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CLOSE-UP VIDEO: Pilot filming plane spraying into the air

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Phage

Yeah...vortilons/vortex generators...same principles and functions, but mostly smaller in scope. Sometimes to alter the airflow over lifting surfaces, to increase boundary layer adhesion, etc. AND to mitigate, in some cases, turbulence (vortexes) as the airflow exits the surfaces.

("Vortex generator" is a does produce mini-vortexes, hopefully to counter/dampen the other that opccur do to shape and design limitations).

Anyone who wishes can look at the engine cowlings of a Boeing 737-300 series (the -400, and -600 too)....the so called "classics", not to be confused with the "NG" (next generation) models of B-737.

The SNECMA engine cowlings on the -300, et al, series include the types of vortex generators we're talking about, to improve airflow and decrease drag of air that encounters the engine nacelles, before it approaches the wing's leading edges.

The little tabs are about the width of two fingers, usually, at most. Little metal tabs.

There are NOT "NOZZLES"!!!

So in other words you're saying that at least two afore posted replies where the poster is a well studied, topic specific, critical thinking person is wrong?

That is if one takes your posts as facts. I am neither doubting what you post nor agreeing. I'm just making an observation ^

I haven't said anything about the actual subject at hand my comments were just certain aspects of the video.

And oddly the last reply to one of my replies skipped over the fact that the aircraft could be a civilian aircraft.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Genesis322

And oddly the last reply to one of my replies skipped over the fact that the aircraft could be a civilian aircraft.

I can't find any markings on it though.

From our point of view, which is terribly limited, no markings are visible.

Too bad we cannot get a side view.

Also I didn't see any passenger window rows.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Ouroborus2012
reply to post by Mason mike

hm, your comment made absolutely no sense at all.. 3 paragraphs of complete jibberish and something about Clint Eastwood is all I got from it.

Perhaps if you had read what you quoted clearly, you'd see the point being that there is ZERO data provided with the video.. Therefore, NOBODY knows what it is. There is only theory whether it be "scientific" or "conspiracy" and that sarcastic over tones towards the OP and those who believe it is uncalled for.

I understand. For some folks you have to speak a bit slower, so I will type this slow.

Just because we are all members of a conspiracy site, doesn't mean we have to believe in every conspiracy. I for one, don't believe that the bad man is spraying chemicals on all of us and his family. I don't think that every trail left in the sky for more than 5 minutes is full of bad stuff. I do however think that UFO's might be a real thing, and I think that we weren't told the whole truth about 9-11. So maybe I am a junior conspirist. I will leave that up to you to decide.

to summarize what I just said, we all don't have to think just the same as you. We can all have our own ideas. Just as you are free to believe in reptilian overlords stealing your underwear and storing them in hollow earth. I am afraid I can't dumb it down any more than that.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mason mike]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by badgrammaman
whatever they are the bottom line is,they are blocking out the sunlight,and we all need apart from a few exceptions sunlight to stay healthy, so they cant be good for us.

That would be the exact idea, to block the suspected global warming. The spraying does exist, and the idea does exist. The latest thinking to whiten the clouds and make them more reflective is to use sea water and spray it from both aircraft and ships. This would have to be an ongoing programme as the effect would be "temporary" but "harmless" given the nature of sea water, any long term effects are not known. Sulphur is another candidate with longer term effects, and possibly harmful, as you see from volcanoes. I'll look for some appropriate links. The OP's video can't be totally disregarded bearing the above as true, and the 'plane in the video appears quite at high altitude, and if so, the air is not so dense.

BTW, there nothing as yet to stop this kind of experimental work. All you can say at this stage is, "I hope they know what they're doing"
Here is one quote,

"Stephen Salter, Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Edinburgh, said that there was no need to wait for regulations because the trials would not add chemicals to the atmosphere. But Sir David King, former chief scientific adviser to the Government, said that experiments with potential consequences beyond national borders needed international regulations. He told The Times: “I do not see any geoengineering solution which does not have unintended consequences or is not far too expensive. "

[edit on 18-7-2010 by smurfy]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Maybe...maybe not

is most likey an disfo agent, he wont admit it, but you can tell by the threads and posts he makes or posts on them.

