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Hey Piggie: Trolling for Bacon with a fork

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posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Like the the title it is catchy isn't it. I have read multiple threads over issues with LEO's. It seems that it comes down to a set of three.

A) Your pro LEO all the way
b) Your anti Pro all the way
c) You go case by case

With this in mind it crossed my mind that perhaps I should take a break from my data dump and spend a minute with ATS philosophy.

Deny Ignorance

Well what is is ignorance.

Laymens terms: A lack of knowledge

Stupudity: Knowing the lack of knowledge and refusing to learn

With this in mind I thought I would take a minute in the interest of ATS philosophy to get to know the psychology of LEO's.

So where do I start.... The only thing I can think of is that there is one basic. They all have to go through training.

So what type of training...

I know the movie is not like it is..., I am being funny...

I know part of the process to become a police officer.

The police Academy-
College - criminal justice degree
( I know some academies combine the two)

Few realise the physical training required to get through the police academies. Some do forget later on, but to get through is like a mini bootcamp sometimes.

Not to mention the collegiate part. Thats right, they are trained in respecting civil rights.

At this point I will give a private opinion. The pressures to produce results are known to cause violations of civil rights and get officers killed.

Then once you get out of the academy, then you try to get on with a police department...

This where the lack of knowledge might be apparent.

The pay suck for what you do straight out...

Next you do not get directly (9 tenths) on with a larger cities PD. Most have to go to small towns and get that experience. Then you file for the various departments you want.

I know one exception is prior military depending on the branch and job while in the military.

Now you have graduated and are in the PD you want.

Politics... Chiefs are chosen by councils and mayors with political agendas. During this time, the corruption breeds and grows. Power plays and politics create various pressures. That have tragic results....

So here is why I have written this. All the bacon

All the LEO's here can walks us through the process.


experience and what you learned that stuck

First police assignments-

Continuing observations....
Things done right
things done wrong

I ask that you LEO's do post you might save another officers life. Or at the very least make it an easier day.

Hopefully this will allow for a dialog to be opened. This might allow a deeper understanding of the psyche of our LEO's.

PS, if your a fed I would appreciate your take as well. I know it is a little different but it all helps us to deny ignorance.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by ripcontrol]

+10 more 
posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

Like the the title it is catchy isn't it

This thread sucks, and I will tell you why...

You're all over the place - you want to know what makes 'em tick, yet you don't seem to consider that they may have to open up to explain themselves...and who are you to ask that of them..?

You offered watered down comedy and half-a$$ personal knowledge - fail.

IMO - someone becomes a LEO for personal reasons, and whether they end up an epic fail or a righteous success depends on's that simple.

And anyone that chooses anything other than c) should eat a round.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:29 PM
If you want Law Enforcement to post anything try a title without an insult


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by facelift

Well first and fore most reorganize it how you think it would be better... Lets here it...

The purpose is to understand their personal philosophies and maybe allow other to get an insight into what pressures this part of humanity goes through.

I was never cop nor have have I ever considered it. I have only a few first hand accounts with no verification.

One of the post on here combined with my own on psychic warfare. Both involve policemen so I got to thinking over some old arguments and discussions here.

I want to know what they went through. I can say that it is enlightening to see thing from different perspectives. AKA- deny ignorance.

Please check the definition I listed below that. You do not want to risk that.

BTW, why did the way I write this post seem to hit a nerve with you?

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by ANOMALY502

First I did star both of your post. I appreciate all those who take the time to post and respond to my threads. I do try to read and respond to all post.

I chose those words for my own reasons.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Reply to post by facelift

I became a police officer to help people. Driving fast and shooting guns was just a perk.

Police Academy is indoctrination. Plain and simple. Criminal Justice classes are a waste of time.

Being a cop, most everyone hates you, even when they need you. You are a pig.

There is only one way to change that image. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Before you act, think whether you would like what you are about to do to be done to you. That applies in EVERY situation.

There will be times where you need to use deadly force. It will be either you or your opponent going home. Do it correctly and quickly. Be aware, though . . . this should only come after you have exhausted every other option, including your verbal judo (that is your most important weapon, and one that is not emphasized at all after the academy. Practice it as much as you can, and you will find yourself getting out of hairy situations with much better results than using your other weapons. Golden Rule!).

