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Carbonated Drinks: Learn the Truth

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:14 AM

A study by a Brazilian Professor from Matto Grosso Federal University has revealed the shocking truth about the effects of having a can of a carbonated drink. Learn what happens inside your body in the sixty minutes after you glug down your refreshing sizzling drink…and think carefully!

After just ten minutes, 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your body, 100% of the daily recommended dose. You do not immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because the Phosphoric acid in the drink cuts the taste.

After twenty minutes, the level of sugar in your blood erupts, forcing a rush of insulin. The liver responds by turning all the sugar it receives into fat.

Note: I didn't know where to put this thread. Move if needed.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Jonko]

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[edit on 18/7/2010 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:28 AM
This is not what I know to be the truth.

In fact, I would go so far as to call this food-nazi propaganda.

Just want to pass laws and government regulations to FORCE me to drink or eat the way you tell me to?

What if I wanna drink some window cleaners or Drano? You gonna ban those too?

I hate government interference in my life.

I don't care if soda drinkers die. I don't care.

I do care when the Govt think's it's my mommy. It pisses me off.

I am an autonomous sovereign human being. I am an adult. I can make my own choice if I want a soda or not.

This is for sure pro-government regulation propaganda. IE : It's doctored to fit an agenda. The facts are twisted and TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT.

Within 10minutes I drink a soda? Me personally, it takes me over 4 hours to consume 1 soda typically...

How can 10 teaspoons of sugar hit me in 10minutes when I cannot even drink that fast??

See, it's out of context. I am sure I can find more wrong with it if I did the necessary research to debate it.

But why bother? I already know it's bunk designed to make me accept government regulations over what kind of SODA I DRINK? Gotta be freaking kidding me.

It's a soda not Drano come on people. But Drano is legal?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I would usually agree with you, but not this time.

I've been reading about the effects of soft drinks and coffee for years and this is spot on.

Yes, to you, perhaps it takes 4 hours to consume a can of soda, however the effects would be same, just over a longer period of time.

The average soda drinker will go through 2 or more an hour if they have it available. I know people who can drink a whole case in a day if you'd let them.

I don't get why your so worked up over it, SODA is bad for you, always has been and always will be.

If they were talking about green tea, I'd be with you, but come on, soda is a senseless product that should be banned anyway IMO.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Jonko

If this were all true, I would be dead by now. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia at age 32, and have to consume a great deal of sugar every day, or go into seizures and possible die. I drink 5-7 cups of coffee each morning with three sugars in each, and up to 5 cans of soda a day. Plus, when I feel dizzy, a piece of candy or a chocolate bar. I am healthy, and it's either that or take Glutamate tablets every day.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:41 AM
Most soda drinks also contain sodium benzoate as a preservative .
Mixed with vitamin C forms benzine , nice and carcinogenic for you .
The levels you'll get may be deemed safe , but a life time of carcinogenic chemical build up will get you in trouble

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Ah great, scientists finding out that bad stuff is bad for you. These scholarly folk really do spend a lot of time researching the obvious.

Don't worry, next week there'll be an article saying that lettuce, tomatoes and breathing can give you cancer.

Besides, what about all the other foods and liquids you consume in a day? They say that you're decalcifying your body and getting rid of zinc etc. What about gained nutrients from everything else? This was never mentioned once.

Really, this is just more ammunition for those annoying organic drink consuming bastards that lecture others for eating a burger and start talking about soy and Rage Against the Machine.

Let's face it, who wants to live till 80, knowing they've spent their entire life eating flavourless things?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:51 AM
Come on it's Pravda, that's a worthless "newspaper" just like the Sun.

"No wonder President Vargas banned Cola from Brazil!"
I don't find anything in Google, but Vargas was president in Brazil from 1930 to 1954, so it may be a bit difficult to find anything from back then...
Anyway: Cola is not banned in Brazil. Venezuela banned Coke Zero, but that's about the only thing.

I call the article complete bull#.
(and to proove it i'll drink a nice big glass of Coca Cola mixed with Jack Daniel's and i know i'll survive it

[edit on 18/7/2010 by ShadowAngel85]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Jonko

Does this apply to caffeine-free, sugar-free, carbonated soft drinks? The title and the content seem to be at odds.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:53 AM
I don't know if this is the truth (I've heard it's bad for you though). That's why I've posted it on ATS (A lot of smart people).

Thought you guys would figure it out.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Whine Flu

Ah great, scientists finding out that bad stuff is bad for you. These scholarly folk really do spend a lot of time researching the obvious.

Don't worry, next week there'll be an article saying that lettuce, tomatoes and breathing can give you cancer.

That's about the gist of it, although I doubt the last sentence will occur, unless it's from the FDA..

Besides, what about all the other foods and liquids you consume in a day? They say that you're decalcifying your body and getting rid of zinc etc. What about gained nutrients from everything else? This was never mentioned once.

Well that's a straw man argument, as the study was specifically done for Soda, I don't really see how other foods or liquids have anything to do with the context of this thread..

Really, this is just more ammunition for those annoying organic drink consuming bastards that lecture others for eating a burger and start talking about soy and Rage Against the Machine.

I don't get it, when did organic become evil? Are you really going to sit there and tell me that the people who are telling you to stop poisoning yourself are wrong?

et's face it, who wants to live till 80, knowing they've spent their entire life eating flavourless things?

That's the amazing part, the organic food, the good food, tastes WAY better than the crap you get in grocery stores today, to think that the other stuff is better is just ludicrous.

Arguments from folk who have never had REAL food I suppose..