Perhaps the true disinfo agent is the one hiding in plain sight - Agent-USA-Supporter - who is endeavouring to shed Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt among the forums by accusing others of dishonesty.

Claim certainty about a conspiracy while uncertainty about a fellow member, expecting that it gives you credibility to those you wish to deceive.

A wolf in sheep's clothing, to lead the sheep astray...

[edit on 18/7/2010 by badw0lf]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

Classic..absolutely classic!

You see it don't you? It's classic divide and conquer strategy in motion...on your screens folks in glorious technicolor, live!

Ohh..who to trust? who to trust? folks?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:20 PM
Obviously, we have no way of determining what substance is being sprayed, but considering that the jet is flying relatively close to the tops of the clouds, I'd say it is an instance of cloud seeding:

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by arpanet
Wow this has become the MMN/Moderator dislike thread

If you can't beat them, then bash them.

[edit on 18/7/2010 by DGFenrir]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Mason mike

Originally posted by Ouroborus2012
reply to post by Mason mike

hm, your comment made absolutely no sense at all.. 3 paragraphs of complete jibberish and something about Clint Eastwood is all I got from it.

Perhaps if you had read what you quoted clearly, you'd see the point being that there is ZERO data provided with the video.. Therefore, NOBODY knows what it is. There is only theory whether it be "scientific" or "conspiracy" and that sarcastic over tones towards the OP and those who believe it is uncalled for.

I understand. For some folks you have to speak a bit slower, so I will type this slow.

Just because we are all members of a conspiracy site, doesn't mean we have to believe in every conspiracy. I for one, don't believe that the bad man is spraying chemicals on all of us and his family. I don't think that every trail left in the sky for more than 5 minutes is full of bad stuff. I do however think that UFO's might be a real thing, and I think that we weren't told the whole truth about 9-11. So maybe I am a junior conspirist. I will leave that up to you to decide.

to summarize what I just said, we all don't have to think just the same as you. We can all have our own ideas. Just as you are free to believe in reptilian overlords stealing your underwear and storing them in hollow earth. I am afraid I can't dumb it down any more than that.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mason mike]

Again, what you say poses absolutely no relevance to the subject at hand nor does your fantasy and obvious infatuation with "alien reptilian overlords stealing peoples underwear".

I believe spikey hit it on the head when he referred to you as a "naughty little diversion merchant"..

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:27 PM
problem is you don't see the rest of the trail.... if it dissipates it's condensation... if it hangs around for a few hours and spreads out creating a wide hazy blanket... it's a chemtrail

From what I can see it seems to start quickly dissipating before going out of view.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:29 PM
[edit on 18-7-2010 by EARTH CHILD]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Here's a couple of links I found so far, this different Wiki link is very informative,

This is a Times online piece, and is very recent,

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by soleprobe
problem is you don't see the rest of the trail.... if it dissipates it's condensation... if it hangs around for a few hours and spreads out creating a wide hazy blanket... it's a chemtrail

From what I can see it seems to start quickly dissipating before going out of view.


if it hangs around for a few hours and spreads out creating a wide hazy blanket... it's a chemtrail

There hasn't been a word invented for how WRONG that statement is!

Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by malachi777
THESE ARE CHEMTRAILS FOLKS!!!! I ALSO KNOW WHAT IT IS...We normal people call it molecules of water and ice crystals produced by planes flying at various altitudes. In fact, my truck does that when it is cold outside. You conspiracy theorists need to relax and stop freaking out those who are ignorant to the facts. The only spraying that is done in this world are for crops and cloud seeding. In fact, dry ice and silver iodide are typically used for seeding. Trees also seed clouds with Terpenes, a form of hydrocarbon. If the government were trying to control us, it would not be from planes, they would just contaminate our water supply...

