
could possibly see tarrifs (difficulty of import or export) as a good thing.

The natural stance of a corporatist,
is to allow free trade across borders,
be it products or people.

by population control,
is typically supported by socialists.

Freedom and secuirty,
by giving people land and arms,
enabling adults to secure their property,
would be how a true liberal would solve the issue.

That's the only logical conclusion I can make of this so far?

Maybe your 'neoliberals' are 'socialists' in sheeps clothing.

masochistic authoritarians,
by disarming locals and allowing invasion.
is what the current politcal party actually be.

But I don't really know mate, but as I see it both in America and here - is that they are clearly implementing and pushing us towards more Fascist Corporatism in our political system.

Maybe this new form of Corporatism/Fascism needs to wipe clean old nationalistic thoughts and concepts of sovereign nationalism and national culture identities on each country's soverign national level before they can implement a new form of Fascist nationalism - but this time on a much bigger scale - on an European level for all of Europe?

That sounds more like socialism.
Though fascism really is quite socialist.

Neoliberalism be suicidal,
by selling off it's parts,
it's left with nothing so dies.
Horray for everyone that abhors executive government (punishment directors).
Vote Neo-Liberal!

Corporations take over the sold parts,
then we get a bunch of corporate governments.

Anyhow it's heading toward neotribalism.
So get your company tribe started,
where will you live?
what will you eat?
how will your reproduce your tribe?

welcome to the Memetic Age,
the age of replicating tribes,
spreading the memes we with you like.

It will not be named nationalism though - it will be Europalism 2.0
I mean, that's pretty smart if you think about it!

If I for an example would like to implement a new Fascist system for the whole of Europe, what would the biggest obstacle to that be?

That would actually be the old strong remains which also happens to have to the same character as the old form of Fascism:

1. A strong cultural identity

from age of tribes.

2. A strong national identity
3. A strong national Sovereignty of each country in Europe.

from age of nations.

4. A strong miltary (this has already happened recently in Sweden, the old strong Swedish military is now almost gone - they now wait to build a new one, but this time it will be a part of a regional new EU Military)

from lack of resources.

I know this may sound weird, but to be able to implement a new Fascistoid system (but this time on an European level for whole of Europe) I must first destroy the old sovereign system with its nationalistic pride and strong cultural identity - FOR EACH COUNTRY!


for socialism you might have to.
but neoliberalism should be fine with it.

to get rid of the government,
by selling it to the private sector,
is the main goal of neoliberalism.
neoliberalism seeks to transfer control of the economy from public to the private sector

Originally posted by Chevalerous

Or something similar to that!

[edit on 18-8-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 18-8-2010 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Ok... I've been procrastinating for a while..

I'll post some links I've dug up though.

First off, here's an interesting comment to an article I was reading:

"The party with the most connections to nazism is probably the social democrats that with their State Institute for Racial Biology in Uppsala even inspired Hitler!"

Also.. calling the swedish democrats nazis is inane, they're really not that hardcore when compared to parties like the EDL and such. They used to be in the 90's.. but not anymore.

If you're a nazi in Sweden you would vote for the National Democrats. Those are the real racists.. a lot of the racists that were gonna vote for the Swedish Democrats don't even want to vote for them anymore, they think they're way too lenient against immigrants.

Here's some links to articles I've found that talk about all the immigrants voting for the Swedish Democrats.

I don't have the time nor patience to translate them all so just let google translate them for an at least understandable translation.

SD an obvious choice for immigrants:

The Swedish Democrats a party for immigrants:

SD has got the most immigrants on their party list:

Judging by the comments on all those articles I think there's plenty of immigrants that are going to vote for the Swedish Democrats.. but don't expect the MSM to tell you that.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

how many swedes do you know that can prove that their lineage goes back
at least 4 generations, lets make it better 6 generations ?


[edit on 18-8-2010 by zerbot565]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
they're really not that hardcore when compared to parties like the EDL and such.

"Parties"? I assume you're talking of the English Defence League, who are not and never will be a political party. Furthermore, how are they "hardcore"? They demonstrate, alongside people of all races and religions, against Islamic Fundamentalism.

Originally posted by zerbot565
how many swedes do you know that can prove that their lineage goes back
at least 4 generations, lets make it better 6 generations ?

Are you suggesting that there is no meaningful Swedish ethnic identity?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Cythraul

for that you have to read up on history, as far as i know sweden was heavily populated by dutch , "belgian" ,finns, german, polish and turkish , you name it they got it but that immigration wave was for work not refugee or sanctuary,

the later waves of immigration have been thru refuge / sanctuary means,

you have to take in to consideration that sweden has been populated by immigrants heavily during 400 years ,

quite wierd that all of swedens neighbouring countries have a population of about half of that of sweden , ...

could it souly be because of stricter immigration laws ?