If you are in it for the right reasons, you will be outnumbered by about 80% of the police population, who are in it to feed some ego problems. You will never fix the world, but try your damndest to make at least a positive small difference in the lives of the people you come across. A small act by you can lead to something huge.

Be kind, be smart, and be safe.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

A very excellent response sir.

My question is this.

The criminal justice classes are a waste of time?

Is this due to something similar to a large part of rate training being considered worthless because you get "qualled" in the fleet?

I.E. your taught that part by the PD's you join?

Or is it just so you have the 'paper' showing you attended the class?

Thanks again for your response.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by facelift
reply to post by ripcontrol
And anyone that chooses anything other than c) should eat a round.

Tell that to someone that has been brutalized by police officers in the past.

Your logic fails just as much as the logic of the OP that you proclaim to be so illogical.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

Tell that to someone that has been brutalized by police officers in the past.

This whole thread is a generalization...and pciking the last line of my post and not responding to the rest makes you a green super mod.

Well done sir...

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:03 PM
Reply to post by ripcontrol

Criminal Justice classes are the governments way of trying get cops to do a better job.

Book smarts do not work so well in this line of work. Street smarts are better (aka common sense).

Books are for lawyers.

You will never use 90% of what you study in the criminal justice classes.

Straight after the my classes, I joined the force. I learned more in six weeks working/training with my FTO (field training officer) than I learned in the time I went to the Academy + CJ classes.

The CJ class is just a piece of paper for you to get so the government can wipe their hands of you if you do something that causes a ruckus.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by facelift
This whole thread is a generalization...and pciking the last line of my post and not responding to the rest makes you a green super mod.

Well done sir...

Thanks. I saw no real need to respond to the remainder of your post as it was somewhat off-topic choosing to attack a member and their perception instead of the message.

Somewhat like the moderator dig in this post.

Also if you noticed I didn't ever proclaim an astounding logic contained within the OP.

Take care.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

Even if one has been brutalized in the past, one should still take it on a case by case basis.

What if I were the next officer to show up to that persons door, only to get crapped on because someone else decided to brutalize them?

That is only adding to the problem that the good cops are trying to overcome.

Thanks for making it harder for the people actually looking out for you.

[edit on 7/8/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
reply to post by niteboy82

Even if one has been brutalized in the past, one should still take it on a case by case basis.

Why? When you've been busted up and left with a broken shoulder and two fractured discs in your back in front of your wife and children for reaching into the glove compartment to get your insurance information, why would that person look with love the next time they encounter a cop? By the way, that did happen, my dad was the cop...

What if I were the next officer to show up to that persons door, only to get crapped on because someone else decided to brutalize them?

You should think about their perspective, not your own only.

That is only adding to the problem that the good cops are trying to overcome.

Thanks for making it harder for the people actually looking out for you.

Bull, maybe in other places, but not here. It is not my fault that people that become officers will have to take the rap for so many others that also choose to join and hurt people because they have a badge. I don't walk around in a uniform, they do.

I find it great that there are cops out there that want things to get better, but turning the blame on the populace that fears the cops with good reason is only reinforcing their fear. Get over it.

edit on by niteboy82 because: fixed the leftover edit tag from quoted post.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by ANOMALY502
If you want Law Enforcement to post anything try a title without an insult

That's funny, because if a pig wants to know something from you, they'll probably verbally abuse you endlessly, if not physically put you into cuffs.

Oh, but they get to be prissy about. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a pig and so are all the people here defending them.

The way law enforcement is run in this country is like a big fat sore on a donkey's ass and none of you want to look at it. We imprison more people than any other country on Earth, even more people than China. Fact. The police do it. Fact. Reality check. Law enforcement needs serious attention, and not just to give the pigs more guns and authority to do what they want. You attract flies with honey. You attract fatalities with arrogance and disdain for civil rights, and common respect for fellow HUMAN BEINGS who have just as much of a right to be here as you do.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 11:17 PM

There is going to come a time when the cops are going to HAVE to decide whos side the are on.