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:01 AM
All links supporting the OP:

There are more, just googled them..


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:03 AM
One needs only to recall the inventor of Coca Cola was a Pharmacist !

And Coca Cola originally had real coc aine in it now they sell the coc aine to the dental industry called "Novacaine" and use caffeine instead, but the coca used in the flavoring as well as it's addictive qualities still remain.

Which is great for repeat business !

Have a Coke and a Smile !!

No Thanks,
I will take a cold beer, containing only water,malt, hops and yeast any day.

And when I wanna soft drink, as I am drinking now, I mix Grape,Orange or Apple juice with seltzer water.

No crap or preservatives and you actually get some health benefits called vitamins from the real fruit juices.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

It wasn't meant to be a straw man fallacy on my part. I think that other foods and liquids do play an important role in the context of this thread, though. I mean, you don't just drink soda all day, do you? Every other mineral that you gain through other foods that you consume still play a role. That's not rocket science.

Also, eating organic isn't bad. It's great, in fact. Just because someone eats organic, though, doesn't give them the excuse to start becoming a condescending prick because they eat better foods. Really, it's just like those really fit people that act really dickish toward people that aren't fit but are willing to start trying. Besides, at least a chubster loading himself up with fatty foods isn't lecturing us about how cool he is for eating a bucket of chicken a day.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Takka
Most soda drinks also contain sodium benzoate as a preservative .

I was really interested now and did some research.
I found out that Sodium Benzoate isn't used in the german Coca Cola/Coke Zero or any other soft drink (except for Bonaqua). The United States Coke Zero, is the only one to use Potassium benzoate and Potassium citrate in the world. It makes me wonder why.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Whine Flu

Besides, what about all the other foods and liquids you consume in a day? They say that you're decalcifying your body and getting rid of zinc etc. What about gained nutrients from everything else? This was never mentioned once.

Good thinking.

Hell we probably pee those things out naturally anyway!

I have never seen a study that said what we pee naturally...who knows?

Even if the soda did cause the loss of these minerals, we have to realize there are differences between many sodas, and many dozens of flavors/recipes. Each one of them probably has differing effects on the body as well?

But yes, the data does not seem to identify how much of the "lost minerals" is replenished by daily consumption of a balanced diet.

For all I know, you can gain all of it back.

Also I need to point this out. It is hard for me to admit but, I have drank soda every day for 15years +. I will go years without a drop of water even.

Never had a broken bone. Not one. Also, I slam my body or stump my feet ALL the time. I grit my teeth hard and hurt them when I get mad.

Not a single broken bone. Not a single tooth fell out.

I have no diseases. Nothing.

I never visit the hospital. Nor a doctor. I don't get check ups. I don't go to the dentist.

I don't take any medications. NONE.

But what I do do, is avoid as many toxic chemicals as I can. This is probably 85% of why I am 100% healthy.

I usually eat a very balanced diet, and this gives me the nutrition I need to rebuild my body daily.

I even eat whatever I want. If it sounds tasty, that is my meal lol.

I just try to avoid certain chemicals I KNOW are dangerous. Like Aspartame. I will never eat that crap again. Ewwww so bitter and toxic.

Oh, and my kids are both 100% disease or problem free. Aside of the fact they annoy me and are very anti-authority, there is no issues. They are not allowed to have soda though, just juice milk and water.

I choose to not vaccinate my kids because um, I have studied molecular biology lol.

Point is, all that cancer everyone gets is not from soda. It is more likely from all of the oil-based products we use in daily life. Every item in your house has oil in it somewhere pretty much. Oil is highly carcinogenic and has been proven. Read the warning label on any motor oil canisters at the local gas station.

I am saying all of this to show why I think Soda's dangers are being WAY over hyped for ONLY ONE REASON. To PASS GOVT LAWS to REGULATE ME and MY SODA HABITS!

I have never seen anyone die of soda either. Or end up hospitalized.

"Why are you in Intensive Care Unit?"
"Oh I drank too many sodas, you?"

Just doesn't sound very realistic to me. It's way over the top.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:18 AM
It doesn't matter what you drink.
If it came out of a can
you are going to get toxcissified by the can liner
which is apparently quite deadly
over time

Time is quite deadly too...
After a consuming a certain amount of it:
You die.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Danbones]

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

I don't get it, when did organic become evil? Are you really going to sit there and tell me that the people who are telling you to stop poisoning yourself are wrong?

I am telling you that calling virtually everything poison makes the word meaningless and lose it's sting.

Hell everything is poison now if you wanna really get technical.

Water is a poison too. Fact.

Water intoxication (also known as hyper-hydration or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits by over-consumption of water.

Water can be considered a poison when over-consumed just like any other substance.

We should ban water since it's a poison.

I am just trying to help all of you people who are drinking poison every day.

This is what I mean by the word loses it's meaning. I can apply it anywhere.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:23 AM
Thats why the bartender says:
"Name your poison"
when you belly up to the bar
Tarbenders are smart.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Whine Flu

I agree completely.

We have a greenhouse we've grown our own food for about 5 years now and I'll never turn back.

Although we can do that because we have the funds to do so, organic eating is still VERY expensive, simply because the crap food is cheaper to make, therefore cheaper in price.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Yeah, I get what your saying, and I agree.

I didn't seen any lobying in this article for these laws or anything of that nature however.

I don't think they should be banned or taxed, I just think we should be smart enough to understand the difference between something that holds absolutely no nutrional value, such as Soda, and make a concious decision to not consume it.

But that's just me, to each his own.


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