reply to post by oozyism
My friend, forgive me if I sound condescending, but this seems like the first time you're researching these topics..
The violence started long before the occupation, and there was never peace.
There was violence in the 50's, 60's, 70's all the way to this day.
You think they peacefully resisted until 2000? Are you kidding me? Do you think it's called the second intifada for nothing? There was one before
that, and there always have been violence.
Look the point is there has always been violence on both sides.. Before 67' Gaza was under egyptian control and the west bank under jordanian
control. It was only after 67' that someone in the government got this #ed up idea that we need those territories..
Our government didn't even take these territories to keep, they took them to negotiate treaties, they expected egypt and jordan to ask for them.. But
they didn't come back for the Palestinian people..
Do you think it's about land?
We gave back Sinai! A piece of land 3 times the size of Israel! Are you serious?
Israel has nothing to gain from peace?!@?!? Are you kidding me?! Do you know how much money goes to protect these stupid borders?! Do you know how
many lives are lost?!
And what?! For a stupid piece of land? Even the dumbest politician knows we're never going to get the west bank or Gaza.. The settlements will be
removed, it's just a matter of time.
You've got to be kidding me.. Please, think before you reply. Israel has everything to gain from peace.
You want to know what happened in the Oslo accords? We gave arafat guns, and power, and everything because we wanted peace, and then what happened?
They used those guns against us, it all blew in our face..
Don't talk to me about the oslo accords or arafat...
As for your last reply- No, they would not have been pushed to the sea.. The settlements might have been growing rapidly in the 70's but by now
they're almost not growing at all.. You need to check your facts..
But those settlers are illegal, and shouldn't have been there in the first place, I agree..
Does this give you the right to attack the rest of Israel? Murder innocent people in the name of a holy war?
See the sad thing is this is not ideological any more, this is religious, and it's #ed up.
As for the video..
The first part is shocking.. It's sad to see what happened to these people..
I don't know.. On the one hand there's no way the army would spend an expensive rocket on a bunch of people having tea (If you look at it from a
practical point of view, if you don't believe me that the army just wouldn't attack civilians), and on the other hand these people are saying they
were attacked by a drone.. Am I supposed to just believe them? Why attack this family? What is there to gain?
If you could read hebrew you would see that in the soldier's testimony that they show he says (at the bottom): There were a lot of red lines- Don't
shoot at mosques, don't shoot at women and children and don't shoot at schools.
Seriously, it just makes no sense. But there's nothing I can say, it's their word against my understanding, I just don't know if I can take it at
face value.
There is nothing to gain from killing this family. Each one of these rockets cost thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands. Even the most brutal
warlord would not shoot it on a family drinking tea.
What's worse is that they shouldn't have been there. The IDF tried to establish fighting grounds against Hamas, they let the people know that this
will be a war zone, and if they don't want to risk their lives they should go.
The second part is just bull#.
Yes, there was a "next door neighbor protocol" which was outlawed, where they would go to the house next to the one they need to go to and ask one
of the people in it to knock on the door of the house they do want to go to..
They did it because terrorists would just shoot through the door when they heard the Israeli soldiers speaking hebrew, and when the neighbor came they
didn't shoot..
It was outlawed, it was wrong, but they weren't used as a human shield. Non of them died...
The boy tied to the front of the jeep, seriously? Like they'd drive away with that on the front? To protect them? Does it really look like this kid
was used as a human shield? For a jeep? This is a photo typically taken out of context..
Then the story of the three brothers.. It's sad to hear these stories.. I can't help but wonder if they're true... There's no excuse if they
Some things don't add up.. Why would they burn the clothes in the middle of a fighting zone, exposing themselves (the smoke)? Also he speaks of empty
tank shells.. There's no such thing.. And keeping them in camp as human shields is also not true, 3 little kids on their knees can cover maybe the
lower part of one tank.. That's no a good shield. Also he says that they were surrounded by razor wire as if in a prison cell, but at the same time
the soldiers were next to them and beat them when they tried to sleep.. Then on 11:41 the woman looks like she's reading from a page..
I can't justify war crimes..
You've seen here, what? A few stories? So these incidents, whether they were mistakes, misfires, intentional, or just done out of fear, are the
policy of an entire army now? They talk about our precise equipment.. What about they people we didn't shoot? What about the people who weren't
treated badly?
You have no idea what this war is like, you've got to stop thinking you do.
I can show you videos on what the Palestinians did.. Rigged a zoo to explode, rigging houses (with civilians in them), shooting outside schools,
But they don't show those on your so called "zionist biased media" do they?
At the end of the day I wish I could take each and every soldier involved in these accidents and ask them what the # were they doing..
I hope I'd get the answers I want to hear..
Like for example those phosphorus shells? They had no idea they were shooting them at populated areas (although those areas were supposed to be
empty), but in the end the soldier pulling the trigger looks like an evil monster..
This one movie is made to look as if it's covering the whole war, when it only covers a handful of cases, and tells us about others. It doesn't tell
us the full story, only the bits and pieces it wants..
With respect,