[edit on 18-8-2010 by zerbot565]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:40 PM
The video's emphasis on Al Jazeera deserves some discussion.

It says that Al Jazeera is banned in many muslim countries. That was, I thought, because Al Jazeera was accused of being funded by outside interests like the CIA.

I've looked at Al Jazeera's English language website and it looks pretty benign to me, nothing to incite a civil war. Is their radio and TV completely different?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by zerbot565
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

how many swedes do you know that can prove that their lineage goes back
at least 4 generations, lets make it better 6 generations ?

I don't go around asking all the people I know about their ancestry, and even if I did how many percentages of people do you think has done their genealogical research?

What's your point?
I'm well aware of Sweden's immigration history.

Originally posted by Cythraul

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
they're really not that hardcore when compared to parties like the EDL and such.

"Parties"? I assume you're talking of the English Defence League, who are not and never will be a political party. Furthermore, how are they "hardcore"? They demonstrate, alongside people of all races and religions, against Islamic Fundamentalism.

Political group then... geez...
Well, they're less moderate than the Swedish Democrats.

Originally posted by zerbot565
reply to post by Sambell

sweden had its ups and downs but in all sincerity when a goverment makes a law that banns the sensation of euphoria something is wrong ,

it sais pretty much all an all what the goverment is about ,

What do you mean by banning the sensation of euphoria?

Originally posted by EnkiCarbone
I stopped caring about the cowardly Swedes when I found out they were culling wild rabbits and burning them alive as fuel.

While I'm a huge animal lover I think it's pretty extreme to condemn a whole population because of a policy only one(AFAIK) city adheres to.
Are you a rabid PETA member by any chance?

Let's hear where you're from so we can start picking your country apart.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:48 PM
The crimrate is ofcourse higher nowdays than 40 years ago, the population has grown... Not necessarily the percentage.
Media nowdays tend to show you mostly or only negative stories because they sell better. For the majority of people this teeches us how not to be thus giving us a spark of positiv thinking, deep inside there and this you should take care of to evolve.

The regions mentiond in the clip are wellknow as "outlawsections" but its not immigrants towards us or the swedes, its every culture against eachother.

Ps! What did the BFF Painballclub boys have to do with this post?

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by zerbot565
for that you have to read up on history, as far as i know sweden was heavily populated by dutch , "belgian" ,finns, german, polish and turkish , you name it they got it but that immigration wave was for work not refugee or sanctuary,

You can make the same argument for pretty much any country in the world. I'll construe from your answer that you do personally believe that Sweden has no coherent , unique ethnic identity (and don't say "yes, it has a identity which is the result of a mix of other identities" - that's not a coherent, unique identity).

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Cythraul

Originally posted by zerbot565
for that you have to read up on history, as far as i know sweden was heavily populated by dutch , "belgian" ,finns, german, polish and turkish , you name it they got it but that immigration wave was for work not refugee or sanctuary,

You can make the same argument for pretty much any country in the world. I'll construe from your answer that you do personally believe that Sweden has no coherent , unique ethnic identity (and don't say "yes, it has a identity which is the result of a mix of other identities" - that's not a coherent, unique identity).

7. Let entity be traveller or do move.

So all be able to move freely, anywhere, anytime.
Any restrictions you place on we,
we restrict you karmically,
to make it fair.

Not intentional,
It's just Karma.

8. Let entity be local or do homestead.

So all be able to settle in any locality.
As well as maintain that locality.

2. Let entity be addict or do desire.

The density of plants and animals,
allowing us to fulfil all animals fulfil.
such as territorial-desire or local-desire,
defending ones territory,
like how a biological cell,
has a cell wall for protecting it's innards.

viruses can infect any biological cell,
they replicate inside,
and then tear the cell walls open.

introducing viruses,
can be put into vacuoles or storage facilities,
where they can be digested into base compounds.
such as reprogramming them to be useful and co-operative.

alternatively intruders can be ejected.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by lowki]

It's good to note, that an atom tribe of people,
has between 1(hydrogen proton) and 238 (highest isotope of uranium) members.
though molecules can be comprised of several atoms interconnected.
an actual biological cell (such as of a humans) has trillions of atoms.

Before getting to such a large organization as biological cells,
we'll have to form atom-tribes.
which could analogies of cells.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by lowki]

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