We normal people call it CONTRAILS. There is a difference. Contrails(condensation trails) dissipate. Chemtrails seem to linger for hours on end.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by malachi777
In the video above, you will notice a major contrail. Do you really believe a plane can release that much chemical or fuel and not crash to the earth. Here's your foil hat..

Neither for nor against "chem trails"
Yes, if those were dispersants it wouldn’t be nor wouldn’t need to be a huge amount of liquid.

Just take a look at a crop duster I’m not sure if this is a Piper PA 25 or 36 Pawnee but it looks similar. Payload capacity is about 20 Cubic Ft – 38 Cubic Ft. or about 275 US gallons or 2,200 lbs dry chemical.

The KC-10 carries 356,000 lbs of fuel or 55,000 US gallons

While it can deliver fuel at a rate of 1,100 gallons per minute imagine that load capacity delivered through a “nozzle system” like a crop duster.

Again neither for nor against just putting some facts out there for people to consider.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Genesis322]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:50 PM
WOW, same old song and dance.

There is a lot of proof that chemtrails exist. It’s been a known fact for many, many years! It isn’t a theory. Obama has said the word chemtrail, chemtrails are in German 3rd grade science books, NASA has grade school kids watching the difference between a contrail and chemtrails. Too much to list on one post. You can also look up chemical aeronautics, agricultural aerosol spraying units at high altitudes, etc. . They use more tricky words than chemtrails. Again too many to list now. I see all my friendly foes on here today, except for 1.


Without getting to technical about geoengineering I’ll stick with this one issue. "EM" means "electromagnetic," and "LW" means "longitudinal wave. It’s a criminal withholding of this scalar technology by the military. To much power in the wrong hands always has a bad outcome.

Nikola Tesla first discovered electromagnetic (EM) waves, altered using neutrinos, as one of many methods but was later reassessed by Nikita Khrushchev in the 60’s. Telsa called this "radiant energy”. Telsa knew he could tap in to endless free energy. Khrushchev knew how to manipulate and create scalar waves.

So beginners need to know that there is a new kind of electromagnetic energy that’s completely different from what he knows as TV, cell phones, radio, etc. The normal EM waves we know about are called transverse EM waves, to distinguish them from the new longitudinal EM waves. Altering longitudinal waves will change the world, as we have known it. In physics it’s called the 4th space dimension. If used the wrong way would have the effect of an atomic bomb.

These scalar waves don’t exist in a normal sense but exist only in the area of empty space. This area of space exists through everything, you and me, animals, the environment, etc. Can you see the dangers associated with this? This occurs because we all share the same molecules, including everything in the universe only in different molecular structures. This energy is all around us as well.

Artificially tapping in to it and manipulating it with chemical compounds has catastrophic consequences. There is no such thing as empty air space.

More on Nikola Telsa

More on Nikita Khrushchev but with a 2012 twist. I do fall for the 2012 theory.

Space Preservation Act of 2001 HR 2977 IH 107th CONGRESS

II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; or

(III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.

(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

(ii) chemtrails;

(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

(v) laser weapons systems;

(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

Pentagon: Chem, bio tests involved U.S. troops

The Pentagon revealed for the first time Thursday that almost 3,000 U.S. military personnel were involved in Cold War-era tests involving actual chemical and biological agents.

Pentagon officials said they believe no service members were exposed to the deadly agents but said military participants should have been better informed of the details and risks of the tests.

The tests -- conducted under the code-name Project SHAD, an acronym for Shipboard Hazard and Defense -- were designed to assess the vulnerability of U.S. Navy ships during a time when the United States was actively involved in both offensive and defensive tests of nerve gas and deadly germs.

The tests involved Navy ships, and the crews of those ships helped conduct and assess the tests, officials said.

Tape Seems to Confirm Chemtrails A Military Operation

It is the policy of Canada's National Defense department not to comment on military exercises. As lingering cross-hatch plumes continued to startle Vancouver Island residents last week, a spokesman for the Canadian

Forces insisted that "no such joint military operation exits."