Police brutalization is part of this subject I was going to bring up later. There are plenty threads here that cover this. It is part of this discussion.

To many times the adrenaline junkies decide the need a ride.

It is a disgusting part of the situation. I believe that they should be put in general pop when they do it. Too many times I have seen them walk completely free.

This country was founded on the idea of freedom NOT security. If you believe such go read franklins quote. The supermod is correct that this is a very disturbing trend and frightening aspect. The trust has been broken in all communities.

@face lift

What is your issue?

I never once claimed this to be based on a logic that would be understandable. Yet you reach for that defense for some reason.

Where do you get its a generalization?

I am asking for information. I have a feeling that your one of the people that always liked to have an issue with someone when they ask a question.

Brute force will solve some problems but not this one.

Well good sir I do object to your tone and attitude, but I do appreciate you speaking up. Will you answer this for me?

Why did this thread strike a cord with you?


Well thank you for your service. I can hear your point of view but I do agree with the supermod on this part.

To many times have myself and my friends been victimised by those with a badge. I am big boy and can take it. I have my limits.

I have watched them lie in paperwork and exaggerate tring to make sure the DA can win. I have seen them turn around and outright purposely lie because they messed up. In fact the da ordered the case files destroyed so there would be no evidence.

I would not want to be in your shoes. You sound like an honest LEO. I hope your attempt to make a difference goes a long way.

Stay safe good men are hard to find anywhere or in most professions.


I wish what you said was a complete lie.

The truth of the matter is it is the reality of the American Dream. We are being robbed blind of our civil rights in the name of security. I have learned that 7 times out of ten its not the LEO's.

Your right,

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:20 AM
Having said what I said, I still take cops on an encounter-to-encounter basis. I've come across plenty of friendly and helpful ones, and I don't make their day any harder on them. But I can't help but think that while he may be friendly to me now, that's not to say he's not going to go victimize someone on behalf of the government 10 minutes from now, and just by keeping a patrol job I have to think they must be doing that just to keep filling their quotas. It's an evil most all of them are going to have to suffer through to exceed in their job in the US today, and that's why I could never be an officer and never really feel surprised when the inevitable happens. A lot of times it's a real tragedy. But what's the real tragedy in the big picture? Full-scale wars are fought over lamer reasons where people are violently killed every single day, like a couple that the US is currently engaged in for instance, and they have lives and wives and kids just like anybody else on both sides. So do all the people that are victimized by corrupt laws and politicians via the police force. The government will find any way to make you a criminal, to take your money, to put you in debt, even take your license away so you can't get to work and then demand further fees and fines. The economic, emotional and social stress that can put on people, especially poor people, for years at a time if not their whole life, that is a form of warfare too. But no one wants to hear about it because they're all just cogs in a system they have no control over. But the cogs could just be the first thing about it to go.

That's why if I were a cop, when it finally comes to people taking it back into their own hands like that, I would get out of the way, and resign. The poster above had it right when they said they're going to have to choose one day. Either follow the orders coming down from above, or get out of the way. That applies to everybody up and down the corrupt chain of political power.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by AquariusDescending]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by AquariusDescending

Oh, but they get to be prissy about. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a pig and so are all the people here defending them.

That really isn't called for. no one here seems to be making any excuses. they aren't even justifying anything.

your comment contributed nothing and only raised the tension within the thread.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 02:19 PM
WT* are you talking about?
What is LEO an anagram for?
Weird thread!

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by cindymars
WT* are you talking about?
What is LEO an anagram for?
Weird thread!

Law Enforcement Officer (I think)

This thread is simply another one making an attack on police officers, and like many threads of the same nature, it probably stems from a personal vendetta against cops. Its pretty much a baititng thread to oust the members who are actually cops, and I doubt the OP, or many of the other cops haters really care about their opinions, nor do they even recognise them as human beings, with families and emotions like any civilian person.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by venetianguy

your comment contributed nothing and only raised the tension within the thread.

You are right on the money with that one. Star for you.

It also seems as if the OP was trying to do more than just 'inquire' into a LEO's state of mind.

But what do I know? thanks LEO's - at least the good ones!

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