But thousands of eye-witnesses - including pilots, police officers and former military personnel - report similar precisely- spaced patterns lingering hours longer than normal contrails in artificially-occluded skies over the USA, Britain, Canada and allied European nations

As citizens across North America complain of adverse health reactions following intense air force activity, an official USAF study on "Owning The Weather" describes how "Weather Force Specialists" spray chemicals from USAF tankers in operations described as "aerial obscuration".

A Comment from Whitley Strieber: If these sprayings are indeed occuring in order to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth, they represent an extraordinary level of concealed official desperation over runaway global warming, or the danger of a superstorm scenario unfolding.

If true, then the public has been kept in ignorance about the real state of our atmosphere, which must be in extreme crisis

Professor John Schellnhuber, former chief environmental adviser to the German government and head of the UK's leading group of climate scientists at the Tyndall Centre, said: 'These are exotic ideas and we probably will have to come up with the right mixture. But the problem has not gone away, so we think this analysis is just in time.

Similar solutions include the release of massive nets of ultra-fine metal mesh into the upper atmosphere by aircraft to prevent the Sun's rays from reaching Earth.

Chemtrails And Terror In The Age Of Nuclear War

North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

Part of what is happening in the atmosphere above us involves the Pentagon,s secret space weapons program, designed for strategic, operational and tactical levels of war. NASA missions will soon be transferred to Pentagon control.1

The Air Force Space Command declares that, in order to monitor and shape world events, it must fight intense, decisive wars with great precision from space.2 Air Force Secretary James G. Roche has stated: "Space capabilities are integrated with, and affect every link in the kill chain."3

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
There hasn't been a word invented for how WRONG that statement is!

Maybe...maybe not

There has been a word invented for those who claim a statement is wrong without stating why:


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:55 PM
If I was in a '45 Mustang, I would open fire on that motherf-r with .50 cal. fire from 4 barrels, spraying explosive bullets straight into the cockpit, tearing these pilots apart until the plane explodes in a orange ball of

Anyone who thinks what they're doing, spraying poisons in the air, is okay should have the s-t slapped out of them.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:59 PM
We are likely looking at a KC-10 Tanker engaging in a fuel dump:

"What is the military protocol for making a large fuel dump?"

I believe that the protocol is to only perform fuel dumps if it is absolutely necessary. One such situation is in an emergency when it is required to lower an aircraft's gross weight to land quickly. Let me say that lowering gross weight for landing is probably the only reason to dump fuel in the first place.

If an aircraft is above a certain weight, it may not be able to land and come to a stop before the end of the runway. In addition, stopping the aircraft may require a herculean effort that can blow tires and cause hot brakes that start fires. In addition, if you're a Navy aircraft and you're landing (or crashing, depending on how you look at it) on an aircraft carrier, you stand the chance of doing landing gear, hook, and cable damage when you slam your overweight jet into the deck.

I'll assume from here on out that you are talking about tanker aircraft, since they are most often associated with larger fuel dumps and the "chemtrail" conspiracy.

Tankers sometimes dump fuel when their "receivers" (planes that are going to get gas from them) don't show up. With all of the extra gas on board, they can either burn it through their own jet engines by holding for hours on end or dump it. In most situations, I think that they'd rather dump it.

Another way that you may see fuel being dumped is when there is a boom or fuel transfer problem on the tanker. I was on the wing of a KC-10 once when it was having some problems with its boom. They spent a few minutes cycling their pumps on and off, and fuel was coming out of the boom in a dash-dash-dash pattern for quite a distance.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Just throwing my two cents worth in here, but I agree with posters who think that the trail behind the airplane in the OP's video is an atmospheric effect of some sort. One of the people in the trailing plane said that the spray seemed to be coming from the top of the wings.

If you notice though the spray doesn't flow over the top of the wing where the air pressure is reduced, producing an effect of evaporation. It goes under the wings into the area of thicker air and blossoms into clouds.

I think it is just water vapor condensed as the plane passes through areas of increased humidity.

I do believe there are chem trails however. Didn't the German government admit to a program of aerial spraying?

[edit on 18-7-2010 by ipsedixit]

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